Read Mr. Insatiable Online

Authors: Serenity Woods

Mr. Insatiable (19 page)

They had lunch, and then Charlie drove them to the Temple of Heaven. As they walked around the magnificent buildings where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties had prayed for peace and good harvests, Enya pushed all thoughts of the future out of her head and concentrated on now, and on the man who continued to hold her hand. She noticed that his touches were gradually growing more intimate–he’d slip a hand around her waist, drop a kiss on her shoulder, or stand behind her and nibble her ear when he thought Charlie wasn’t looking. As she turned to look up at him, she saw the desire in his eyes and she caught her breath. He wanted her again.

From that moment on, she couldn’t stop thinking about having sex with him. Every movement he made, every time he laughed, drew her eyes to him, and she started noticing the little things–the way the sleeves of his T-shirt stretched across the muscles of his arms, how long his legs were, and although his hands were large, they were gentle and graceful, and he gestured with them as he talked. Why had she not noticed these things before? Her skin burned where he touched her, and every glance from him sent her pulse racing. She felt faint at the thought of going back to the hotel with him, spending the night with him. What delights would he show her tonight?

She could hardly wait to return to the hotel and fidgeted through dinner, although she did enjoy the fabulous cuisine, letting Charlie choose a range of dishes to sample. But she was glad when it was over and climbed in his car quickly, eager to get back.

She’d thought that when they returned to the hotel, Kit might drag her straight up to the room, but as Charlie pulled up outside the hotel doors, Kit asked her if she’d mind waiting in her room while he popped out with Charlie. Surprised, and irritated because she was close to stripping off his clothes and making love to him as soon as they walked through the bedroom door, she agreed. Laughing at what must have been a sulky look on her face, he kissed her.

“It’ll be worth it,” he whispered in her ear before he walked away.

She went up to her room puzzling on that. What was he up to? She didn’t have a clue, and her heart pounded as she tried to come up with answers to the question. Did he know that he had her in a sexual haze at the moment, shivering every time she thought of him touching her? Unfortunately, she thought he probably did.

She sighed and went into the bathroom. Maybe a cold shower would calm her raging libido for a few minutes.

* * * *

Half an hour later, Kit waited impatiently for the lift to ascend, tapping his fingers on the metal rail as the numbers lit up. He hadn’t even seen Enya yet and he had a hard-on. But then again, he’d had a hard-on practically all day. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about taking her to bed–every time she smiled at or brushed against him, his blood surged through his veins, and the longing in her eyes had almost done him in. Only seconds now, he promised himself.

The doors pinged open, and he strode along the corridor to her room, knocking on the door. After only a few seconds, it opened, and Kit caught his breath as she smiled shyly, standing back to invite him in. She wore only an overlarge T-shirt that barely covered her butt, and she’d obviously just had a shower because her hair was wet, hanging around her shoulders in tight ringlets, the color of beaten copper.

He walked in, threw the package he was holding onto the bed and wrapped his arms around her. “Hey, you.”

“Hey.” She sounded surprised but slid her arms around his waist. “Missed you.”

“I missed you, too.” And it was true. He held her tightly, molding her soft body to his, her breasts pressed into his chest. He was struck with a sudden urge never to let her go again. They only had two nights left, and he wasn’t yet sure what would happen on their return to Auckland. He knew what he
to happen, but he also knew how stubborn she could be. Surely she wasn’t going to let this come to an end though, was she? He’d never felt this way about another woman–not even Beatrix. He’d loved her, but she’d never opened up to him like Enya had–never returned his affections so wholeheartedly, always holding that piece of herself back, which had frustrated him.

Enya, however, gave him everything, or so he thought. But did she love him? Or was she only doing this for the sex?

He drew back and cupped her face, looking into her eyes. She’d always adored him, but had her childish puppy love matured?

“What?” Her lips softened into a smile. “You look so serious.”

“Sorry.” He forced himself to smile back. “I was thinking how lovely you are.”

“So lovely that you left me, sexed up and with nobody to take it out on?”

He grinned. “I asked Charlie to take me to a special shop.”

“Oh?” She glanced at the paper bag on the bed and looked back at him warily. “What did you buy?”

“Something to continue your kinky education.” He put his hands on her hips, nuzzled her neck and walked her backward to the bed.

He felt her cheeks redden before he saw them, her skin burning against his. “Oh my God, what did Charlie say?”

Kit shrugged, kissing the hot skin across to her lips. “Don’t worry–he was too busy availing himself of a few items for his boyfriend to pay any attention to what I was doing.”

“Boyfriend? Is Charlie gay?”


“Oh, I never knew.” She sounded surprised. “Does that bother you?”

“Why would it?” He slid his hands to her butt and pulled her against him, pressing his erection into her beautiful, soft body. “Whatever lights your candle.”

She placed both hands on his chest and pushed him back slightly to see his face. He raised an eyebrow as she surveyed him. There was a strange light in her eyes, a smile on her lips. She reached up a hand and brushed her thumb across his mouth, cupping his cheek. “You’re a special man, Kit Fawkes.”

“Hey, love’s in short supply in this world. You have to grab it when you see it.” He caught her gaze and held it for a moment. Her green eyes were bright, uncertain. Lowering his head, he let the full force of his desire flood through him and kissed her, hot and hard, and she gasped as he slid his hand to the back of her head and held her there, his other arm crushing her to him.

“Ooh,” she said when he finally raised his head. “It’s hot in here.”

“It’s going to be volcanic by the time I’ve finished with you.” He was done with waiting. He wanted her, now.







