Read Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) Online

Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (37 page)

His cock lengthens and he is fighting his desire to fuck me hard, he is holding back. I can feel him thicken and his veins pulse, I hollow my cheeks and try to swallow him into the back of my throat but he controls all the depth. Frustrated, I shift up slightly, taking my hand I grab his fine muscular arse feeling the flexion as he continues to pump his hips. My nails dig into his flesh and he releases a guttural sound from deep in his throat. “I said to keep your hands. . . . Ahh! Fuck.” I push myself forward and swallow him to the back of my throat and with his thrust he hits me hard. The muscles in my throat reflexing in defence at this intrusion, closing tightly around him. My grip on his arse tightens and my tongue frantically laps him as he withdraws slightly but understanding my need to have him, all of him, he slams his palm against the wall, fisting my hair tight with the other he starts to fuck my mouth without reservation. He pumps hard and fast moaning in agonising pleasure. I take my other hand and wrap tightly around the base of his cock he instantly thickens in my grip; his balls tighten and hips jerk forward as he comes shooting torrents of scorching hot semen on my tongue and down the back of my throat. I swallow and lick and I’m still pumping him when he pulls from my mouth still coming, releasing whatever he has left on my breasts. He hovers and I pull every last drop from him onto myself, his breathing is still fierce, he sits back and wipes his hand through his essence, smearing the warm cream across my breasts and stomach. “Mine.” He declares. I look down at my sticky body seeing the red marks he has left on my breast, no doubt on my neck too, marking me as his. I am under no illusion that tonight was about anything else.

I wake to an empty bed and just when I start to think that perhaps my erotic dream was only a dream I smell the aroma of coffee wafting in from my living room, followed by the equally delicious sight of Daniel in his tight boxer shorts carrying my liquid breakfast. I sit up and feel the tight stretch of my skin on my breasts and tummy. Looking down I now see my error in judgement regarding foregoing the late night shower in favour of sleep. I’m gross and flaking, I look like a lizard. I quickly pull my covers to my chin.

Daniel laughs as he passes my coffee. “I thought we’d passed the ‘being shy’ stage?” he raises his brow and shuffles in beside me.

“Oh we have, we just haven’t passed the ‘I’m going to gross you out stage.’” I smile but a flash of heat in my face highlights my embarrassment.

“Ah . . . regretting the shower decision?” He chuckles at my discomfort.

“Just a bit, just a bit, what time is it?” I sit up to check my clock and slump back down in the pillows. “Fuck!” I exhale.

“What? It’s not early?” He lifts his arm for me to crawl under but I am still swathed in sheet. I shake my head.

“No it’s not, which means I have to run the gauntlet of showering with an army of horny kitchen porters, dying to catch the show.” I pull my covers further over my head. I feel the mattress dip and hear my front door close. Five minutes later he returns with a triumphant smile. He leans down and kisses my nose.

“All yours baby, you have 20 minutes. So move that sexy arse before I have to pay for a time extension.” His lips curl casually around his cup.

“What did you do and don’t tell me you went into the kitchen like that?” He is glorious but he is also nearly naked.

“I sent everyone for breakfast, so you’ve got twenty minutes and yes I went like this.” He wrinkles his nose like I’m being ridiculous, it would be cute if I wasn’t so mortified.

“Oh My God!” I cringe.

“What’s more important, your personal hygiene or them all knowing you’ve been, how did you so eloquently phrase it?” He grins. “Oh yes! ‘that you’ve been riding my enormous cock.’” His laugh is infectious and makes him seem really young. It’s such a lovely sound. “Besides.” He adds as I grab my towel, still wrapped in my bed sheet. “It’s a small price to pay, there is no way anyone catches this show, except me.” He whips the sheet from my body and I squeal as he wraps me in his arms and dips me back into a dramatic embrace with the sweetest kiss.

Daniel is ending a call as I return fresh from the shower; his eyes are heated and instantly hungry as I close the door behind me with a click. He stalks toward me, towering, predatory and he places his arms either side of my body caging me with his frame against the door. Despite being hugely turned on by this animal display of dominance, I am suddenly completely freaked out that he got in to my apartment in the middle of the night in the first place and I push his chest and wrinkle my forehead in anger.

