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Authors: Michelle Mankin

Love Evolution (18 page)

BOOK: Love Evolution
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This time the applause included even the jaded technical crew. Mary, who was at the control board in the back, stood up and gave Marcus
a double thumbs
up. He had never seen her smile so wide. Marcus called the rest of the band forward. They threw their arms around one another

s shoulders and took a group bow. Afterward, a security detail surrounded them and led them back to the house.


s a wrap, people,

Beth said coming up on stage, speaking into the microphone. She directed the fans and crew to meet at the front gate where buses were lined up and waiting to take them back to the Vancouver ferry.

Several chaotic hours later, Beth dragged herself into the kitchen where Marcus

parents, the band, and Mary had all gathered to eat leftovers. She flopped wearily down into a chair next to Mary. Rheta brought her a plate of food, which she accepted gratefully.

Whew. Just saw off the last of them. Everyone accounted for and checked off the list.

She rested her chin on her hands.


s next, Mary?

Mary gazed around the table, her light brown eyes bright with admiration.

You guys killed it tonight. We have tons of usable raw footage. It

s just going to be a matter of picking out the best. I should have something ready by the time you guys get back to Vancouver on Monday.

Sitting back down beside her husband and younger son, Rheta listened to the discussion about the upcoming plans for the band. She looked up, feeling a hand on her shoulder. Dwight kissed his mother softly on her cheek.


ll see you tomorrow, Mom. Lisa and I are heading to bed.

Goodnight, son.
Goodnight, Lisa. See you in the morning.


As the couple left, Rheta caught Marcus staring at Avery, whose head was bowed down over his plate of uneaten food. The two of them seemed to keep constant visual tabs on one another. Out of the corner of his eye, Marcus noticed his mom

s scrutiny and averted his gaze.

Avery stood up with her plate and walked over to the kitchen counter. She scraped off her food, rinsed her dish in the sink, and loaded it in the dishwasher. Turning back around, she glanced at Marcus who was talking to Mary. She rubbed her pounding forehead and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she noticed Rheta watching her. She pressed her trembling lips together, but was unable to hide her glassy eyes. She needed to get to bed. Avery waved at Rheta and mouthed,


sliding silently out of the room.

Shortly afterward, Marcus headed up the stairs. Reaching her door, he heard Avery strumming an acoustic inside and recognized the melody for

Love Evolution.

He knocked softly, and the music stopped.


s me, Avery. Can I come in?


Avery glanced over at her reflection in the dresser mirror. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and her face streaked with tears. Wanting to enjoy this last day with Marcus, she had been successful holding it together, until now. She swallowed several times to clear her throat before answering,

Sorry Marcus. I

m beat. See you tomorrow, ok?

Ok, Ace.

Marcus rested his open palm on the closed door and hesitated. Something was wrong. Watching Avery this evening, he

d noticed how withdrawn his guitarist had been. Since the concert, he hadn

t really spoken with anyone and hadn

t eaten anything at dinner, either. Marcus had just made up his mind to press the issue when JR passed him in the hall and gave him a funny look.

Night, dude,

JR said.


Marcus replied, turning slowly away from Avery

s door.








re at it awful early,

Don commented to Dwight over his cup of coffee. Sitting at the farmhouse table, they could both hear Avery and Marcus down in the basement playing their guitars and singing.

Those two are peas in a pod,

Dwight replied.

They both live and breathe music. I thought we were finished as a band when Marcus went into rehab and Keith left. But with Avery now, we might be better than we were before. He and Marcus are cranking out song after song for the album. I don

t think either of them knows how to shut it off. We probably have enough material for two albums.

Don set his coffee cup down, rubbing his neck.

Son, I

ask you. Do you think there

s something going on between the two of them? I mean, the way they are together, it

s almost like they

re flirting

Dwight sputtered, almost choking on his coffee.


re kidding me, right?

Don continued to stare at him without saying a word. Dwight shook his head vehemently in denial, covering his dad

s hand with his own.

This is Marcus we

re talking about Dad.

Don persisted,

Has he dated anyone- anyone at all, since Veronica?

No, but
Dwight hesitated for a moment. Marcus hadn

t dated at all. He and Avery did spend a lot of time together. If he didn

t know his brother so well, he might be worried, too.

No, Dad,

he told him, voice firm.


s not like that. They are really close I

ll admit. I just think Marcus sees him as a younger brother, you know?

