Read Expecting Royal Twins! Online

Authors: Melissa McClone

Tags: #Mechanics (Persons), #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Princes

Expecting Royal Twins! (13 page)

Izzy dismissed the women. She didn’t need anyone to add to her growing anxiety. She could put on her own nightgown. But after bathing and re-tying the satin ribbon on the robe for the third time, she wondered if she’d made the right decision. The bow was still lopsided.

Not that Niko would probably even notice.

Izzy paced barefoot across the large room. She noticed a television set inside an armoire and a bookshelf full of books. But she was not in the mood to watch TV or read.

She glanced at the clock.

I cannot wait for tonight.

His words during the ceremony had made her think of what would be happening when they were alone, not at their reception.

The flames of the lit candles flickered. Shadows danced on the wall. He was coming to their room, wasn’t he?

Izzy walked to the French doors, opened them and stepped onto the balcony. Stars twinkled in the inky sky. A breeze, carrying the scent of roses from the garden below, ruffled her hair and nightgown.

This was her new home.

She wanted to be with her new husband.

She just wished he’d get his butt up here.


entered the suite with the bride box in his hands. He placed the wedding gift on the table next to two crystal flutes and a bottle of champagne chilling in a silver bucket. The box belonged to Isabel once again. The archaic custom had been fulfilled. He only hoped she felt like his wife now. If not, he would do his best to make sure she did by morning.

He was prepared. The kiss during the ceremony had only whetted his appetite and made him want to skip the reception. The room appeared ready, too.

Soft music played from an iPod docking sound system. Flickering candles provided a romantic atmosphere. The duvet and sheets had been turned down, ready for him to carry his virgin princess bride to their bed.

All he needed was Isabel.

Desire carried him to the bathroom in search of her. She wasn’t there. Niko took the time to remove his belt, sash and jacket. He also kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks.

Out in the bedroom area, he still didn’t see her. She wasn’t the kind of woman to cower in the closet. That left…

Niko strode to the balcony doors with a sense of purpose that belied anything he’d felt about her, about any woman, before. Isabel consumed his thoughts. She invaded his dreams. Maybe once he had her that would stop. He hoped so. He didn’t like being so distracted.

He opened one of the doors quietly.

She stood on the balcony facing away from him. Niko had no idea what she was looking at in the darkness. Niko only knew what he saw—a vision in white with a starry sky as her backdrop.

His heart beat a rapid tattoo.

The breeze toyed with the ends of her hair the way his fingers longed to do. The fragile fabric of her long robe and matching nightgown ruffled around her legs, hinting at the treasures hidden beneath. Treasures that would soon belong to him, and him alone.

Niko would show Isabel one of the perks of their forced union. He wanted to make this night, their wedding night, special for her. They might have been married for twenty-three years, but tonight they would unite as husband and wife. He wanted her to enjoy the physical side of their marriage, not see it as an obligation to provide heirs to the kingdom. That could go a long way in making their marriage successful.

He stepped onto the balcony. “Wishing on a star or reconsidering faking your death?”

“I must admit drowning isn’t looking too bad, but now that my wish has come true I might have to stick around a little longer.” She turned with an expectant look on her face. “What took you so long, Highness?”

Niko wanted to take her right there. But he inclined his head instead. “I was forced to play polite with too many heads of state. I apologize for my delay, Highness.”

She stared down her nose at him, but even though she was ten feet away from him the desire in her eyes was unmistakable.

Anticipation sizzled. His blood heated and thrummed through his veins.

“I assume you will make it up to me,” she said coquettishly.

Her unexpected playfulness hinted at the fun they would have tonight. “I won’t stop until you are satisfied.”

She walked toward him, but not close enough to touch.

The breeze lifted the ends of her hair again, brushing several strands across her face. His fingers itched to tuck the wayward strands behind her ear. To touch her.

Isabel’s bare feet carried her closer until she was bathed in the soft light from the room. The silhouette of her breasts could be seen through the sheer fabric. His groin tightened.

“Promises, promises,” she teased.

“I promise you will have no complaints, milady.”

His words earned him a breathtaking smile. She reached for the satin ties on her gown. Her fingers fumbled. Not as cool and collected as she appeared to be. That endeared her even more to him.

He longed to undress her, to see her standing naked before him, but he would give her a little more time.

