Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series) (11 page)








Renee was snuggled up in a comfy recliner
while reading a romance
novel. She
closed her eyes and let out a big sigh, wishing life could be so wonderful like in these romance books. Would she ever have her happily-ever-after? When the front door opened and closed, she looked up to see her father walking into the parlor. He had just closed up the store for the night and he looked so tired. Renee knew he probably wasn’t sleeping well at night and that she was the reason.

“Hi, dad! I hope you’re hungry,” she said. “I made your favorite meal just for you: pork roast and scalloped potatoes. I left your plate on the food warmer in the kitchen.”

Her dad completely ignored her statement, slowly walking over and sitting down in a chair next to her. “Have you given any more thought to my suggestion of moving in with your aunt?” he asked instead.

After a few minutes, she replied, “I really don’t want to leave town, dad. I love it here. No, I don’t want to go away. How about you ask Aunt Jenny to come here and live with us, instead? If she is so lonely, that would solve both our problems. I think you’re right. I do need to get my head on straight. Maybe Aunt Jenny can help me to focus on my life and where I want to go with it.”

Charlie wasn’t too happy that his plan to get Renee away failed, so he tried one more time. He spoke in a stern voice. “Look, Renee, I really think you need to leave here. Please, reconsider. I will tell you true: I want my grandson away from that biker. I don’t want to see him walking around one day all tattooed up and people thinking he is no good. You know that biker club is probably doing all kinds of illegal stuff. You want to see your son ending up shot and lying dead in a ditch?” Charlie’s face was beet-red when he blurted out, “See! This is what I mean about you not thinking clearly. Think, Renee!” he yelled at her.

been thinking, dad. I’ve been doing nothing but thinking and I can’t run away and hide. I’ll be running every time I have a problem in my life. No, I have to stay. This is my home. I love you, dad. Thank you for all you have always done for me.” Forcing herself to remain calm, Renee got up and walked out of the room.

Charlie called his sister Jenny and asked if she would come to live with him and Renee instead. Jenny was thrilled. She said she just needed time to find tenants to rent her house out to.


* * *


Renee, with Michael and her dad, left three weeks later to go and get Aunt Jenny. As they drove down Main Street, Renee started reminiscing. She looked at her dad’s store as they drove past and remembered how she met Jaz in there that day. And the crazy, wild time they had at that music festival. Then, a little further down, the motel that Jaz and Lori owned came into view. She thought of all the good times she’d had there partying with her friends.

Suddenly, Mick popped into her thoughts. He lived at the motel when she had first met him. She avoided him at first, but she had to admit, she did think he was hot. As the truck reached the outer area of town, she gazed over at the field where she was picking blueberries that day when Mick stopped his bike thinking she was hurt. She let out a little chuckle when she remembered how mad he got when he realized she was only picking up her spilled blueberries. Then, she spotted the trail that led to the old abandoned shack and thought of the wild and crazy afternoon she had spent in it with Mick making love. She was so happy that day and was crazily infatuated with him after that.

But that infatuation ended quickly when Mick took her for a bike ride one afternoon with JD and Jaz, and she got caught up in his MC lifestyle. By the time she got home from that ride, there was a high-speed chase, bullets flying, and two men shot dead.

She ended their relationship for good that day.

She turned her head and looked straight at the road in front of her.
No more looking back,
she silently scolded herself.
Only onward now.


* * *


Her Aunt Jenny lived three hours away in a town called Benton and it wasn’t long before they were pulling into her driveway. Jenny came running out to greet them with a big smile on her face. She hugged Renee and laughed with tears mixed in. She grabbed little Michael and kissed his chubby cheeks.

“I have missed this little guy so much! I am so glad I am going to be living with you, Renee. It is going to be wonderful not living in this big, old, lonely house anymore. My life has been so boring lately. I can’t wait to hear what’s been going on since I saw you last!”

That evening, Renee sat around with her aunt reminiscing about their family. Renee just loved her aunt. She was so energetic and youthful. Aunt Jenny had all sorts of exciting adventures planned out and Renee was so glad her aunt was coming to live with them. She sadly realized how much she had missed out on, not having had a mother during all her years of growing up.

