Read Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) Online

Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (44 page)

THE LIGHT IS really bright. I don’t think I’ll open my eyes just yet. I don’t know where I am but I’m warm and I feel like I’m swathed in the softest fluffiest blanket and it feels wonderful but my arm itches like crazy. I could go back to sleep if this itching would stop, my arms feel really heavy like they are moving in slow motion as I try to lift one to scratch the other.

“Hey, hey sweetie, don’t do that.” Hey that’s Sofia . . . her voice, Sofia’s with me . . . Oh that’s nice. I can feel her take my hand, she squeezes it, but I need it to scratch this itch. It’s driving me crazy and I try to pull it from her hold. “No no, no don’t sweetie, you need it in, it’s helping with the pain.” She sounds sad, why is she sad? I don’t feel any pain. I try to open my eyes but clamp them shut instantly, it feels like I’m staring into the sun.

“Lights.” My voice is hoarse and it sounds muffled in my ears, but I am obviously understood because the brightness of the light is dimmed. I try again to open my eyes and they take a little while to focus but I have spent enough time in similar rooms to recollect straight away I’m in hospital. My head feels thick and I look at the source of my itch and see the clear IV and needle sticking out of the crook in my arm. That would explain the lack of pain and my thick dazed head. I look at my hand and at the beautiful face looking intently at me. “Ooo Sofs you look like shit.” She looks tired but I’m guessing I look worse as I start to recall why I am here. She laughs out loud and sighs in relief.

“Yes sweetie I’m sure I do but let’s not go swapping mirrors any time soon Ok?” She is laughing lightly but she has some tears falling down her face.

“That bad eh?” I croak and try to smile but my lips feel too puffed up to crease, like someone went crazy with the fillers. I try to shift up the bed but she stops me and presses a button that allows the bed to do all the hard work. “What time is it?”

“It’s just after seven in the evening.” She is stroking my arm, it tickles but feels nice.

“Wow I must’ve been out of it to sleep right through a whole day.” I keep trying to smile but my face just won’t play.

“It’s Thursday Bets, you’ve been unconscious for three days, you lost a lot of blood.” She starts to sob and I move to pull her too me. Everything I do is in slow motion but she feels the extra pressure and moves in for a semi hug.

“But I’m Ok now right?” She nods, God she looks sad. “Obviously I won’t be winning any pageants at the moment unless there’s a category for sexiest hospital gown model.” I manage a small smile and feel really pleased that my face is making progress to react appropriately, but my tiny smile disappears when I see Daniel stride in to the room. His face is impassive, his eyes are dark and I can feel the tension radiate from him.

“What?” I look to Sofia.

“Daniel called me, you were found outside his building. The guard from the building called the ambulance but you didn’t have your bag so he didn’t know who you were.” Daniel steps closer and I jump and press back into my pillow, I can’t have him near me. He freezes and his eyes flash with a look of pain
, join the club.

“What do you remember?” His voice is cold and commanding. He steps back into the corner of the room. It hurts to frown but again I am pleased I am having some normal facial responses as I try to think what happened.

“A man attacked me from behind, threw me against the wall, he tried to . . .” I take a sudden gasp of air. “ He . . . he . . . I stuck my thumbs in his eyes and he let go a little, I head-butted him but caught my nose.” I raise my hand to my face at this painful recollection and feel the enormous swelling that no longer resembles the shape and colour of my nose but more like that of an aubergine. “ I ran, I just ran . . . I’m sorry I went to your building. There was no one around, no one to help. I . . . I just ran.” My face stings as the salt from my tears soak the grazes on my skin and I close my eyes. Sofia is right at my side her gentle lips kiss my hair and she continues to stroke my arms at the one part of my body that isn’t bruised. My whole body tenses violently at her voice and the sound of her heals clicking across the floor in my room.

“Oh darling, Oh Boo . . . are you alright?” She gushes. “I came as soon as I heard.” If she doesn’t recognise the look of hatred in my eyes she must see Sofia’s.

“Back up there!” Sofia snarls. “She doesn’t need an infection too!” Kit halts her advance to my bedside.

“How?” My voice is barely audible but I want to know. “How did you find out?” She looks confused.

“That’s not important, I’m just glad I’m here to take care of you now.” She steps closer and takes my hand loosely. “You know I forgive you, when I heard, when I thought I might lose you I realised, you are my family and I forgive you.”

I know it could be the drugs but I feel really dizzy and sick.

“Where you raped?” She asks as if she were asking if I’d like some coffee.

“What the fuck Kit! What kind of question is that? What the fuck!” Sofia shouts incredulous.

“I just want to know, you know she might need extra support.” If she’s trying for compassion she is way off.

“No she wasn’t raped!” Sofia spits out. “And she has all the support she needs. She has me, she has my family, so you can fuck off!” Her anger is justified but Kit wouldn’t be here if she didn’t want something. Kit gives a tight smile its then she notices him, she looks shocked and a little panicked. Her face is doing a quick calculation to see if she has revealed anything she shouldn’t but she relaxes when she is happy that she is still portraying the injured sister, more so because of Sofia’s open hostility.

“Daniel darling, what are you doing here?” Her voice changes, her tone chills me. “Are you? Is she, the two of you?” He steps swiftly across the room and wraps his arms around her waist, shaking his head at the very thought. It’s no good I reach for the grey card bowl and heave, only liquid. I clearly haven’t eaten but the small amount of liquid is torn from my stomach with violent heaves that rip the acrid material up my throat, burning as it leaves my wracked body.

