Read Current Online

Authors: Abby McCarthy

Current (5 page)

“You sure?” He asks leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. His tongue glides into my mouth and I feel my panties begin to dampen.

I answer his question by finding the opening in his boxers and gliding my hand against him. He groans in response. “Can I touch you too?” he asks breaking the kiss.

I only got my period about six months ago, and I’ve only recently touched myself for the first time. Jake makes me feel comfortable like I’m the one with all of the power. I nod my head yes, both excited and nervous.

“First, let me show you what I like,” he says and undoes his belt buckle and slides his pants over his hips. I let out an audible gasp when I see him. I’ve never seen one in real life before and his is pretty. I giggle and tell him this. “It’s pretty,” I say.

“You can't call my dick pretty,” he sucks in my earlobe suddenly I'm serious again.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask wanting to please him and do it right.

He grabs my hand and wraps it around him, sliding it up and down his silky shaft. “Move your hand up and down like this,” he commands.

I do as he says and I hear his breath quicken. He looks into my eyes as he trails his fingers up my thigh and under my dress.

Jake's fingertips trace the outline of my white cotton panties. I want this. I want his fingers touching me. He pushes aside the soft cotton and slides one finger in between my folds dragging my wetness to the top and circling it with his finger tip. It feels good and a moan slips past my lips.

“Faster, June.”

I do as he says and move my hand faster up and down his length. Jake’s finger drags back down my slit and pushes in my small tight hole. I gasp. Even when I’ve done this, my small finger felt nothing like this. His palm presses against the top of my privates while his finger pumps in and out of me. “Oh, God,” I moan.

“Yes, June. Keep it up just like that,” he says his eyes fixed on mine. “My God, you’re so pretty. I’d do anything to keep you with me.”

“Shh…,” I tell him. Any talk of us not being together will dampen what we have going on here. “It feels so good,” I gasp as he somehow adds another finger.

“One day, I’m going to be inside of you so deep you’ll never get me out,” he tells me as his body begins to shudder.

“You’re already that deep, Jake. There’s no getting you out,” I tell him not talking about his finger inside of me.

Warm liquid spurts onto my hand and Jake pulls my forehead to his pressing them together while he catches his breath. He’s pulled his finger from me and in a faint whisper he says, “God, I hope so.”

Lucas is staring at the picture Jake took of me, I’m laughing hysterically in it. The camera is angled over me and my long auburn hair is fanned out around my head. I don’t want that picture in his hands. That’s my moment with Jake and although the two men share the same eyes, they are not the same; and that smile belongs to Jake.


Chapter Four

I stride over to the dresser and grab the photo from Lucas’ hands, quickly open a drawer and set it inside.

He looks taken aback for a moment. “The photo?”

“Is private,” I say curtly feeling like he had no right to look at that even though it was only a picture that I left out in the open.

He raises a brow at me, then backs down and changes the subject by flopping down on my bed. “You weren’t joking when you said not to mind the mess.”

“I warned you,” I wink flinging a hot pink bra at him that is hanging on one of the knobs of my dresser.

“Don’t mind if I do,” he laughs and slips his arms through the bra.

I laugh at his playfulness. “You’re silly, Lucas. I’m going to take a shower.” I start to walk out of the room when Lucas all but growls, “Lips.”

I walk back to him lying on my bed, thinking how fantastic he looks sprawled out over my things. I lean down and press my lips against his meaning for it to be a quick, I’ll be right back kiss. Lucas doesn’t do the sweet, I’ll be right back kiss, because as soon as his lips touch mine, it's no longer me kissing him gently before I get in the shower. No, this is me giving him my lips. He takes them, sucking and pulling, his tongue sliding in and moving against my own. My body is pulled down on top of his firm chest. This kiss, oh this kiss. How it’s making my nipples react instantly. My laugh and my heart might be Jake’s, but at this moment, Lucas owns my body.

Lucas’ hand pulls at my short hair, and I do the same to him. My legs move to each side of him and my skirt hitches up and over my hips. I moan as I rock with him, feeling his cock press against me.

“You’re so fucking beautiful. I want you,” he says pulling my shirt and bra down and sucking in my nipple, twirling his tongue over the hard bud and pulling it taut with his teeth.

I moan again, “Yes, that.”

Bang, bang, bang. Three loud wraps hit my door. “I’m home remember,” Liz shouts from the other side of the door. I pull back from Lucas and he groans in protest.

“Can’t we ignore her?” he asks hopefully.

I pull my shirt up and over my breast and begin to get off of Lucas, he stills my hips and looks at me with a pout. “No, we can’t. Liz and I have an agreement that we don’t do that while the other person is home. These walls are paper thin.” I slide off of his lap and pull down my skirt.