“Allow me.” Niko tied the two pieces of ribbon into a neat bow. “There.”

Her confused eyes stared up at him through her thick lashes. “Aren’t you supposed to untie it?”

“I didn’t know we were in such a hurry.”

She flushed.

“Impatient?” he asked.

“Well, yeah.” Isabel tilted her chin. “Given you’re only wearing your shirt and not the full uniform, I figured you were ready for the green flag so we could start the race.”

“You want to race through tonight?”

“No, I mean—”

Smiling, he swept her into his arms and cradled her snugly.

Her eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

Soft, feminine curves pressed against him. His body tingled with awareness. “Carrying you over the threshold.”

“I didn’t think you were a big fan of traditions and customs.”

“A few have their place.” As he carried her to the door, his gaze rested on her mouth. “Especially on a wedding night.”

She trembled. “Okay, the nerves are starting to really kick in.”

He held her tighter. “Better?”

“Actually, yes.” Isabel ran her fingertip along the scar on his cheek. She shifted against him, stretching until she pressed her lips against the side of his face, against his scar. “So beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.”

“I had help.”

“With or without help, you’re still beautiful.”

He didn’t want to rush, but he wasn’t that patient, either. Unable to resist the temptation in his arms any longer, he lowered his mouth to hers. She arched to meet his kiss.

With no archbishop, no audience and no cameras watching, Niko could do what he had wanted to do at the cathedral—take his time. No racing to the finish line tonight.

He wanted to savor the kiss, to linger and enjoy. She tasted sweet and warm with a hint of chocolate, like fondue. The castle chef used to make the rich chocolate fudge sauce for Niko’s birthday. Just as he had done when he was younger, he soaked up the taste.

As he pushed open the door with his shoulder, Isabel’s eager lips pressed against his. Testing, tasting, hungry. Her arms circled around him. One hand combed through his hair. The other splayed against his back, between his shoulder blades, pressing him forward.

Nothing else mattered but Isabel. Sensation swirled through Niko.

She wanted this. Wanted him.

Heat flared.

Her tongue darted into his mouth to tangle with hers.


Niko moved toward the bed, never letting his lips leave hers. He couldn’t get enough of her kiss, of her. But he had to stop, for just a moment. He lifted his mouth from hers.

Isabel’s eyes opened, her gaze hot and languid, intense and soft. A mass of contradictions. Just like her, his mechanic, his princess.

His wife.

He struggled to remain in control. He wanted to dispense with the niceties, abandon decorum and push up the hem of her gown and take her. But, this was her first time. She deserved better. He needed to go slow, not overwhelm her with tangled limbs and sweaty skin and breathless sex.

Carefully, gently, he lowered her to the foot of the bed so she was sitting on the edge. He stood in front of her, watching her. Waiting for her to look away in shyness.

Her gaze never wavered from his.

Talk about a turn-on.

His chest tightened. His control slipped a notch. Maybe three.

Niko tugged on one of the ribbon ends to undo the bow he’d tied on the balcony. He pushed the chiffon robe off her shoulders and down her arms until it fell over her hands and onto the bed.

He bent over her, kissing her bare shoulder and showering more kisses along her neck and jaw.

Izzy leaned back her head, giving him better access to her graceful neck. He continued kissing her. He loved the smell and taste of her skin. Finally his mouth grazed her earlobe.

A soft moan escaped her lips.

She was ready for more. So was he.

Niko wanted to make her his wife in every sense of the word. He touched the thin straps on both sides of her nightgown, noticing the softness of her skin beneath the rough pads of his fingertips.

She pushed his hands away. “Not yet.”

He stared down at her, confused.

Before he could say anything, Isabel kneeled on the bed. She reached for a button on his shirt. “It’s my turn.”



Kneeling in front of Niko, Izzy’s insides quivered with anticipation as she worked with trembling hands to remove his shirt. Through the cotton, she felt the heat of his skin, the rise and fall of his chest. His breathing was no steadier than hers.

That made her feel better and quieted some of her nerves.

Izzy hadn’t done this before, but she’d overheard the guys at work. She knew what was supposed to happen. She wasn’t about to let Niko do all the work tonight. No way. No how. She wanted him to enjoy tonight, too.

Her fingers shook as she slid another button from its hole.

“It’s taking a long time,” he said.

She moved on to the next button. “We’re still on the warm-up lap.”

