Read Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) Online

Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Ancient World, #Medieval, #Scottish, #Historical Romance

Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) (16 page)

He drove into her again and again, his pace incredibly wild and raw and exactly as she desired. Her inner muscles contracted and she soared far from her body and flew to the heavens, blissful spasm after spasm rocking through her. Never had she felt so wholly as one with her chosen one. He was hers, always hers.

* * * *

Such a wildly desperate need for his woman rushed through Ronan and as Kyla’s hot channel pulsed around him, he thrust balls-deep inside her and roared, his release exploding powerfully along with hers. She was the only woman he’d ever desire, ever crave, and no one would steal her away from him again. He’d make certain of it.

“My mate, my wife, my lover.” Against her lips, he whispered the words flowing from his heart, theirs such a heavenly union, one that had joined them together body and soul. “You hold all that I am within you, have become the very air I breathe and the sustenance my body needs.”

“As you hold all that I am within you.” Tears misted her gaze. “The day I was abducted from the village was the day I gave up the hope I’d ever have a future such as this. Being with you is a dream I never imagined could be possible. Promise me forever.”

“I promise you always and forever.” From this day forth, wherever they traveled, they’d only do so together. A promise given, and one that would blaze forever within his heart. “Soul bound mates walk the same path. Wherever one goes, so too does the other.”

With his woman cradled in his arms and his breathing slowly settling, he carried her out of the water and laid her down on the lush grass underneath the heavy foliage of an elm tree. He needed to ensure he left not one inch of her untouched by his mouth or body, that she experienced all the pleasure he could give her. Rocking over top of her, his cock lengthening all over again, he looked deep into her eyes. “I love you.”

“Make me yours again.” She dug her fingers into his back, scraped her nails gently down his flesh and he arched into her possessive touch.

Aye, he would. He wanted his chosen one, and with a hunger that held a firm hold on him and would never be appeased. Licking and nibbling, he devoured her breasts, swirled downward and kissed around her belly button, trailed over her hips and along her inner thighs. This was exactly what he needed and when her soft cries for more rang in his ears, he grinned and got drunk at the very heart of her.

“Too much.” She gasped and clutched his shoulders, but he gave her no reprieve.

At her sweet folds, he lapped and rolled around in heaven then once certain she truly couldn’t take any more, he lifted up and thrust his cock deep within her.

Sheer bliss took them both, her beautiful breasts rubbing against his chest and her channel gripping him like a fist and dragging him in.

He shuddered as he came, his essence spilling from him and pumping into her, her utter satisfaction at their joining saturating his senses along their merged link, a connection they both clung to.

How had he been so fortunate to have found her after all these years? ’Twas a dream to finally be with her, to know none could ever take her from him again, that he had a lifetime of loving her ahead of him. Slowly, he eased his rocking and she stretched underneath him, her creamy skin glowing under the sunshine streaming through the canopy high above.

With her face in his hands, he captured her mouth and kissed her, sharing his love and all the emotions she’d brought to such fierce life within him. Never had he expected to be gifted with such a woman, their bond forged at the very deepest level.

Aye, they would have an eternity together, his chosen one a woman he’d never release, although as the horn blared moments later from the direction of the beach, the call for their leaving having arrived, he had no choice but to pull himself from her body. He muttered fiercely as he did, but still, this day marked the beginning of the rest of their lives, would be the first of many and the moment he had her back at Carron Castle, he intended on loving her over and over.

He rose to his feet, lifted her to hers and as she searched through the bag of clothing Duncan had given her, he donned a clean shirt from his sack, tucked the hem into a pair of tan rawhide pants and strapped his sword at his side and daggers at each wrist.

“I hope these fit.” She pulled out a white tunic and a pair of lad’s breeches, held them up against her. “Duncan’s squire has gained height and filled out of late.”

She donned the billowy tunic, which would do fine, but the beige pants she tugged on were far too big and he removed a belt from his satchel and secured the soft cotton around her hips with the black leather. All he wanted to do was undress her and take her all over again, but instead he packed away their belongings, ran his fingers through her silky golden-red locks and tidied her hair before he ushered her back along the forest trail to the beach and their awaiting kinsmen.