I hope you

re right, son. Marcus

life has been complicated enough up to this point.

The sounds of a heated discussion drifted up from downstairs. Soon they heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

Avery, get back here! This isn

t finished!

they heard Marcus shout, as Avery appeared, looking frazzled. She dashed wordlessly through the kitchen and out the screen door. Marcus barreled up the stairs after, his expression dark. Taken aback, Dwight mutely pointed in the direction Avery had gone.

Hearing the screen door slam, Avery took off in a sprint, but was no match for Marcus

long strides. She

d fully intended to tell Marcus the truth. Instead, all she

d managed to do was anger him. Now he was upon her. Spinning around to confront him, she stumbled in the process. His momentum carried him into her, and they both tumbled to the ground together. Avery went completely still beneath him, her breathing short and shallow, her eyes wide.

Their bodies were pressed seamlessly together, flush from chest to hip. Her mind went totally blank, all her focus on this moment, with the two of them, on how right this felt.


eyes, angry and dark, held hers hostage for a heartbeat. She dropped her gaze down to his sculpted sensual lips. Lips she

d fantasized about on more than one occasion. Fervently she wished he would touch them to hers. She longed to know what they would feel like. Would they be warm?

Unbelievably, as if she had willed it to be so, Marcus tilted his head slightly to the side and lowered his face toward hers. Holy wish fulfillment! She
eyes flashing back to his which were half closed. Marcus froze. Eyes that had been so full of promise and focused so intently on hers, closed. The spell holding them both enthralled shattered.

Marcus rolled off Avery, pushing himself to his feet. He had thought for a minute, he had felt

He took a deep shuddering breath.

Closing her eyes and sighing in disappointment, Avery shivered as she felt the rush of cold outside air over her heated skin. The perfect chance to tell him had been wasted. She opened her eyes, scrambling to her feet, but he was gone. Looking around, she spotted him already half way back up the driveway, running like the hounds of hell pursued him. Way to go Avery! How mortifying. Just the kind of response a girl always hopes to have when the man she loves almost kisses her.

She hugged her arms around her middle, forcing her feet up the road. When she reached the gate, she heard the front door slam. Marcus
keys in hand. From a distance his features were an unreadable mask.


Rheta shouted from the porch. Marcus ignored her, threw himself into the car, and pulled out, spinning the tires of the minivan on the gravel. 

Avery could only watch as he sped past her, staring straight ahead. Tears of frustration filled her eyes as the van disappeared around the corner out of sight.

Avery, come into this house right now!

Rheta demanded.

Avery obediently followed her into the house. Rheta led her into the office, closing the pocket doors behind them. Avery

s lip trembled, unable to meet her gaze.

I am really sorry, Mrs. Anthony


Rheta corrected.



s frozen emotions thawed a little at the unexpected warmth of her tone.

I made a mess of everything. I was going to tell him

What? That you love him? How could he not know, the blind fool. Is that why he is so upset?


Desperate, overwhelmed, unable to keep her secret any longer, Avery confided,


Mom,   you

re right. I do love him, but he

s never going to forgive me.


Never is a long time, Avery. I always tell my boys

make your words sweet today because tomorrow you may have to eat them.

Never might be too short of a time in this case.

Avery mumbled, reaching down to pull up the hem of her hooded sweatshirt to reveal the ace bandage underneath. Glancing up, face flushed, she expected Rheta to be angry and disappointed with her.

Instead, surprisingly, Rheta steadily returned her gaze and gave a confirmatory nod.

When I first kissed your cheek, I suspected. When we washed dishes last night and I got a close look at your hands, I was pretty sure.


Avery shook her head in disbelief as Rheta patted her clasped hands.

A mom knows these things. Why the rest of them haven

t figured it out already, I have no idea.

A soft knock sounded at the office door.

Mom, it

s me,

Dwight said.

Avery and I are having a private conversation,

Rheta replied sternly.

Does it have anything to do with why Marcus peeled out of here a minute ago?

voice barely audible through the closed doors.

Rheta slid open the doors a crack, and hissed,

We will talk about it later, Dwight Christopher Anthony. You and your dad go attend to the livestock.

Sure, Mom.

He backed away, knowing better than to press her whenever she used his middle name.

After they heard the front door close, Rheta turned her attention back to Avery.

Well now,

she said.


s go to the kitchen. I

ll make us some tea. I

m sure there

s more that you need to get off your chest.





BOOK: Love Evolution
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