Enter The Brethren (The Brethren of the Coast) (21 page)

BOOK: Enter The Brethren (The Brethren of the Coast)
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“My lord, I believe if our courtship has accomplished anything, it has shown us we do not suit.”  She shrugged, as though she were dismissing a lowly servant.  “And you have my solemn vow that what occurred aboard the
will never pass my lips.”

He should have been pleased, should have been grateful that Caroline had thrown him a lifeline.  While only the worst cad would have refused to restore her honor after claiming her maidenhead, she was well within her rights to spurn his offer.  But in that moment, Trevor was deluged by emotions quite the contrary.  Anger and resentment gnawed at his senses.

In desperation, he grasped for the best rebuttal to her rebuff.  “But...I compromised you.”

“I am as much to blame for that situation.”  Calm and composed, she clasped her hands in front of her.  “It is unfair of me to exact so high a price.”

“Caroline, stop.”  Unable to remain still, he paced.  “If this is about Lady Darwith--”

“Lady Darwith spoke the truth, do you deny it?”

The question fell as a very real barrier between them.

He stopped in his tracks.  “She did speak the truth, but--”

“Well then, we are in agreement.  Our betrothal is broken, and I suspect you will be departing London soon.  I wish you safe journey.”

That was it?

He was to be tossed aside?

Thrown over?

Without so much as a by your leave, he was dismissed?

Like bloody hell.

“So you wish to be rid of me?  You think me beneath your standards?  Am I not polished enough to satisfy the daughter of a duke?”  Ire poured forth as a vicious riptide.  Trevor was in his element now, and he wielded his tongue, as would a master swordsman toying with his opponent.  He used his knowledge of her faltering confidence to his advantage.  Heaping insult after insult on her head, he delighted in each successive slump of her shoulders, until her chin rested on her chest.  Yet she took his abuse with an annoyingly polite demeanor and garnered newfound respect.  “If memory serves, I was man enough aboard the

“Lord Lockwood.”  Her hands flew to her mouth, and Caroline gasped.  “Please, do not be vulgar.”

So the society maiden was offended?


He wanted her to ache as he ached.

To suffer as he suffered.

“I recall a night when you did not find me vulgar.  In fact, you shouted my name, again and again, in the throes of passion.  Tell me you do not desire me, Caroline.  Look in my eyes, and tell me you do not dream of me, late at night, in your bed.”  At the end of his tirade, Trevor sighed heavily.  Purged of his fury, he speared his fingers through his hair and pinned her with his gaze, but his efforts were wasted.  She remained silent and aloof, as she had since he entered the orangery.

“Fine.  This is how you wish to end our agreement?  Don’t fret, love.”  He stomped toward the exit.  “I am going.  You have my word that you shall never have to suffer my presence again.”

His former fiancée appeared rooted to the floor.  How dare she ignore him.

He spun on his heel and took two steps in her direction.  “I intend to set sail on the morning tide.”

Caroline did a rousing impersonation of a statue.

“I mean what I say.”

He thought she might have blinked.

When it became clear that his ex-bride-to-be would not relent, Trevor studied the betrothal ring in his hand.  A combination of two separate pieces, it had taken him the better part of three hours to make the final selection.  In the end, much to the consternation of the jeweler, he had chosen to fit the band of one ring to the setting of another, because he wanted something as unique as the woman who would be his future wife.

Since he doubted their paths would cross again, Trevor took one last glance at Caroline.

And then it happened.

A traitorous tear slid slowly down her cheek.

How strange was it that a single drop could wash away his hurt?  But her true state was betrayed.  Despite attempts to convince him otherwise, she was not indifferent to him.

For good or ill, he walked straight to his difficult bride-to-be and knelt at her feet.  And when she finally met his stare, his uncertainty was mirrored in her turbulent, watery gaze.

“My dear, I know I am not the best match you could have made--”

Caroline flinched.  “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, but I am.”

“That is absurd.”  Incredulity permeated her lovely features.  “For I feel the same can be said for me in regard to you.”

“Darling, you are too kind.”  He tugged at the glove on her left hand.  “I am only an earl and not a very successful one.  It is common knowledge among my peers that your connections far surpass mine.  Your dowry, while not so great as to encompass my fortune, is a sizeable sum many a rake would kill to possess.”