“Well, hurry up so we can get back to my place,” he throws his head back in frustration. I notice his cock is still straining against his jeans.

“Sorry,” I mouth as I grab my robe and leave him alone.

I return to my room in a robe feeling surprisingly amazing given the amount of alcohol, sex, and sleeplessness that I endured last night. Lucas has his palms over his eyes. I conclude that he’s either sleeping or in deep thought, so I do my best to be quiet. I rifle through my laundry basket that I’ve yet to put away and pick out a pair of black lace booty shorts and slide them up my legs. I look back to Lucas and it seems that he is still asleep or whatever so I take off my robe and put my bra on. I’m petite in stature so my full B cup is very proportionate. I’m bending over looking for my favorite jeans, the ones with the tiny black gemstones in the shape of a skull over the left back pocket when I hear, “You’re killing me, Sprite.”

For a moment, I freeze. That was something I’ve heard Jake call me too, but I quickly shake it off. With my pixie cut and tiny frame, it’s not the first time I’ve been referred to as some type of faerie.

“Relax, Lucas. I’m almost done,” I wink finding my jeans and pulling them up my hips. He groans in response, I laugh at him.

I grab a soft pink blouse with small cap sleeves. It’s the polar opposite of my punk rock vibe I had going on last night, but I don’t care. It’s pretty and it makes me feel pretty. I begin buttoning the shirt, starting from the bottom and working my way up. I’m on the third small button when Lucas commands, “Come here.”

I do as he asks and stand in front of him as he begins pushing each tiny button through the hole. He is slow and deliberate. His fingertips brush over my skin as he moves upwards from button to button. When he is between my breasts, he gently outlines the edge of my bra. I can't help the heated look my eyes give him. These are very calculated touches. He is at the top button when he leans into me and whispers into my ear, “There. All done.”

My breath hitches again and I move away before I say to hell with Liz. I grab a light gray sweater that has tiny skulls on each arm by the wrist and slide my feet into my Chuck Taylors that are very similar to the ones on Lucas’ feet.

“I’m just going to grab Liz’s laptop and we can get out of here,” I say applying a tiny amount of blush to the apple of my cheek. Besides a small amount of mascara and the little bit of blush I just applied, I barely have any makeup on.

Lucas follows me out of my room and into the living room where Liz has cotton balls wrapped between her toes and she is brushing on a dark red polish.

I grab the laptop and slip it into a bag. “Sorry about before,” I giggle and kiss Liz on the top of her head.

Lucas and I get into his car and I remind him that I need a drugstore. His phone rings as we are pulling into a spot in front of the store.

“Yeah,” he answers, then says, “It’s Dietz.”

I get the hint and start to get out of the car, “Hang on,” he says to Dietz and then gives me a look that says you better not get out of the car without kissing me. I lean in and give him a light kiss that is returned with a smile. Lucas returns to the phone call and I hear him say before exiting the car, “What did you tell them?”

I brush it off as I walk into the store, thinking that Lucas sounded frantic, but maybe it’s nothing?

I search the aisle for the Plan B and it’s not there. I check with the pharmacist and she tells me that they are out, so I quickly grab a box of condoms and decide that we’ll just have to stop at the next pharmacy we see.

I get into the car, and immediately notice that the atmosphere has changed. Lucas seems to be anxious.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. Just some band stuff. Did you get what you needed?” He seems distracted as he nervously runs a hand through his dark hair.

“They didn’t have what I need. Maybe we can stop at another store?”

“Can it wait? I really want to take you somewhere,”

I mentally go over what Liz told me about Plan B. She said she had seventy-two hours after unprotected sex to take it so that she didn't get knocked up. Not the best birth control, but it’s there in case of any accidents.

“Yeah, um, I guess we can wait. Are you sure everything is okay?” I eye him, getting a feeling that the call he took from Dietz was anything but good.

“Relax,” he smiles at me trying to reassure me.

We drive north for twenty-minutes until we pull into a practically empty state park on Lake Erie. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”

I follow him out of the car and he takes my hand guiding me when I’m in reach. The park looks like it's used as a Marina in warmer months. There are two large piers that lead out onto the choppy waters of Lake Erie. The water splashes ferociously. There is a man sitting on an upside down white bucket with his fishing poles all in a row, just waiting to catch a bite. Woods line the large parking lot with over-sized spaces meant for boats.

Lucas leads me to a bridge that crosses over the mouth of the river. We stop in the middle of the bridge. Lucas stands behind me, wrapping his arms around me. To my left is a raging river. To my right, an even angrier lake. The moist air covers my face with a light sheen of water giving me a chill. A single seagull squawks then lands several feet away from us. The lake is vast and never ending as it bleeds into the horizon, while the river is backed up with fallen trees and branches tangled on top of one another, not sure if they are headed in or out, but fighting for a place to settle.