Finally, Aunt Jenny had enough of skipping over what was foremost on her mind. “Renee, why don’t we talk about you for a little bit? You know, I never wanted to pressure you when you had Michael, so I never asked. I didn’t feel you were ready to talk about anything, but now, I would really like to hear all about it. Tell me your story. I’m not here to judge you. Obviously, you’re going through an emotional time in your life right now and I want to help you all I can.”

Renee looked down at the floor, feeling a little embarrassed. “It’s quite a long story and I was so naïve.”

“So are a lot of women when it comes to men! You just recognized your feminine side and acted on it. You’re not the first girl to have her head turned into mush by a handsome man. And knowing how you steered clear of boys growing up, I’m assuming he is one hot hunk!” Aunt Jenny chuckled. Raising her head, Renee slowly nodded. “Good for you, I say! Nothing bad about having a romp with a hot man. Oh, the memories I have. But, that is my story and I think I’ll save it for another day,” she decided, winking at Renee. Her aunt’s smile faded and she grabbed a hold of Renee’s hand. “What about the baby’s father, honey? Is he in the picture yet?”

“Yes and no. He has visitation privileges, but that’s about it.”

“So now you’re left alone. Is that his decision or yours?”

“Mine. At first he didn’t come around, but then he’d had a change of heart and wants to be in Michael’s life. Only… it’s a little too late now. My mind is set on raising him alone.”

Just then, her dad came into the parlor and announced supper was ready. “I made my specialty tonight: Shake N’ Bake Chicken. Don’t think I’m cooking every night,” he said, playfully shaking his finger at them.

Jenny patted Renee’s knee. She didn’t want to press Renee too hard. “We’ll talk more tomorrow, honey. Let’s go eat and hopefully there will be a good movie on TV later.”


* * *


Renee loved having her aunt living with them. She was so cheerful all the time and never seemed to let life get her down. Renee started feeling so much happier and looked at things in a different perspective.

Today, they had been to the beauty salon. Jenny decided Renee needed to get some of her pizazz back. The way she saw it, Renee needed to be brought back to the living and back to enjoying herself again, and she knew she was just the one to make it happen. She talked Renee into a new layered haircut that complimented her heart-shaped face.
And now, to put a smile on her lips…
Jenny thought.

They heard the roar of motorcycles coming down the road. It was almost deafening. Jenny stood there amazed as she watched the line go by until one man stopped his bike and got off. He walked up to them and stopped in front of Renee. Jenny assumed this was the baby’s father, mainly because of a tiny little sparkle that lit up in Renee’s eyes. She listened intently as he spoke, gauging his sincerity. If he was wondering who she was, he didn’t let it on; his gaze was solely focused on Renee.

“New haircut, Renee? I like it. Makes you look sexy as sin, babe. How ya doin?” 

Renee felt a warm rush spread through her body at hearing Mick call her sexy. She looked at his handsome face and wished for the thousandth time that things could be different between them. Being so close to Mick made Renee all flustered and she started babbling.

“Just fine, Mick. You didn’t need to stop just to ask me that. You can see I am okay. I mean, I’m out walking around town, so that must mean I’m good, right?” Renee gestured toward her aunt. “Meet my Aunt Jenny. She is living with us now, so you can see I am in good hands. No need to worry about me or Michael.”

Mick nodded to Jenny and did a slow sweep over Renee’s body, noticing how much slimmer she had gotten. “Glad to hear that, Renee. I just want to make sure all is fine with you and my son.” Mick frowned at Michael in the stroller. “Why do you keep giving him that sissy-looking thing in his mouth? I told you, I don’t like it.”

“Well, Michael loves his binky, and I can’t keep shoving a bottle in his mouth. Do you want an overweight son?”

Mick stooped down and laughed when Michael grabbed onto his finger. “When’s his next doctor’s appointment? I’m going with you.”

Renee couldn’t believe her ears and got very defensive. “What? There is no way you are going with me. And just look at the spectacle your club is making in town now. Did you all have to ride into town looking for trouble?”

