Read Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Science Fiction & Space Opera

Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya (15 page)

She wanted him so much. If he didn’t take her soon, she’d climb on him and do it herself.

To her frustration, Alex kept the kisses slow and soft, making her mind go numb. “Alex,” she breathed against his lips between kisses.

“Shh,” he whispered, then covered her mouth again with that same leisurely kiss that had her squirming on his lap.

He moved his kisses to her throat, and she tilted her head, giving him better access. He dipped his hand into her top and cupped one of her breasts. Miya moaned, completely oblivious to anyone who might be watching. Alex could do whatever he wanted to her, and she didn’t care who watched.

He kneaded her breast. His fingers pinched and pulled at her nipple. The combination of pleasure-pain made her pussy ache so badly she groaned over and over into his kiss.

“God, Alex. Please,” she sighed against his lips.

Alex stood with her in his arms and headed to a long table just a few feet away. Miya glanced toward the couches, where other couples had sat earlier but which were now empty. They were alone in the darkened corner of the club.

Alex set her on the table and lifted her dress over her head, leaving her naked and shivering in uncontrollable need. When Alex pushed, she went willingly to her back, lifting her legs around his waist. He leaned over her and took the tip of one breast into his mouth. Miya arched and whimpered at the sucking pull he had on her nipples and the burning lust it sent coursing through her veins.

His thick cock rested along her pussy, and she ground herself against him. Alex moaned and lifted her arms over her head, holding her wrists together with one hand. With the other, he freed his engorged shaft and settled the head at her entrance.

“Yes,” Miya whispered as he pressed forward, stretching her impossibly wide.

She tensed, unsure. “Alex?” she panted.

“Shh. It will fit, angel.”

He pulled back, then pressed in again, this time going deeper. Miya moaned, trying to relax as his shaft stretched her harshly. He pulled back once more, then thrust forward, filling her to her womb.

“God, you’re tight,” Alex growled against her lips.

He kissed her softly, gently grinding his hips against her. Miya could hardly breathe. She swallowed against the rising tide of her orgasm. He hadn’t even started moving and already she was going to explode.

“Alex,” she whined.

“Don’t fight it, Miya,” he whispered. “Trust me.”

With a long, low moan, Miya let her release wash over her. Alex moaned with her, working his hips against her clit, prolonging her pleasure. Once the throbs subsided, Alex smiled into her eyes and murmured, “Now the fun begins.”


ALEX COULDN’T TAKE his eyes off that beautiful face as he began to move slowly in and out of her tight channel. He wasn’t sure when he’d been with a woman this tight, and the squeezing sensation had him struggling with his own release.

This was the one time she’d fully submitted to him. She’d forgotten about the people around them, the eyes he knew were watching them a short distance away. They may have left the sitting area, but they were still watching from a distance, curious, probably wondering who this young woman was that Alex had kept all weekend, that had him so tied in knots.

This was the woman he loved. With everything he had in him.

He let go of her wrists and stood straight. “Hold on to the strap behind you, Miya.”

She wrapped her fingers around the strap and held tight as he pumped into her, over and over. By their table was another one, containing a small lit candle and various toys. He grinned wickedly. Would she allow a little wax play?

Let’s see how much she trusts me.

He reached over and grabbed the candle. Holding himself deep inside her, he dropped a little of the wax on her stomach. She gasped, and her eyes popped open. She looked startled and more than a little aroused.

He began to move slowly again, sighing as her slick walls tried to suck him deeper.

“Alex?” she questioned breathless.

Alex stared into her eyes and let another drop fall on her stomach. Miya arched and moaned. Damn, she was hot.

His balls drew up tight, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. She felt too good. He wanted to get her off one more time before he came. Another droplet of wax fell, this time on her breast, just to the right of her nipple.

Miya groaned and bucked her hips. Alex smiled, pleased his little Miya was quite the sexy little masochist.

He pumped harder, bringing them both closer to orgasm. Miya’s moans blended into one long one. Just before the first spasm hit, Alex let a drop of wax fall directly on her nipple. Miya screamed and shattered around him.