“I do not believe what I am hearing.”  She cast him a half-smile.  “You think yourself inadequate?”

“Not inadequate, but definitely no prize.”  With great care, Trevor slipped the glittering jewel to her fourth finger, then bent his head and brushed his lips across her bare knuckles.

“What is that?”

“Your betrothal ring.”  He could not help but chuckle.  “What say you, my dear?  Will you marry me?”

Caroline seemed spellbound by the gem.  “Where did you get this?”  Her voice was shaky as she studied the large marquise cut diamond.

“Well, I did not steal it, if that is what you’re implying.”

“I infer no such thing.”  Tears continued to stream her face.  “But...it is beautiful.”

“I had it fashioned just for you.”  He inclined his head and ignored his aching knees.  “I have been carrying the bauble in my waistcoat pocket for days, while trying to find an opportune moment to present it to you.  I can’t conceive of a more auspicious occasion to gift you your ring than now, when you are trying to give me the heave-ho.”

Caroline smiled from ear to ear.  Waving her hand in the moonlight, she appeared thrilled with the significance of the sparkling jewel.  “But you could marry anyone.”

“Perhaps.”  Trevor rolled his eyes.  “Yet I am on my knees before you.”

“Did you tell Lady Darwith you were not interested in a debutante?”

“I did.”  He winked.  “But you are unlike any debutante I have ever met.”

“True.”  She giggled.  “And you are unlike any earl I have ever met.  Are we not a fine pair?”

“Indeed, I think so.  And as I recall, you said something similar aboard the
.”  The pain in his legs heightened his urgency.  “Caroline, I will have your answer.”

Inclining her head, she struck a coy pose.  “You know, I rather fancy you on your knees.”

“Don’t get used to it, love.”  Stiff muscles aside, he was on his feet in seconds.  “Though I rather fancy having you on yours.”

“Scandalous, my lord.”  When she made to turn away, he caught her around the waist and hauled her into his arms.  “Trevor, we must be careful.  Think of the shame were we to be caught dallying.”

“Rot the lot of them.”  He nudged her with his hips and knew the moment she noted his raging erection, as he was rewarded with a soft gasp and a look of wonder.  “Your answer,

“Yes.”  Framing his face with her hands, their noses less than an inch apart, she whispered, “Now and forever, yes.”

Had she hesitated in responding, he feared he might swoon.  Lady luck had to be smiling benevolently upon him now.

Just how they got to the
, Trevor did not know or care.  For a man, being ravished by an uncharacteristically aggressive young woman, and his fiancée at that, was a treat not to be missed.  Though her caresses were wild and still untutored, Caroline more than compensated with a tidal wave of enthusiasm.  But before his charming intended got carried away--and carried him with her--he decided it was time for the master to take the reins of passion.

With his accommodating future bride stretched across his lap, he reached for one hand, then the other.  But it was as if she had sprouted additional limbs because nothing on his body escaped her touch.

Caroline twined her fingers in his hair and bit his lip.  “My lord, can we not do something?”

“Er--darling.”  The fastenings of his breeches loosened, and he just managed to avert emancipation of the beast.  “As you pointed out, it would not do to be caught in a compromising position.”

“Is not there a way?”  As she straddled his thighs and wiggled dangerously close, she nipped his chin.  “I mean, my dear Captain, you are so resourceful.”

He did not have to ask to what she referred.  Trevor reminded himself that they were not yet wed, and his eager but naïve seductress was no dockside doxy.  But he recalled his earlier assault on her confidence and realized she needed more than a piece of jewelry to repair the damage.  And there were ways to satisfy the sensuous appetites without actually doing the deed.

So when he slipped his fingers beneath the edge of her velvet gown, easing the bodice down and baring her breasts, he comforted himself in the knowledge that he was only doing it for Caroline.  In full control of the situation, he could stop in an instant.

And he would...in a minute.

Using his arm for support, he leaned her back and lowered his head to feast at the crevice between her breasts.  As he ran his tongue over the sensitive flesh, she moaned a sultry invitation he was all too ready to accept and held his head to her bosom.  With the tip of his tongue, he flicked a nipple bringing it to turgid arousal.

