Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series) (13 page)

Her throaty moans excited him until he was unable to hold back his passion.  He loved her with a force that would have harmed a normal woman.  Krisi begged him for more and he gave her all he was.

Her body glowed with the power of her people as the pleasure within her grew.  He had never seen anything so breathtaking in his life and he wanted to stop and savor the beauty of it, but she wouldn’t allow it.  She continued to raise her hips to meet his and when she found her release her body fused to Euan’s in a molten grip that almost frightened him.  He had little time to think though for as soon as she found her own pleasure he felt his seed being pulled from his body.

Euan collapsed beside Krisi and pulled her into his arms.

“What happened Krisi?”

“I do not know.”  Her eyes were huge with worry when they met Euan’s, but he only shook his head and smiled.

“I think we should try that again lass
.”  He sighed.  “When I can move again.”

Krisi laughed and cuddled into him.  She didn’t understand what had happened between them, but it didn’t matter.  She knew that it was something they would share and enjoy together.  She would ask Lady Charlotte, if she could find the courage, but for now she would enjoy her mate’s arms and his love.

Euan ran his hands over Krisi’s body until he came to the dark scar that rested on her side.  The mark was always cold and made him flinch when his skin found it, but her he only found smooth, warm flesh.  He lifted his head and gazed down at Krisi’s body.  The mark that had marred her flesh for so many years was gone.

“Krisi, the scar is gone lass.  What ever happened took it all away.”

Krisi gasped as she ran her own hands over her side.   “How?”

“I don’t know lass.  I don’t ken what happened, but I do know I liked it.”

His lips began to caress Krisi’s skin and she gave herself over to his loving.


Darkness still filled t
he room when Euan was
wakened by a loud knock on the
chamber door.
  He looked around the dark room and was surprised by the clarity of his vision.  He shook his head as he climbed from the warmth of the bed.

Euan pulled on his britches and
wrapped the bed covers more tightly around Krisi.  H
shuffled to the portal
and pulled the heavy oaken panel open
.  Karic stood on the other side wearing a broad grin and Euan had a feeling it had something to do with what had happened with him and Krisi earlier.  He opened the door and motioned the other man inside.

“What brings ye at such an hour Karic?”

“I think it is clear.”

Euan lifted on eyebrow.  “Not to me.”

“I must ask you some things that you may not think are my concern, but I assure you they are.”

Euan nodded.

“Have you experienced anything unusual recently?”

Euan felt his cheeks heat and he nodded once.

Karic let out a bark of laughter.  “Was it pleasant for you?”

“Aye it ‘twas.”  Euan said gruffly.

Karic clasped both hands around one of Euan’s forearms.  “
I ask because it has only happened once in my life time.  This is not something that is known among our people or yours.  It is thought to be a legend to give hope to those without it.”

“How do ye ken anything happened at all?”

“I felt a great draw of power and saw the light that burst from your window.  I spend much of my time upon the battlements.  I am ancient and require less sleep than most.”

“Why have ye come?”

Karic smiled.  “
To w
you in
to the family Euan MacTern.  You are welcomed as a family member and a respected member of the Fairborn race.”

As Karic spoke Euan felt warmth flow from Karic’s hands into his clasped arm
as Karic’s blue eyes glowed brighter than the sun

didn’t understand what Karic’s words meant
, but he knew that they were more than simple words

“What are ye about?  I am not Fairborn.”

“You are now.  Krisi has chosen you as her mate.  She has given to you
all she is. 
he has bound herself to you heart, mind, body, and spirit.  She cannot live without you in her world.  In doing so she has made you Fairborn and she has taken what is needed for her to be as you are.”

Euan could not speak.  His mind was a jumble of confusion.

Karic smiled gently.  “You are all that you were before, but now you are also much more.  Krisi was feeling unsure of herself.  She feared that watching you change and leave her would eventually kill her spirit. 
She also fears the distant future in which you will die and leave her behind. 
She spoke with me and I assured her that all would be well.  I did not tell her what would happen if her spirit truly desired to change with you.  It was something that her very essence had to seek.  It did.
  It is as if your souls split in two and one half of yours fused with one half of yours.  You each share the unique characteristics of your people, both races.
  You will live as long as God will grant, but you are not immortal.  She gave that to you to share with her, but there is not enough to sustain you both throughout eternity.  You will both face death, but there is comfort in that knowing that you will meet death together as you are now of one soul bound together.  If your life is taken hers will also be taken.

She gave up part of her being for me?”

“Yes.  And in doing so took part of yours.  You did not make the choice consciously, but your spirit chose to bind with hers.  It is right and good that you have done so.”

Krisi can change now?”
  Euan’s voice was barely audible.

“Yes.  She will be much like you because she drew on your ability to make her own, but you also possess more than before.  You will feel things and know things that you could not before.  It will strengthen you.”

“Is this it then?  The big mystery of our future?”

“Only in part.  Krisi could not know what would bring on the change because she would have tried too hard.  This is a delicate process and cannot be forced.  All is well Euan.  Go back to bed and hold her.  She will be confused and will need your guidance in this.”

Euan’s grin lit the room with its radiance. 
“I will enjoy doing so.”

Karic chuckled and left the room.

