Read Nelson Online

Authors: John Sugden

Nelson (157 page)

. Nelson to Elliot, 1/8/1796,
, 2, p. 227; Elliot to Nelson, 30/7/1796, 26/8/1796, 2/9/1796, NMM: CRK/11, NMM: ELL/159 and NMM: CRK/5; De Silva to Nelson, 2/8/1796, NMM: CRK/12.

. Nelson to Lavillette, 22/8/1796, Monmouth MSS, E987.

. Nelson to Elliot, 3/8/1796, NMM: ELL/138; Jervis to Bute, 18/7/1796, Add. MSS 31166. Some intelligences are in Add. MSS 34941. For Nelson’s payment of spies, defrayed by Jervis, see Jervis to Nelson, 15/7/1796, Add. MSS 34938.

. Nelson to Elliot, 3/8/1796, NMM: ELL/138; Caffarena to Nelson, 3/8/1796, NMM: ELL/138. Nelson’s letter to Elliot has hitherto been taken from the printed version in Nicolas (
, 2, p. 232), where it is incorrectly transcribed to read ‘One
lady tells me [sic] all she hears.’ The original ‘us’ instead of ‘me’ was less personal, and reinforces suspicions that he was not alluding to Adelaide.

. Udny to Nelson, July and 23/7/1796, Add. MSS 34904; letter to Nelson, 28/7/1796, Add. MSS 34904: 262.

. Brame to Nelson, 21, 22/8/1796, Add. MSS 34904.

. Nelson to Jervis, 2 and 3/8/1796,
, 2, p. 225; Nelson to Collingwood, 1/8/1796, Morrison,
Hamilton and Nelson Papers
, 1, p. 221; Drake to Grenville, 8/7/1796, FO 28/15; Jackson to Grenville, 17/8/1796, FO 67/22; Bonaparte to the Directory, 2/7/1796,
Correspondance de Napoléon
, 1, p. 445.

. Lavillette to Nelson, 24/8/1796, NMM: JER/2b.

. Nelson to Trevor, 28/4/1796, Monmouth MSS, E987; Jervis to Hamilton, 26/4/1796, Add. MSS 31166.

. Elliot to O’Hara, 22/7/1796, and Elliot to Jervis, 31/7/1796, both in NMM: ELL/159.

. Nelson to Elliot, 5, 11/8/1796, NMM: ELL/138; Elliot to Jervis, 31/7/1796, NMM: ELL/159.

. Elliot to Nelson, 6/8/1796, NMM: CRK/5; De Burgh to Elliot, 12/8/1796, and undated,
NMM: ELL/148; Elliot to Windham, 10/8/1796, NMM: ELL/159; Elliot to Portland, 19/7/1796, 8/8/1796, FO 20/11.

. Duncan to Elliot, 13/8/1796, NMM: ELL/135.

. Jervis to Nelson, 31/7/1796, Add. MSS 31166; Jervis to Elliot, 25/7/1796, 6, 15, 22/8/1796, Add. MSS 31166: 70, 79, 80, and Add. MSS 31196: 84.

. Nelson to William, 18/8/1796, Add. MSS 34988; Nelson to Collingwood, 18, 20/8/1796, E. Hughes, ed.,
Private Correspondence of Admiral Lord Collingwood
, p. 75.

. For the failure of the Leghorn expedition I have depended upon Elliot to Nelson, 12, 15, 16, 30/8/1796, NMM: CRK/5; Jackson to Grenville, 24, 27/8/1796, FO 67/22; Elliot to Portland, 28/8/1796, FO 20/11; Drake to Grenville, 27/7/1796 and Drake to Elliot, 30/8/1796, FO 28/15; and several documents in NMM: ELL/159, particularly Elliot’s letters to Nelson (10, 13/8/1796), De Burgh (13, 15/8/1796), Graham (15/8/1796), Duncan (15, 25/8/1796), Windham (15/8/1796) and Jervis (17, 19/8/1796).

. Nelson to Jervis, 3/8/1796,
, 2, p. 226; Nelson to Fanny, 23/8/1796, Monmouth MSS, E902; Jervis to Nelson, 15, 25/8/1796, Add. MSS 34938; Jervis to Elliot, 15/8/1796, Add. MSS 31166; Jervis to Graham, 17/8/1796, Add. MSS 31166.

