Read Her Old-Fashioned Boss Online

Authors: Laylah Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Her Old-Fashioned Boss (15 page)

How could she possibly deny him? When he was looking down at her with deep tenderness, like she was the most precious thing in the world.

Slowly, she raised her hands, her stomach clenching at being so on display. With her other lovers, most things had happened beneath the covers. Sam raised her arms over her head and tied them together with something soft. She looked up. A silk scarf surrounded her wrists. Sam pulled down a rope attached to the top of the headboard and tied that around her wrists. The scarf protected her skin from the rope.

“Sam, you may strip,” Roarke said. “Little one, part your legs for us, show us everything.”

Unable to refuse him, she spread her legs wide, blushing as both men stared down at her. Sam had stopped as he’d been pulling off his t-shirt, one arm in, one out.

“Damn, that is one pretty pussy,” Roarke said.

Sam nodded. “I can’t wait to taste it.”

She shivered. “I think our little one likes the idea of that, don’t you?” Roarke asked.

Ava nodded, not used to men who liked to talk while they had sex. Hell, most of the men she’d been with, just got straight to it. A bit of foreplay then the main event. Generally, most of her sexual encounters had been over in ten minutes.

“Sam, keep stripping and then you can play with that pretty, pink pussy.”

Sam’s eyes lit up and he quickly pulled his t-shirt off, his hands frantically tugging at his jeans.

Ava giggled and even Roarke cracked a smile, shaking his head. Then he lay down on his side beside her and, cupping her chin, turned her face towards his. He took her mouth gently, his tongue tasting her lips before slipping inside her mouth.

She concentrated on the taste of him, the feel of his rougher skin against hers, the firm way he held her chin.

Then a scream erupted from her as Sam touched her clit.

Roarke drew back.

“Holy hell,” she cried out, arching back as Sam moved lower, thrusting his tongue deep inside her.

“Oh God, Oh God,” she cried out.

“I take it no one has ever eaten your pussy like this?” Roarke asked.

“N-no,” she managed to answer, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head with the pleasure. Roarke tweaked a nipple, bringing her attention back to him.

“Just so you know, little one, you may come whenever you like.”

Like she could stop herself anyway?

But as if his words had set her off, an orgasm caught her in its hold, tossing her through waves of pleasure as she fought to hold on, to anchor herself.

“Just let go, baby.” Those husky words gave her the impetuous she needed and she flew over into bliss.


Sam continued to lick her clit, softly now as she came back down from her high. She tasted like candy floss and cream.

“Oh, that was amazing,” she said, her voice thick with her passion. Sam glanced up, torn between watching her face, filled with such wonder, and Roarke’s, filled with hunger.

“And that’s only the start of it, little one,” Roarke told her. Sam rose, lying down on her other side as Roarke tugged a nipple into his mouth. Sam did the same, sucking on the succulent nipple just begging to be worshipped.

“Oh, oh,” she cried out, shifting restlessly. Her hand curled in his hair. “Please, please.”

Sam glanced up to see her staring down at them. Her body shook, ravaged by need. He knew how she felt; his cock was so hard he worried he’d explode like an overexcited teenager.

Roarke grabbed the nape of his neck, pulling him over her body to kiss him deeply.

“Wow, that’s hot,” Ava breathed.

They both drew back, panting heavily.

“You ever had anal sex, little one?” Roarke asked.

A shadow came over her face. Immediately, Sam felt the urge to kill whoever had put that look of trepidation on her face.

“Yes, I didn’t much like it though. It hurt.”

Roarke cupped her face. “If I promise we’ll prepare you so it doesn’t hurt, would you be willing to try it with us?”

She hesitated then nodded, smiling shyly. “I trust you guys.”

Roarke leaned down at kissed her. “Thank you, baby. Now what about oral sex, got any issues with that?”

He looked at Sam’s cock then back at Ava.

“I’ve never really enjoyed it in the past but I think that’s about to change.”

“Sam,” Roarke said as he rose and kneeled at the base of the bed. Sam eagerly moved to kneel beside Ava’s head. He didn’t have to be told twice. Ava turned her head, taking him into her mouth, sucking strongly.

“Oh, fuck.” No way could he last long.

