Read Lycan Redemption Online

Authors: S. K. Yule

Lycan Redemption (22 page)

“The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispered before dipping his head to feast on her.

Her pleas quickly turned to sobs as he stoked her higher, closer to her orgasm, with his lips, teeth, and tongue. He slid two fingers inside her and nearly came when her muscles clamped hard around him. She was tight and so wet for him. He inched deeper and spread his fingers a little at a time, readying her for his cock. He swirled his tongue over her clit, and her body yielded to his fingers.

“Galen! Please!”

He ignored her pleas, urging her closer to her release. Each time her muscles clenched, he’d retreat and allow her a few seconds to recover before thrusting back home. She was close, and he wanted nothing more than to tumble her over the cliff and watch her soar. But he wanted to be inside her even more when she shattered. Wanted to watch her lovely face as she came. Watch her orgasm take hold and bliss wash over her features.

He reared up, and she gave a low, keening cry that called to his heart. He understood what she needed, understood the urgency she felt, as he felt it too. She readily opened her legs wide, welcoming him as he nestled his hips between her thighs. When his cock nudged at her opening, they both groaned. She reached down and curled her small hand around him, guiding him inside where he belonged, where they both craved him to be.

She dug her heels high into the backs of his thighs and arched her hips up to accept him. He stilled and stared down at her, framing her face with his hands. Her passion-glazed blue-violet eyes slowly opened.

“I need you,” she said huskily.

“I need you too, angel. I just wanted to see those beautiful eyes while I make love to you.” He kissed her.

When she strained toward him, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She linked her fingers behind his neck and fervently kissed him back. He leaned up on his forearms, she clutched at his biceps for purchase, and when her eyes rested on him once again, he thrust home. She cried out, and he growled in answer.

“I thought it was a curse when I found you, angel,” he grunted as he thrust home again.

“Wh-Why?” she gasped as he continued to pound his hips against her.

“I had been on the run. I knew if I stayed, I could possibly be putting you in danger. That’s why I was determined to leave. I needed to get things straightened out before I could come back for you.”

“We could have worked it out together if you had confided in me.” He slammed into her again. “Ah! That feels amazing.”

“I didn’t know how to tell you what I was. I was afraid you’d think I was a monster. I was afraid you’d reject me. Then there was Patrick. I had planned to go, but Patrick got the fever, and I didn’t want to leave you while you were distressed. After that, it was too late. My pursuers caught up with me.”

“Stop.” When he stilled his hips, she choked out, “No. Not that.” She arched against him, and he started the rhythm with his hips again. “We’ve been through this. Stop blaming yourself. I’ve forgiven you. I accept what happened. You need to do the same.”

“I don’t know if I can. My selfishness got you hurt.” He slowed to a lazy thrusting and rubbed his thumb over the fading bite mark on her shoulder. “I should have been man enough to walk away.”

She shoved at his chest gently, but firmly. His brows raised, but he rolled onto his back, taking her with him, careful not to break the connection of their bodies. She sat astride him and began rocking slowly back and forth.

“Galen?” She froze, as he had done earlier, until his gorgeous eyes rested upon her face. He gripped her hips and eased her up off him, then pulled her slowly back down over his impossibly hard cock. “Why can you use the dramatic pause to get your point across, but I’m not allowed to?” She smiled down at him.

“Because,” he said in a low, gravelly voice before tugging her up, then guiding her back down over him again.

“Ohhhh. That explains it.” She leaned forward and placed her palms on his chest before she got serious about riding him.

He watched as her warm skin glowed pink from making love to him, and her breasts swayed tantalizingly just out of reach of his mouth. He leaned up and gave the tip of one nipple a lick, and she bucked her hips over him so hard his eyes nearly crossed. He couldn’t hold out much longer. Each time she sank over him, each clench of her muscles around his cock sent him that much closer to exploding.

“Angel, I can’t wait much longer. Come for me.” He guided her over him faster and faster. Her breaths came in short pants, and her eyes sparkled. A fine sheen of sweat broke over his skin from the control it was taking to keep from coming.