. Madame Caffarena to Nelson, 20, 21 22/8/1796, 5/10/1796, NMM: CRK/3; Madame Caffarena to Nelson, 14/8/1796, NMM: ELL/138; Joseph Caffarena to Nelson, 15/8/1796, and Daniels to Elliot, 16/9/1796, NMM: ELL/124; Elliot to Windham, 24/6/1796, NMM: ELL/159; Jervis to Nepean, 27/8/1796, Add. MSS 31171; Jervis to Bute, 30/8/1796, Add. MSS 31166; Jervis to Nelson, 25 and 28/8/1796, NMM: CRK/11; Garlies to Elliot, 1/9/1796, NMM: ELL/137; Nelson to Spencer, 20/8/1796, Add. MSS 75795. Details of the blockade of Leghorn are preserved in the log books of
La Minerve
(NMM: ADM/L/M292),
(ADM 51/1186 and ADM 52/2926),
(ADM 51/1181) and
(ADM 51/1140).

. Caffarena to Nelson, 30/8/1796, 4/9/1796, Add. MSS 34904; Nelson to Genoa, 22/6/1796, NMM: CRK/14; Elliot to Nelson, 17/7/1796, NMM: ELL/159; Add. MSS 34904: 164, 223, 224, 335, 359; Harriman to Nelson, 3/9/1796, NMM: CRK/6; Drake to Nelson, 16/8/1796, NMM: CRK/4; Drake to Grenville, 10/8/1796, FO 28/15.

. Heatly to Elliot, 20/9/1796, NMM: ELL/137; Drake’s letters to Nelson and Brame, 19/9/1796, NMM: CRK/4; documents filed in FO 28/15.

. Brame to Jervis, 9/9/1796, with enclosures, ADM 1/395; Brame to Drake, 9/9/1796, with enclosures, FO 28/16; Nelson’s notes to Genoa, and the record of his interview with the doge, SRRC, 112/16/33: 858, 863, 999.

. NMM: ADM/L/C51; log of
(ADM 51/1173).

. For Genoese responses see Castiglione to Brame, 11, 12 September 1796, enclosed in Brame to Drake, 13/9/1796, FO 28/16; statement of 17/9/1796, enclosed in FO 28/16, no. 72; complaint of Spinola, 7/10/1796, FO 28/16; FO 67/23: 32; and Castiglione’s answers, 15/10/1796, FO 67/23: 98. The merchant’s account can be found in Jackson to Grenville, 14/9/1796, FO 67/22: 216. Many sources for the Genoa affair are duplicated in different files. Scholars should begin with FO 28/16, which contains Nelson to Brame, 11/9/1796, his ‘statement of facts’, Compton’s account, and Brame to Drake, 13/9/1796 (all enclosed in Drake to Grenville, 20/9/1796); Drake to Grenville, 5, 8/10/1796, with their enclosures; and Drake to Jervis, 21/9/1796. In FO 20/12 several documents, including the depositions of Berry and Noble, 11/9/1796, Nelson to Drake, 12/9/1796 and Elliot to Jervis, 20/9/1796, are enclosed in Elliot to Portland, 20/11/1796. Jackson sent some of these and other documents home from Turin: see Brame to Castiglione, 12/9/1796, FO 67/22; Brame to Jackson, 13/9/1796, FO 67/22; and Jackson to Grenville, 14, 17, 24/9/1796, FO 67/22. In addition to these, I have used Brame’s letters to Nelson, Jackson and Drake in his letter book (SRRC, 112/16/31); several papers in SRRC, 112/16/33, and NMM: ELL/138; ADM 1/395: nos 155–6; Countess of Minto,
Sir Gilbert Elliot
, 2, p. 352; Add. MSS 34904: 382 (letters of Brame and Bird); Add. MSS 34941: 157 following (letters to Nelson); and James Stanier Clarke and John McArthur,
Life and Services
, 1, pp. 460–8.

. Elliot to Nelson, 17/7/1796, NMM: CRK/5.

. Nelson to Brame, 24/3/1796, and Castiglione to Brame, 14/8/1796, SRRC, 112/16/33: 503, 815; Brame to Nelson, 25/3/1796 and Nelson’s note of 28/4/1796, SRRC, 112/16/31.

