Read Fearful Cravings Online

Authors: Tessa Kealey

Fearful Cravings (11 page)

BOOK: Fearful Cravings
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Her slightly weepy, begging voice squeezed the words together in a frenzy of eagerness, “Please, I need you to fuck me. I want your cock slamming hard into my pussy and taking me. Take my pussy. Take it.”


He slapped her ass hard. Over her scream, he said, “You can do better than that. That sounded like demands from my slut. I don't give in to demands. Beg me. And do it correctly, or we can go back to the punishment instead.”


Her heart jumped at the thought. She couldn't handle any more pain. She had developed a threshold for pain that would have surprised her until recently, but she didn't want anymore right now. She needed his cock inside her. It was a physical need not unlike hunger, or thirst, or the need for air to breath. It consumed her.


“Oh, god. Please, fuck my pussy. I need your cock throbbing deep inside me. I might go crazy if you don't. Please, Reece. Please.”


“Much better, but still we need to work on that later. For now...”


He grabbed her hips hard, held her still and shoved himself deep inside her pussy in one hard jarring thrust.


The feeling was overwhelming. She trembled as her arousal jumped up twelve notches. The walls of her pussy clenched around him as her stomach muscles shivered. She was so close already. The pain worked on her in ways that she didn't understand. She'd never been a big fan of pain, but this pain with him, sent her on the road to arousal. All it took was his cock entering her and she was ready to cum.


She was slightly embarrassed to be ready to cum when he had only just pushed his cock inside her but she was afraid that if she didn't ask for permission, there might be some other punishment coming to her. She didn't want to disappoint him.


“I need to cum, Reece. Can I cum, please?”


“Already, my slut? You like those punishments, don't you? Maybe I should give you more punishments. Invent some infractions that deserve a spanking.”


She groaned. The arousal was speeding out of control like a tornado bearing down on her about to sweep her away.


“Please, Reece!”


He was fucking her hard and fast. Every time he slammed deep into her pussy, she felt it at the end of her like a battering ram. His balls slapped against her in rhythm with his thrusts, and all the sensations fed into her need to come. If he didn't give her permission soon, she'd get swept away by the force of the twister working inside her.


“Go ahead, my slut. Cum for me. And thank me while you do it.”


The relief was greater than her need to orgasm and she quickly whispered, “Thank you. Thank you.” The twister bore down on her and swept her into its core.


As she was spun in its vortex, she felt her throat go silent. The scratching screams gave way to furious panting. When it was done with her, it tossed her in the air. She fell, battered and bruised to the ground.


Reece followed only moments later slumping over her tied body.


He murmured, “I'm so proud of you, such a good slut.”


Through her haze, pride suffused her like a golden ray of light. She liked when he was pleased with her. It felt like a challenge that she'd overcome.


He untied her, picked her up in trembling arms and carried her gently towards his bedroom. Chloe didn't consider clinging to him tighter. He wouldn't let her drop. Laying flat on her stomach on the bed, he took the time to use the numbing lotion on her ass.


While he was massaging it in, she drifted. He whispered soft, lulling things to her that she barely heard. It was the tone of voice that she felt drifting over her and making her feel warm, soft and safe.


She barely felt him pull the blankets over them both. She was already asleep when he snuggled next to her.


Chapter 17


That next Monday, Chloe had a department meeting with all the team leaders to discuss the marketing campaign for Walker and Sons. They reported on their progress. All the departments were finished on time. The campaign could be presented to the company fully completed. It was up to them to go from here. They took the finished product and worked on their own. They would take the commercial and set up their own deals for advertising with the television companies. The print ad was ready for magazines, newspapers and online stores. It was all in the hands of Walker and Sons now.


She was excited to tell Reece the campaign was ready. A call to his cell went straight to voice mail. She called his office and was told he was out at lunch. She knew that normally he would order in, but the few times that he'd gone to lunch, he'd frequented the restaurant he'd taken her on their first date.


Instead of calling the restaurant, she decided to go over. It wasn't that far. Chloe grabbed the portfolio she wanted to show him, and raced out the door. Hopefully, she wouldn't miss him. She didn't know how long he'd been at lunch already, but since it was only a little past noon, she figured it was safe to assume he'd only just left.


In the cab on the way over, she glanced at the pictures. It was exactly what he wanted. She was proud of the work her firm had done. She was emotionally invested in the cause Reece was championing with his father. Partly because of her emotional attachment to Reece but mostly because she loved to help clients who had a vision. She felt like she was part of the process, helping them bring that vision to fruition. He wanted to branch out into different directions, take the company his father had started and make it more. She admired that about him.


She had to admit that she really liked him. She admired how dedicated he was to the company his father started, remaining true to the values his father created in the company while trying to make his own mark. It didn't hurt that he was handsome. That crooked smile tugged at her insides, and it was amazing that there were so many versions of it. All of them sexy.


