Read Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) Online

Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (12 page)

I HAD A dreadful nights sleep and I woke in a foul mood but despite the lack of sleep I was surging with energy and decided to go for a run. I don’t tend to do this often, as walking keeps me fit and Marco insists on taking me to a Krav Maga class at least once a week; ‘single girl; big bad city.’ He signed me up to the toughest self defence and martial arts class in the area. It does mean I will have to take a shower later in the morning when there is likely to be bodies around. Still that can’t be helped this morning because I need to try and clear my head, as Sofs said, I need to “get some perspective.” I make my way to Hyde Park Corner and across into Green Park. This early there were only a handful of runners and I set a brisk pace picking a route that would take in St James Park too before bringing me back to Hyde.

I can’t get my head around the events of yesterday. The call last night was unreal and I’m reeling with confusion, it was undeniably ‘off the charts’ hot. That the caller could make me feel the way I did, react the way I did and with such intensity. I felt real guilt at lying even when realistically, how could he know? Alarmed by the shocking surge of pleasure from obeying him, pleasing him and seriously why should I care? Not to mention the desperate burning need for him to make me come. His cessation and subsequent denial of my climax had been my punishment and I took it and not for a moment did I entertain the notion that I wouldn’t continue to obey his demand. I am so confused that I’m Ok with that? No I’m not Ok with that, I bloody loved it! Maybe that is the difference between being a submissive and being merely subservient, either way I feel I’m on one hell of a learning curve. As with learning anything new, there is always an element of confusion to begin with I just have to accept this is a lesson or lessons in self-discovery, learning new aspects of ‘my kinky self’ with no harm done. My feet pound the path and I can feel the sweat gather in droplets and trickle down my spine

Then there is Daniel Stone. I don’t understand why he needs to know my secrets, why he needs to know
information about me, or why on earth he wants to fuck me. It’s not that I’m a troll but I have seen pictures of the women he dates and I am not them. Glorious blondes with luscious manes of hair, legs up to their armpits and likely to scream at the sight of a bowl of pasta. Maybe I should just fuck him. The last thing I want is to be a challenge to a man like him, a man who thrives on challenges or a puzzle to solve. He doesn’t strike me as the sort of man backing down at a perceived challenge. He is obviously used to demanding and getting exactly what he demands. If fucking him will diffuse this before it escalates further then maybe he will forget about my secrets, forget about me.

I am unlikely to rock his world in the bedroom department. I can just imagine a man of his considerable talents, if his fingers alone are any indication, is used to something close to professional perfection in the sack. Not an inexperienced virgin who puddles in a useless liquid mess at his mere presence, Christ! I could probably come from his scorching gaze alone and I seriously doubt I am be able to incite the reciprocal reaction. I am not the champion of low self-esteem but I am a complete novice. It must take years of experience to hone those skills he wields like a well handled weapon. This thought makes me uneasy but why should it? Why does it matter how many years and how many partners it takes, maybe he is just a perfectionist, and
thought makes my mouth water. I grab the railing to steady myself as I cool down and stretch. I walk back toward Knightsbridge glad that I am working with Sofia tonight. It’s a private function in a private residence, so there will be plenty of time to discuss my sex life at length. I laugh out loud, my sex life! There’s a first.

Joe is already unpacking the first delivery when I return. “You better hurry in that shower girl, unless you want an audience.” He gives a cheeky wink as I run up stairs and grab my work clothes.

Back down and outside the shower I turn back to Jo. “I’ll get changed in here, then there’s no danger of frightening the staff!” I smile.

“It’s not you frightening them that concerns me . . . it’s them thinking about their hard-ons all day rather than their work!” He calls after me.

“Ewww Joe! Gross!” I close the door to the sound of his laughter.

I finish my shift mid-afternoon, Sofia is picking me up at six, so I have all afternoon to do some course reading and relax before getting ready. I start up the stairs when Joe calls me back.

“I signed for a package for you, it came first thing this morning but I forgot, sorry sweetheart.” He hands me the box.