Onboard the galley, the seas calm and the wind fresh, he tucked his chosen one safely under his shoulder as they cruised back to Carron Castle. Aye, he’d finally found the woman who held the other half of his soul, and now he’d always keep her safe. She was his to cherish, his to love, his to always adore.


Chapter 9


Kyla waited in the shadows of Carron’s curtain wall for the guard above the postern gate to turn around and return the way he’d come. A month ago, she and Ronan had spoken their vows before Brother Henry who’d traveled to them from the priory. Her mate hadn’t wished for her to leave the sanctuary of Coll’s keep and had kept her contained right here ever since. Barely had he allowed her more than a stone’s throw from his sight or that of a guard’s, and although she understood why, she now desperately longed for a moment of freedom. Surely ’twould be possible since she’d spent so much time with Muirin of late in growing her ability.

She could successfully control another’s thoughts, had practiced on Cedric several times and he could no longer break her hold. She’d had him dancing up a storm in the courtyard last eve, and for nigh on twenty minutes. The sight of him kicking up his feet had made both her and Fiona fall into a bout of giggles and she’d only released Cedric from her control when Ronan had demanded she take pity on the poor man. In all truth, she could ensure her own protection and all within this keep were well aware of it. Glad she was too that they’d all accepted her fae blood, had welcomed Ronan amongst them. Never had she been so content, or currently impatient.

She tapped one foot as she continued to wait then released a long sigh as the guard finally marched in the other direction and disappeared from her sight. Through the gate, she hurried and dashed along the grassy trail toward the woods. The sun hovered on the horizon, the cool evening breeze washing over her, while across the meadow near the water’s edge, dust swirled into the air from the training warriors, their swords clanging and men grunting. They’d soon end their late training session, dive into the loch then return to their barracks to change for the evening meal. She had a half hour, mayhap even an hour to enjoy a swim at the pool and then sneak back into the keep before anyone noticed her missing.

“Kyla!” Ronan shot out from amongst the battling men and chased her, his tan leather pants riding low on his hips and his white shirttails fluttering free. “Halt, now.”

“Nay, I want a swim and I’ve no wish to wait.” She snatched the fluttering ribbons of her golden gown as she ducked into the forest. Racing, she bounded over snaking tree roots and sent fallen leaves whisking about, the pool she adored so very close. “I can look after myself and you know it, Ronan Matheson.”

“Got you.” He swung her up into his arms. “I’m aware you can now look after yourself, but you’re still mine to protect.”

“Put me down.” She slapped his chest. “And you are far too fast for your own good. How on earth did you spy me leaving the keep? You were supposed to be running an errand out by the stables, not training with the men.”

“My battle skill has never been stronger since Muirin has aided me in extending my senses. Her knowledge is vast, more so than I could have ever conceived. I might also have misled you a little about my errand. It wasnae at the stables.” Grinning, he strode along the trail then emerged from the trees before the pool she completely adored.

“Tell me about your errand.” She slapped his chest again for good measure. “Lying is unacceptable.”

“My errand brought me right here to this pool.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I caught sight of you trying to escape right after preparing my surprise for you.”

“What surprise?” Her heartbeat fluttered within her chest. She adored his surprises and they’d been plenty this past month, all within their chamber and each ensuring they both found such intense pleasure.

“Look ahead.” He tipped his head in the direction he meant.

Across the far side of the pool, a fire burned within a small pit of stones and the smoky aroma of cooking meat wafted toward her. “We’re to eat out here?”

“I caught a goose, skinned and cleaned it, then set it to cook over the fire. I thought you might enjoy some time outside under the stars with me. We can eat then swim.” Overhead, the sun began its descent and sent a blaze of red into the darkening blue, the fiery color turning his golden eyes a smoldering hue.

“I love being outside with you.”

“Good.” He set her down on his tartan spread before the fire, eased in behind her and rested his chin on the top of her head. “If you wish for more freedom, I can grant it. Your skill is far stronger than ever afore and I’m a little less on edge now because of it.”

“More freedom would be perfect.” Skirts tucked under her legs, she leaned back against him and embraced his warmth as the skies darkened even further and the moon rose within the heavenly blanket of black above.