The cab pulled up in front of the restaurant. She paid the driver and gave him a moderate tip. As she was getting out, she smoothed her skirt. She was always aware of the fact that she wasn't wearing panties. It made her feel slightly vulnerable to know there was only a small, slim skirt between her and the world. Bizarre as that sounded, panties made her feel less vulnerable.


She pushed through the front doors of the restaurant. While she waited for her eyes to adjust after the bright glare outside, she moved to the side of the door so she wasn't blocking the entrance. There was no hostess. The stand was empty so she dipped around the corner to peek into the restaurant.


What she saw there stopped her dead in her tracks. Reece with the woman from the elevator. They were sitting close together having an intense conversation. Reece leaned in and kissed the woman's cheek. They looked so intimate sitting there together.


Chloe flashed back to the conversation they'd had in the beginning. At this restaurant on their very first date.


She had said, “Where is your girlfriend now?”


He'd replied, “She's not my girlfriend. We play together occasionally. She likes to be controlled, and I give her what she needs.”


Turning and stumbling blindly towards the front of the restaurant, Chloe pushed past the hostess who was now standing at her post.


“Miss, everything all right?”


Chloe didn't answer. She couldn't answer. Nothing was all right. Nothing at all.


She was numb. Chloe stood in the middle of the sidewalk. She was dizzy and felt sick to her stomach. She waved down a cab. In a blind stupor, she made it back to the office. The ride in the cab along with the elevator ride were a complete blank.


When Tom stopped her, she barely glanced at him. Chloe handed him the file for Walker and Sons.


In a wooden monotone, she said, “Please, send this by courier to the Walker and Sons' office.” After closing her door and locking it, she collapsed into her chair. Her mind was whirling. They had never agreed to be exclusive together. She really had no right to be this upset, yet she was. She'd gotten deeper, more emotionally involved with someone than she ever had before.


Was she in love with him?


She might be. Or rather she might have been. It was over. She couldn't see him with someone else, and clearly he had been seeing elevator-girl the whole time they'd been together. Chloe had basically been sleeping in his bed every night for weeks, but looking back, she didn't spend every night there. How long would it take him to fulfill elevator-girl's “needs”? A couple of hours, one night a week.


A light knocking brought her out of her thoughts.


She rose from her chair on trembling legs. Tom peeked in when she unlocked the door. He was staring at her, searching her face, trying to measure her mental status. She hadn't tried to shield her emotions when she'd walked past him, so he was clearly concerned about her.


“Honey, what's wrong?”


Her eyes suddenly filled. Why is it always harder to remain stoic when someone is nice?


He pulled her in, murmuring into her hair as he hugged and rocked her, “Hush now. It's okay. Everything will be fine.”


Everything was not fine but having someone to lean against, the warmth and comfort of a good friend was exactly what she needed.


He closed her door, settled her gently into her office couch with a glass of water.


She hadn't planned on spilling everything, but she had no choice, it bubbled out of her mouth before she could stop it. She told him about her slowly dawning realization about her sexually submissive nature. She couldn't believe she was admitting to it out loud to Tom when she wouldn't even admit it to Reece. Tom was her friend and spilling the information to him didn't feel like she was a lamb stripping herself bare in front of a lion.


If anyone could understand, it would be Tom.


“So, let me get this straight, Mr. Hottie is a Dom?” He nodded thoughtfully. “Yes. I can see that about him. I'd never have guessed you were submissive, but lots of strong women are submissive in bed with their man. It's like a relief to let go of the control. To let someone else take charge for a change.”


She must have looked shocked because Tom laughed softly, “Did you think you were alone? It's more common than you'd think. And just because I prefer men, that does not mean I don't understand women. Plus you know I dated a few women before I found myself. Like you've found yourself.”


“Yes. I suppose I did. Or I thought I did. Now, I'm not so sure what I found.”


She set the glass down and brushed tears away from her flushed face. “Thanks, Tom.”


As she stood, he hugged her tight. “Hey, come over to my place tonight. Steven is off on business for the next three days, and I could use the company. You know how I hate to be alone.”


She sniffed, wiped her face again and gave a bitter laugh, “That's not why you're asking, but since he'll really be gone anyway...” She eyed him for confirmation, and he nodded quickly. “...I'll take you up on that. I don't want to go back to my apartment. Why would I date someone in my building? Was I insane? How will I ever go home again.”


“You'll move, of course. It's an ugly building anyway. You need a place with a balcony.”


She laughed softly.


Chapter 18


Tom and Steven lived outside the city in the suburbs. They had a beautiful split-level ranch for the two of them and their dogs. Since Steven was away on business, Chloe used Tom's house to hide out. She called in sick for the next two days.


She turned off her cell phone, sat around feeling sorry for herself, eating ice cream and crying while watching sappy movies and marathon Sex and the City episodes. By the third day, she couldn't stand herself. She felt emotionally drained. Tom sat with her for the first day but the second day, he refused to sit with her and watch anymore Sex and the City episodes.


