Read Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Science Fiction & Space Opera

Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya (13 page)

He would only be lucky if she chose to stay with him.

“Alex, I’m not sure I can…” she whispered.

“Shh, angel. You’re done for the night.”

She sighed, and he felt her body relax against him. He smiled. His little fighter had dozed off.

Chapter Fifteen

Miya stretched beneath the sheet, then winced at the soreness in her muscles. At first she couldn’t quite remember what she’d done to become so sore. Then it all came back so fast, she froze.

Had she really had an orgasm while Alex flogged her? And in front of all those people? She groaned and covered her face with her hands. How in the crap would she ever face those people again? Or Alex?

But isn’t that what he wanted her to do?

She lowered her hands and sat up, glancing around the large room. The massive bed took up the center. To her left was a bathroom and to her right, a sitting area and double French doors that now stood open, allowing the warm ocean breeze to flow through the room. Off the balcony, Miya could hear voices carrying up from below and the wide expanse of ocean just off the peach-colored sands of the beach.

Palivan was a beautiful moon, and the only thing on it was Purgatory. No wonder they called it that. Last night had felt like purgatory. Never in her life did she imagine something like that would…

Had she really come four times? She shivered as a stiff breeze blew through the room, ruffling the curtains and her hair. Where was the man who’d shredded her self-control anyway?

“Alex?” she called, but no answer.

She sighed and looked at his side of the bed. An indent creased the pillow where his head had been, and she rubbed her hand over it. He’d apparently been there at some point. She wasn’t even sure when they’d come to the room. She hardly remembered anything past that last orgasm.

She raised her hands to her breasts and winced at the soreness in her nipples. Damn sadist, she thought with a frown and dropped her hands as the pain from mashing them sent a stab of heat straight to her core. Or maybe she was the sadist. Or masochist? All she knew was thinking about last night made her want to do it all over again.

She noticed the tablet on the nightstand by her bed. She picked it up and smiled slightly at the message typed on the screen.

If you’re awake before nine, join me at the restaurant by the south pool…Alex.

She quickly glanced at the clock. It was only eight. She had time for a quick shower. A real quick one, considering she needed to give herself enough time to find the south pool.

Miya showered as fast as she could, wincing as the warm water rushed over the red marks down her hips and thighs. After climbing out of the shower, she turned so she could see them in the mirror. They weren’t bad and would fade by the time she left here.

She pulled her hair down and let it fall around her shoulders. She decided against washing it. She didn’t have time to dry it. The curls fell around her shoulders, and she smiled, satisfied with how she looked. She stepped into the bedroom and froze.

She didn’t have any clothes. She had no idea what Alex had done with the ones she’d worn last night. Even her boots were nowhere to be seen.

“Oh, crap. Now what?”

He didn’t expect her to join him nude? Did he? She frowned. What was she saying? It was Alex, after all.

Pursing her lips, she noticed one of his shirts lying across the back of the chair. He didn’t say join him naked, so she grabbed the shirt and quickly threw it on. As she buttoned it, she grinned at how it swallowed her whole. She looked ridiculous, but what else could she do?

She left the room and walked quickly down the hall. At the end, she spotted one of the cleaning staff emerging from a room farther down the hall.

“Excuse me?” she asked. “Where’s the south pool?”

“Are you, Miya?” the older man asked.

She frowned. “Yes.”

“Come with me, then. I’ll take you.”

Miya followed the older man down the stairs and out the back door of the playroom. Once outside, the warm sunshine felt good against her skin. Until they climbed into the small motorized cart, she hadn’t realized just how nervous she was at seeing Alex this morning.

Would he tell her she didn’t belong? That he didn’t like sassy subs? That she wasn’t right for him because she fought him too much?

God, did that really matter?

The driver took them through several twists and turns, through a grove of thick trees, and finally exited at the south pool. He stopped the cart and pointed to a man in a white shirt and black slacks, sitting at the far side of the patio.

The wind blew Alex’s hair, and he raised a hand to brush it back off his face before turning his attention back to the computer that sat on the table in front of him. She smiled slightly. Always working.

