My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (22 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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, Dr. Riggs.”

is face split instantly in a huge grin. “You can call me Jackson.”

I was taken
aback. My face must have said it, too.

“It’s my middle name
. It’s what most people call me.”

hesitated before walking into his office. Bo came running to me as soon as I stepped past the doorway, his body jiggling, doing the doggy circle dance.

, boy.” I bent down to pet him, then turned to Jackson appreciating the fact he left the office door wide open. “So it is really busy out there. Is there anything I can do to help?”

He looked at me
, surprised. “That would be great. Can you go up front and ask Candy, the receptionist, if you can help? Maybe bring patients back and ask about their animals’ concerns?”

I smiled
. I could do that. “All right, take a seat Bo, I’ll be back soon.” I scratched Bo’s back before I left the office.

I walked back to the front
. Candy looked overwhelmed.

“Hi, Candy
, I am Katie. Dr. Riggs seems to think I can help. He thought I could bring the pet owners back.”

gave me an exhausted smile and showed me the schedule. She broke down whom to bring back and to what room. She opened the chart and showed me where to write.

I started and moved quickly
. I was always a quick learner and could master most every task. Within a half hour, we had cleared out the whole waiting room. I peeked into the room I had seen Jackson enter, waved at him, and he thanked me, flashing me the same great smile he had on earlier. Bo and I loaded up and I lowered the top of car before we took off.

We went to Jason’s home
, and I quickly shut off the alarm after entering the house and reset it. I had mentally started a list of chores that I wanted to tackle while he was gone.  I moved about the house doing the laundry and changing the sheets. Bo attempted to follow me everywhere. I heard his grunts of complaint as I moved from room to room. I wasn’t always into cleaning, just lately.  I grew up and my focus was on dance and then school and now cleaning.  Cleaning is what I use lately to avoid and divert my thinking. It kept my mind and body busy. I shrieked when my phone started beeping, my adrenaline pumping.

My hand
shook as I picked up my phone to examining it more closely.  There was an alarm set on it. When I pushed the end button a note came up.

It’s 7:00 time to get nasty with the vibrator


Jason set the alarm on my phone. 
What the hell?
  I studied the phone again reading it out loud this time.  I blushed.  He wasn’t even here and I was responding to him.  I promised to try so I set the phone back down and I moved to the dryer and grabbed the sheets out and headed to the bedroom to make the bed. When I finished I sat on the edge of the mattress, trying to create a plan of action.

removed my clothes and climbed under the covers. I reached in the nightstand drawer for the glass adult toy. I lay back, pushing the sheets down my legs. I closed my eyes and pictured Jason’s face, his eyes. I slowly brought my hands up to my mouth and made sure saliva covered two fingers on each hand. I grazed at my breast, trying to get all worked up. I pinched and rubbed, but it wasn’t the same. I needed Jason. I needed his laugh, his touch, needed his heavy breathing. I slid the dildo down my stomach, over my clit, and then positioned it outside my vagina. Before I pushed it in, I wet my fingers again and slid them down my body. I made circles just like he did, pictured his tongue licking my fingers while drawing the circles. Then I moved the dildo in slowly and then out. I felt the stretching the toy was creating. I couldn’t picture Jason ever going this slow, but my body couldn’t handle fast, not with this.  It felt mechanical and clinical. I repeated the movement trying to form a rhythm over and over, working up a sweat, but I was only growing more frustrated.

I finally got out of bed
and looked at the clock. It was 7:25, and I was grumpy and irritable. I got in the shower to cool off, then went downstairs to finish my laundry and eat dinner. I decided to go shopping. I left Bo home and went to the mall.

I hit No
rdstrom’s. I knew they had personal shoppers, or at least I had heard that. The store was empty. Most people had cleared out. I walked up to a cute young girl who looked very stylish and happy. Her smile could be seen two rooms away. I asked for help, and she perked up instantaneously. I knew this was going to be a successful trip.

he girl’s name was Cali, and she was more than helpful. She brought me a ton of dresses. I decided on a sexy, sparkly red one that had tiny straps and was tighter on top and fell over my hips. It had tiny tassels along the bottom. They felt like tiny fingers touching my legs when I was walking. The dress sashayed with my hips. Cali brought me a strapless bra and a garter and stockings to match the dress. She also walked with me to the shoe department, where she continued to dress me like a doll. She picked out four-inch red stilettos, which reminded me of my ballet dancing days walking on my toes. She walked me to the jewelry department and picked out some diamond-looking teardrop earrings and a matching diamond-looking necklace with a small flower in the center. She completed the outfit with a stylish purse that had a tiny flower on it. She was pleased, which made me very happy.

helped me in the men’s department with a dress shirt and matching tie for Jason. The whole trip was done within a half an hour.  I was satisfied with my purchases.

I went to bed around midnight still feeling restless and unsettled
. I slept that way.

Chapter 15




I woke up at five and went on a run with Bo, trying hard to snap out of the grumpy mood I was in. I dropped Bo off at Jackson’s office and went to the coffeehouse.

