Fated Truth (The True Witch Saga) (29 page)

I wipe
d the tears that had started streaming down my cheeks.

“I have walked this earth alone for more years than I care to remember. There was no color in my life. It wa
s all in shades of grey. I wondered from place to place with no home to call my own. I never really connected to anyone on any level beyond friendship. I didn’t know what living was until I saw your eyes light with a fire that should have been snuffed out years ago.” Jaxx slammed his mouth down on mine in a fiercely passionate kiss. When he pulled away I was breathless and humbled by the man standing before me baring his soul.

“I might not know every single thing about you
, but what I do know is that I love you with every ounce of my soul.”

I just nod
ded agreeing with that feeling. It was precisely the same for me. “I know. I love you in the same way. I just wanted to know that you would love me with or without the fate bond.” As I spoke, Jaxx backed me toward the far side of the room. I felt a bare wall against my back.

Jaxx nuzzled
his face into my neck and pressed his body into mine. “Feel me. Search me through the link that you have planted. Feel the love that I have for you. My love for you consumes me.” Jaxx ground his arousal into my hip. “I burn for you, little raven.” Then he consumed me.

We we
re stripping each other out of our clothing in a frenzy, my clothing fell in a pile on the floor to the right of us in a blink of an eye. I undressed Jazz more slowly. Loving every spot of bare skin I uncovered with my mouth. I worked his t-shirt over his head then spread tiny nibbles down his neck. Running my hands down his ridged torso as he brutally took my mouth. I unsnapped the button to his jeans and slowly eased the zipper down.

I want
ed to take my time showing how I felt with my hands and mouth and when I had his pants open and sagging on his hips I reached for his torrid shaft. He was hard and pulsing in my hand. Satin covered steel. I slowly ran my hand up and down his shaft squeezing tighter just below the angry red mushroom shaped head, which made Jaxx let out a growl deep in his throat.

“Do you enjoy teasing me
, little raven?” Jaxx growled out.

“Maybe,” I replied,
licking my lip and looking at him through my eyelashes. I dropped to my knees to kneel in front of my magnificent man, running my hands up his granite hard thighs.

“I don’t have the patie
nce for this! I won’t last long, and I want to be inside of you, so deep that you will be forever branded with a part of me. So that you never doubt what I feel for you again.” He broke off with a strangled groan as I took just the head of his cock into my mouth and suckled lightly.

I could
feel power building in the room. Jaxx’s power. I could feel it pulsating against me. I was simultaneously dragged to my feet and feeling weightless at once. My bare back hit cool sheets as we landed lightly in the bed. I looked up into iced blue eyes in astonishment. “You misted during the day!” I giggled up at Jaxx as he smiled down at me.

“Yes, we can draw power from each other. It eases some limits to our gifts.”

Then there were no words. I spread my legs wider for him so that he could fit more comfortably into the cradle that was made just for him. I felt his member nudging my opening and I lifted my hips as he slipped slowly inside of me. Jaxx groaned out in pleasure as he reached the end of me. He anchored our hands on each side of my head, fingers entwined.

This wa
sn’t a fast and hard joining. He was showing me his love, connecting us on a level that we have never achieved before now. He started to rock in and out of me gently, tightening his fingers in mine with each deep thrust. I wanted to scream out for him to fuck me. To slam into me and ride me hard and fast, just how I love it, but something in his eyes stopped me. I remained silent and rode the waves of pleasure that was Jaxx.

He continued
to move slowly in and out of my wet heat until I could feel myself start to clench around him. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer, but he was in complete control, gritting his teeth with each gentle thrust, his eyes never straying from mine. His eyes were so full of love for me that they literally stole my breath away.

I fe
lt warmth start to build in my hands and I knew it wasn’t coming from me. The warmth spread from my hands, down my arms, and continued to cover around my entire body. I looked down at our entwined bodies and we were wrapped in moonlight. A slight burning was building between our clasped palms.

Jaxx’s thrusts start
ed to build in momentum. He quickened his stride as I felt him start to force his power into my body. It was slightly painful at first since I wasn’t prepared for the sharing. All the air in my lungs left in a rush at the first assault of his icy power entering my body. Then I could feel everything that he was.

was as if I was living as two people at that moment. One was very much in the present sharing in the love making, matching Jaxx thrust for thrust. Circling my hips and making him groan, but then there was another me inside my own head watching pieces of Jaxx’s life flash behind my eyes. Running on a reel made for a slide show, I saw him as a child wearing rough woven clothing. I watched as he grew into the wonderfully stoic man I knew and revered. I watched as he searched for me in vain because I hadn’t been born yet, always hoping that when he woke in the morning that I would be waiting for him to find me. Tears sweep from my eyes at his lonely existence.

Jaxx’s voice brought
me back to myself. “Now you know.”

All I could
do was nod.

Jaxx started
to work me faster and harder than before, and with one brutally deep thrust I shattered screaming his name to the heavens. I felt his seed soak my insides as he stiffened above me. He collapsed catching most his weight on his forearms.

“Now you know,” h
e repeated breathing hard.

” I begged. “Don’t ever leave me. Stay.” I pleaded with my eyes. I wouldn’t survive this life without him.

“I was born for you, little raven. I started living the day I looked into your impassioned eyes. I will draw my last breath when you breathe your last.”

I wrapped myself around him like a human pretzel, praying to whatever God or Goddess that was listening that they would grant me this one prayer, to never separate us. To let us forever be tethered to one another. Body. Heart. Soul.