“Not a problem, thanks, if I don’t see you later see you Monday, my love to Christy!” I head back upstairs, shaking my large but intriguingly light box.

I open the box and pull the pink ribbons to remove a black and pink box. Agent Provocateur, I recognise the colours before I even see the name. Inside there is a card.

“No More Lies.” S

Pulling at the tissue there is a beautiful black lace bra, the material is fine and delicate. It has straps that would lie in a cross tied pattern just under the cups. There are matching French knickers, suspender belt and silk stockings. This can’t be good. My hands are shaking as I dial Late Night Calls.

“Late Night Calls . . . Let me help you.” I recognise the breathy voice of Susan.

“Hi Susan, its Bets is Mags there? I’ve got a problem.” I am trying to remain calm.

“Bethany darling, what’s wrong? Did you get the parcel?” She sounds excited.

“Um, yes.” Now I’m confused I didn’t think there was a uniform. “You sent it?”

“Well yes, I got the delivery this morning for Lola, and sent it straight to you but with a different courier company, for safety you know. Why, what is it?” She asks kindly.

I breathe out a relieved sigh, Ok that’s not so bad. “It’s a set of really beautiful, really sexy and really expensive lingerie and it’s from the caller from last night. Is that usual?”

“Oooo, how lovely. Well it’s not unheard of but what is unusual is that that caller has pre-booked your calls for the next week.” Her tone is pitched with excitement.

“Can he do that? Mags I have to say I’m a little creeped out right now, you sure I can’t be identified?” My heart is thumping but her overt calmness is having the desired effect on my nerves.

“Absolutely darling, I couldn’t sleep if it weren’t so. Pre-booking the call, well, it’s simple enough to do. We just keep your line free until his call comes in, even if he doesn’t call, you still get paid for the hour. Why? Didn’t the call go well? You were on for nearly half an hour, so you must’ve done something right?” She giggles lightly.

“Not sure me doing something right was the purpose of the call, but it was different . . . intense.” I don’t know how to describe it without disclosing too much of

“Well darling, it’s your call, if you don’t want too . . .” She pauses and I interrupt.

“-No.” I hesitate. “No, its fine Mags, just different. Not that I have been doing this long enough to make a decent comparison really.” I ramble with fresh nerves. “I’ll just stick with it for the time being but I can’t work until Sunday now, I have some previous commitments, will that be a problem?”

“Not at all darling, I’m here if you need me, always!” She hangs up.

Sofia is loading boxes into my waiting arms as we unpack the van and start to bring the supplies for the evening up to the private residence on the corner of Hyde Park. We have to be quick the traffic wardens here are pure evil. This apartment is gorgeous, I mean out of this world, lottery winning price tag luxurious. The kitchen is all sleek polished granite, I am sure every gadget and machine available is here but it is all cleverly hidden behind smooth shiny surfaces and seductive lighting. Exploration, however tempting is extremely unprofessional, so we are confined to the hall, dining room and kitchen. Jean, the chef for the night is already unpacking ingredients when we bring up the last of the boxes.

“What’s first Jean? Would you like us to help prep here or shall we start setting the table?” Sofia asks.

“The table first, I’m fine here, it’s only five courses tonight.” He doesn’t bother to look up which is good because he is slicing onions at lightning speed.

“Well, shout if you need us.” Sofia calls as she grabs my hand and pulls me toward the dining room.

“I’m a chef, of course I’ll shout!” He shouts after us.

The dining room is open either end and has a walled mirror down one side creating a never ending image of light and space. The reflection from the adjoining room shows just a glimpse of the floor to ceiling windows of the lounge and a view which stretches across the city as the sun begins to set. It is stunning, I am stunned. Sofia knocks my arm waking me from my dreamlike daze.

“So are you going to fuck him?” Her tone is as casual as if she had asked me to pass the salt.

“Crude much?” I gasp in mock shock at her shameless question.

