In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1) (16 page)

   So if you will have me on this understanding I will marry you. I’m sick of being a passer by and I now want to live and have a very ordinary life and I want that ordinary life with you.”

Catching his breath he kissed her again fumbling with the strands of hair around his fingers “I love you…”

   Hearing noises outside of the door Jeanie opened it revealing a jubilant Ivy and Irene hugging in the hall. Ivy screamed in her ear excited to know that finally her life was back on track.

   “It’s about time you two got this sorted.” Tears had started to fall down Ivy and Irene’s face, “Ok that’s enough of that. I’ll put the kettle on.”

   Ivy and Irene skipped into the kitchen and as Jeanie followed James grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her close.

“Jea there’s something else and before you ask I didn’t presume tonight would end up like this. I have kept this in my pocket since you gave it back to me.” James pulled the ring out of his jacket pocket and he also produced a piece of paper with a date on it. As he passed it over she opened it up reading under her breath.

“Jeanie Rutherford and James Watson have hereby given notice to be married on July 22…….”

“I didn’t cancel it and it wasn’t till tonight that I found it stuffed inside my jacket pocket. Jeanie it’s in two weeks…” Placing the ring on her finger Jeanie took a deep breathe and kissed him softly again.

“Two weeks. Ok two weeks it is. Mum……Mum I’m getting married in two weeks!”

“Ivy Ivy we have two weeks.”






















Chapter 15


The wedding day arrived and the house was a hive of activity and Ivy and May had been kept busy for the last two weeks making a wedding dress for Jeanie. 

   James’s parents had arrived at the cottage and Jeanie felt under pressure to make a good impression. Standing in her bedroom she looked out of the window into the garden.

   The urge to vomit had increased and the anxiety she felt had made Jeanie lose weight, which had made things difficult especially for the dress fittings.

   Ivy knocked on the bedroom door trying to keep the day as calm and serene as possible for her sister “Hi love you coming for a brew,” Jeanie nodded and followed her sister to the stairs. Placing her hand on Ivy’s shoulder the nerves had become increasingly evident

“What if...”

“Everything will be ok don’t worry.” Ivy patted her hand comfortingly knowing how traumatic the build up to the wedding had been.

   The house looked beautiful and the garden was in full bloom with the smells of summer wafting through the house on the light breeze. The flowers her sisters had picked to decorate made the house fill with the light perfume of petals and in all everything were as it should be.

   James’s mum Florence helped Irene prepare the sandwiches whilst his dad Robert busied himself tidying the garden.

   Everyone seemed joyful and upbeat, except for Jeanie. She felt like something unpleasant would happen and she couldn’t get away from the feeling that something was going to go wrong.

   Feeling sick again she sat on the bottom step of the stair, “You don’t look well.” Jeanie’s queasiness was for all to see and the smell of the strong tea made her feel worse.

   Standing Jeanie up Ivy started to rub her shoulders, “Listen everything will be perfect it’s because it’s been a rush. You will feel better once the ceremony is over I promise. Let’s have something to eat and then quickly back upstairs cause I need to get you in your frock!”

   The pair made haste up the steps and none of her sisters or her mother had seen Jeanie in her dress. Ivy gently buttoned Jeanie into her gown and as Jeanie turned to look in the mirror she felt unrecognisable.

   As the buzz of people came and went from the house it was time for Jeanie to make her way to the Church. Her mum and sisters beamed as they had never seen Jeanie look so beautiful. The cream silk empress line dress flattered every one of Jeanie’s curves and her hair reddened by the sunlight had been pleated and put into a beautiful bun which supported her veil. She was hardly recognisable.

   As they reached the Church door Jeanie paused as her mum gripped her arm, “You ok love?”  Jeanie looked as if she was about to cry and nodded placing her hand over Jeanie’s she reassured her daughter.

“We will be ok!”

   Jeanie hugged her mum thinking she would never forget how there relationship had grown over the last few months and how excited to she was to see her daughter happy.

As the door opened and the congregation beamed from every pew she gasped at the people spread out in front of her. Jeanie didn’t expect the large gathering of people which had assembled to see her get hitched and she certainly wasn’t used to being the centre of attention.

   As all eyes faced her as she walked slowly down the isle. Hearing the gasps from the crowd she moved gracefully towards the front of church.   