Grabbing hold of the bottom of her T-shirt, he whipped it off her in one smooth move, and she squealed. Ripping his own top off and adding his pants and boxers to the pile within seconds, he pushed her backward onto the bed and fell on her, rolling so she was on top of him. She felt heavenly, her skin slightly damp from the shower, so soft in his arms, her breasts heavy as he cupped them with his palms. He wanted to twist her underneath him and thrust into her, take her hard and fast, but he forced his desire down and turned her gently, reaching over to pick up the packet on the bed.

She swallowed. “Should I be worried?”

“Definitely.” He fixed her with a hot stare. “You’ve been teasing me all day.”

“I have not.”

“Have so. Brushing against me, giving me ‘come hither’ looks...”

“You are so imagining that.”

“No I’m not. Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t mean to give me a view down your cleavage when you picked up your hat in the Temple.”

“Ah...” She laughed. He was right–she
done it on purpose.

“I knew it.” He pulled the box out of the packet. “Well, this is your punishment.” He opened it and pulled the item out.

It was a vibrator, about eight inches long, a shiny metallic blue color, with a black disc on the bottom.

Enya stared. “Oh.”

“The nice lady in the shop even put batteries in it for me.”

“Oh!” Her cheeks went pink.

Kit started to laugh. “What are you embarrassed about?”

“I don’t know...” She wouldn’t meet his gaze. “You’re so...”

He threw the packaging on the floor and settled himself beside her, propping his head on a hand. “So what?”


He placed a finger under her chin and lifted it until her eyes met his. Holding her there for a moment, he watched with amusement as the pink in her cheeks turned a deep red. “It’s only me, Celt.”

The humor faded from her eyes and with it the girl he’d once known. Suddenly she was all woman, her gaze filled with dark desire. “I think we both know we’ve moved on a long way from the friendship we once had.”

He nodded. Then, because he couldn’t think of anything else to say, he picked up the vibrator and turned it on. She jumped as it started buzzing, and he chuckled. “Don’t worry, we’ll start slow,” he promised. He trailed it up her arm, across the top of her breasts and down the other side. “They’re actually quite good massage tools. Good for relaxing.”

“Mm.” She sounded doubtful, and her pulse pounded in her throat.

“Close your eyes.”

She did so, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

He propped himself up on an elbow and leaned over her. Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her as he continued to brush the vibrator across her body.

Enya sighed, opening her mouth to him, and he deepened the kiss, enjoying the taste of her, remembering the heat of her mouth as she’d closed around him in the dark that night. He groaned and pressed his erection against her, and when her hand closed around him, he let her caress him for a brief, blissful ten seconds before he pushed her hand away. She fought him playfully, though, and they were both laughing by the time he eventually grabbed both her wrists and pinned her down.

“Right,” he said. “That does it.” Turning off the vibrator and rolling off her, he went over to her bag and rifled around inside, finally extracting a long silky scarf she used to tie up her hair. He came back, dangling it over his finger, and her eyes widened.

“Uh-oh.” She tried to roll away from him, but he caught her and brought her back, leaning over her.

“Do you trust me?”


He grinned. “Come on, O’Donnell. Don’t you want to play?”


He tied the scarf around her right wrist as he kissed her. “Don’t you want to explore your kinkiness?” He kissed her again. “With me?”

She sighed, shivering. “Yes.”

“Well, then.” He tied the scarf loosely and raised her hands above her head. Slipping it through the bars of the headboard, he looped it around her other wrist, tying it in a simple knot. Then he paused. “Remember, Enya, it’s just play. You can undo it yourself, look–it’s not tight. And you want me to stop, you tell me, okay?”

Her eyes were huge, green discs in the pale oval of her face. “Okay.”

Fondness threaded through him, along with growing desire, and he kissed her. “I love you.”

She blinked and her eyes glistened. “I love you too, Kit.”

As a friend, or was it more than that? He wanted to ask her, but he didn’t have the courage, in case he didn’t like the answer. Instead, he stretched out beside her, turned on the vibrator, and stroked it across her pale skin.

She watched as he played with her, although he couldn’t fathom the look in her eyes. He concentrated instead on her body, running the vibrator down her sides, along the outside of her thighs, up the insides, skating around her hipbones and across her stomach.

“You have a beautiful body.” He moved the vibrator up to where her hands rested above her head and trailed it across her fingers. Then he moved it along the soft, white skin of her wrists and from there down under her arms, tracing it to the point where her breast swelled. There he bent and kissed. “This is one of my favorite places.”

“You’re a strange man.”

He chuckled. “Not at all. Nobody else gets to see this place here–it’s like the inside of the thigh–intimate without being sexual.”

“It feels sexual.” She licked her lips, and he couldn’t help but kiss her, tasting her slowly. As he did so, he traced the vibrator in a figure of eight around her breasts, gradually making it smaller until he was brushing around her nipples, eventually giving in and including them in the game. Enya’s eyelids fluttered, and he bent his head and covered first one nipple, then the other with his mouth, returning the vibrator to the wet skin and enjoying her quick intake of breath. She wriggled on the bed, trying to squirm nearer and hook her leg over him, but he pushed her away, laughing.

“Slowly, honey. No rush.”

“I’ve been at about four-and-a-half all day,” she complained. “And it’s your fault.”

He grinned and nudged her legs opened, moving the vibrator down, drawing patterns on her stomach and dipping down to her thighs. “Patience is a virtue.”

She grumbled under her breath, sighing as he finally drew the metal rod up lightly between her legs. “Oh.”

“Nice?” He brushed the tip down and then back up again, watching as she moaned quietly.


“How about this?” He pressed firmer, letting it slide into the slippery, swollen skin.

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