Her body trembled, and she cried out, “So close.”

He wrapped his arms around her, flipped her to her back, reared up, and slammed into her over and over. Her calves were draped over his shoulders, the angle allowing him to go as deep as possible with each thrust. The next stroke and her muscles clamped over him like a vise. She dug her fingers into his forearms and screamed out until her cries turned hoarse. As she hit the aftershock waves of her orgasm, his release exploded from his cock. He yelled out as he pumped hot jets of seed into her body with each grind of his hips. Her dying whimpers and trembling frame told him her release had been no less devastating as his own. He rolled to his side and pulled her to him, smiling when she cuddled against his chest and rested her head on his shoulder.

“There will never be words to describe what I feel when we are together,” she said quietly.

He bent to kiss her gently on the lips. “I agree. Some things just can’t be adequately explained with words.”

“I love you, Galen.”

“I love you too, Mrs. Soloman.”

* * * *

Galen sat on the top step of the porch, and Myka sat between his long legs, leaning back against his chest. She had just finished talking to Patrick on the phone before they’d come outside.

“Sounds like Patrick is having a good time at Betty’s.” He lightly massaged her shoulders, and she sighed in contentment.

“Betty is great with him,” she said.

“Good thing he likes Tom as well because I see a possible future for Betty and Tom.”

“You noticed too?” She raised a brow and turned to look at him.

He smiled and nodded. “I doubt anyone else did, but they definitely have some chemistry. I can’t think of two nicer people who deserve one another.”

She shook her head and turned back to stare at the tree line past the pasture. It was almost dusk, and her skin felt as if it itched from the inside out. The sensation had started earlier and intensified with every passing hour. She trembled slightly and hoped Galen hadn’t felt it, but she should have known better. He was too attuned to her. It was nice to have someone who cared about her as Galen did. The only downside was that she could no longer hide from things.

She’d mostly faced the challenges she’d been dealt in life head-on, but occasionally she liked to procrastinate. Pretend that it wasn’t happening before dealing, so to speak. With Galen, there was no pretending something that bothered her didn’t exist. She could see many disagreements between them down the line when her stubbornness kicked in, but the makeup sex would be phenomenal.

She had no doubt his persistence about certain things would get under her skin just as much as her hardheadedness would get under his. But a good argument now and again was all a part of a healthy relationship as far as she was concerned.

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be right here with you,” Galen murmured beside her ear.

She trembled again. “I know. I was thinking about how you always seem to know when something is bothering me. And how that might lead to some disagreements down the line.”

He nipped her neck, and she squealed in delight. “Never. You should never disagree with me.”

She laughed. “You have a lot to learn.”

He chuckled. “Do you really think I’d be happy with a woman who was cowed by my every demand? Who gave in and let me win every argument?”

“I sure hope not because if you would be happy with a woman like that, you picked the wrong one to marry.” She turned her head to capture his lips in a quick kiss when he swooped toward her neck again. “Actually, I was imagining how fun makeup sex would be after our disagreements.”

He growled. “Hmm. I might have to pick an argument with you very soon. Makeup sex sounds appealing.” He nuzzled her hair. “Although if the sex between us gets much better, it might kill us both.”

She started to reply, but a sharp pain shot through her stomach, and she gasped. Her breaths came in ragged pants as she tried to breathe through the inferno now burning inside her.

He pulled her back to his chest and wrapped his arms firmly around her, his mouth close to her ear. “Feel me, angel. Feel my heart beating slow and strong. Feel my steady breathing. Focus on it. Let your body mimic mine.”

She tried, but the pain was nearly unbearable. A tear slid down her cheek. “I’m going to die,” she groaned.

“You are not.” He gave her a gentle shake. “Listen to me, Myka. Listen to my voice. Focus. You can do it. Breathe deep with me.” She did as he said. “Now out. Good. Keep breathing through the pain. It will subside faster if you do.”