“I love it here,” Lucas says close to my ear. “When it’s warm, it’s filled with fishermen, but right now is when I like it the most. See how the water rushes together? The current from the river is so strong wanting to get out and be free from the narrow banks, but the lake fights back. It’s bigger than the river, stronger. When the water is turbulent like this, it’s as if the two sides go to war, but you know what I love the most?”

I shake my head, loving the sound of his voice and how he can make this sound almost poetic.

“I love that the current is strong enough to let the river break free even though it’s up against something so vast.”

We stand for a while silently watching the turmoil. I only just met Lucas last night, but I feel like he has an uncanny ability to make me feel at ease.

After some time, we walk over the bridge to the sandy beach area. Besides, the fisherman on the pier, we are completely alone.

“What are your dreams, June?” Lucas asks me as we sit close together with only a hint of sand separating us.

I could tell him about my journalism dream, but I feel like I need to be completely honest.

“I lost someone once and my biggest dream would be that I’d find them again, and that maybe I’d live happily ever after. I guess that sounds more like a fairy tale, though.”

He gulps. If I wasn't staring so hard at his beautiful features while he stared out at the water, I would’ve missed it. “It’s okay to believe in fairy tales. Maybe you’ll find them. Besides Juniper, I think you deserve a happy ever after.”

My heart is beating wildly. Juniper. He said it again. I wasn't imagining it before. I stare at him. His eyes are so much like Jake's, it hurts. This hurts. How can there be so many similarities? Have I somehow tainted my image of Jake?

“That’s the second time you’ve said that,” I accuse.

“Said what?”

“Juniper. Why did you call me that?” My hand is shaking and I feel like I’m betraying Jake somehow by letting Lucas call me

“Sorry, I just figured June was short for Juniper,” he looks at me and moves his fingers through my hair trying to calm me.

“Well, it’s not. Please don't call me that,” I snap. I need to get a grip. This is not his fault, it just feels so similar.

“What about you, Lucas? What are your dreams?”

“I’m not so sure that I’m not living it right now,” he flirts and then leans in and kisses me. Damn this man and his kisses. Every time, they completely distract me. No, it’s not that they distract me, more like enrapture me. Each pull and tug at my lips has me begging for more. More of his tongue. More of his hands on me. More of him. I find myself on my back pressed against the sand with Lucas hovering above me. My hands inch into his jacket and under his shirt coming into contact with his smooth, warm chest. I inch higher stroking my finger over his nipple. He roams over my jeans his hand stroking me between my legs. I’m so wet and turned on.

“Shit, June. We need to stop or that guy is going to get quite the show,” he pulls away from me and I can see by the bulge in his jeans how hard that was for him to do.

“Let’s go to your place,” I say breathlessly wanting more of him.

He doesn’t hesitate to grab my hand again and lead me back over the bridge and to his car. He takes shortcuts trying to avoid any lights so we can get to his place sooner. He strokes my thigh and occasionally rubs his hand over the inseam of my jeans, keeping me exactly where he wants me.

When we get back to the apartment, we have wild, undeniably hot sex. It’s amazing and if I’m honest, it’s the best I’ve ever had. I make Lucas wear a condom and explain to him that we recklessly had sex without protection and that we should’ve used something. For a moment, he’s panicked and then I tell him about Plan B and that I’m going to buy it right away. After napping from having spent all our energy on each other, I sit and work on my write-up of the band. They really are original. When I finish, I let Lucas read it, and he smirks at me when he reads how I think that the heart of the band’s talent lies within the keyboardist.

“Hey, I told you I was partial,” I joke.

He smirks at me and says, “Dietz might die a little at the news, but I think he’ll have to get over it.”

He’s still reading and hasn't gotten to the end yet so I decide to mess with him, “Well you haven't gotten to the part yet where I say how panty dropping hot Dietz is.”

His face is unreadable when he asks, “Panty dropping hot?”

“Oh yes, the last paragraph goes into great detail about his swagger.”

Lucas finishes reading as quickly as he can, and then when he is done I give him the biggest smirk, “You,” he says tackling me back on the bed and immediately finding my most ticklish spots.

“Say, uncle!”

I scream, but he doesn't relent. He eventually grasps both of my wrists in one of his hands. I squirm and buck until the tickling stops and it turns into something else entirely.


I stay over again which is unheard of for me. Liz calls me at seven in the morning waking me up shouting about where am I.
I sit up. Being woken up by Liz is not something I’m used to. “Shh,” I tell her still half asleep. “I stayed at Lucas’ again.”

“No shit, two nights in a row. You should’ve called a sister,” she scolds. I instantly feel bad because she’s right, I should’ve called. I would expect her to call me.

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