“Mmmm.” He dips to suck on my neck. “I kind of like a little resistance.” He pushes his arousal hard against my stomach.

“How did you get in here last night?” I try jabbing my pointed finger into his pectoral but he is unmoving and just looks more dangerous.

“Mmm? How . . . how what?” He heard me, he is just trying to distract me with his wickedly playful tongue which is flicking and sucking the soft spot below my ear. I’m starting to melt, his hard body preventing me from pooling in a puddle on the floor.

“Daniel, I won’t feel safe unless I know how you got in here. What’s to stop someone else doing the same?” My words may be breathlessly spoken but they are enough to halt him.

“You’re completely safe, well completely safe would be living with me, but you are safe here too. My security company did the upgrade and fixed the shower door too!”

I let the ‘living together’ remark slide as I’m sure it was a joke but the other bit is news to me. “Ok and you may have to speak slowly because I am not sure how the two are linked?” I narrow my eyes; I know exactly how the two are linked and I’m starting to feel a little bit violated, and not in a good way. He has the grace to look sheepish at least and he stands back a little to gauge my mood. His hands move protectively in front of his groin. He may well have to protect parts of his body if I lose my temper, but I’m not stupid. I’m not going to hurt him there, that would only hurt me more.

“I have a key, it drove me crazy the other day when I couldn’t get to you, I need to know I can get to you. I need to keep you safe.” He wants me safe, not ‘crazy stalker in my basement safe’ I hope, just safe and part of me is overwhelmed that someone cares like that about me but then there is a part of me that thinks this is setting a dangerous president regarding privacy.

“That’s sweet but also really wrong, you know that right?” He nods but has a wickedly sinful gleam in his eyes indicating no remorse whatsoever. “And you’d give me back that key if I asked?” He nods again slowly, grinning. “Because it’s not your only copy is it?” He shakes his head. He may be a crazy stalker but he is
crazy stalker.

Daniel joins me at the gym with Marco, although he sits on the bench at the side to watch, occasionally leaving to take a call. He returns just as Marco throws me hard on my butt, falling swiftly onto me with his knee in my chest and straddled over me. But only briefly before he is knocked clean off me and onto the mat. I catch my breath that has been knocked from me with my fall and look to see Daniel straddling Marco with his knee at his throat. I jump to my feet and push him off Marco, he doesn’t resist. “Fuck! Daniel, what are you doing?” He stands and wraps me in his big strong arms, squeezing hard before he releases me and starts to turn me checking for blood I presume. My brow is wrinkled with confusion and amusement. I hear Marco snicker. Daniel shoots him the filthiest look and growls.

“Don’t you think that was a little excessive Marco?” His voice is deep and angry. I bite my lip to stop the rising giggle.

“No! I think that was payback!” Marco narrows his eyes at me and I stick my tongue out. “You weren’t here when she pulled the same move on me. Are you gonna kiss me better too?” He turns to pull his sweats down and I laugh loudly but Daniel is not laughing. I feel bad that he is even worried about this and I cup his cheeks and kiss him lightly.

“Hey, its fi . . .” I quickly change what I was about to say in response to his scowl “Daniel, I do this every week, and most weeks I kick his arse.” I nod my head toward a grinning Marco. “He does go easy on me, look at the size of him, of course he does, but there’s no point if it’s too easy. I’m pretty sure an attacker isn’t going to be so considerate.” His teeth visibly grind at this.

“Look dude.” Marco comes over to me, I don’t think he has warmed to Daniel but he is super protective of me so I am not surprised. “I would never hurt her. Ever.” He leans to pick up his towel, kisses my cheek but as he walks away he adds. “Can you say the same?” He swings the gym doors wide and leaves us.

I look in Daniel’s eyes, worry, love and lust all mix together for lethal intensity. He grabs my butt and lifts me so my legs wrap around his narrow waist. He notices me wince at his grip.