On the third day, she was ready to be dragged outside into the sunshine. She didn't go to work. Tom went in to take care of the phones, and make sure everything was working smoothly in her absence. Reece had called four times in the past two days. Tom only said she'd called in to work and nothing more. Tom had reported that Reece sounded less controlled, and angrier with each phone call.


Chloe took Tom's dogs outside into the back yard and watched them play together. The sun was beating down on her face which was hot and tight from crying. This was pathetic. She had to get back into work, back into her life. Forget about Reece and his elevator-girl. He could have her.


She called to the dogs and went back inside. When Tom got home from work, Chloe was vacuuming his living room and removing all the remnants of her pity party.


“You know you can stay here as long as you need to, even when Steven comes back. He loves you as much as I do.”


“I love you, too. Both of you. But it's time to get my head out of the ice cream container before I blow up as big as a house. Then to get me out of yours, you'll have to roll me through the garage door.”


“Reece seemed a little frantic in his last phone call today. That's six phone calls in the past few days. Are you going to say anything to him? Confront him.”


“Confront him with what? We never promised to be exclusive. He didn't do anything wrong. It's not his fault I got all weirdly...emotional about sex. I should know better. Great sex. Amazing, mind-blowing, character-altering sex does not equal being exclusive. Lust isn't love, right?”


“It can feel that way. Love can feel like love, too.” He squinted at her.


“I'm not in love with him. My feelings got away from me, but it's not love, Tom.”


He looked unconvinced. “Will I see you at work tomorrow? I sent the Walker and Sons file the other day like you asked, but we have other clients. There are a pile of messages on your desk. No pressure, but maybe going to work will do you some good.”


“It will. I'll be there tomorrow.”


She hugged Tom again, “Thank you. You're a great friend. A better friend than you are an assistant.”


He slapped a hand to his chest, “Lies. I'm the best assistant you've ever had, and I'm a better friend than that.”


She smiled. “How about a ride back to the city.”


When they pulled up in front of Chloe's building, she quickly jumped out of Tom's car and slipped through the lobby to the back stairs. For reasons she didn't want to examine, the thought of taking the elevator made her sad. She didn't want to run into Reece right now either. She was still tender and needed more time.


She peeked in from the stairwell like she expected him to be camped out in front of her door. She rolled her eyes at how dramatic she was being, but that didn't stop her from slinking to her door, quickly unlocking it and slipping inside like a thief.


She leaned against her door and closed her eyes for a moment. She'd made it. She tossed her bags to the floor, crossed to her computer and ignored her email. Nothing that couldn't wait until work tomorrow. Especially if it was Reece. Things needed to stay strictly business going forward. Instead, she surfed the web for a little bit.


Tom had peaked her curiosity with his talk of how strong, independent women often gave up control sexually. What he'd said about that need to release control, the relief of letting someone else make decisions rang deep for her. She wasn't sure she could make herself that vulnerable with anyone again. It took a lot of trust to submit to someone's control. Right now the thought of giving up that kind of control to another individual did nothing for her. She'd let herself go completely with Reece. Would she be able to do that with another? Was it specific to one person?


She sighed, turning off the computer. The answers to her questions and concerns weren't inside that box on top of her desk. They were inside her, and she wasn't nearly ready to get deep into her emotional state and start examining.


A bath might help her fall asleep. She sat on the side of the tub, turned on the hot water and wandered back into her bedroom. Stripping in front of her mirror, she examined her body turning to the side then spinning around to see her ass. Not a mark left on her anywhere.


Naked, she wandered back into the bathroom. The steam from the tub was filling the room. It settled over her skin. It felt good to be covered in the moisture. Like a warm blanket covering her with warmth.


Slipping a toe into the water she hissed at how hot the temperature was, but she slid into the tub anyway. The steam lay heavy on her face as she settled against the back of the tub. It was starting to make her drowsy. She hadn't slept well the past few days. Letting her mind drift was hard. She wanted to do nothing more than relax in the tub, but little snippets of time with Reece entered her head and wouldn't leave.


In a fit of frustration, she let out a long scream that echoed off the bathroom tile. Strangely, she felt better for it. She climbed from the bath. Her skin was as red as the times he'd spanked her ass roughly.


During her days of pity at Tom's house, he'd asked her why it mattered if Reece was still seeing elevator-girl. It was a valid question. One she wasn't sure how to answer so she hadn't. It mattered. She hadn't given a thought to the girl since her first night with Reece. He'd made no promises to Chloe. She'd made no promises to him, but it still mattered.


She flopped naked into her bed and snuggled deep under the blankets. She had a hard time shutting her mind off so she could sleep. She tossed, turned and flung the blankets off her. She was hot then she was cold. Finally, after hours of laying in bed filled with restless movement, sleep reached up and dragged her under.


BOOK: Fearful Cravings
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