Hurting To Feel (Carpool Dolls) (3 page)



thanking Jared Cartmen for the timeshare seemed like the proper thing to do
last week. Tonight, Nate wished to be anywhere but at the Hyatt hotel mingling
with the crowd in the lounge.

room of loud, drunken, too friendly men was not the atmosphere he'd want for
any woman. He hooked Addy's waist and pulled her closer. Even a woman who
serviced men for a living deserved more respect and less ogling.

I find Jared, I'll get you out of here." He lifted his glass of bourbon and
spoke behind the drink. "I should've realized this was not a safe place
for a woman."

much as he wanted to tip back his glass and enjoy the slow burn, he wanted to
stay tuned in to the situation. Something felt off. Whether his discomfort came
from knowing Addison nursed her drink without letting anyone notice or the
lecherous looks from the other men toward Addison set him on edge, he didn't
know. Probably both.

okay." She smiled at a spot across the room.

all appearances, she was telling the truth. Without leaving his side, she
worked the room. His fingertips dug into her hip, and he fought against putting
a mark on her. Knowing she was comfortable being the one of a few female in the
lounge bothered him, and because it bothered him, he controlled his reaction.

was an escort. Nothing more.

Salles, president of FEL Paint, lifted his hand in recognition and walked
toward him. He dipped his chin and stuck out his hand.

How're you doing?" Quint rocked back on his heels.

as always. It's good to see you." He peered behind Quint. "How's your

shrugged, ending with a bitter laugh. "Sitting pretty. She got the house,
the kids, and a lifetime twenty percent cut."

to hear that," he murmured.

turned and his smile softened. "Addison. What a nice surprise."

leaned forward and pressed her cheek against Quint's. "Absolutely. You're
looking handsome as ever, and now I know the reason behind not seeing you
lately, I can stop worrying that you gave up on me. I'm so sorry to hear about
your marriage."

chuckled, pulling Addison closer. "You more than anyone knew it was over
between Donna and me a long time ago."

meant for Addison's ears only, Quint's confession shocked Nate. He looped his
arm across Addison's shoulders and pulled her away. "If you'll excuse us,
I need to find Cartmen."

sure, Rafferty." Quint half turned. "Last I saw him he was sitting in
the back—he eyed Addison from heels to hair—I'll call."

look forward to it." Addison fluttered her fingers in a wave as Nate
stepped back.

forward to it? What the hell happened to her no touching rule? He removed his arm
and glanced at Addison. He'd offered her money, and she turned him down. What
was the secret to getting in her panties?

that he'd go there. He had others ways to appease himself, and working for it
wasn't his style. He wanted a woman who begged for what he could give her.

stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Mr. Rafferty?"

Mr. Rafferty? "It's Nate."

nodded. "Nate. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to visit the restroom. I'll
come right back. Go ahead and go about your business and I'll find you."

frowned. "I'll walk—"

She patted his arm. "I know my way."

in the middle of the room, he watched her walk through the crowd and disappear
down the hallway to the left of the bar. Everything about Addison fascinated
him, but he wasn't willing to learn more. He had a feeling he wouldn't like
what he'd find out.

used plenty of women. Women just like her who would do anything for money.
Hell, he was no better than the cheapest prostitute standing on the corner. But

had no idea why he'd asked her to come along. Nothing about tonight was turning
out the way he'd expected. He only knew when he was around her; the signals she
sent almost sent him through the roof. He wanted her, but on his terms.

was something extremely vulnerable about her. It was the way she bit her lip
and cast glances at him when she thought he wasn't looking, and the way her
breath hitched when he put his hand on her. He could have her come within
thirty seconds. If she got off her high horse and stopped playing a game.

some reason, she was determined to put on a confident air. And for a woman who
sold her body, she had him languishing between being pissed off and highly

turned around, determined to find Jared and put an end to the evening.

sat in the corner, his back against the wall, and an attractive woman half in
his lap. He lifted his chin and approached the table.

the man I was looking for." Jared patted the woman's hip. "I was
telling Lyla about my timeshare in Bora Bora—he leaned forward—of course, I
can't take Lyla there with my wife, and I told her you might be interested. How
about it, Rafferty? Would you like a little vacation on your vacation?"

blue eyes drank Nate up. Along with high-priced hookers, other men's seconds
were off the menu too. He grinned. "Sorry, Cartmen. I was looking to do
some business while I was down there and I'm afraid such a beautiful woman
would distract me…"

a shame." Jared kissed Lyla. "We'll figure something out, love."

lower lip stuck out and she gazed up at Nate behind lowered lashes. He wanted
to shake his head, but he continued with business. "That's why I'm
stopping by. I wanted to thank you personally for the timeshare."

stuck out his hand, shook, and grinned. "Don't mention it. Letting me sit
on the board for the Larent project well deserved a gift."

nodded. "Glad you see it that way."

hand brushed his arm and he turned. Addison smiled at him, and his body relaxed
despite the uncomfortable tension coming from Lyla. "Everything

course," Addison said.

