Read Hex Appeal Online

Authors: Linda Wisdom

Hex Appeal (9 page)

“Maybe you just need to have company in bed,” he murmured against her lips.

“Good idea. I have a cute stuffed teddy bear for that.” She nipped lightly at his mouth while her palm caressed his chest. “But if you happen to dream about the boogie-man, give me a call.” She straightened up.

As Jazz walked through the parking lot she felt an unsettling sensation descend upon her. Normally, she'd put it down to Rex glaring at her, but it didn't feel like a Were's anger. It was something darker and more intense. And very personal.


Jazz was grateful she had eaten the funnel cake for energy as she worked on the cleansing spells for her rooms. By the time she finished her tasks she was positive she'd sleep peacefully for the next month. A long soak in the tub with the Jacuzzi jets going full blast and the scent of vanilla and cinnamon candles in the air was just what she needed.

She smiled to herself as she lay back against a soft terry bath pillow, stretching her toes toward the end of the tub and enjoying the hot water lapping around her body. The smile turned to a frown when she heard sounds coming from the bedroom. She didn't like the sounds of an irritated grumble that had to have come from either Fluff or Puff because she feared it meant they were plotting against her. They weren't happy with their captivity and no amount of reminders why they were incarcerated helped. She was tempted to shove the cage in a closet, so she wouldn't have to look at their accusatory eyes, but she knew she couldn't be that mean. It was tough enough on them being in the cage. The slippers preferred their freedom.

“If you guys dare to escape and manage to even nibble on one of my new designer shoes I will cage you in Krebs' locker at the fitness center for a month. Trust me, that will make where you are now feel like an exclusive resort!” she called out. “And I doubt he's cleaned it out since he joined there eight years ago.”

“Wouldn't that be considered cruel and inbunny punishment?”

She lifted an eyebrow. “Inbunny?”

He shrugged. “I can't exactly call it inhuman, can I?”

She regarded Nick standing in the bathroom doorway, his shoulder braced against the doorjamb.

No one should look that good.

Nick's coffee-colored hair was slightly tousled as if he'd walked here instead of driven or teleported himself. With a lean body made for jeans and a dark green polo shirt, he looked like any all-American hot-looking guy she might meet while out dancing. Until she looked closer and saw the hint of fang, which said this hottie's normal body temp was a lot lower than a human's, even if his sexy quotient was way higher.

She didn't miss the faint hint of color in his face that indicated he'd recently fed. She didn't like to think about his eating habits, even if it was a fact she knew she couldn't ignore. Maybe because she preferred to chew her dinner than drink it out of a plastic bag. She was just grateful he didn't tap humans for his meals any longer. That was way too icky.

“It's usually polite to knock on a door before entering a lady's boudoir,” she told him, just plain enjoying the view of the sexy vampire. She smiled as one of her spa rubber duckies quacked dismay at the facial mask that went from eyes to beak. Another one that resembled Mae West blew him a bubbly kiss while a Betty Boop ducky strutted her stuff.

“Krebs told me it was all right to come on up.” He smiled. “Obviously, he didn't realize how you were occupied.” His gaze settled on the curves of her breasts barely visible above the water line.

“Yeah, like that would stop you.” Her inner snarky gargoyle whispered a suggestion in her ear that she followed up on. The scented bubbles drifting on the water's surface shifted, as first her bent knee appeared then her leg straightened out and arched upward, her toes in a perfect point. Nick's gaze was diverted to watch the opalescent bubbles slide down her wet skin.

A woman in a bubble bath. Gets 'em every time.

“And you're here because...?” she prompted.

“I thought we could go out tonight. Have dinner at a nice restaurant. Maybe do some dancing.” The gleam in his eyes said if she was lucky there just might be two different kinds of dancing.

“I thought you were going out tonight to track down Luger?”

“It turned out not to be too difficult. The son is still hanging out with him and a meeting is set up for this weekend. That's why I thought we could have an evening out.” His eyes darkened with a heat that reached all the way across the room.

“Umm, it sounds very good,” Jazz purred, circling her ankle in the air, which kept Nick's gaze riveted on her bubble-dotted leg. “But that would mean dressing and going out when...” she paused for effect, “we could just stay in. I'm sure we could find something here to nibble on.” She raised an eyebrow for effect.