Mike sat with me in my booth
, and we talked about my plans for using his parents’ ranch. He had already worked it out with them. Mike assured me that no one would be there. I felt like I did when I was younger, when I would dance on stage, both nervous and thrilled. I realized it had been a long time since I had felt so excited about anything. It snapped me out of my bad mood. I typed up my fantasy so Jason would know his part. That way there would be no confusion on his part—where to go, times, places. I arranged two different notes for two destinations. When I finished, Mike let me go in the back of his shop and print it up. I read it to myself as it came out of the printer.


The mission, if you choose to accept it.

: You are a desperate man in need of a particular woman. So desperate, in fact, you will go through any means to achieve her. You are a very educated and smart man, but this is a woman without normal reasoning. Your words and physical appearance mean nothing to her. The only way to get her attention is to catch her. You are athletically fit and very strong , not to mention charming and good with the ladies, but for this mission, you must be quick.

: She is a woman that has never been caught by anyone. She has managed to stay hidden and unattainable. No man has come close to catching her before. If you manage to catch her, can you hold on? She is faster and more slippery than you think.

: Club Red.

ime: 6:00 p.m. Wait at the bar for further instruction. She will be dressed for attention, so you can’t miss her, but can you catch her?

: Talk to her at the club, and watch her closely. When she leaves, chase her. If you catch her, she is yours. You may claim her any way you want, but if she reaches the end of her journey (a blanket in the corner of an empty building), the mission is over, and you have to let her go.


I wrote out the second destination after leaving the club. I worried briefly he might think I was playing too many games with him, and I knew how much he hated games. I put the two pages I printed in different envelopes.

I approached my car after I exited the coffeehouse. There was a note on the windshield tucked neatly under the wiper.  I looked at it like it was the scariest spider.  I looked around the parking lot suspiciously, but I was all alone.  I snatched the note and got in the car quickly.  I threw it on the passenger side and drove to work trying hard not to look at the note.

To say I was paranoid would be putting it mildly.  I knew it wasn’t from my family because they wouldn’t place a note.  They would have an army of body guards to escort me home. I thought about who else it could be, maybe Heather.  I also knew I had a reward placed on me.  Not by my family, but by my grandfather’s body guard.  He was left in charge of me.  Grandfather knew I would freak when he died and he asked Smith to make sure I didn’t run, told him that there were plans for me when he died.  Smith sat me down the day after he died to tell me how important it was to my grandfather that I stopped running. Smith told me it was safer for me to stay put.

So maybe someone found out about the reward and now they wanted me to pay them more money, to stay quiet. I fled from the car with the note in hand as soon as I parked at work. My keys jiggled in the lock until the door finally opened. I scurried to the back of the office and locked myself in the bathroom. I closed the lid to the toilet and had a seat. I peered down at the crumpled paper in my hand. I took a deep breath and opened my hand.  The note was folded in a rectangle and had Katie written across the center. It was plain white paper and the letters were written in blue ink. I unfolded the paper slowly holding my breath the entire time. I scan
ned the paper to the bottom of the page before reading anything.  It read,
Your Boyfriend, Jason xxo
.  I pressed the letter to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself as tight as I could. I took another large intake of oxygen; it was like I was suffocating. How in the heck did he deliver a letter? I held the note out so I could read it.


    Dear Princess,

         I am not very good at writing letters or expressing my feelings.  So here goes. I am still camping in                          the Alliance Redwoods and had a friend put the note on your car.  I wanted to say that first so you don’t expect me at home and forget to set the alarm.  The alarm is important. Please use it.

First thing I want to say is you are not only my favorite thing, but the person that fascinates me the most. If you were just a thing I would place you on a shelf and only get you out when I wanted to play with you. I’ve watched you go about your daily activities for a long time and everything you do fascinates me. For now that’s how I feel.  I cut out all the really sweet words I know you hate those.

Second and lastly, I know you don’t enjoy the masturbating. I know you tried it for me.  It was a way for me to mark your brain.  If I knew you were fantasizing about me while you touch yourself for the first time
, it would be one more way I have claimed your body. My plan is to leave a piece of me on every inch of you. So no more touching yourself without me. I like that you need me for that.

Your Boyfriend, Jason xxo.


I folded the paper neatly smoothing out the wrinkles and put it in my pocket.

The morning went by surprisingly fast, and before lunch, I went to the break room and sat in the quiet. I rested my head on my arms. My eyelids were heavy. I jerked when I heard my phone ring and got butterflies before I answered.

?” I thought it might be Jason. It wasn’t.

, Katie, this is Jessica, I am going to have to cancel lunch today. Jasmine swallowed a Lego, and I am at the doctor’s office.” She sounded stressed. I heard her talking to someone else on the other end. It sounded like they were arguing. “Hey, Katie, can you do me a favor?”

, what is it?” I was pleasantly surprised that she would ask anything from me.

“My nephew got in a fight at school
. My mom is with me, and my sister is at work. The school can’t reach her. Can you go pick him up and take him to my dad’s office?”

I stood a
nd glanced at a schedule posted in the lunch room. “Sure, no problem.”

She let out a sigh of relief
. “I will text you the address and call the school to tell them you will be picking him up. Make sure you have your ID.”