“No more sneaking out though. You’ll tell me where you wish to go, or if I’m no’ about then a guard, although you cannae wander any farther than this pool. Do we have an agreement?”

“We do.” She rubbed her back against his chest and surrounded herself in his heat. “Have you received any word from my parents yet?” The day they’d returned from Rhue, he’d sent a messenger with a missive detailing all that had occurred and she’d written a letter as well which had gone with his note. If only she could cross the distance separating her from her parents and connect to their minds with her skill. She itched to be able to do so, hoped it would be possible soon. Muirin had said ’twas only a matter of time should she continue with her training, of which she’d been determined to master.

“No additional word, other than their original reply. They know you live, that you’ve spoken vows with me and that I’ll remain right here at your side guarding you. The moment they can travel safely to Carron’s shores for a visit, they shall.”

“Now that I know I might be able to see them soon, I can barely stand the wait.”

“So I’ve noticed. Here, the meat looks cooked.” He leaned past her, set the skewered meat to one side of the fire to cool, slid her hair over her shoulder and nuzzled her neck. “While it cools, I’ll distract you.”

“Oh, I do love a good distraction.” More than loved it and as he eased back and took her with him to lie flat on the ground, his form of distraction turned into a slow and sensual seduction that soon sent her flying from her body and soaring amongst the brilliance of the stars as they came out to play.

’Twas the most enchanting night, his surprise the best she’d ever had.

* * * *

A week later and on the tips of her toes, Kyla tried to shove past Ronan’s broad back as they waited at Carron’s sea-gate landing after she’d successfully reconnected with Mama after Muirin had aided her in extending her skill’s range. Their long-awaited conversation had lasted right through the night, both of them talking over the other with all the news they’d wished to share, a lifetime of such, then after speaking to Mama, she’d connected with Papa and tears of giddy excitement and joy had streamed down her cheeks.

Now, with a sudden break in the warring across their lands and the isles, her parents had been able to board a galley Duncan had captained to their village. They were here, really here.

Papa, in a forest-green tunic and leather pants, aided Mama out of the vessel, her golden-red hair now holding the odd strand of gray but her face as youthful as ever.

With a squeal, Mama cried out, her teal gown with its long lace tapered sleeves flapping as she rushed along the landing toward her.

“Mama, Papa!” She ran right into Mama’s open arms and another flood of tears streaked down her cheeks, Mama’s too as they mashed their wet cheeks together. “I’m so glad you’re both here.”

“We’ve been waiting for what feels like forever to see you, my sweet. You look so well.”

“And tall.” Papa chuckled and wrapped his arms around them both. “You’ve grown somewhat. A wee lass you are no more.”

“Tell me how your new husband is treating you.” Mama dotted her forehead with kisses, each one making her heart swell fuller with love.

“Extremely well.” She smiled mischievously over her shoulder at Ronan, who stood with his chest pumped out and his grin wide. “Come here, my mate.”

“Welcome to Carron Castle, Grace, Isaiah.” He joined them, gripped Papa’s hand and hugged Mama. “Thank you both for giving me your daughter. I consider myself the most fortunate man alive.”

“’Tis truly a miracle our Christina—I mean Kyla has now been found and most grateful I am you’ve brought her safely back to us.” Mama squeezed Ronan tight then cupped her face, peered into her eyes. “Since I never saw your death, I always held the hope that you lived. I certainly wish I’d heard that the Chief of MacKenzie had taken in a lost child and claimed her as his foster daughter. That news never reached us.”

“He kept it very quiet, only those within his keep ever aware. Have you explained all to Papa?”

“I have now, and we’ll both keep Coll and Duncan’s secret safe. One day they will be ready to share the truth with one and all, but until that day arrives, neither of us shall whisper a word.”

“Then come. ’Tis time for you to see Carron Castle.” She looped her arm through Mama’s and led her along the landing and up the stone stairs, her heart overflowing with happiness, Papa and Ronan one step behind them.

Aye, this day marked a new beginning, one in which she now had her parents back.

No more lost kin. Never again.

’Twas time for the fae to live.


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