“Sam, no coming until I say so,” Roarke warned him.

Sam whimpered. “No fair.” How could he hold off when her mouth was like hot, wet silk?

Roarke let out a loud groan, followed by a muted moan from Ava, as he thrust inside her.

“Damn, baby that feels so good. Keep sucking Sam, now. Good girl.”

Ava returned to driving him wild.

“Sir, please,” Sam cried.

“Not yet,” Roarke ordered as he steadily pumped in and out of Ava’s pussy.

“I can’t,” Sam said.

“Yes, you can. You come without permission and I’ll tie you to the bed and tease you all night.”

Fuck. Think about something unsexy. An elephant’s butt. Hairy toes. Oh God, it wasn’t working.

“Come now, pet,” Roarke yelled, his tempo growing faster.

Sam’s balls sung in relief as he surged inside her mouth, his release staggering him in its intensity. His moan mingled with Roarke’s who had stilled, his face slack with satisfaction.

Sam drew back slowly, lying on his side. He kissed Ava gently.

“No need for your toy tonight, princess,” he told her. “And I cleaned it for you and everything. Maybe we can use it in the next round.”

The sound of her laughter reverberated throughout the room, making him smile.

Now this was bliss.




Ava ran down the pavement, ignoring the rain that splattered on her, soaking her hair, her t-shirt. Her mind was whirling, trying to comprehend everything that had happened to her in the last few weeks.

She’d gotten made redundant, found a new job, had sex with two men.

Fallen in love with two men.

Much to Roarke and Sam’s disappointment, she’d decided to spend last night in her apartment. She’d needed to think, and she couldn’t do that with them. They took over her mind, filling her with pleasure and need unlike anything she’d experienced before.

She’d slept the last two weeks at their place and every night had been filled with bliss. She was addicted to them, their touch, their caresses. Roarke’s commanding presence, Sam’s cheerful demeanor.

She wanted something more. She wanted them. Forever.

And to achieve that, she had to bare her soul to them, tell them everything.

And it had to be soon. Roarke was growing impatient; she could see it in his face, in his growing gruffness. He wasn’t used to waiting for answers. She knew he was treading carefully with her, worried about scaring her off and that wasn’t how she wanted him to be, she didn’t want him to be anything other than what he was.

Dominating, commanding, a bit over-bearing. Rather old-fashioned about some things, yet quite modern about others.

Then there was Sam. Loving, funny Sam who just wanted to make others happy. She could sense how much he wanted to help her, fix her.

But what if she couldn’t be fixed? What if she just brought them problems and heartbreak?

She ran on, ignoring the burn in her muscles. She’d decided to go for just a short run before getting ready for work. She’d barely slept at all last night, having missed them terribly.

God, she couldn’t live without them.

No, she was going to tell them. She would trust them. And together, the three of them could conquer anything.

Mind made up, she started to slow, ready to cool down when a wave of nausea caught her by surprise. The dizziness that quickly followed swamped her, black formed at the edge of her vision, pulling her down.




Roarke stormed into Ava’s apartment block. Where the hell was she?

“Maybe she just slept in,” Sam offered as he followed behind him.

“She’s over an hour late,” he replied. “She’s not answering her phone. If she’s sleeping then she’s about to get a very loud wake-up call.”

“We probably exhausted her.”

Roarke frowned at the thought. He did find it hard to keep his hands off her. Having her work with him was a delicious sort of torture. He constantly wanted to touch her, take her and sometimes he did just that. Maybe she was simply overtired.

If that were the case he was going to have to insist she start resting more.

He hadn’t wanted to let her come back here for the night, but had felt that forcing her to stay wouldn’t be a wise move to make.

Reaching her door, he pounded on it loudly. “Ava, open this door, now.”

He knocked again. No movement.

“What if she’s gone?” Sam now whispered. “What if she left us?”

The same thought had been running through Roarke’s head since Max had called to say Ava wasn’t waiting for him at the apartment.

Roarke figured she must have taken the bus again, and he’d distracted himself while waiting by thinking of all the ways he would punish her for that infraction. But when an hour passed and she didn’t turn up, he’d decided to go searching for her. Being late wasn’t like Ava at all.