   Every step made the nervous swirls and nausea increase and as she tried to control her breathing it seemed to settle every nerve which had started to tingle.

   Reaching the alter James could hardly recognise the beautiful woman that stood before him. Lifting her veil her doll like complexion and wild eyes sparkled under the stain glass windows.

   Looking deep into her eye’s he could see how nervous she was, “I’ve never seen you look more beautiful “Jeanie smiled and tried to relax still with an underlying feeling that the day was just too perfect to imagine.

   Taking their vows James couldn’t take his eyes off her and as rings where exchanged and the vicar pronounced they where man and wife Jeanie felt a small wave of relief that at least the first part had gone to plan.

   James kissed his new wife unable to mask his jubilation and as they climbed into the carriage the pair seemed inseparable. Wrapping his arm around her side he pulled her close, “I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you. One of the reason’s why I love you is your always full of surprises.”

“Well no going back now!” James took the veil out of her hair and tussled at some of the auburn strands, “I can see you now….I can’t believe this is real Jea…”

“I guess I scrubbed up well then” Placing her hand in his he kissed her palm not able to take the smile off his face.

  Everyone had started to descend on the newly decorated cottage, Rose and May fussed over the house and garden which had become their pride and joy. The house looked like a grand palace and the much civilised affair was along way from the screaming and swearing which usually filled the air on most days.

   James and Jeanie stood in the garden and admired how quickly the families had pulled together, “Thank you all for this it’s been magical” James couldn’t hide his contentment and he had spent every moment fussing and cooing over his new wife. Whispering softly he bent down as to hide his thoughts, “I think you should do without your overall’s on more occasions,” kissing her softly on the cheek he let go of her hand “I’m just going to Mum and Dad be back in a minute,”

   Jeanie made her way towards the kitchen and as she walked through she placed the veil on the table and neatly began to tease out the folds.

“What are you smiling at?” Ivy had appeared from the living room and surprised Jeanie jumped back that Dr Frost was stood at the side of her.

“Doctor I didn’t see you there Ivy startled me, thank you for coming,” Jeanie’s politeness made Ivy smile as she knew her sister’s airs and graces usually stemmed to a screwdriver and an oil bucket.

“It was a lovely wedding my dear and you look very pretty, I need to speak to you though,” the doctor took a deep breath and teased the veil sitting on the kitchen table, “When you came and saw me last week we did a few test and it looks like the wedding came just in time if you ask me.”

“Just in time for what?”

“Well my dear you’re pregnant, congratulations.” The doctor placed his cup carefully on the kitchen table and the other hand on her shoulder as he walked out into the garden.

   Jeanie looked at Ivy unable to comprehend what she had just been told. Stunned Jeanie dropped to floor unable to process the doctor’s words.

“Jea I’m sorry I thought oh shit.” Jeanie stood up and faced the doorway to the living room: “I’m pregnant with John’s baby Ivy how am I going to tell that to James!”

“I don’t know how you tell James something like that.” John closed the door behind him and walked over to Jeanie, “I didn’t even know you where getting married until I saw James’s leave request. I came over before but you had already left for the church,” Jeanie unable to take in the news started to disbelieve what she had been told.

“John the doctor must have got this wrong” Ivy stood between the pair unable to help,” John please don’t make a scene.”

John moved around the kitchen table looking more like a predator with every step.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so beautiful. Maybe its fate, maybe underneath all this we are actually meant to be together. I’m sorry Jeanie I meant what I said. I said I wasn’t willing to give up and now your carrying my baby this is all I’ve ever wanted don’t you see that!”

   Placing both of her hands to her temples the room slipped from side to side around her. “John…I told you then you where a mistake this is just a big mistake”

“I’m getting divorced Jeanie, she’s here because she wants money, I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen and that night. I felt the connection between us that night Jea and I know you love me. But its different now you’re having my baby we can be together now, don’t you understand.”  

   Jeanie pushed John out of the way and walked back into the garden, she was pregnant, not nervous, not ill but pregnant.

   John stood at the back door waiting for a reaction, Jeanie felt sick again and the confusion was emulating her nausea. Her stomach turned over, James seeing his wife distressed made his way over to her, “Are you ok?” Jeanie pale and close to tears began to fall, “I need to tell you something. James we need to talk.” Her voice was broken and troubled and in deed the underlying feeling inside was John’s child.