“Bets, he’s seriously hot, I’d tap that if I wasn’t already with the love of my life.” She smiles languorously. She is engaged to Paul, a really lovely guy, who adores her and as such, I adore him. She continues to explain as we set the table. “He affects you like no-one has, I mean you’ve messed around a bit. Maybe given the odd blow job I don’t know about but you’ve never let anyone get
personal with you before. There is obviously something there and he’s obviously into you.” I blush from root to tip at Sofia’s summation of my abridged sexual history.

“Oh God, I shouldn’t have said anything.” I shake my head at my own stupidity for sharing too much.

“Are you shitting me? This is like a whole new Bets and I love her Grrrrrr.” She curls her fingers into powerful paws but she’s the lioness whereas I’m definitely Bagpuss.

“He does affect me.” I pause, pensive as I fold an intricate swan from the napkin. “I can’t explain it and I can’t control it and for me that’s a huge worry. What if he keeps turning up, it can’t go anywhere. I’d just be a quick fuck and I’m not sure I’m Ok with that but when he’s close, Oh My God!” I’m fanning myself. I think I’ve shocked Sofia as her mouth drops open and her eyes are wide. I get a cool shiver all over my body and the hairs on my neck prickle to attention. I spin around to see what’s shocked Sofia sure that it wasn’t me. It wasn’t.

“Fuck!” I manage not to drop the glass I am now polishing but at the expense of the language filter on my mouth.

“Miss Thorne, now that’s not very polite, is it?” Daniel grins with amusement. He is the picture of calm. Dark grey tailored trousers and a crisp white shirt open two buttons at the top, just giving a glimpse of his tanned skin. His hair is messy as if he has just run his fingers through it and his eyes are the darkest clear blue, they crinkle at the side. He has the most amazing smile which he is using at full strength to dazzle. I’m dazzled. Mortified but dazzled.

“Sorry, no.” I exhale my reply.

“No?” He raises a brow in query and his grin is now pure sin.

“No . . . Sir.” I answer softly.

“Mmmm.” His smile broadens. “Would you introduce me to your very insightful friend?” His reference to the conversation he overheard between Sofia and I at the restaurant doesn’t go unnoticed. My shoulders tighten and my face starts to flame. Great, I’m going to be flashing like a beacon all night, perfect!

“Of course, Mr Stone this is my best friend Sofia. Sofia’s father owns the restaurant you were in the other night. Sofia, this is Mr Stone.” Sofia quickly steps to my side and holds her hand out.

“Its good to meet you, I’ve heard
much about you.” Her shameless suggestive tone makes me want to kick her right now and if I had my Timberlands on I would but with ballet pumps I’m likely to do more damage to myself.

“Really?” Daniel laughs. I try to swallow the lump in my throat while wishing the ground would swallow me whole. I am just thinking how unprofessional would it be to get roaring drunk tonight, because I don’t think I am going to get through this evening without liquid courage. “Well, you look busy so I shall leave you to it, no doubt we shall catch up later and Miss Thorne?” He turns and is about to leave the room.

“Sir?” He holds my gaze with heat in his eyes.

“I shall, very much, look forward to being served by you this evening.” I keep the breath I’m holding until I am sure he has left completely.

“Holy fuck Bets! Smoking Hot!” Sofia squeals in my ear. I flinch.

“And you were
helpful.” I’m trying to be pissed but she is beaming and technically she isn’t wrong. “He can think again if I’m serving him all night, wherever he sits I’m doing the other end, got it? You owe me!” I growl.

There are ten guests in total, all male and all business associates judging by the topic of conversations gleaned from serving the five courses. I only glanced at Daniel once during the night as I served at the other end of the table, he was smiling, looking directly at me with dark intense eyes and an enigmatic grin. I didn’t dare hold his gaze for any length of time as I felt the instant heat in my cheek and a deep ache between my legs. Sofia and I have just served coffee and Jean left five minutes ago. Really it’s just waiting to do the final clean, so I feel it’s safe to grab a glass of wine. It’s allowed, sort of.

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