Soon the burning sensation had passed, but right on its heels came another pain. This one was worse. Something inside her was clawing at her organs, ripping them to shreds, trying to escape. The tears streamed down her face, and she couldn’t utter a sound as the agony stole her ability to speak.

“Don’t fight it, Myka. This is the only time it will hurt like this. It’s because you have never changed. Because you haven’t fully accepted what you are yet. Welcome the wolf, angel. It is a part of you now. You don’t have to be afraid. Focus. Breathe with me.”

She tried to focus on him, on his voice, and at times it helped her find her way out of the pain. But when the pain was at its peak, she lost all ability to think straight enough to cut through the fog of the excruciating torture tearing her apart from the inside out. Her teeth ached, her fingers curled and uncurled of their own accord, and the tingling sensation grew, making her sensitive skin almost unbearable to touch. She felt herself falling toward the ground, and the last thing she remembered before the blackness claimed her was lying in Galen’s arms, staring up at the full moon that had lazily risen high in the dark sky.

She had no idea how much time had passed before she became aware again. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. She didn’t know, was only happy that the pain had disappeared. She swung her head to the side and backed up slowly when she came face-to-face with a huge chocolate-brown wolf. She tripped and went down hard on her backside. But realization hit her hard when she stared into the hazel eyes of the big wolf.


“Yes, angel. It’s me. How do you feel?”

“Better now.”
Until she realized that she, too, was a wolf.

“Breathe, Myka. It’s okay. I’m here. The worst part is over.”

“How are you talking to me? Wolves can’t talk.”

“We have to have some way of communicating with one another.”

“You mean besides in dreams?”

His deep chuckle echoed in her mind.
“Yes. What better way than telepathy?”

“I have a feeling I’m going to be shocked a lot in the next few months.”


“Yes. Every time I think you’ve told me everything, I’m wrong. So wrong.”

“You have much to learn. But we’ll take it one day at a time. How about if we simply enjoy tonight? You’ve already been through enough. Let’s have some fun. Shall we?”
He turned and loped toward the pasture.
“Catch me if you can, angel.”

She laughed and chased him after getting used to being on four paws instead of two legs. Fortunately, it seemed to come natural to her, and she only stumbled a few times.

“Let go, angel. Feel the freedom of the wolf.”

She ran after Galen, working to keep up with him, and she was certain he was holding back. He was no different in wolf form than he was as a man—big, strong, formidable, and predatory. Gorgeous.

He was right. She felt freer than she ever had. She saw things more clearly, heard more acutely—every tiny sound of nature coming to life in her ears. Even though it was dark, the colors of the forest were richer. The shades held more contrast, the scurrying bugs and small animals easily detectable as they tried hard to hide.

“Wait. I thought dogs were color blind.”

“We are not dogs, Myka. Wolves. Nevertheless, you are correct, but don’t forget the wolf is an extension of our human self and vice versa. Humans see color. While the wolf is color blind, his eyesight is exceptional. That incredible eyesight enhances the colors we see from our human side. It is no different than how your instincts and perception will now be sharper while in human form.”

And the smells were incredible. The sharp tang of the evergreens, the rich scent of the dirt, the hint of floral from the last dying flowers of autumn were each discernible from one another.

After hours of frolicking in the forest, they turned to head back home. She was exhausted, but Galen seemed as if he’d barely broken a sweat—or whatever it was that wolves did when tired.

“How do I change back?”
She stared at Galen from across the porch.

“Concentrate. Picture your human form in your mind, and the rest will take care of itself.”

She closed her eyes, and after a few moments, she could feel the change rush through her. This time the shift was uncomfortable and slightly painful, but tolerable. Nothing like the first time. When she opened her eyes, Galen was standing in front of her as naked as she was.

“That’s a bit inconvenient, isn’t it?” She gestured at their nudity.

“We usually hide a change or two of clothes around where we shift, just in case.”

“That’s a good idea.” She nodded.

He reached for her, pulled her to him, and wrapped his arms around her. She squeezed him tightly, and he grunted.

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