Jenny didn’t know what to think, but he did sound sincere, so she butted in. “Mick, I’m going to the doctor with Renee for Michael’s next appointment, and if there is any kind of problem, I will let you know. I promise.”

Jenny wanted to placate Mick until she talked with Renee some more. A biker? How the hell did that happen? Yes, Renee definitely had some answers to provide.

Mick was fine with that. He shot Renee a hard look. “Okay. I’ll be over this Tuesday for my visitation time.” He turned and walked over to his bike, stood there for a few seconds like he was deep in thought, then returned to them. “It’s a charity run we’re doing, Renee,” he told her. “We do several a year for a worthy cause. This one’s for the Children’s Hospital over in Green Grove. Last year we raised close to a thousand dollars to help them out. This year, we’re hoping to raise even more.” He turned, walked away without looking back, and hopped on his bike. He started it up and sped out of there to catch up with the other riders.

Renee stood there feeling like a fool, staring after Mick until Jenny tugged lightly on her arm. “Come on, honey. Let’s go home.”









The Den was packed and in full party mode. The bar was closed down to the public for the night for the club’s private use. Their sister club, the Cursed Sons MC from Philly, had come up to ride in the charity run they had that day. Every so often, the clubs would join together to help each other raise more money for charity, but it was the partying afterwards that they loved most. Striker put the word out to the brothers to round up women for the party. The regular dancers invited their friends, and friends of friends came, and now the bar was overflowing with girls. One thing Striker didn’t want was disgruntled brothers at a party. He’d seen too many fights about not having enough women to go around, or fighting because of a drunken bro hitting on a brother’s old lady.

A table was set up in the corner and prospects were carrying in platter after platter of different types of lunchmeats and cheeses. Bowls of varied salads were there along with rolls to make sandwiches. Keg after keg of beer was tapped, and the jukebox blasted on.

Blade, the president of the Cursed Sons MC, and Reefer, his vice president, were sitting in a back room with Striker, Roach, JD, and Mick. The club was Striker’s eyes and ears down in the southern part of the state. They were filling Striker in on the latest news.

Blade stood up. “I’ve heard enough business talk for now. My throat is dry and my cock is mighty itchy. How about we join in the party?”

The guys wholeheartedly agreed. They got up and walked out to sit at the bar. Reefer turned to watch the dancer onstage while pounding down a beer. Her long and silky black hair partially covered her breasts just enough to tease the men. He liked the way she moved. Her lean body with those long legs and black stiletto heels gave him an instant hard-on. Near the end of her routine, she bent over and shook her ass at them. The men went wild, yelling and cheering for more while throwing money on the stage floor.

Sherry was a club girl for the last few years and a regular dancer at the bar. When she saw the sexy visiting biker watching her dance, she knew he was interested. She danced seductively for his eyes alone. She moved slowly, taking off one piece of clothing at a time until all she had on was a sexy little bra and skimpy panties covering her shaved pussy. When the music stopped, she walked over to the bar and leaned her chest over his back, rubbing gently while pretending she was looking for the bartender. He turned around and moved fast. Next thing Sherry knew, her bra was off and his lips were nipping at her nipples. She ran her hand lightly up and down his thigh. Reefer’s dick was rock hard and he needed relief. He unzipped his jeans and his prick sprang free. Sherry began caressing him until he’d had enough.

Reefer grabbed a hold of her head and pushed it down until she was on her knees, and her mouth latched onto his cock. His voice was hard and demanding. “Suck me off, babe, and make it good. Make sure you swallow it all. I don’t like a mess left on me.” The brothers all hooted as they watched her blowing Reefer, and wanted to get in on the action.

Sherry sucked his dick with her wickedly sensual mouth, and when she was done, Lucky, one of Blade’s men, lifted her up and laid her on top of the nearest table. He ripped her panties off and plowed into her pussy, fucking her hard. By this time, some of the other brothers were lined up behind him cheering him on, waiting their turn. When Lucky pulled out, Sherry realized what was happening. She jumped off the table and ran towards Striker. For the first time in her life, she was afraid at a club party. Lucky came after her and told her to get back up on that table.

Striker stood and pushed Sherry behind him. “Back off, brother. She’s one of ours.”