Nick straightened up and walked into the bathroom. His fingers went to his shirt buttons, but before he could release them, the buttons slid free from the buttonholes on their own. He looked up, shooting Jazz a faint grin.

“Just couldn't wait, could you?”

She directed her gaze at his fly, her whisper a musical cadence as Nick's belt freed itself and the zipper rasped downward.

“Why exert yourself, darling, when I can do it for you,” she purred. “Besides, this is a lot more fun.” She scooted down to one end of the tub, sending her rubber ducky bobbing among the bubbles.

Nick shed his clothing in record time and tossed them to one side before heading for the tub. “Thank you for not ripping them off me.”

“The thought was there, but I figured you might not be happy with me doing that. Honestly, just like a man,” Jazz uttered a theatrical sigh, using a wave of her fingers to send his clothing upward and folding themselves neatly on a nearby vanity bench.

Nick hissed a curse as he eased his way into the steaming hot water. Jazz scooted back between his spread thighs, resting her back against his chest.

“See, isn't this better than going out?” She released a sigh.

“I never complain about having a naked witch in my arms.”

She tipped her head back so she could look up at him. “Just as long as I'm the
naked witch in your arms, bud.” She wiggled her fingers, sending multi-colored sparks into the air that rained down on them.

Nick's chuckle vibrated against her back. “The knowledge that you can conjure up witchflame keeps me in line.”

“You'll never let me forget that, will you?” She wrinkled her nose.

“No, I won't.” He stroked his fingers up and down her arms in a lazy pattern. “I almost ended up as a bonfire.”

“No, I deliberately missed you. I just wanted to get your attention.” She wiggled her hips backward and smiled at the hardness resting against her spine. “I wish you had brought up some wine.”

“If I'd known you were in the tub I would have. Why not order some up?” He brushed his lips over the curved shell of her ear.

“Not a good idea. The last time I did that Krebs freaked out when he saw a wine bottle roll its way upstairs. And I received an additional two weeks from the Witches' Council since I was told I was using my magick more for personal gain than the better good. I just saw it as better than leaving wet footprints on the stairs. ” She smiled when she felt Nick's hand trail down her arm then around to curve over her breast, his fingertips teasing the nipple.

“Then I guess we'll just have to go without, won't we?” He nosed aside a long curl that had escaped the untidy bundle of hair clipped on top of her head. “But then, when I'm around you I don't feel the need”

Jazz slid out of his arms and turned around to kneel in front of him. She picked up her bath pouf and a bottle of body wash. Nick barked a laugh when she squirted the body wash on his chest.

“I guess I should be grateful you didn't choose something ultra-feminine instead of,” he sniffed the air, “chocolate.” The grimace on his face told her he still wasn't too sure about her choice.

“Mmm, this isn't just chocolate,” she purred, “but Decadent Chocolate Mousse.” She leaned forward and licked the tip of his ear.

Nick's chuckle rumbled deep within his chest. “Why do I get the feeling that you wish it was real mousse?”

“Well...” She laughed softly, waving her hand in the air. Silver sparkles danced in the air around them like a glittery shower. “I could whip some up and,” she swooped down, tonguing his ear again, “cover you with it then lick it verrry slowly off your chest,” she gently scored said area with her nails, “then head lower.” Her hand did the same until she encircled his cock.

Nick swore under his breath as she squeezed him with a feather light touch. “You do like to play with fire, don't you?”

“Once I mastered it, I did.” She brought her lips back to his ear and blew on it gently. “And I think, in a way, you do too.” She adjusted her body so that she sat on his lap, his cock grazing her pubic hair. A wiggle of her hips had him muttering curses in Russian. “Such graphic language for my tender ears, Nikolai Gregorivich. Especially when I intend to have my way with your body.”

“And I would say you are doing an excellent job of it.” His eyes burned with heat. He cupped her breast with his hand, her pebbled nipple nesting against the heart of his palm. He hissed another curse as she rose up onto her knees then slowly lowered herself down onto him. Her inner muscles tightened around him as she rotated her hips, making sure she could feel every inch of him.