   James looked over her shoulder and saw John stood at the door, “What have you done?” Jeanie placed her hand on his shoulder and pleaded with her new husband, “James we really need to talk, please.”

“It will never happen, not with her, you will see.” James marched back to where he stood and punched him and as he fell to the floor blood trickled out of his nose, “Get out of my house now.”

   Jeanie pulled on James shoulder and teased him away, Ivy started to push John through the door,” You’ve done enough John. Leave”

   John still wiping away the blood peered over Ivy’s shoulder to take a glimpse at Jeanie, “It’s not over Ivy and you know it, she belongs to me, she has my baby inside her and I’m not giving that up!”

Ivy using all her might forced him through the front door, “John, don’t come back.” 

   The chaos in the garden had begun to settle and to dispel the upset Rose and May had started to play the piano and luckily the party where distracted in song as Ivy gathered the rest of the guests.

   James held onto Jeanie tight as they reached the bench at the back of the garden. Jeanie looked pale and upset and one night of stupidity had now thrown the happiest day of her life into the worst, and the worst part of all was John knew she was pregnant.

   Jeanie’s anxiety grew she felt overcome as she tried to speak, “James I need to talk”

“I don’t care, I really don’t care, I love you and I’m not going to loose you now, I love you to much Jeanie and I want you more than I ever have done. This is our wedding day.” Jeanie pleaded with James to listen, “You don’t understand…I”

“It’s our wedding day Jeanie, I have something for you, something for tonight I’m not supposed to tell you but I don’t care, I’ve got you this for the dinner tonight.” James pulled out a small box from his pocket the brushed velvet case was bright and opulent.

“It’s my grandmother’s and it’s tradition in our family and I want you to have it.”

   Jeanie opened the box to a beautiful pearl, emerald and diamond bracelet. James took it out and placed it on Jeanie’s wrist. Her clear pale skin made the colours of the bracelet sparkle in the daylight and as James got down on his knees he pulled Jeanie’s hand towards his chest.

“I’ve never been happier than today Jeanie.” He kissed her and held her tight and as Jeanie’s head rested in the nape of James’s neck the tears began to fall she couldn’t muster the words to tell him.

   Throughout the day Jeanie was never alone enough to try to tell him why John reacted the way he did. Her strength dwindled in the moon light and the confusion of the best and worst day of her life made Jeanie want to crawl under a rock. Knowing there was no where to run she had to stand and face him.

   As the evening began to draw in Jeanie needed to get dressed for the officers dinner and James had left. During the goodbyes she still couldn’t get the words out she needed to say.

   Jeanie hung her dress on the back of the door and sat on the floor in front of Ivy,” What am I going to do?”

“I don’t know.”  Jeanie’s tear hit the floor like raindrops filling a pond.
She knew John was trouble how could she have let this happen

   As she rested her head on her knees Ivy finished off her hair. A pair of blue velvet curtains had made Jeanie’s dress for the Officers dinner and again she looked stunning.

   Jeanie knew she had to go and tonight just to know whether it would make or break between them. She placed a long coat over the top of her new dress and made her way through the sunset alone with her thoughts.

   She was pregnant with another man’s child and on the same day as her wedding to another. Thoughts flew through her mind but as Jeanie needed to rationalise every situation and she needed to pull herself together

“No point wondering….until you tell you will never know.”

James stood on the steps of Georgian house looking ever the picture of the seigniorial man. Jeanie seeing him in the distance taking a drag of his cigarette and looking at his watch knew she was late. As she got closer she could she the anxious look on his face.

   Placing her hand in the deep coat pockets she made her way up the steps, “Waiting for me.” James threw away the stub and buttoned up his jacket, “Come on.” He took her hand and nearly dragged her through the main doors at his distaste of tardiness.

   The building was beautiful. The marble floors shone in the dim lighting and ceilings seem appear to go on forever. The staircase was grand and as she made her way up to the ballroom she nearly forgot she was still wearing her coat, “You go ahead I will check my coat in.” James nodded and made his way inside the hustle of people congregating around tables.

   Jeanie stood in silence as she gave the girl her coat her inner self consciousness developing further as the dress again clung to every curve. The weight pulled the neckline pulled it down further than anticipated however even through sickness, anxiety and worry she looked beautiful.  

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