Read Filthy Bastard (Grim Bastards MC) Online

Authors: Shelley Springfield,Emily Minton

Filthy Bastard (Grim Bastards MC) (22 page)

“I can do that,” Trix says, standing up, settling the baby in her arms, and heading toward the stairs.

Then, I head down to the basement to see Smoke standing by the shut door. When his eyes meet mine, I see the anger in them and wonder what the fuck is going on. Whatever it is, we need to deal with it fast so I can get back to my woman.

“What the hell happened now?” I ask, pulling a cigarette out, bringing it to my lips, and lighting it.

He opens the door and says, “I’m not much of a flower kind of guy. Figured I’d send my condolences in a different way.”

My eyes instantly lock on Blake, chained to the ceiling, with his hands above his head. He’s been stripped to his boxers, and he has a gag in his mouth. When his eyes hit mine, he starts to fight his bonds as his piss trickles to the floor.

Suddenly, I’m not in such a rush. “I’m sure Addy will appreciate the gesture.”

“That’s the third time the fucker’s pissed himself since we tied him up,” Boz says with a chuckle, bringing my attention to him and Hack standing beside the wall.

“I’m thinking he may have a problem,” Hack adds, as he hands me a bottle of Jack.

I look at my three brothers, my three best friends, and the pain of the last few days fades away. Addy may have lost her sister, but she gained three brothers. Those three brothers would protect her with their own lives if needed. With that thought, a smile spreads across my face.

Tossing my smoke on the ground and using my boot to put it out, I pass the bottle to Boz. “Let’s get this party started.”

He grabs it and motions toward Blake. “It’s all yours, brother.”

Not having to be told twice, I walk over to him and send my fist flying right into his face. The sound of bones breaking sends a rush through my blood stream, forcing me to hit him again and again. By the time I’m done, his face looks like hamburger meat.

“Not trying to tell you how to play this,” Hack says, as he lays a hand on my shoulder. “If you want him awake to feel the rest, you may want to lay off the head.”

“It’d be a pity if the fucker didn’t get to feel the touch of the blowtorch,” Smoke adds, before passing the bottle to Boz.

A smile spreads across Pres’ lips as he adds, “I’m thinking we should go the wire cutter route. He used his dick to cause pain, so we need to make sure his dick is what feels the pain.”

I step back, knowing they are all right. This fucker needs to feel every damn thing I do to him. I look around the room, trying to decide what to use first, and my eyes land on the hand saw. It’s been here forever, bought to cut some limbs back that were getting a little too close to the power lines out back. It’s rusty as fuck and dull as a butter knife.

Picking it up, I walk back to Blake and smile. “I think I’m gonna start with his toes, then go to the fingers. His limp dick will be last. I want him thinking about it the whole time. Get the torch ready, though. I’ll cauterize it when I’m done. I don’t want the fucker to bleed out before I’m done having my fun.”

The pussy starts to thrash, but the chains only allow him to move a few inches either way. I end up taking nearly half of each foot before I back up and let Smoke seal the cuts. By the time he is done, Blake’s out cold. He’s not getting out of this that easy.

Grabbing the hose from the wall, I turn it on and spray the fucker down. “At least, now, I won’t be walking around in his piss.”

Boz shakes his head and lets out a laugh. “Like I said, three times, brother. If I was you, I’d get his dick next, so we don’t have a repeat.”

I stick with my plan, taking his fingers next. Just like feet, half the hand goes. Again, Smoke does his thing and the son of a bitch passes out. This time, I let him sleep. Wanting a break of my own, I grab the bottle and take a healthy swig.

“I don’t think he’s gonna take much more,” Hack says, pulling out a smoke. “His fucking heart’s gonna stop from the pain.”

My eyes cut to him. “Seems fair payback to me, considering that is just what happened to his wife a few days ago.”

“Agreed,” Smoke mutters, grabbing the bottle from me.

Lifting my chin to him, I go back to the hose and spray the fucker down again. When his eyes flutter open, I stare him down, wanting him to get a good look at the man who will be ending his life. This time, he doesn’t fight, doesn’t struggle. He doesn’t move a muscle.

“Guess the dick is next to go,” I say, forcing a smile on my face. “You wanna say goodbye?”