“Thank you,” Miya said as she climbed from the cart and walked barefoot to his table.

The concrete was hot beneath her feet, the wind warm. Couples laughed and talked all around the pool, the atmosphere so much different this morning than last night. This pool didn’t seem any different than any other resort pool. Was the sex stuff just for the playroom?

As she got close, Alex looked up. It was as though he sensed her coming. His gaze landed on her, then slid slowly down her body before coming to rest back at her face.

His lips quirked. “Nice shirt.”

“Thank you. It’s just a little something I picked up.”

His smile widened as he motioned for her to join him. She took the seat across from him. He shut his computer and set it aside so he could give her his full attention.

“When did you get up?” she asked.

“A couple of hours ago. I had work I needed to do and didn’t want to wake you. How are you this morning?” he asked softly.

His eyes searched her face, making her feel just a tad exposed. She licked her lips and shrugged as a waiter set a glass of juice and a full plate of eggs and fruit on the table in front of her.

He walked away, and Miya replied, “I’m sore. Some sadist thought he’d have a little fun at my expense.”

Alex’s lips twitched adorably. “I seem to recall a certain sub enjoying it.”

She took a bite of eggs and chewed slowly. Once she swallowed, she replied, “Maybe a little.”

She glanced over at his computer, then back to his tired eyes. How much sleep had he gotten last night? “Is there ever a day that you’re not working?” she asked.

Alex’s lips spread into a small, almost sad smile. “Lately, no. That will change though, as soon as I get these revisions finished and put into place for Bellara.”

“What revisions?”

“I’m giving the senators more control, which will take a lot of the stress off me. I’m still handling the stuff I handled when I was ambassador, plus now all the stuff for the chancellorship. I tried to give it back to Cara, since the chancellorship was supposed to be hers to begin with, but she refused it.”

“Cara believed you would make a better one.”

Alex sighed. “Yeah, well. I love Cara, but she’s not always right in the head.”

Miya kicked him under the table, and he grinned.

“Cara is probably more right in the head than all of us,” Miya said drily. “She amazes me sometimes, especially when she puts on that poker face of hers. The second Hayden walks in the room, though, she’s all mush.”

Alex chuckled. “Hayden is definitely her weakness. Is that who told you I was here?”

Miya snickered. “It certainly wasn’t Hayden.”

Alex winced. “I can just imagine Hayden’s face if he were to catch wind of this one.”

Miya shuddered. “I don’t even want to think about it.”

She knew Hayden would be livid. Probably more so than Chris and her father. Lord, her father. What would he have to say about all this? Did he know what Alex was?

The waiter walked over and bent down, speaking softly into Alex’s ear. Alex sighed and nodded. “I’ll be right there.” He looked at Miya. “I need to take care of something. Stay here and eat, then when I get back we need to talk.”

Miya nodded, but her stomach tightened into knots. She watched him walk away and stroll across the patio to talk with two men on the other side. They glanced her way, and then Alex shook his head. They spoke a few more minutes, laughed a couple of times, then Alex headed back to their table.

What would she say to him? That despite her embarrassment and her anger at him, last night had been the most incredible of her life?

Embarrassment moved over her cheeks just thinking about it.

Alex sat in the seat across from hers. “You seem to have made quite the impression.”

She swallowed her bite of fruit. “How so?”

“That’s two more Doms who want to play with you.”

She licked her lips nervously. “And why are they asking you?”

“Because they saw you with me and just want to make sure I don’t have a claim on you.”

“I see.”

“Don’t worry, Miya. I told them no. That you’re to only be touched by me.”

She breathed in internal sigh of relief. “I appreciate that.”

He sat there, studying her in that way of his that made her want to run and hide. How did he do that?

“Come here, Miya,” he said softly.

Miya frowned but stood and walked over to his chair. Was he going to make her sit at his feet? He surprised her by pulling her onto his lap. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled before placing a soft, lingering kiss at her temple.

“Alex?” she whispered.