. For the French complaints about the Genoese battery see letters between Sucy and Bediani, 12/9/1796,
Annual Register
, 1796, pt ii, pp. 199, 200. The amount of ammunition expended by the
is given in the list of gunner’s stores, 1796–7, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

. Nelson to Brame, 11/9/1796, SRRC, 112/16/33: 873, and other documents in the same collection.

. Brame to Jervis, 16/9/1796, SRRC, 112/16/31.

. Elliot to Jervis, 20/9/1796, FO 20/12; Jervis to Nelson, 17, 20/9/1796, Add. MSS 31166; Jervis to Brame, 25/9/1796, Add. MSS 31166; and Jervis to Nepean, 28/3/1797, ADM 1/396.

. Drake’s letters to Genoa (September 1796), Brame (30/8/1796, 4/9/1796) and Jervis (30/8/1796), SRRC, 112/16/33: 899, 844, 851A, 845.

. Vouchers for provisions received by Nelson in Genoa, 5 to 11/9/1796, are filed in SRRC, 112/16/33: 853–5, 860.

. Elliot to Nelson, 15/9/1796, ADM 1/395; Elliot to Nelson, 3/10/1796, Add. MSS 34904.

. Nelson to Jervis, 14 to 15/9/1796, Monmouth MSS, E987.

. Elliot to Jervis, 21/9/1796, NMM: ELL/159; Logan to Elliot, 20/9/1796, NMM: ELL/124. The capture of Capraia can be studied in Nelson to Jervis, 19/9/1796, Elliot to Nelson, 15/9/1796, and other enclosures in ADM 1/395, no. 156; Nelson to Elliot, 19/9/1796 and Nelson to De Burgh, 25/9/1796, Monmouth MSS, E988; Logan to Elliot, 19, 20, 22/9/1796, 6/10/1796, NMM: ELL/124; return of the Genoese garrison, NMM: ELL/124; Add. MSS 34904: 390; FO 20/12: no. 121 and enclosures; Elliot to Logan, 15/9/1796, and other letters in NMM: ELL/159; documents in NMM: JER/2b; logs of the
(ADM 52/2825) and
La Minerve
(NMM: ADM/L/M292); and Clarke and McArthur,
Life and Services
, 1, pp. 468–72.

. Logan to Elliot, 22/9/1796, NMM: ELL/124.

. Summons, 18/9/1796, and Nelson and Logan to Aynolo, 18/9/1796, NMM: ELL/124.

. Nelson to Towry, Preston, Garlies and Tyrrell, September 1796, Add. MSS 34904; Nelson to Udny, 24/9/1796, NMM: ELL/132; Nelson to Bolton, 1796, Monmouth MSS, E988.

. Letters from Genoa, 30/9/1796, 8/10/1796, FO 67/23: 32, 37; Genoese protest, 4/10/1796, SRRC, 112/16/33: 915.

. Nelson, 1/9/1796, Monmouth MSS, E987; Nelson to Jervis, 30/9/1796, NMM: JER/2b; Jervis to Nelson, 25/9/1796, Add. MSS 31166.

. For Nelson’s officers and the switch to
see Jervis to Elliot, 12/9/1796, NMM: ELL/141; Add. MSS 31175: 213; Jervis to Nelson, 8/10/1796, NMM: CRK/11; and
muster, ADM 36/11823. The lieutenants on the
were John Leckie, H. E. R. Baker, William Bennett, William B. Ryder and Joshua Rowe.

. Drake to Grenville, 1/10/1796, FO 28/16; Nelson, 1, 3/10/1796, NMM: CRK/14; Elliot’s instructions, 3/10/1796, Add. MSS 34904: 403; papers in SRRC, 112/16/33: 905, 912, 919; and several letters of Jervis to Elliot and Brame, 18 September to 7 October, in NMM: ELL/141 and Add. MSS 31166: 97, 100.

. Documents enclosed in Drake to Grenville, 19, 26/10/1796, FO 28/16, including Nelson to Genoese government, 9/10/1796, and in NMM: JER/2b and CRK/14; Trevor to Grenville, 12, 15/10/1796, FO 67/23; Nelson to Brame, 8, 9/10/1796, FO 67/23;
logs in ADM 51/1167 and NMM: ADM/L/D93.

. Letters of Logan and Brame, 15/10/1796, FO 28/16 enclosed in no. 91; Trevor to Grenville, 21/10/1796, FO 67/23; Castiglione’s response, 15/10/1796, FO 67/23: 98.