Euan practically pounced on Krisi as he returned to the bed.  She squealed and opened her eyes with astonishment as he continued to bounce.

“Wake up ye lazy wench!  There is something we must do before the sun rises too high.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I want to see your cat!  I don’t ken how it has happened, but Karic said ye can change.  That ye have fused our souls and well, I didn’t understand most of his words, but he said I should help ye and I mean to do it.”

He pulled Krisi out of bed and she gasped as the cool morning air met her bare skin.

“Open yer mind to me lass and let me help ye.”

Euan froze when Krisi only stared at him.


“Euan have ye seen yerself?”

He shook his head, “Nay.  I want to see you.”

Krisi reached out and ran her fingers through Euan’s hair that was now red with a liberal amount of silver.

Euan looked down when she pulled his hair forward for him to see.

“Shite!  I look like an old man.”

“Nay!  Eaun you are magnificent.”  Krisi ran her hands over his cheeks and caressed his slightly pointed ears.

Euan groaned as she touched the sensitive tips of his ears.  He felt desire pool in his belly as her soft fingers caresses the new tips.

“Does it feel that good to you too lass?”

“Aye it does.

   She mimicked his thick borage.

smiled at her attempt and
lifted his hands and caressed her delicate ears with his fingertips and felt her shutter.  Then his mouth found hers and they were lost
in a maelstrom of desire



The sun was high in the sky by the time Euan and Krisi tumbled from their bed.  Euan was amazed by the changes in his body and he was beginning to notice subtle changes in Krisi’s as well.

He ran his hand through her tussled hair and was excited to see the sheen of copper mixed in with the silvery strands.

“I love ye lass.  I wish I had known ye felt left out.  I should have

“I didn’t want to ruin it for you.  I didn’t think anything could be done.”

“I would have stayed with ye lass.”  Euan said and Krisi felt the truth in his words.

“I know and it would have made you miserable.  This way we can both have all we desire.”

“I only want ye to be happy.”

“I am.  Now let’s go so you can help me find my cat.”


Euan pulled Krisi through the keep not sparing a word or a glance at those they met.  Krisi smiled at the gawking crowd gathered in the hall and waved as she was hurried through the doors.

As soon as the sun touched her skin Euan turned to her with a beaming smile.

“Now we need to find a place to rid ye of yer clothes.”  He said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“I just put them on!”

Euan laughed as he hauled her along behind him again.  They didn’t stop until they reached a small stream.  Euan quickly shed his clothes and then helped Krisi with her own.

“Let me in your head sweet Krisi.”  Euan whispered in her ear as he ran his hands over her pale skin.

Krisi opened her mind and felt Euan’s joy along with his overwhelming desire.  She felt a stirring in her mind and felt a wildness that almost frightened her.

She is fierce Krisi, as ye are yerself.  Let her out!

At his words Krisi felt her mind explode as if the door had been swung wide and the beast leapt free.  She fell to the ground as her body writhed with agony.  Her bones popped and her muscles burned.  Her face felt as if it had been pounded by a heavy stone.  Her skin began to crawl and then felt as if it was being pierced by a hundred angry bees.  She screamed
with the pain and confusion and then she felt her mind calm as Euan tried to calm her.  the more she calmed her mind the less she hurt.  Within moments the pain ceased and she stood on all fours and looked to Euan.

“You are the most beautiful creature I have ever looked upon.”  He breathed as he fell to his knees and buried his hands in her thick fur.  “Your coat is unique.  It is very white, like Amelia’s, but it is striped with orange and the slightest hint of a deep black.”

Krisi made a chuffing noise and Euan buried his face against her neck.

“I cannot believe ye did this for me, for us.   You are too amazing for me, but I will treasure your love, always.”

As he spoke his form melted away and his tiger emerges.  Krisi knew her own transformation was much less beautiful.

It will come with time my beloved.

Krisi felt the warmth enter her mind as Euan spoke to her.  His large body rubbed against hers and she looked at his cat.  He had changed too.  He was no longer dark.  He was much like her in fact.  He had a large amount of orange and thick black stripes, but his striped were now outlined with silver that gleamed in the bright sunlight.  He began to run and she chased after him using the new muscles and the power they gave her.  Euan brought down a small deer for them and Krisi got her first taste of her cat’s hunger. 

Euan brought her back to the stream and they splashed in the cool water until the sun sank low in the sky.

Should we change and go back?

Nay Lass.  I want all to see ye this night.

As he spoke he bounded toward the keep and Krisi was hard
pressed to keep up with him.  Her struggles
didn’t allow her to worry over her reception at the keep so when they entered the gat she was surprised to see many stop and frown at her.  Their malice stopped her in her tracks as the pain of their anger hit her like daggers.

Euan felt her torment and turned to her.  Several women gathered around Krisi.  She was terrified.

Euan let out an ear splitting roar and the women backed away, but not before he looked at each one and remembered her face.

Liam, Evan and the others tore from the keep and raced to where the two tigers stood.

“What was that about Euan?” Evan spoke aloud.

They resent her.

“’Tis to be expected.  Her strength only sheds light on their weakness.”  Evan turned a beaming smile to Krisi.  “You are something special.”  He nodded and made his way back inside the keep.

Euan nudged her to enter behind Evan and he walked behind her.

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