Caroline cried out, and he quickly covered her mouth with his palm.

“Shh, darling.  As much as I would love to hear your screams of pleasure, tonight, that cannot be.”  He kissed her nose.  “We dare not risk discovery.  Perhaps we should return to the ballroom.”

Even in the dim light, he could not miss the flare of her gaze.  “If you stop now, I swear, I shall scream.”

Clutching the lapels of his coat, she set her lips to his and devoured his flesh.  The warmth of her response was a potent elixir, yet he maintained a death grip on his faculties.  What he was doing was for her enjoyment, thus he forced himself to remain detached.

Until she grasped his wrist and slid his hand under her skirts.

The succulent territory between her thighs was an erotic trap he had contrived to avoid--at least, for now.  Of course, a rake of his caliber had nothing to fear from a barely ex-virgin.  Relying on his wealth of experience, Trevor was confident he could pleasure her without surrendering to the lust waging a fierce battle within him.  Were their little tryst in danger of being uncovered, he could cease their amorous pursuit.

And he intended to...in a minute.

But, good heavens, the woman was sweet.  He suckled and laved the twin peaks so amply displayed for his delectation.  Surely it would be neglectful of him to favor one breast over the other?  Against his better judgment, he blazed a naughty path beneath her skirts to the thatch of curls he remembered with frightening detail.  But the first touch of her moist folds nearly sent him into the abyss.  And that was as far as he would go because once he brought her to fulfillment he was going to halt their dalliance.

Which he would do...in a minute.

“Oh, Trevor.”  On a sigh, Caroline squirmed in his lap.

Well, perhaps he would need more than a minute.

The taut bud of her desire was enough to entice a groan and a shudder, but when he slipped a finger inside her passage, her molten honey was enough to make him cry.  And that was the end of his self-control.

Trevor was undone.

He was going to take his soon-to-be-wife, right there in the orangery.  As if she sensed the urgency, understood his pain, Caroline pressed her palm to his aching erection and squeezed.

“Are you sure?” he asked, even as he released the hooks at his waistband.

“Hurry.”  She brushed his hand aside and went to work on his breeches.

He thought to say something of propriety and prudence, but when she freed his length and kissed his neck as she stroked him, Trevor surrendered.  The hunger, the raw lust rode hard in his veins.  Inching down on the
, he grasped her hips and lifted.  In one swift move, he impaled his society miss.

For a scarce second, shock pervaded her expression.  Inhaling sharply, she met his gaze.  Slowly, Caroline closed her eyes, and relief washed over her face.  He set his forehead to hers.

Together, they exhaled.

For a while, they simply sat there, his flesh held deep within hers.  Strange, it had never occurred to him that she could want him as much as he wanted her.  Did she fantasize about him as he did her?  He wondered if thoughts of him occupied her quiet hours when no one else was near.

In his dreams, he always claimed her swift and hard, plundering her softness, as would a marauding barbarian.  Yet in reality, when he put his hands on her body, something inside him, a mystical restraint that defied recognition, never failed to temper his invasion.  Enrapt, ensorcelled by a power too great to deny, Trevor was driven by a need to draw out the experience, to savor her lush curves, and to languish in her delicious warmth.  For him, with her, the physical union represented an affirmation for which he would fight the devil himself.

When he seized her mouth, he thrust.  Again and again, they danced in a rhythm as old as time.  Desire flared, burning bright as the moon above.  Passion shimmered as a multitude of stars, blanketing them in a tender embrace.  When Caroline brought him to the precipice of heaven on earth--too quickly for his male ego to allow--he held her still.

“What is it?  What is wrong?”  She tried to move, but he kept her at rest.

“Nothing, love.  You unman me.”  Once he bridled his baser instincts, he lifted her until the plum-shaped tip of his arousal neared her opening.  Then, painfully slowly, he navigated her descent.  Fully seated, Caroline bit her lip and sobbed a sweet exhalation.

“All right, my saucy debutante.  It is your turn.”  He dropped his hands to his sides and held tight to the
.  “Let us see what you can do.”

It was as though he had heeled an unbroken mare.

BOOK: Enter The Brethren (The Brethren of the Coast)
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