. Grenville to Admiralty, 2/2/1796,
, 2, p. 311; Grenville to Drake, 18/10/1796, FO 28/16; Nelson to Brame, 4/11/1796, SRRC, 112/16/33: 959.

. Jervis to Elliot, 13/10/1796 (two letters), NMM: ELL/141.

. Minutes of Committee of Thirty, 12, 13/10/1796, FO 67/23: 114.

. Elliot to Portland, 19, 26/10/1796, FO 20/12; Elliot to his wife, 24/10/1796, NLS, 11050: 125. Elliot told Portland that Jervis had ‘misapprehended several points relative to the affairs of Bastia’, but it was the naval officers, from whom Jervis obtained his information, not Elliot, who supervised the evacuation.

. Nelson to Fanny, 7/11/1796, Monmouth MSS, E909; De Burgh to Elliot, 13/10/1796, NMM: ELL/148.

. Jervis to Elliot, 15/10/1796, NMM: ELL/141.

. Nelson to Clarence, 11/11/1796, Add. MSS 34902.

. Nelson to Jervis, 15/10/1796, NMM: JER/2b; Jervis to Nelson, 16/10/1796, Add. MSS 31159; logs of the
, respectively filed in ADM 52/2825 and ADM 51/1167, 1169, 1189 and 1223. For lieutenants’ logs of the
see n. 66 above. Nelson’s brief official report of the evacuation of Bastia, addressed to Jervis and dated 21 October, is filed in ADM 1/395. Additional details come from Hoste to his father, 26/11/1796, NMM: MRF/88/1.

. ‘Nelson at Bastia, by an old
’, p. 217. I have reservations about using this source, which contains vivid and exaggerated vignettes of the last days in Corsica. The anonymous author (‘M.C.’) may have been Mark Cooper from Norfolk, an ordinary seaman of twenty-six in 1796. Cooper was illiterate but could have dictated the material. Most of the few seamen named by M.C. could not be identified from the musters of the
, though reference is made to John (Jack) Thompson, who is represented as having used his fists to drive local looters from the house of a Corsican woman (pp. 216–17). Thompson, a quartermaster’s mate from Preston in Lancashire, was then in his mid-twenties and one of Nelson’s most devoted followers.

. For Casalta’s march see Saliceti to the French Directory, 11/11/1796, in Maurice Jollivet,
Anglais dans La Mediterranée
, p. 282.

. Elliot to his wife, 24/10/1796, NLS, 11050: 125; note of instructions by De Burgh in NMM: ELL/148.

. Elliot to Portland, 26/10/1796, FO 20/12; Jervis to Nepean, 6/11/1796, Add. MSS 31171. Saliceti incorrectly reported that the British left fifty soldiers behind.

. Nelson to Hamilton, 18, 19/10/1796, Morrison,
Hamilton and Nelson Papers
, 1, p. 225. See also Add. MSS 31159: 142 (two letters of Jervis to Coffin); Add. MSS 31166: 108–9; Add. MSS 34904: 441; Add. MSS 34938: 153; ADM 1/395: 174. After the disembarkations Porto Ferraio had detachments of the 18th, 50th and 51th British regiments; two battalions of Dillon’s regiment; a Swiss regiment; and a corps of French and Maltese gunners (Edward P. Brenton,
John, Earl of St Vincent
, 1, p. 289).

. The unsuccessful attempt to reoccupy Capraia emerges from Nelson to Collingwood, and Collingwood to Macnamara, both 20/10/1796, NMM: COL/2;
log, NMM: ADM/L/E159; and the unsigned account of 29/10/1796, and Nelson to Brame, 26/10/1796, SRRC, 112/16/33: 957, 959.

. Jervis to Nepean, 29/10/1796, Add. MSS 31171; Jervis to Cockburn, 21/10/1796, Add. MSS 31159. Though disappointed in Man, Nelson still regarded him as ‘my old friend and worthy’ (Nelson to Clarence, 23/11/1796, NMM: AGC/27).

. Nelson to Fanny, 13/10/1796, Monmouth MSS, E906.

. Nelson to Locker, 5/11/1796,
, 2, p. 298; Nelson to Jervis, 30/9/1796, NMM:
JER/2b (two letters); Drake to Nelson, 29/10/1796, Add. MSS 34904; Nelson to Hamilton, 1/12/1796, Morrison,
Hamilton and Nelson Papers
, 1, p. 226.

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