Reaching up, I pull the gag from his mouth and ask, “You wanna tell your dick it will never hurt another fucking woman again.”

His eyes grow large and he pleads, “Please, no.”

He continues to beg as I grab his cock and start sawing away. As soon as I’m done, I toss the useless piece of skin on the floor and motion for Smoke. This time, the fucker doesn’t pass out; he just screams until I think my ear drums are gonna bust. I’m tempted to put the gag back in, but I have a question I want answered first.

Grabbing his jaw, I force him to look right at me. “Why the fuck did you hurt Addy?”

I should probably be asking about Alex, asking why he married her when he obviously didn’t give a shit about her, but I don’t. I need to know why he hurt my woman. I have to fucking know why he raped her over and over again.

He doesn’t answer quickly enough, so I grab one of his mutilated hands and give it a brutal squeeze. “Answer me, you mother fucker. Why did you hurt Addy?”

“I wanted her,” he says with a strangled moan. “But, she never wanted me. She never even looked in my direction.”

His answer surprises me. Not that he wanted her; he’d have to be dead not to want Addy. What surprises the hell out of me is that there is nothing more to it. There’s no hidden reason, no big plan. He did all this shit just because he wanted a woman that didn’t want him? He may not have killed Alex, but he helped her meet her maker earlier than needed. He damn near destroyed Addy’s life; I’m sure I’ll be repairing the pieces he broke for the rest of our lives. He did it all, every fucking vile thing, just because he wanted a woman that didn’t have the time of day for him.

“You married a woman you didn’t want, just to get one you did?” I ask, shaking my head at him and how his mind works. “How fucking stupid are you?”

“I wanted Alex, too, just not as bad,” he says, gasping for air. “I wanted them both, and it was the only way I could get them.”

Knowing no matter what he says, I will never understand his fucked up mind, I pull out my gun and place it right over his heart. “I should make you suffer more, but I got a woman upstairs waiting for me and she’s waited long enough.”

Not even blinking an eye, I pull the trigger and watch as death takes him. He’s not the first man I’ve killed since earning my cut. I doubt he’ll be the last, but he will always be the one I remember the most often. Every single one of those memories will be filled with happiness, knowing this fucker will never hurt another person ever again.

Boz lays his hand on my shoulder and says, “Go on back to Addy. We’ll clean this up.”

I turn to look at him and shake my head. “Fuck no. I’m seeing this ‘til the end.”



jerk to the door as Brew walks in and heads straight to the bathroom. He shoots me a quick smile, right before he shuts the door behind him. That split second delay was enough for me to notice the blood on his clothes, lots and lots of blood. It takes every bit of willpower I have not to run after him and make sure he’s not hurt, but I know he isn’t. The blood isn’t his; I know it’s not.

My only question is, whose blood is it? My teeth find my bottom lip as I contemplate the answer. Three names run through my head: Mom, Dad, and Blake. My best guess would be Blake, but he was really pissed off at my parents after Alex’s funeral, so it could be any of them. If I’m lucky, maybe all three.

I keep worrying, wondering just what happened, until he finally comes out of the bathroom freshly showered. He walks completely naked to the dresser and pulls out a pair of boxers. I watch as he slides them on, taking in all that is my man. His long legs, his ripped abs, and powerful arms. His wet hair is the color of rich coffee, the dampness hiding all of golden highlights I love so much.

When his eyes turn to me, they are nearly completely green. “You should be sleeping.”

“I’ve been sleeping, ever since we got back from the funeral,” I tell him, scooting to the left side of the bed so there’s space for him to climb in with me.

He heads to the light, cutting it off, then joins me in the bed. “Where’s Little Man?”

“Trix told me you wanted her to keep the baby tonight, so I could get a full night’s sleep,” I tell him, realizing my best friend lied to me.

“She read my mind,” he says, pulling me into his arms and placing a kiss on the top of my head. “You need to get some sleep, and you’re not gonna get any getting up with Cam all night long.”

We’ve gotten into a routine, Cam and I. He’s only been waking up once at night to be fed, but I wake up more often than that to check and make sure he is okay. Even though Brew denies it, I’ve seen him sneaking out of bed more than once to check on Cam. Even though they don’t share any blood, Brew fits the role of daddy perfectly. Considering who his real dad is, Cam’s a very lucky little boy.