Lucky clenched his fists, not liking being put in his place. “What the fuck, Striker? It’s not like you to get involved in bitch problems. We weren’t gonna hurt her none. Hell, you could see she was askin’ for it.”

Striker moved in closer to Lucky and stood firm. His eyes squinted with deadly intent and his voice was low and steady when he spoke. “Looks like she changed her mind to me. You wanna go outside and press your luck with me, Lucky?”

JD walked over to stand next to Striker. He nodded to some girls standing nearby and then cocked his head towards Lucky. They got his meaning. Two girls walked over. One threw her arms around his neck and rubbed her tits up against him while the other girl started fondling his crotch.

“You’re in our territory now, Lucky,” Striker said in a hard voice. “Look around you. I’d think twice before doing something stupid.”

Lucky grumbled, thoroughly pissed off.

Blade looked around the room at all the tense faces, knowing it wouldn’t take much to start an all-out brawl. He also knew Lucky was drunk, and a drunk Lucky was trouble.

He walked up to him and knocked him out with a single blow to his face. “Reefer, get Lucky to a back room so he can sleep it off. Hell, lots of other girls around here, one snatch is as good as the next. What the fuck’s his problem?”

Blade walked over to Striker and clapped him on the back. “We good?”

Thank fuck,
Striker thought to himself. Good thing there were enough girls to go around or there would have been bloodshed just now.

“Yeah, bro. It’s all good.” Striker poured a shot for Blade and one for himself, then pulled out a joint. “Now.” Striker downed his shot in one gulp. “Where the fuck were we?”

Roach, sitting at a table, was sliding his gun back in his jeans. “Fuckin’ bitches, nothing but trouble. Only good for one thing,” he grumbled to himself.

JD went back over to sit down. “What the fuck! Lucky comes here and tries to push his weight around. Not gonna happen, not in our club.”

Roach looked over at his brothers. “I, for one, ain’t wasting my time thinking about Lucky. You two deadbeats can sit here all night, but I’m gonna get in on the action. Just look at that black-haired bitch with those tight jeans. I’m gonna get in them and then some.” He stood up and JD and Mick watched him walk away. Two minutes later, Roach was heading upstairs with the girl.

JD looked at Mick. “What the fuck are you doin’ sitting here, Mick? Not like you to be a drag at club parties.”

Mick wondered what was wrong with him. Every time he looked over at a girl dancing or hanging at the bar, all he saw was a used-up slut. He realized that wasn’t what he wanted anymore.

“Just not in a partying mood, I guess.”


* * *


Holly and Jaz were in the kitchen along with Susanna, who Jaz talked into coming with her to help out with the food. Susanna was happy to tag along, though Jaz knew it was more to see Roach than to help them. It was no secret to Jaz that Susanna had a crush on him, though she’d never admit it.

Holly bitched as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. “From all that cheering, it sounds like everyone is having a good time out there. Heck on this! Food’s all put out, so let’s go have some fun!”

Jaz and Susanna didn’t need to be told twice as they turned the rest of the work over to the prospects. Jaz grabbed Susanna’s hand. “Susanna, you stay right by my side. You aren’t claimed by anyone, so that means you’re fair game.”

They walked out into the bar area and looked for their men. Jaz saw JD sitting at a table and walked over. Susanna followed closely behind. Looking around, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Everywhere she looked, someone was either making out or getting a blow job. Susanna wondered why the hell she let Jaz and Holly talk her into coming here. She looked for Roach and didn’t see him. She knew what that meant. Her heart plummeted. What the shit! That stinking man whore! Picking up a shot glass from in front of Mick, she gulped it down. Her mouth twisted in distaste, but that didn’t stop her from picking up the one in front of JD and throwing that one back, too. Then, she noticed the bottle of Jack Daniels sitting in the middle of the table and refilled the shot glasses. After she downed two more shots, Mick took the bottle out of her hand. Pissed off, she got up and headed to the bar for another drink when she was grabbed from behind. Some drunken biker she didn’t know pulled her away to a corner of the room.