Alex lost it. He set the candle down quickly and began to pump hard. Miya lifted her hips, meeting his every thrust with one of her own. With a growl, Alex joined her, forcing himself deep enough to bump her cervix and send her careening over the edge again.

“My God,” she sighed. “What have you done to me?”

* * * *

Miya lay awake in Alex’s bed. Sleep had eluded her, but she could hear Alex’s soft even breathing next to her. What had he done to her? Miya never imaged she would like all this, but when he’d drizzled hot wax over her nipple, she’d exploded like a rocket.

She glanced down at her nipple and gently touched it with her finger. She winced at the slight sting, then examined the red nub as much as the dim light would allow. It wasn’t bad and would probably be gone in a few hours, but still. Hot wax? On her nipple? And she’d liked it?

Swallowing, Miya slid from the covers as slowly as possible, so not to wake Alex. She needed some breathing room. She needed to think and she damn sure couldn’t do it here with Mr. Sex God lying next to her. Jeez, no wonder the subs all looked at him with wishful expressions. He was a sub’s wet dream. But was he hers?

Trying to stop her lips from quivering, she quickly threw his shirt over her head and slipped out the door barefoot, her boots dangling in her hands. The heels made too much noise on the tile floors. If he caught her, he’d want her to talk about it and right now she just couldn’t.

She wasn’t Alex’s perfect little sub, and he hadn’t said anything about continuing this past today. Besides, she was supposed to meet her father and brothers for lunch later on Rhinari.

She closed her eyes and sighed. How in the hell was she supposed to look her father in the eyes after all this? If he knew she’d had sex in pubic with Alex, he’d lock her in a room and never let her leave. But what really had her quivering was how much she’d liked it.

“God, I’m so sick,” she grumbled to herself.

She asked one of the cleaning staff for a ride to the shuttle hanger, and then climbed into her ship. Once out of orbit, she would change into the spare clothes she kept in the closet. Thank God Sam had flown his own ship here, which she noticed was still parked next to hers. She’d seen him yesterday, happily waiting on DeBorge. Apparently his punishment hadn’t been too awful, if he had a smile on his face like that.

Sighing, Miya started the engines and plotted a course for home.

Chapter Eighteen

Miya stood in the bathroom and stared at her tear-rimmed eyes in the mirror. She would never be able to hide this from her dad. What would she tell him? That she wanted to be Alex’s submissive but wasn’t obedient enough? Yeah, that would go over like a lead balloon.

She should’ve known this would happen. She couldn’t stand control. She should’ve known she wouldn’t be able to
fight him.

A knock sounded at her door, and she sighed. It was too early for her dad. Who could that be? She walked over and opened it. Standing in her doorway was the one man who could shatter her heart. Alex.

God, she loved him so much. It took all the willpower she had to not run into his arms and cry like a baby.

“Did I scare you, Miya?” he asked.

She shook her head, stunned he would think that. He didn’t scare her. She’d scared herself, maybe. She knew what he liked. She just never imaged she would like it as much as she did. Her reaction to his spanking and flogging, his dominating manner, and those incredible, mind-blowing lips left her breathless and shocked.

Standing here before him, she wanted nothing more than to have him flog her again. But even if he did, she would still rant, would still fight. And that wasn’t what he wanted.

She pulled her robe closer, trying to hide the shaking in her hands. “I just needed a breather.”

Alex stepped closer, and Miya moved back, allowing him into her apartment.

She shut the door, then turned to face his angry stare. “You scared the hell out of me, Miya. Why didn’t you stay and talk to me?”

“I just…I needed to think.”

“Think about what?”

“I’m never going to be your perfect sub, Alex.”

His frown deepened. “I never said I wanted you to be.”

Miya sighed and glanced at the floor. “Yes, you did.”

“I said I wanted you to submit, not that you had to be perfect. Miya, look at me.”

She raised her head, vision blurred by the tears in her eyes.

“This is why we talk, angel.”

She swallowed and waited for him to continue. “I used to think, because my life is so crazy all the time, docile and quiet was what I wanted. I didn’t want to fight with someone in the bedroom, because I have to fight so damn much here. But you know what? You blew that notion right out of the water.”

She shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

He walked over and cupped her face. “I loved fighting with you, Miya. I had more fun with you this weekend than I’ve had in a very long time. You make me feel alive, angel, and I don’t want to lose that or you.”

“You won’t get tired of it?” she asked.

Alex smiled and shook his head. “No. I will never get tired of it. I’m in love with you, Miya. I have been for a long time. When you showed up at the club, I wanted to kill every man who looked at you. I fought touching you so hard, and for so long. I thought you were too sweet, too innocent for that kind of sex. That you would never enjoy the things that…”

“You were wrong,” she whispered.

“Hell yeah, I was wrong,” he said with a chuckle. He brought his lips close to hers, but didn’t kiss her. “I have something for you.”

She smiled up at him. “Really?”

She rubbed her palm over his cock, enjoying the feel of his thick rod as he grew beneath her touch.

“You mean other than this?” she whispered.

“Minx,” he growled. “Something else, but we’ll get back to that in a minute.”

He pulled her hand from his cock and brought it to his lips. He placed a hot kiss on the center of her palm as his eyes smiled down at her, making her heart melt.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. He slid it onto her third finger and kissed it in place. Her heart stopped, and tears burned the backs of her eyes.

“Alex,” Miya breathed as she stared at the beautiful emerald stone.

“It reminded me of you and those gorgeous eyes. I could lose myself in them. And I think I did this weekend.”

Miya smiled as a lump the size of a baseball lodged in her throat.

“Marry me, Miya. Keep me on my toes, keep making me smile, keep saying those off-the-wall things that never fail to make me laugh, and most definitely keep fighting me in the bedroom.”

She sniffed back tears and nodded. “Yes.”


ALEX COVERED HER mouth with his, moaning as her tongue danced along with his own. He loved the way she responded to him. He’d never been with another woman who could make him soar the way she did. Her taste was so sweet, her touch so soft, her moans like music. She was his songbird, his angel, and he never wanted to let her go.

He bent and lifted her into his arms. She was light as a feather, and he easily carried her to the bedroom. Miya wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss just below his ear. Alex’s knees actually went weak with the feel of her sweet mouth against his skin.

Putting his knee on the bed, Alex very gently laid her on the mattress. This wasn’t about dominating her, punishing her, fucking her. This was about making love to her. There wouldn’t be any chains, cuffs, or floggers. It would just be them. The two of them. Together.

He tugged at the belt of her robe. The satin fell open, and he used one hand to spread it wider, allowing him to see her bare skin beneath.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, brushing the back of his fingers over her taut pink nipple.

The right one was still a little red from the wax, so he bent and placed a soft kiss against it.

Miya sighed and arched her back, pushing her breast toward his touch. Her small fingers reached for the buttons of his shirt, slowly popping them free and rubbing her fingers against his chest. With every touch of her hand, his heart skipped a beat. She never failed to make him crazy for her, make his heart beat a little faster.

She pushed his shirt off his shoulders. Alex shrugged out of it and let it fall to the floor. He settled back over her and slid his thigh between her legs, anxious to feel her body next to his. Miya moaned softly and rubbed herself against him, making Alex grit his teeth and fight the need to just rip his clothes off and slam into her hot, tight body.

“I love you,” he whispered against her lips just before claiming her mouth in a kiss that made them both breathless.

He cupped her cheek, holding her face still so he could plunder her mouth just the way he wanted. Her scent wrapped around him, sank into him. Her soft moans made his cock twitch hungrily behind the zipper of his pants.

Miya bent her knee and lifted her leg over his hip, forcing his thigh even tighter against her pussy. Alex growled low in his throat and gripped the back of her thigh, digging his fingers into the soft flesh of her leg.

A door shutting and men’s laughter registered in Alex’s mind just seconds before her bedroom door opened and the clear, booming voice of Lord Sidious Marcone echoed through the room. “What the hell? Dorn!”

Miya shoved Alex off her and quickly tried to pull her robe together. “Oh, God,” she groaned at the shocked look on her father’s face. Alex tried to help her, but she nervously shoved his hand away, making him snicker softly. This was not going to be good.

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