“I know you enjoyed last night, Miya. And I did as well, more than I thought I would, but…”

Her heart almost stopped, and her stomach plummeted.
Please don’t do this, Alex. Not yet.

He cupped her cheek and forced her to meet his searching stare. “Are you sure you want to keep going with this?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Alex brushed the back of his knuckles along her jaw, making her insides quiver. “Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir,” she breathed.

Alex’s lips twitched as he leaned down to softly swipe his mouth across hers. “I like it when you say it like that.”

He slanted his lips across hers, sliding his tongue slowly into her mouth and sending her senses soaring. Wow, he could kiss. Butterflies went mad in her stomach as his kiss deepened, expertly laying claim to her mouth and every other part of her body.

The iron bar across her back kept her in place as his other hand feathered down the outside of her thigh. At the moment, she wasn’t sure she cared what he did, so long as he kept kissing her like this. That thought changed when his fingers slid between her legs, cupping her sex possessively.

Miya stiffened and pulled away from his kiss. “Alex, no. Not—”

“Call me Alex again and see what I do.”

She swallowed and put her hand over his. “No, Sir. Not here.”

Alex nodded to a couple behind her. “Look, Miya.”

She turned and saw a woman riding a man’s cock. Her back was to his chest, her legs spread wide, his fingers lightly grazing over her clit. Her breasts bounced with her movement, and her soft moans were mostly ignored as couples around them either ate or swam in the pool.

“So it’s not just play in the playroom?” she whispered.

Alex chuckled. “No.” She turned back to him. “Mostly the play is at night, but it sometimes spills over.” He leaned in and nibbled on the sensitive spot just below her ear. “I’m not sure I can wait until tonight to touch you again.”

He bit her, making her jerk, then moan. Her hand fell away from his as his lips continued on a path down her neck, to the bend of her shoulder, then back again.

“That’s my girl,” he whispered in her ear as his fingers began to slide through the cream now coating her labia lips. “I love how you respond to me, angel.”


ALEX FELT THE tremor that skimmed just below her skin. She was hot and so wet. He wanted to toss her on the table and take her now, but he wouldn’t do that to her. At least not yet. But, God, it was hard not to.

He covered her lips with his, swallowing the sounds of her moans as he gently circled her clit. He loved how he could make her squirm. He pressed one finger inside her slick passage and moaned right along with her at the feel of her walls sucking around his invading finger. Wow, she was tight.

He added a second finger and smiled against her lips as she whimpered. He began to move them slowly in and out, fucking her gently with his hand. When his fingers found the sensitive spot at the top of her channel, her hips almost bucked off his lap.

“Ah, there it is,” he murmured against her mouth.

Alex began to rub against it relentlessly, and Miya groaned. “Oh, God,” she sighed.

“Uh-uh, angel,” he teased. “Alex.”

“You’re such a—”

He thrust his fingers deep, cutting her off.

He grinned against her ear. “Such a what?”

He went back to teasing that spot, and Miya moaned, not even bothering to answer his question. He could feel she was close in the tightening of her muscles, the way her pussy sucked and quivered around his fingers.

“Let it go, Miya. Come for me,” he whispered.

She erupted instantly, shaking wildly in his arms as her body jerked and jumped with every throb of her pussy. Alex’s cock felt as though it was being squeezed by a vise. He wanted her so badly he had to grit his teeth to keep from taking her.

She sighed and slumped onto him. He could feel her heart pounding against his own, and he smiled. “I have a feeling when you finally do submit, Miya. It will be a sight to behold.”

“But, I—”

“No, angel. You still fought me. Didn’t you?”

She nodded against his shoulder.

He softly stroked her pussy, enjoying the feel of her cream coating his fingers.

“There’re so many people around,” she whispered.

“That has nothing to do with it.”

“It does.”

“Miya,” he said. “You have to be honest with me as well as yourself.”

There was a moment of silence before she asked, “What if there’s ever a time I don’t want it?”

Was that the true reason for her fighting the submission? Was she afraid of him? That he would always make her, no matter what? “Something you need to understand, angel. I may be the Dom, but you have the control.”

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