“Tell me again how this doesn’t hurt?” He squeezes a little tighter and I bite my lip and try to smile. He is right on an emerging bruise. “And baby I’m just dying for you to lie about this, knowing exactly where you’d be taking that punishment.” His smooth voice dark and sensual. His veiled promise searing a heat through me.

“It doesn’t hurt.” I giggle and grind my hips into him, hot with desire.

“I’m so fucking hard I want to fuck you right here.” He is looking around and my eyes widen in panic. No he isn’t serious. “But I have to get you changed, we have someplace to be.” He takes my hand and leads me from the building, not allowing me time to check on Marco or chat to anyone else. He mumbles something about private lessons before securing me in his car.

Back at Daniels apartment I am freshly showered, changed and pouring myself a coffee from his space station kitchen appliance with integrated coffee machine when I hear him raise his voice on the phone. I’m not eavesdropping, he is shouting.

“Fuck Mother, you had no right . . . but I’m really angry about this . . . I was bringing someone . . . No I haven’t asked her yet but I was just about to. . . . Hardly the point mother, it was my decision . . . Fuck! . . . No of course I’ll accompany you, I just don’t have to be happy about it.” He hangs up abruptly; still cursing when I walk into the room.

“Problem?” I walk to him, the tension visible in his shoulders. I reach up to try and massage but it’s really not the right angle so I take his hand and pull him to the sofa. “I heard you on the phone, I wasn’t eavesdropping.” I add quickly, “but you were shouting and . . .” I squeeze his solid muscle that has no give, “you do seem a little tense.” I laugh lightly and kiss his cheek.

“Yes, well . . . my mother has just managed to piss me off and ruin my surprise.” He grumbles.

“Ooo I like surprises!” He turns swiftly and sweeps me into his waiting lap, stroking my hair from my eyes.

“Well thanks to my mother this surprise I’m not sure you’re going to like.” His frown deepens.

“Ok?” I wait for him to explain.

“There is this charity Gala tomorrow and I wanted to take you, but my mother gave her ticket to a friend because she assumed she could come with me.”

“Oh.” I let out a breath, I don’t know what terrible surprise I was anticipating but I’m clearly relieved. “Well really that’s not so bad. I can’t blame her and I’m sure she would really like to go with you anyway. God, I bet you look smoking hot in a tux.” I say wistfully.

“Lucky you’re not the jealous type.” He kisses my nose.

“Yeah, lucky.” I may have to revise that position. “Anyway, I don’t have anything to wear; even Sofia’s wardrobe is limited in the Gala wearing department.”

“That’s what I wanted to do this afternoon, take you to get a dress.” He seems shy, it’s sweet.

“Oh.” I’m stunned, so he does want to take me out, show me off at a Gala. I know that’s not going to happen now but it’s the principle. I also know a small part of me should be affronted at the notion of being ‘shown off’ but unfortunately that small part is fighting a losing battle against my other insurmountable insecurities. So I am warmed by this development. I know I’m to blame for allowing the doubt Kit raised oxygen to breathe but I am thrilled that this was his surprise to begin with.

“So no need to go shopping, I guess we’ll have to think of something else to do in the meantime.” He wiggles his brow suggestively and I push his chest.

“You’re a monster, a sex fiend.” I tease.

“Takes one to know one.” He covers my mouth, his lips swallow my screams. “So what will you do tomorrow? I have to go to my mothers’ before the Gala, some family drinks.”

“Sofs probably, although I should maybe invite Marco too after your alpha display today he’s probably a little pissed. He’s my best friend and it would help if you two got on a little better.” I plead my case.

“Then he should stop beating up my girlfriend.” He is deadly serious so I decide to drop it.

“So, shall we go out tonight?”

“Oh baby, do you mind if we don’t? If I’m out all tomorrow I just want to bury myself in you and when you crash I can work; it’s perfect. We’ll get take out; anything you want. There could even be a bath in it for you?” I need to not let this eat at me. He was going to take me to a Gala, it’s not like you can wear a paper bag on your head to those things.

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