Read Dreamwalker Online

Authors: Andrea Heltsley

Tags: #General Fiction

Dreamwalker (21 page)


The woman shoved me out and I was thrust onto stage with the rest of the scantily clad women. They bumped and grinded in rhythm to the music and I quickly picked up my moves. It was as if I was on autopilot, swaying and hip popping to the beat.

I was just getting into it when my vision narrowed and I realize whose dream this was. He was sitting in the front row and he cocked a slow seductive smile at me. A blush rose in my cheeks but I continued dancing seductively even though this was Boone’s dream. I might as well give him what he wanted. It was his dream after all.


I made my way to the front of the stage, hips swaying to the beat. Feeling his eyes on me, I dropped to my knees and thrust my chest into his direct view, while still maneuvering to the beat.

I knew it was exactly what he wanted when he cleared his throat and his clear blue eyes met my smoldering green ones. There was fire, passion and lust fueled in them. It took all of my self-control not to let him consume me right there on the stage in the club.


I knew this was just his dream, but I was into it and I continued like that until the song ended. Then I gracefully exited the stage and immersed myself into the craziness inside the dressing rooms.

It was chaos everywhere I looked. Women were stripping and changing costumes. Glitter and powder swirled in the air as more girls refreshed their makeup.


I was just taking it all in and wondering what else Boone had in store for me in this dream. I knew I couldn’t have Boone and I shouldn’t encourage him. A part of me couldn’t resist and felt the urge to make him want me.

My musings were cut short though when I got a body so warm and sensual pressed against me from behind. I was sure it was Boone because I could smell the scent of leather and nicotine from him. I knew I should give myself distance, but I lingered just a little too long and I felt him nibble at my ear and kiss my neck.


I was too far gone to gather my composure and he turned me for an earth shattering kiss that sent sparks flying through me. I couldn’t even think about Jared at the moment. I was so wrapped up in Boone and how seductive his kiss was, that I didn’t even realize when the dream started to fade and I was jarred awake back to reality.

Chapter 16: Rescue Me

I could still feel the heat radiating from behind me and Boone’s slow breathing against my neck. I wished I could stay like this forever. Then I was roused from my thoughts by someone standing nearby.


I opened one eye at first, then the other. I was face to face with Autumn and she was frowning. Her blue eyes looked tired underneath the old lady guise.

Are you ok, Nells?”

Yeah, I think so, why?” I asked, worried that my naughty acts and thoughts had somehow become transparent.

Because, you just tried to kiss me,” she said.

Mortified, my cheeks turned a shade of red and I shook my head. “Sorry, so sorry. I was dreaming again.”

This sparked a look of interest. “Lover boy again I presume,” she asked.


I didn’t bother to correct her, knowing it would open a whole other can of worms we couldn’t afford at the moment. I just nodded and made a show of yawning and gathering my composure.

Sweetie, you look like a geriatric hooker. You have glitter all over you,” she told me with an inquisitive glimmer in her eye.

I just sighed, knowing she’s not going to let this go. I looked around the room to see who was in earshot. Madison and Graham were down in the casino scouting exits and doing recon so I didn’t have to worry about them. Clark was across the room on lookout duty and Boone was still sleeping. I pulled her close and made her swear not to tell anyone. She nodded and I continued.

Boone, a burlesque and things got a little racy.”

Her jaw dropped in shock, “You and Boone as in together?”

Shush…keep it down. I want to keep it quiet. I am with Jared, or I think I am even though it was only one time in reality.”

Ok, but promise to dish later?” she asked in true form.

Promise,” I replied before switching gears and leaning in closer.

Sam said to ask about the box,” I said in a gravelly whisper.

I saw the recognition in her expression and knew it was real. She whispered in my ear, “not here, not now.”

Then something else came to me and I stood to dig out whatever Sam put in my pocket out of its place. I pulled out a folded up piece of paper and another tarot card fluttered to the ground.

I picked it up and instantly recognized the same design as before. This picture on the other side was different though. It said
The Lovers
and depicted two sky clad people entwined together by nature.


I looked up at Autumn, but she was already on it. She had the tarot book in hand and was thumbing through it. Soon, I heard “Ah ha!” and she showed me the corresponding page.

The Lovers: Lovers and Close friends take center stage. Bonds are established and jealousy runs high. It says something about determining ones values and staying true to oneself. There are many meanings but some speak to attraction on a sexual level,” she read in a whisper.

Then confusion hit me. It was really damn ironic that I was ensnared in my very own love triangle when I got this. The message rang loud and crystal clear. I needed to choose and keep my focus.

I pulled out the paper and read what it said. It was truly the more important of the two. It was a letter from Sam.


Rescue me. Myotis lucifugus.


That was it. No flowery words or even a date. Just rescue me and some Latin words. The letter was plain and to the point, most likely written in a time of distress. Just the mere thought sent chills down my spine.


I remembered the torture I glimpsed and the conditions Jared and Sam were in. It wasn’t a room at a five star hotel that was for sure. I held it up for Autumn but it was clear she already saw it. She had gone ashen and had a hand clasped over her mouth.

What does it mean?” I asked.

Little brown bat,” she answered in a haunted voice.

What?” I asked again in confusion.

Little brown bat is our code for May Day, we are compromised.”

I could see the tears as they formed in her eyes. I was about to reassure her when she continued. “We only set it up for the direst of circumstances. The bat is one of the symbols for the underworld goddess Persephone. She is the leader of PLI. It must be real bad. We need to get you out of here and soon.”