God. Addison?" Jared stood, displacing Lyla from his side. "Come here
and give me a hug, girl."

moved. Nate hooked her arm and pulled her back. "Sorry, Cartmen. We're
heading out, but I wanted to make sure I stopped by and thanked you

glanced between him and Addison. He couldn't explain—okay, he could. He wanted
to leave. Now.

missing a beat, he escorted Addison through the room and out the door. On the
sidewalk, he inhaled the cool night air to calm down.

know it's none of my business, but you seem awfully uptight tonight compared to
when we arrived." Addison cupped her elbows in her hands. "Was it
something I did?"

studied her for several seconds and decided this was the side of Addison that
appealed to him. She was being honest in her concern, and he wanted to put her
mind at ease. "No."

brows rose, and she looked away. If he wasn't mistaken, a flash of self-doubt
came over her. The quiver in her lips. The slight intake of breath she took
when he answered. The stiffening of her spine to cover her reaction. These
weren't signs he expected to see on a woman perfectly comfortable around men.

resigned himself to the simple fact that she was a beautiful woman and that was
the reason why he couldn't seem to stop thinking about her. Her classiness was
a cover for the kind of business she was in, an act, and she purposely softened
her voice around him because she'd filled a spot beside him throughout the

she wanted to play, he could ignore the way he wanted her.

on, I'll take you to my car." He held out his hand.

ignored his offer, and walked beside him. Instead, he put his hand on her lower
back. The back and forth sway of her hips beneath his fingertips did nothing to
lessen the strain of the evening.

block away from his car, the toe of her heel scraped against the sidewalk. His
hands were on her, steading her, before he put any thought into touching her.
Because he was holding her against the front of him and his hands were on her,
he became aware of her shaking. He followed her gaze to a black Cadillac


muscles along her throat constricted. He tightened his embrace, and she shook
her head. "Sorry. I must've caught my shoe on the ground."

continued to stare across the street. He lifted her chin with his finger,
studying her. When a woman shook, it was because he'd put that reaction in her.
Whatever scared her wasn't coming from him.

lying," he murmured. "Why?"

laughed softly and pressed her hands against his chest, and he let her go. He
studied her as a mask of indifference came over her face. He'd seen the fear
though, and he wanted to know what would cause a woman like her to be scared.

you in danger?" he asked.

course not." She motioned for him to walk. "We better go. Ten o'clock
is the witching hour, or so I've heard. I wouldn't want to press my luck."

continued to the car. He opened the passenger door, and then walked around and
slid behind the steering wheel. The Lincoln Parking garage was only a few
blocks away. They took the ride in silence.

he entered the first floor, she directed him up to the third and pointed at a
sleek red Porsche.

one's mine," she said.

pulled to a stop and shut off the engine, gazing between the woman and the
vehicle. "Can I ask you something?"

She removed her seatbelt.

waited until she found her keys, swung her hair behind her shoulder, and
couldn't stall any longer. A paid escort must make a pretty dime to afford a
car like that.

she looked back at him, he asked, "How would you like to work for

She frowned, shaking her head.

serious. I could always use another person to help Janice in the office. I'd
pay you well." He shifted in the seat and grabbed his wallet out of the
back of his slacks, extracting a business card. "Give that number a call
tomorrow and I'll have Janice talk to you."

hadn't planned on offering her a job, but he found it impossible to leave her,
knowing tomorrow morning she'd be back to riding with another man who used the
carpool service as a way to get his rocks off. Addison deserved more, and he found
himself not ready to walk away from her yet.

you, but that's not necessary. I enjoy run—working as a doll." She put his
card on the dash, opened the door, and left.

jumped out of the car and braced his elbows on the hood, gazing over the roof
of the BMW. "Why do you settle for working as a Carpool Doll when it's
obvious you could be doing so much more with your life? Let me help you, Addy."

back went stiff and she slowly turned around. "Let you help me?"

nodded. "Yeah."

clutched her purse in her hand. "You asshole," she whispered.

the almost empty parking garage, the name ricocheted back to him. He moved
around the car. Somehow he'd insulted her, but he couldn't figure out how.


She put her hand up. "Don't say any more. I've heard enough."

want to talk with you," he said.

scoffed. "We don't have anything more to say."

thinking we have a lot to say, and if you don't give me five minutes now, I'll
have Janice hire you in the morning to ride with me to work." He glowered.

eyes widened. Then she snickered. He had no time to react, because she looked
him square in the eyes and laughed. His body still reeling from her response to
the job offer suddenly took notice of the way her face softened, her eyes
brightened, and she opened herself to him for the first time since he'd met
her. He'd thought she was beautiful before. When she laughed, she was
absolutely stunning.

inhaled deeply, still snickering. "Oh dear, Mr. Rafferty—"

he said.

don't think so." She pivoted and walked to her car and opened the door. Before
she climbed in, she paused. "You see, Mr. Rafferty. You don't know me at
all. You will not call tomorrow and be able to hire me."

not?" he said.

laughter died. "Because I am the owner of Carpool Dolls."

letting him comprehend the news, she slid inside the Porsche, put it in
reverse, and squealed away. He stared at the vacant spot where she'd parked.

didn't she say something the first time they met? Anger over how she could run
such a business, and still hold the power of the men who used her business, he
jumped back in the BMW, kicked it into third, and raced out of the parking
garage in pursuit. If she thought she'd seen the last of him, she was wrong.

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