“Our house should be ready in another week. Everything won’t be done, but it’ll be livable,” Brew says, rubbing circles over my lower back. “There’s a room right next to the master that I figure can be a nursery.”

I’m not sure how I will deal with that, Cam being away from me. Ever since the night Alex died, he’s slept in the same room with us. Having him close is a comfort to me, not something I’m sure I’m able to give up yet. Just thinking about it sends a wave of longing through me.

Rolling away from Brew, I throw my legs over the edge of the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

I’m out of the bed before he can stop me. Just as I reach out and start to turn the knob, Brew puts his hand on mine. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I just want to check and make sure he’s okay,” I reply, as he twists me around to look at him.

“Red, Cam’s fine. You know, if he wasn’t, Trix would be beating our door down,” he says, pulling me into his arms. “You’ve got to get some sleep, more than the few hours you’ve been getting. You won’t do him any good if you end up in the hospital from exhaustion.”

“I’m just gonna peek in at him. Then, I’ll come right back to bed,” I whisper, trying to stop myself from pulling out of his arms and running down to check on my nephew.

Brew says, as he takes my face in his hands, “Just one night, and he’ll be back in here with us.”

I can see the concern in his eyes; even in the dim moonlight it’s easy to see. “You’re right. I should be using this night while we have a babysitter to my advantage.”

“Let’s get some sleep, baby,” he says, a smile spreading across his face.

I reach up and run my hand through his dark locks and say, “I wasn’t talking about sleeping.”

My hands cup his face as he brings his lips to mine. At first, he’s gentle, barely brushing his lips over mine. After just a few seconds, he deepens the kiss. It’s still just as gentle but there is a sense of claiming to it now, as if he is proving to me that I belong to him. I follow his lead, wanting him to know he belongs to me, too.

Pulling back from the kiss, he lifts me into his arms and carries me back to the bed. “Are you sure about this, Red?”

“I need you, Brew,” I say honestly. “Need you to remind me there is more to life than the pain I’ve been feeling for the last two days.”

He lays me down on the bed, then comes down on top of me, and brings his lips back to mine. He holds his weight on his elbows while lying in between my spread legs. I can feel his already hard cock pressing against where I want it most. My legs instinctively wrap around his hips as I grind myself against him.

Brew’s lips slide across my cheek, focusing on my neck. His tongue gently moves over the hollow at the base of my neck. I arch into him further, wanting more of his intoxicating touch. Brew takes advantage of the easy access and runs his tongue over my pulse before biting down lightly.

“I love the taste of you, Red,” Brew growls out, never losing contact with my skin.

While his mouth is busy nibbling on my neck, his hands slip up inside my tank top until his fingers cup my breast. He rubs his thumbs across my already hardened nipples. Nearly silent moans fall from my mouth, and I can’t keep myself from lifting my hips, needing the contact to help the ache that’s already building inside me.

My hands grab onto his shoulders as he pinches my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He removes his lips from my neck, only to move them to my shirt-covered breast. He bites down on one of my nipples then the other, and I can feel the sensation all the way to my soaking pussy.

“Please, Brew,” I beg as my legs tighten even more.

He lifts his mouth, just long enough to remove my shirt. After he tosses it across the room, his mouth finds my pebbled nipple again. He lavishes his tongue over one nipple before moving to the other, showing both equal attention.

He only stops for a second to say, “I’m going to spend as much time as I want showing you how much you mean to me.”

Releasing my breast, he lifts up just a little, while running his hands down my sides to grab hold of my panties. Pulling them down my legs, they quickly join my top on the floor. He stares at my naked body, looking at me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. The expression of need on his face makes my pussy pulse with desire. I can’t stop the moan that escapes my mouth as I try to grind myself against his body again.

His hand finds my nipple once again, while he makes a slow path from my chest to my stomach. Brew’s heated breath sends another wave of pleasure through my body. He places a kiss just over my pelvic bone before burying his head between my legs. His tongue circles my clit a couple of times, while a finger glides into my depths. I can’t stop myself from grabbing onto his hair and grinding into his face.

Using his hair, I direct him right where I want him. He does as I need, running his tongue the length of my pussy, before coming back and focusing on my clit. Within seconds, I’m on the edge of one of the best orgasms of my life.

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