“If she’s run then we chase after her and bring her back.” To us. Where she belongs.

Sam nodded, but the fear in his face didn’t ease.

“I’m going in,” Roarke muttered after a few more knocks. He took a few steps back, prepared to smash down the door when a door across the hall opened and a small, elderly lady peered out disapprovingly.

“I hope you’re not going to break down that door, young man,” she said.

Roarke felt a bit sheepish, but committed to his course of action. What if she were hurt?

“Ava isn’t answering her door, ma’am. We just need to make sure she’s safe.”

“Well, of course she isn’t, hard to open your door when you’re not there,” the old woman said with certainty.

“Do you know where she is, ma’am?” Sam interjected, probably sensing how close Roarke was to the end of his rope.

“Well, young Joey was out for a walk this morning. He goes every morning around seven-thirty. Anyway, today he decided to go through the park. Not very safe in that park, lots of vagrants,” she confessed.

Roarke growled.

“Ma’am, please, Ava?”

“Oh, yes, sorry. Well, as he crossed the road to go through the park, he saw this ambulance with its lights flashing. He’s a bit nosy, always sticking his nose in other people’s business,” she told them both with a frown of disapproval. Roarke barely held back the urge to shake her.

“Yes, and?” Sam asked, clearly near the end of his rope as well.

“Well, when Joey got there, on the pavement lay a young lady. Unconscious. It was Ava.”

Roarke turned and took off running. He heard Sam yell out some thanks and the old lady answer him, but he didn’t have time for niceties. He had to find Ava.


Chapter Seven


“May I use the phone, please,” Ava asked the nurse who was bustling around the cubicle she’d been placed in upon arriving at the emergency room. When she’d awoken in the ambulance, she’d been completely disorientated and it wasn’t until after she’d been assessed and hooked up to a drip that she’d started to understand what was happening.

She’d collapsed while running.

Roarke was going to kill her.

“Sure, honey. Can I call someone for you?”

She nibbled on her lip. “I’d rather call them myself if I could.”

A phone rang in the distance.

“Okay, just let me go get the portable. The doctor should be here to talk to you soon.”

“What did you take the blood for?” she asked.

“I’ll let the doctor explain it. I’ll just go get the phone.” As she turned to leave another nurse stuck her head through the curtain, her forehead puckered into a frown.

“Ms. Scott? Do you know two men called Roarke Landon and Samuel Brooks?”

Ava nodded.

“They’re in the waiting room demanding to see you. I can keep them out if you’d rather.”

“No, please let them in.” Feeling upset and lonely, she really wanted their arms around her. Because no matter how mad her men might be with her, she knew they’d make her feel better.

“Well, if you’re sure.”

Less than two minutes later Roarke stormed into her cubicle, Sam hot on his tail. Roarke’s face was a marble mask, but his eyes betrayed his concern as he stared down at her, running his gaze over every inch of her body, studying her features.

Sam wasn’t as guarded; he raced to her side, grabbing her hand as he brushed the hair off her face. She almost cried in relief at seeing them. The tension in her body eased. They had a way of making a girl feel protected, cherished.

 “Baby, what happened? We were so worried when you didn’t turn up this morning. Then when that old bat said you’d been taken to hospital...” Sam gulped, clearly upset and she squeezed his hand tight.

“I’m okay, Sam. I’m sorry I worried you. I must have collapsed.”

“Why?” Roarke asked, coming to her other side, his gaze caught on her IV bag. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“I don’t know. One moment I was running and then I felt sick and dizzy, next thing I know I’m in an ambulance on my way here. Apparently the doctor is coming back soon.” She held out her hand to Roarke who took it immediately. “I’m glad you guys are here,” she said a little tearfully.

Leaning down, Roarke clasped her close, his hold gentle. Sam cuddled into her other side and they just held her for a while.

She leaned back and looked up at them both. “I-I need to t-tell you something. While I was out running, I did a lot of thinking and I want to tell you everything. I need to. I love both of you and I want a real relationship with the two of you.”

Leaning down, Roarke kissed her. “Hush, baby. You don’t have to tell us right now, it’s clearly upsetting you and I don’t like seeing that, especially when you’re unwell.”

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