“She was found outside my building, I don’t know why she was there.” He sounds angry when he adds. “Do I look like a man who needs to settle for sloppy seconds.” I hear Sofia gasp but before she can jump to my defence Daniel is thrown across the room. My sister stumbles from his hold as Marco charges hitting Daniel side on, driving him in to the wall. Before he can throw a punch I have leapt out of the bed knocking my IV stand and dragging it across the room, the drugs must be strong because I still feel no pain. I pull at Marco’s arm, screaming but it is not my screams that stop all the activity; it’s Sofia’s.

“What’s that! Bets what happened to you? Look, look at your arse!” I crane my neck and see the gaping hospital gown revealing my welt covered arse, red and bruised. Fuck! I twist the gown to cover my exposed bottom.

“I was thrown against railings Sofs, I guess they are railing marks.” She raises her eyebrows and I shake my head for her to let it go. I wobble and grab onto Marco’s arm, he lets Daniel go so he can scoop me up and carry me to the bed. It is then that the doctor walks in.

“What are you doing out of bed?” He reprimands me, not the two that caused me to jump out of the bed in the first place. I look contrite. “Bethany, you have to be more careful. You have two broken ribs, you broke your nose and lost a lot of blood. You need to take it easy, no drama.” He looks around the room and both Marco and Daniel have the grace to look sorry. The doctor takes my chart and sits on the edge of my bed; he smiles kindly ignoring the tension in the room. “I think you will be able to go home tomorrow, do you have someone to take care of you? Your sister perhaps?” I snort, I know that’s rude in front of a stranger and again, it makes me look bad but I figure I can’t look any worse.

“She can stay with me I’ll look after her.” Marco volunteers and I can see Daniels jaw ticking, but frankly after the sloppy seconds comment I don’t even know what he is still doing here.

“Oh honey, that’s kind but you can’t look after yourself and we both know I’d end up looking after you and I’m not up to that yet.” He kisses my hand because he knows I’m right.

“She’ll be coming home with me.” Sofia informs the doctor. “Mama was very clear on the subject. In fact you might have a fight on your hands ever getting back to your place.” She grins.

“Alright then, that’s settled, now I would suggest some rest, maybe a few less visitors. I know it’s a private ward so there is a little flexibility but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to rest.” I frown, I know I don’t have private health care but he is right I do need my rest and I feel exhausted. I need to clear the room and in more than one way. I look at Daniel, his eyes dark and intense, it still sends a heat of prickles to my core but I can’t make out his expression, but you know what it doesn’t matter. I am done.

“Daniel, thank you for coming.” My voice is clear, calm and determined. “You make your feelings toward me perfectly clear, always good to know where I stand. Thank you for our time together I will treasure it, but I’m done, really, it’s enough, no-more and you,” I turn toward my sister, she has her head tilted and has a strangled smile awkwardly plastered to her face. “Well you . . . you got everything you wanted and some I would say so you can just, . . . fuck off! I don’t want to see you again . . . Ever!” I hold her glare as she huffs, indignant, grabbing Daniels arm to leave the room. She turns for her last word; I knew she would and I sigh. “Please, do go on, say what you need.”

“I am so sorry Boo but I can’t forgive you, I can’t forgive this.” She wipes her stray tear and turns away resting her head on Daniel’s shoulder. I don’t know if he looks back at me because I keep my eyes tightly shut until I hear their footsteps fade.

“I know.” I let out my breath and close my eyes. Only to snap them open when Sofia squeals.

“Yeah!” She punches the air. “Oh my god Bets! You should take this more often.” She grabs my IV tube and shakes it lightly.

“Yes, I definitely need to be smacked off my tits to deal with this shit and that bitch.” I laugh and it’s the first time I feel a little relief.

“Seriously Boo you rock!” Marco agrees. “I know it’s your battle but I have wanted to tell her to fuck off for a while now and I can’t understand why you just wouldn’t do it sooner?” Marco is holding my hand tight.

“It doesn’t matter now.” Sofia interrupts stopping that line of inquiry. It really doesn’t matter now. I know I won’t see my sister again and I know I won’t see Daniel either and I have a shit load of other pain to keep me distracted, for now.

Sofia and Marco leave me shortly after and a fall in to a dream filled sleep. It feels so good and I am smiling so wide; no restriction of swelling. I lean into his warm hands holding my face; turning to kiss his palm. His minty breath feathers against my cheek as he whispers to me. “I’m so sorry I didn’t keep you safe, I didn’t know, I needed to know and you wouldn’t tell me.” He sounds so sad.

“Ssshhh baby, it’s alright, it’s alright, I tried to but I don’t blame you baby, I don’t blame you.” I nestle into his hand his scent consumes me. “Mmmm you smell so good, I loved you so much Daniel and, and it’s Ok, I’m Ok and you helped me. You know you really helped. I think I will survive you.” I kiss his hand again but he pulls it away and I see his dark dangerous eyes, the heat scorches through my soul.

“I don’t want you to survive me, I love you, you’re mine.” He kisses me fiercely sparing no consideration to the deep bruising on my mouth, my breath hitches and my lips part welcoming his demanding tongue. God that feels so good. It is urgent and passionate; stealing my breath as I moan with need. My pulse is racing, I can hear a rapid beeping noise, my shoulder is shaken gently and a nurse fills my vision as I open my eyes.

“Hey hey Bethany.” She is still shaking me. “I don’t know what you were dreaming, my dear, but if you keep setting your pulse racing like that the doctor won’t let you home tomorrow.” She smiles and I know under the bruising my face is bright red. I may have been projecting in my dream but God that was hot!

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