“My tires are warm. I’m ready to start the race.”

Izzy placed her palm over his heart. “Not yet.”

His muscles rippled beneath the fabric. So athletic. So strong. He made her feel cherished, special. His. It was all she could do not to sigh.

Was this how a wife was supposed to feel?

She wanted to be his, but she also wanted him to be hers.

Izzy’s fingers fumbled as she undid the last button. She brushed his shirt open, her hands grazing his warm skin. Tingles pulsed up her arms.

A key on a silver chain hung around his neck. The key to the bride box.

Izzy fingered it. “You’re still wearing it.”

“Not anymore.” He pulled the chain over his head and gave her the necklace. “The bride box is on the table next to the champagne. It belongs to you, my wife, once again.”

She held the key. The bride box and its missing key had enabled Dee to force them together. But she didn’t want to think about those things right now. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” His gaze practically caressed. “Now toss the key on the floor so we can get back to what we were doing.”

Izzy did.

Inching closer on her knees, she pushed the shirt over his broad shoulders and down his strong arms, arms that had carried her so effortlessly across the threshold as if she weighed nothing.

Her pulse skittered.

Izzy stared at his bare chest and tight abs in awe and admiration. She wanted to memorize everything about him. His arms, chest and back showed the scars of war from his time as a soldier. Like the ribbons and medals he’d worn earlier, these were his badges of honor. He’d fought to protect Vernonia. She had no doubt he would fight to protect her. A dizzying current of desire traveled through her.

She touched his chest, tracing the length of a scar running from his shoulder to his waist. At the end of it, she opened her palm over his ribs, her thumb rubbing another, smaller scar under his sternum.

He drew in a sharp breath.

She pulled her hand back. “Sorry.”

“No, it’s fine.”

“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do next.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. It’s my turn.” Niko raised her hand to his mouth and kissed each of her fingers. “You’re overdressed.”

He reached for the strap of her nightgown.

“The lights?”

With a swoop of his arms, Niko lifted her off the foot of the bed and carried her toward the head of the bed. He set her on her feet so she was standing right in front of him.

He bent over and pressed a button on the nightstand. The lights went off, but the candles around the room provided a romantic glow. “More comfortable now?”

Izzy nodded, feeling shy. She was not like the other women in his life, the polished, beautiful princesses and models he must have dated.

He pushed the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders and down her arms. Izzy’s cheeks warmed. The gown fell to the floor, leaving her exposed to his view.

Slowly his gaze raked over her. Appreciative. Seductive. Possessive.

Her heart jolted.

“You are stunning. Enchanting.” His hands moved over her body. Shivers of delight followed his touch. “Captivating.”

His words melted her insides.

He ran his finger along the curve of her hip. “No lacy thong.”

“I thought it, um, might get in the way.”

“Fast learner.”

“When it comes to some things.” She winked, feeling more brazen. “Kiss me.”

His lips captured hers again. This time with urgency and need. He needed her. The realization made Izzy’s heart sing. She returned his kisses with reckless abandon.

There was no turning back. She wanted him.

As they kissed, he placed her hands on the waistband of his pants.

Excited, nervous, her fingers undid the hook, but fumbled with the button the same way they had with his shirt. Finally she got it and his zipper. He stepped out of his pants and briefs.

Izzy cast her gaze downward. Oh, my. She swallowed. Hard.

Her fingers reached out and gently touched him.

He inhaled sharply again. Captured her hand before easing her onto the mattress. Her head rested against a pillow.

He climbed onto the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. As he lay over her, his hair fell forward, the long ends teasing her skin like a feather. The tantalizing scent of him surrounded her. He lowered his head until his lips brushed hers.

Each touch, each kiss, each brush of his body sent shivers of pleasure radiating outward. He made her feel so desired, so sexy. She wanted to make him feel the same.

Boldly Isabel explored his body with her hands again. A low sound emerged from Niko’s throat. She had no idea what she was doing, but his response gave her the courage to continue.

“We just started the race,” Niko said. “But if you keep that up, I might have to black flag you.”

His use of a racing term made her stomach tingle. “Why would you want to send me to the pits?”

Sweat dampened his forehead. “Breaking the rules.”

“Forget the black flag. You can’t penalize me for not knowing the rules.” Her confidence spiraled. She continued touching him. “We have way too many laps to go to finish the race.”

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