I didn’t have time to respond yet again because this time Madison strolled in with Graham in tow. I could tell that the clock was almost up on Autumn’s spell. Madison’s once old look was softening and her real form was beginning to take hold. It was weird to see her in this unstable transition.

I looked down to realize my own spell was wearing off as well and I sighed in relief. Old was definitely not my most favorable glamour.


Boone woke at the disturbance and I found it hard to look him in the eye. I felt like I intruded in his dream whether I was in it or not. I was afraid if I looked at him I would give my secret away. Instead I focused intently on Madison as she returned to her overconfident vampire self.

I wish I knew how to shield my thoughts but I didn’t, so I just kept repeating fluffy bunnies over and over mentally to block them.

I was surprised when Boone spoke up and I could feel his eyes on me. “Noel, can I have a word with you in the restroom?”

I wanted to say no, but I just couldn’t. “Of course, lead the way.”

Once we shuffled into the small bathroom, Boone locked the door behind us. Then he looked into my eyes. His were smoldering. I was about to speak when he flipped me and pinned me to the wall.

His body was pressed up against mine as he let me feel what he felt for me by our close contact. My breath hitched, but I tried to keep my resolve. He didn’t want me to escape this conversation that was clear. God it was good to be out of disguise and to back to myself again.

I saw you, and I know you remember it. That was so incredibly sexy Noel. I can’t ever forget it and I never want to. You may want to fight this connection between us, but you can’t deny how strong it is.”

I see the glitter all over you. You can’t say you weren’t there.”

He paused and then continued. “I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you. My need for you is even stronger than my loyalty to Jared. I will fight for you with everything I have.”

I was truly speechless at his confession. I wanted so bad to give in and tell him what I really wanted to say. But Jared was the elephant in the room and I couldn’t shake my feelings for him.


I was about to tell him that when he sensed how much longing I had for him. He didn’t wait for the words to come. He held my arms over my head and kissed me.

I let out a small sound of pleasure, the connection flaring full force. Even in my denial, our chemistry rang true. He tasted every bit as good as he smelled and I felt my desire blaze on high. I didn’t bother to stop him and before he pulled away, he nipped at my lip playfully.


When he finally did pull away, a sexy smile crossed his features. I was truly breathless, ragged gasps escaping. He had won this round without a doubt, but it was far from over for either of us.

That was the end of the conversation and he unlocked the door. He took my hand in his and guided me back into the room.


When we entered the room, everyone was stuck in place. They were staring as if in shock. I wondered if they heard everything and I started to blush.

What is up with the glitter Noel?” Clark asked.

It was just part of a dream I was in. It’s not a big deal,” I said as I tried to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks.

It was also crystal clear that Madison knew I was hiding something because she zeroed in on me and I had to endure her scrutiny for several seconds. I just went back to repeating my fluffy bunny mantra and it wasn’t long before she finally let it go and addressed the room.

I didn’t see any members of PLI lurking around so I think we are safe for now. There is a back exit off the north wing that we can use. It spits us out in the far end of the parking garage. I can find us a nondescript car and we can leave the garage with only a minor cover spell undetected,” she said.

It was Autumn who replied. “So no more glamour spells?”

I wasn’t so keen on these so I am going to say no. I don’t think it is necessary. What did you find?” Madison replied.

Well, the tarot card of the ten of swords is essentially a card saying the worst is over and things will look up. It is property of Nan Day, who is an esoteric in the Delmar Loop. She must have some sort of connection to all of this; I just don’t know what it is.”

Interesting, how about you Noel?” she asked, placing her predatory gaze on me.

I wanted to shrink back but knew she was a predator and I couldn’t show any weakness. She would sense my fear and I would become very appealing prey. Instead, I tried to inject a tone of authority into my voice.

I didn’t find out much except they have a fire starter guarding them. They are keeping their location tightly under wraps because I couldn’t find out anything else.”

Well, it sounds like we find this psychic and then make a plan from there. Does anyone have any other ideas?” Madison asked.

I could try scribing and see if we might see some detail they would have missed. I was planning on doing it earlier, I just haven’t had enough time,” Autumn said.

Ok, then we will go,” Madison answered in approval.

Autumn gathered her shell bowl as well as her water and oil. She placed the items on the desk and sat erect in the chair. We all crowded around trying to see as she poured the water in the bowl and placed a few drops of oil into the bowl. We watched it for several seconds, but nothing happened. I was just about to suggest giving her some room when images began swirling into focus.

Jared was still hanging by shackles and I winced at the site of his wounds. It was clear he had been tortured, a lot. Then I saw the other scene in the corner of the bowl. Wren slapped August and his creatures hedged forward, hissing at her. She looked disgusted and furious.


I could barely recognize August anymore. He had taken on more fey qualities since even last time I saw him. His hair looked longer and unkempt. His eyes were a tint of red that was unrealistic in our world. His ears had come to points and his clothing was more ragged than before.

I tried to focus on anything in the scene that could help us but it was hard to peel my eyes away from Jared. He looked awful. His hair was ragged and greasy as well. The cuts of crimson were swollen and infected as they took up residence over most of his visible body.


The scene before me started to make my guilt over Boone magnify. Then, just as I was about to write the scene away, I saw something. I was so startled, I gasped. Then like last time, I inadvertently disturbed the scene and it dissolved into our reflections.

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