I hung up after that and asked my office manager if she would take care of me if I was late coming back from lunch. Then I left.

It was a small country school. The office was located right in front and I parked and slowly made my way to the entrance mad at myself for not asking more about the nephew. I didn’t know an age or a name. I nervously walked up to the counter and showed the first person I saw my ID. There were kids everywhere. She called out for Jake. A thin, blond-haired boy stood up and walked toward me. He had blood on his shirt and a fat lip, and he half smiled at me.

, Jake, I’m Katie, your Uncle Jason’s friend.  Are you ready…do you have your things?”

He didn’t say anything
, just shrugged as he grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder. I walked to my car more than OK with the silence.

“Nice car,” he said
, and it made me smile. I already liked this super smart kid because he was right it was a nice car.

“You want the top down?”

He smiled and nodded fast. I opened the trunk and he put his bag in and I lowered the top. When we pulled out on the road I turned up the music to break the silence between us. I noticed he was staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I reached over and turned the music down, almost off.

“Do you want to talk about it? You could
. I wouldn’t tell anyone.”  Jake began rubbing his legs with his hands. He looked out at the buildings we were passing.  He was avoiding the conversation and I respected that.  My hand reached out to turn the music back on, but I didn’t get the chance.

“He called me a spoiled little rich kid. I thought we were friends
, and then today he was just calling me names.”

“Did it feel good to hit him?” I glanced at him
. His brows drew up, and his eyes looked watery.

, it was awful. I thought it would feel good just to shut him up, but I don’t know. I didn’t like how everyone looked at me afterwards.”

“What are you going to do now?” I was curious
. My brothers fought but never regretted it. Jake clearly regretted it. “How will you make sure it won’t happen again?”

“I don’t know. What would you do?”

I thought for a second. “Well, I would probably never talk to anyone again, just hide in the corner, you know.” I looked at him and shrugged. “But you look stronger than me. I think you could make a joke of it.”

He was so confused.

“Next time someone calls you a spoiled brat, you tell them something like, ‘Yeah, my dad is so rich he pays attention for me.’”

He laughed
and his face changed completely.  His crystal blue eyes sparkled and his whole body relaxed. “So I should be funny?”

, in my opinion, everyone wants to be around the funny guy. Most of my male friends in school were funny.” I pulled in front of the sandwich place and turned off the car. “Jake, how old are you?”

. I am in the fourth grade.” I think he anticipated my next question.

“I don’t know any other nine
-year-olds, so my advice might not mean anything, but why not make people laugh if you can?” I stepped out of the car and heard Jake do the same. “Hungry? Want to split a turkey sandwich?”

, please,” he said, “and a chocolate milk shake.”

I laughed and ordered some sandwiches and milk
shakes, then headed to Jason’s work to eat.



Twenty minutes later we were seated on the sofa in Jackson’s office.
Bo’s large head rested on my knee.  He was an adorably irresistible dog and I told him that.  Jackson wasn’t there, so I gave Jake his half of my turkey sandwich and we both began eating. I could tell Jake was pondering what to say.

“So do you think Uncle Jason is funny?”

The thought of Jason immediately brought a goofy grin to my face.

, I think your uncle Jason is confident and strong. He faces his problems head-on, and I admire that a lot, but he is not funny. Sometimes I think he is very intense.”

“How do you think Uncle Jason would deal with a bully?”

“Honestly, I don’t think many people would bully your uncle.” I raised my eyebrows, and we both laughed. “Your uncle still has to deal with his anger, though, and I have watched him.” Jake put his sandwich down and his eyes found mine.  He was hanging on my every word. “I watch him pray.”

is eyes lit up. His expression was full of surprise. “My uncle Jason prays?”

, and I think it helps him find peace.”

“How do I
, uh…pray?”

I smiled
. “It would start like this: please, Lord, help me from kicking this guy’s face in.” I raised my brows, and Jake burst out in laughter. “No, just ask him to give you the strength to control your anger. You should probably talk to him first…just so he knows who you are.”

He gave me a questioning look.

“It’s easy. Just start by thanking him for your family.”

I heard someone
clear their throat at the door. Jackson stood in the doorway. His eyes filled with a disappointing glare. I immediately felt uncomfortable. I stood up to leave nervously, dropping the rest of my sandwich in front of Bo.  I recovered like I always do by putting my shoulders back and holding my head high as I approached him, avoiding eye contact.

, Jackson, is everything all right?” It dawned on me I could have the wrong kid.

He stood
tall like a statue in the doorway. I glanced around the room looking for another way to escape, but realized quickly I had cornered myself. The entire room was shrinking.

“I got you a sandwich on the table.” My heart was beating
fast, and hard against my chest.  I was sure he could hear it. Anxiety oozed from me and I was beginning to panic. I was having flashbacks to when I was a child and my father was standing at my door, blocking my escape. I stepped back sliding my fingers along the wall and putting a chair between us.

, Katie even got us milk shakes.”

Jackson glanced at me
. It was the same way Jason did when I caught him studying me. Then a slow smile filled his face, reaching his eyes. He stepped inside, but moved toward Jake. I quickly moved around the chair and made a dash for the front door.

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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