Nick gripped Jazz's hips tightly, but didn't take over. He allowed her to set the rhythm, even if her slow pace was killing him. But he knew the end result would be more than worth it.

They stared into each other eyes, Jazz's lips parted as she panted lightly while she lovingly imprisoned him within the velvet vise of her body.

“I am yours and you are mine,” she whispered, rising up slowly and lowering herself inch-by-inch, feeling the thickness of his cock rasp against her vaginal walls. She leaned in, kissing him with the same loving thoroughness.

“We are together always.” Nick said words he'd said many times in the past, but only to Jazz, because she was the only one who deserved the vow. He arched up, driving himself deeper within her. She moaned in response, swiveling her hips in a movement guaranteed to shoot his blood pressure, if he had one, into another galaxy and beyond.

The energy between them grew so strong, Jazz's hair floated around her head as if shot through with electricity. The delicate lines of her face were taut with desire, her lips moist, full, and red.

As their mouths met, feeding on their desperate need for each other, their energies merged with a force that could have triggered an earthquake.


“Krebs asked if I wanted to come over and watch a football game with him this Sunday,” Nick commented once he found the ability to speak again.

“He said he was going to ask you.” If she felt anymore relaxed she'd be in a coma. “I hope you turned him down gently.”

“No, I told him I'd come.”

She twisted her neck to look up at him. “You're kidding?”

“Sure, why not? I enjoy football and I was flattered he asked me.” He paused. “It helped me feel more...”

“Human?” She asked softly, idly stroking his chest.

Nick nodded. “As if he'd like to have me as a friend and not consider me a monster.”

At the sound of pain in his voice Jazz reared back. “You are not a monster,” she said fiercely. “And there is no way Krebs would ever consider you that way.”

“Okay, I get the message.” He pulled her back against him. “But for now, let's forget about your roommate and get back to us. I promise no more talk of monsters.”

But she wasn't finished. She framed his face with her hands, her fingertips gently stroking the corner of his eyes. “Agreed. No more talk of monsters, but there is something I want to know. Please tell me you're no longer having anything to do with the Protectorate,” she whispered.

He gazed into her eyes. There was no surprise in his gaze at her question—as if he'd expected it. “I no longer have anything to do with the Protectorate.”

She smiled with a hint of relief and leaned forward to kiss him. So why did she feel deep down that he was lying to her?


“Why do I make promises I don't want to keep?” Jazz heaved a sigh even as she breezed her way down the 5 freeway.

“That's one answer I'd like to hear,” Irma muttered. “You're always making promises to me and never keeping them.”

“Finding a spell to give you a new wardrobe isn't easy.” Okay, she lied. It was easy once she realized where to look. She just hadn't bothered searching for it yet. She sipped her coffee then returned the mug to the cup holder a few words and a flick of her fingers had created in the car. “I was stupid to tell Dweezil I'd go see Mindy. Then the nitwit had the nerve to call me up at the crack of dawn to remind me of that promise. Ugh! That little elven bitch blew my car up.”

“In case you've forgotten, I just happened to be in it at the time,” Irma issued a tart reminder.

“No, I didn't forget, except you had a better chance of surviving the blast than the car did.” She tried pushing the ghostly dog's head off her shoulder, but he refused to budge. She shuddered at the idea of the ectoplasmic doggy dribble covering her sweater, even if mortals couldn't see it. She glanced over her shoulder and quickly changed lanes as her exit came up.

Irma looked out the window. Since the day promised rain, Jazz had the top up. “I suppose we won't stop at the zoo or Sea World, will we?”

“Not a chance.” Jazz made a quick left turn and followed the bay. “Although I wouldn't mind spending the night at the Del Coronado Hotel. You'd love it. They have a ghost there. Maybe the two of you could compare notes even if she's been around longer.” Her attention was momentarily diverted by the appearance of Horton Plaza, which offered shopping and dining for everyone, even a shop-happy witch. She made a mental note to stop by after seeing Mindy. By the time she finished with the Barbie-like elf, she'd be ready for a leisurely meal and some retail therapy.

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