The air
seemed to still in the room. Not even a stray breeze was blowing. The world seemed to hold its breath as if something profound had just come into being.

“Forever,” w
e both whispered at the same moment, knowing that we were forever tied. Soul deep. Beyond what a fated pair was meant to be tethered. Neither of us had any regrets.




Chapter Twenty-two





I left
Jaxx alone in the shower and decided to go out for a walk since the sun was setting. It was truly beautiful out there that night. I was going to have to thank Gavin for having us here. Maybe do something special for him. I had been so cooped up lately that I hadn’t really spent a lot of time out doors on my own. I missed taking quiet walks. Just being alone and absorbing my surroundings. I found a trail the wound around the house through the woods.

Before long I
was lost in my own thoughts. Not really thinking about anything just wandering aimlessly, enjoying the silence. I looked over my shoulder and realized I had been walking longer than I thought. I could no longer see the house through the trees. The sun had set and darkness had fallen.
I hope I don’t get lost out here.
I thought, deciding to turn around and make my way back before it got any darker out.

A month ago I would have kept exploring
, but now… Monsters are the real deal in my world. I would rather not face one alone and in the dead of night. I turned back the way I’d come and started to walk quickly. I didn’t even take more than a couple of steps before I heard a branch break behind me. I turned back around and scanned the trail and the trees surrounding me. I didn’t see anything or anyone lurking.

“Is someone out there?” I shout
ed out. “Gavin if this is you fucking with me I’m going to kick your ass!”

No one answered

hairs on the back of my neck rose. I could hear footsteps in the distance so I started to move faster. When I could feel the person stalking me getting closer I broke into a dead run. I must have gotten turned around again because if I had been going in the right direction, I would have reached the clearing that we’d trained in earlier.

“Little bird! Little bird
! Where are you?” someone sneered.

Holy shit. I
that voice
. It was the one from the nightmares I had been having lately. The blood dripping off the huge knife. The briar maze of thorns. Damn it! Those things were supposed to stay in my subconscious. Who would be able to find me here? Gavin said that this place was private. That he had kept it secret from everyone!

As I ra
n, the trail got less and less visible and the forest seemed to grow thicker and darker. I had no idea where I was. The person tracking me seemed to be right on my feet one minute and nowhere near me the next.

“I can
see you, little bird. Hear your heart fluttering so deliciously,” the person tauntingly whispered to me right in my ear.

I turn
ed around and screamed, only to find no one there.
“Where are you? Come out and face me!” I screamed into the trees surrounding me.


“You aren’t scared of this little bird are you? I thought you found me…What is the word you used? Delicious?” I heard someone step from the brush. I turned to the right and not ten feet from me stood Sabrina.
What the hell?
“Sabrina?” I asked dumbly.

“Now why would you get so lucky?” The thing in front of
me wearing Sabrina’s face sneered.

do you look so much like her then?” I snarked back.

“You really don’t know. Do you? Are you rea
lly that new?” The thing giggled like a hyena. A full blown shrill, cover your ears before they burst, and bleed laugh. The thing’s mouth was open so wide I could see row after row of razor sharp teeth.

“What the fuck are you?” I shout
ed with my face screwed up in disgust. I was starting to get nervous. I didn’t like to be blindsided. Seb’s little green book didn’t having anything like this thing in it. Yet here it was. Standing in front of me.

The thing did
n’t answer me, but what he did was so much worse. Scarily worse. He simply snapped his fingers and I fell to my knees, frozen in horror staring up at Sabrina’s twisted face. I tried to pull myself to my feet, but it was useless.

To answer your question, I’m Sabrina. I took over this lovely shell a long while ago. Feeding off the greed and vain lust of human youth is just yummy,” the thing giggled again. “But you are correct to be scared, little bird. I’m not some little tick that you can make implode. I’m so very much more than that.” He snapped Sabrina’s fingers again and I was once again on my feet.

My body
was completely frozen. Stiff from head to toe, held by the creature’s vile magic. I felt it on my skin like a million ants eating away at me. I tried to open my mouth to ask another question, but I was struck mute as well. I was a flipping puppet.

“Would y
ou like to say something?” He held Sabrina’s hand up to her ear as if he couldn’t hear a word that I haven’t been able to speak.

tried in vain to look around, searching for something or someone to help me.

“You are out of luck there
, princess,” he sneered in Sabrina’s voice. “We are locked up tight. No one to hear your lovely screams. I so don’t like to be interrupted when I feed.” It smiled a grotesque smile at me. “You should have left well enough alone,” he said almost absently as he walked in a circle around my prone body. “I almost liked you when you were a normal sniveling human, but you had to turn out to be the daughter of a Goddess.” He threw Sabrina’s hands up in the air and stomped her foot like a toddler in a tantrum.

As if
by simply evoking the thought of my mother, I started to hear whispers in the back of my mind. Somehow my mother’s book and the magic it held had broken through Sabrina’s shield. Or whatever she had blocking out everything.

“You are stronger than it
is,” the book whispered to me. “Stand completely still. Don’t move a muscle and will the paralyses away. It will simply fall away. Then fight.”

do I fight something so foreign to me?” I silently asked the book.

“Shield yourself from his power then boil him from the inside out. Simply think of what you want to be. It will be.”

Then there was nothing but silence in my head once more. Thank the Goddess (literally) for her gift. While I had been getting advice on how to get out of this shit alive, the creature had kept up its circling as if sizing me up for a meal. Which, come to think about it, it might be doing just that. It was still speaking.

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