Mick, seeing what was happening, hurried over, pulling her away and shoving her behind him. The drunk took a swing at Mick and missed. Mick easily pushed him down onto a chair and dragged Susanna back over to their table. Susanna was in a rage and was letting everyone know it. She started yelling out cuss names, particularly aimed at Roach. She wanted to let everyone know what a man whore he was.

Jaz tried to get Susanna to calm down, but she was drunk and beyond rational. Mick decided to take her home before real trouble started. He picked Susanna up, carried her out to his truck, and fastened the seatbelt on her. He drove faster than the speed limit, determined to get Susanna home before she puked in his truck.

Minutes later, he knocked on Renee’s door.

Renee answered and her hand flew up to her chest. Mick was standing there with Susanna thrown over his shoulder. “Oh my God! What did you do to Susanna? I told her not to go to that party tonight! Poor Susanna.”

Just then, Jenny came around the corner to see what the commotion was about. She took in the scene and knew exactly what had happened.

“Renee, stand aside and let Mick carry Susanna up to her bedroom so we can undress her and take care of her. Follow me,” Jenny yelled to Mick as she was already climbing up the stairs.

Mick followed behind her quickly, and laid Susanna down gently on the bed and left.

He was on his way back to the party, but changed his mind and decided to go home instead. No sense going back there when he wasn’t in a partying mood. When he unlocked his door and walked in, he imagined his old lady running to greet him with a kiss, glad he was home. He would pick her up and carry her upstairs to their bedroom and throw her down roughly on the bed and she would giggle as she landed on her stomach, loving every minute of his playful manliness. Then, she would turn over and open her arms to him.

Mick shook his head to clear his mind and get the picture of a lightly freckled face with big blue eyes out of it. 


* * *


Susanna moaned and sat up. Jenny got a wastebasket under her mouth just in time. After they got Susanna changed into her nightgown, Jenny waited until she fell asleep and told Renee they needed to talk.

“Come with me, Renee.” Jenny took Renee into her bedroom and sat her down on the edge of the bed. She spoke to Renee in a warm, soothing tone. “Honey, I want you to start at the beginning and tell me why you are so against Mick. That’s twice now you’ve condemned him when it was unwarranted. I’ll tell you what happened tonight. Susanna drank too much and Mick had the decency to bring her home before she really got into trouble. I just don’t get it, honey. Why won’t you give Mick a chance? From what I’ve seen so far, I like him.”

Renee spoke in a disbelieving voice. “You want my baby around him and those bikers?”

“Don’t you mean
baby too, Renee? Give me one good reason why you won’t at least try to accept him. Hell, if I was younger, I’d have no problem going out with him,” Jenny chuckled out loud.

“He shot a man,” said Renee, and Jenny brought a hand to her mouth. “I was there, right in the middle of that. Now do you see why I can’t accept him? It’s his lifestyle.”

Jenny’s legs got weak and she had to sit down in the nearest chair. She was taken back for a few minutes. “Tell me the whole story, Renee. I need to understand.”

Renee told her aunt about the time she went for a bike ride with Mick, Jaz, and JD. They were followed by two men who were after Jaz, looking for the money her father had stolen from the drug cartel he was skimming from. 

By the time Renee was done, Jenny was frowning at her. “Honey, I would have shot those men too. Don’t you see he was protecting you? Just heed my advice and don’t let stubborn pride stand in the way of your happiness. I’m going to tell you a story about pride and happiness. I, too, hooked up with a ‘bad boy’. Well, according to
parents, anyway. Tony was the love of my life, but he made a terrible mistake. He had a police record for breaking and entering. He was young and reckless and did a foolish thing. He was turning his life around, but no one in town would give him a chance. Even my own family turned their backs on him. I loved him. I loved him so much and I have regretted to this day not leaving town with him when he asked me to. Why do you think I am still single? I’ll tell you why: it’s because I’ve never met a man who could make me
like Tony did. Make me feel like I’m the most precious thing in his life…” Jenny started pacing around the room, talking rapidly. “When I found out I was pregnant, my parents forced me into giving the baby away. They threatened to kick me out on the street if I didn’t. I was young and vulnerable at that time in my life. I never should have listened to them. My girlfriend had an aunt who couldn’t have children. She was thrilled to have a baby to raise.”

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