Read Bluegrass State of Mind Online

Authors: Kathleen Brooks

Bluegrass State of Mind (17 page)

"Sadly, it is not. That is too bad. We
could have had beautiful children together. Ah well, lets eat!" Mo
approached her and slung a friendly arm around her shoulders and
led her out the French doors to the table the wait staff had
prepared on the patio.

Kenna enjoyed lunch so much, she
thought about reconsidering his offer for marriage. The chocolate
soufflé for dessert almost tipped the scales. She knew they were
not responsible for the accidents. Maybe she could be the one to
bring them out, so to say, into Keeneston society so people could
change their opinions of him.

After lunch, Ahmed led them off the
patio to two golf carts. She had no idea Mercedes made golf carts!
Ahmed took the first one while she and Mo climbed into the second
one. Mo turned to her, "Are you sure I may not seduce you? I am
good at it you know."

She smiled at him, "I know you are.
And it's very tempting, especially after that dessert. But there is
just something between Will and I."

"Too bad. A nice seduction after lunch
sure hits the spot. But, at last, I am bested," Mo joked. "However,
I would ask your permission to talk about a sensitive

Confused about what topic he meant,
she nodded her head giving her approval.

"I know there is something going on in
your life that you are not telling anyone."

She felt the blood draining from her
face. No, there was no way he could know about New York. "What are
you talking about?" She tried to plaster a smile on her face while
wiping her now sweaty palms on the hem of her dress.

"Ahmed runs a full background on
anyone I invite over. I know you were an up and coming attorney at
the largest law firm in New York City. I know about two months ago,
on the night of your twenty-ninth birthday you went off the grid
and didn't show up again until you came to Keeneston. You haven't
touched your gold card and you haven't withdrawn any cash, except
for a large sum during your last night in New York."

Not knowing what to say, she took the
advice she had always given her clients and kept her mouth

Not seeming to be deterred by her
silence, Mo continued, "I know it must be something bad if you felt
your only option was to disappear. Just know that I am a very good
friend to have if you need help. Being a lawyer, you must know too,
it is nice to have a friend with diplomatic immunity." With that,
he turned and pointed out the foaling barn. He spoke of his hopes
to develop his stables into a Derby winning one.

As he talked about the farm she
thought about what he said. It would be nice to tell someone why
she was here and the fears she had. She still had not heard from
Danielle and was getting nervous. Not now, but someday she knew
she'd be able to trust Mo enough to tell him the truth.

"Mo, what about you? What brought you
half way across the world?"

"My parents. I turned thirty about
four years ago. Ever since, my parents, especially my father,
deemed it necessary for me to marry. However, it was my dream to
live on my own and marry who I wanted. I worked out a deal with
them that I had until I was thirty-five to enjoy my freedom. I
started a racing stable in my home country and it prospered. I
figured in the last year or so of my freedom, I would establish a
stable in Keeneston, the heart of horse racing."

"Will your father force you to marry
next year?" This was the first time she had considered how life was
so very different for him. It made her want to get him more
involved in the community she had already fallen in love

"Yes, and no. If I am not married by
thirty-five, I must return home to choose one of the eligible
ladies my father picks out and marry within the year. I am hoping
to have my stables established by then. After the marriage, we will
move back here to live."

"Then, you asked me to marry you for
no reason. I am so hurt!" She gave him a nudge with her

"Actually, that is part of the
arrangement between my father and me. I have the final and only say
in who I marry before my time is up. Unfortunately, I am not very
good at meeting women who are not after a name and position in a
royal family. I am third in line for the throne, and many women see
it as a way to live a fantasy life. I don't want that in a wife.
But I am afraid my time will soon expire and I will end up married
to a boring woman of good breeding." Mo drove the golf cart around
to the front of the mini-palace and pulled to a stop. "I am sure
you are eager to get back to your studies. I will have Ahmed drive
you home. I do hope you know I am sincere when I say I hope we can
be friends. It was lovely sharing the day with you."

"I enjoyed it, too. I am sure there
will be a party when the bar exam is over. You must promise me that
you and Ahmed will come."

"I promise." The sound of tires on the
crushed stone made them turn to look at the taxi coming down the
long drive. "Oh, no! Not another one." Mo groaned and put his
finger tips to his forehead as if trying to relieve a

"You have a problem with solicitors?
Are they girl scouts trying to sell cookies?" Kenna

"I wish. I have developed quite a
taste for those cookies. Sadly, this is my father's hand. He keeps
sending women to me in hopes that I will not marry who I choose,
but find one of his choices attractive enough to marry after I
examine her."

"You mean he ships eligible women over
here to be paraded in front of you in the hopes that you give in to
marry one. Doesn't he know women aren't horses?" She knew there was
a cultural difference, but she felt bad for these women.

"No, he doesn't know that. I do
though," he said before she had a chance to go off on a women's
rights tangent.

"But, for a bride to be considered
eligible she has to pass a physical and mental examination to make
sure she can have children. And to make sure she will not pass on
any deformities or genetic diseases." She and Mo turned to see the
taxi door open and a woman in beautiful navy silk flowing pantsuit
and a fuchsia silk head wrap step out. She was stunning with high
cheek bones and a slim figure.

"Geez Mo, you must hate having
beautiful women mailed to you. I wonder what the postage is on
that." She saw the corners of his lips tip up. "Well, I will leave
you to it. Thanks for a great lunch," She said as he waved good-bye
as she climbed into the limo with Ahmed.


* * *


Three weeks after lunch with Mo and
Ahmed, Kenna sat on the porch at Miss Lily's staring at the
envelope from the Kentucky Bar Association. The mail came about an
hour before, but she was too nervous to open it. June and Julius
had gone back to Florida a couple of weeks ago, promising to stay
in touch. She had spent long hours studying and then sat for the
six hour state portion of the Bar Exam two week ago. After taking
the Bar, she had filled her time putting her office together,
drafting an announcement for the paper, and slipping in to watch
Tom in Court. She was also lucky enough to be able to see Will
everyday. She cherished every moment she had with him. She was
falling hard and she knew it. But she couldn’t help but enjoy the
newness of the relationship. The laughing, the small touches, the

Kenna heard footsteps running up the
path, she looked up to find Paige running toward her. "Well, did
you pass?" Paige asked sucking in a deep breath.

"How did you know I got it today? And
no, I am too nervous." Kenna turned the envelope over and over in
her hands.

"Ronnie told me he gave it to you."
Upon seeing Kenna's confusion, Paige clarified, "Ronnie, the
weekday mailman."

"Oh. Here." She shoved the envelope at
Paige, "Open it and put me out of my misery." Unlike Kenna, Paige
didn't hesitate for a moment and ripped it open. Kenna watched as
Paige pulled out a sheet of paper.

"You passed!"

Kenna jumped up and joined Paige for a
little dance. "You get sworn in next Friday up in Frankfort by the
Kentucky Supreme Court. How cool, I totally want to

"Me too!" Miss Lily opened the screen
door and came out to do her own little dance.

"We must celebrate!" She said to Paige
and Lily.

"Don't worry one bit about that. Paige
and I have already been spreading the word that it came in the mail
today. We were all confident you'd pass, so there is going to be a
party at my sisters’ tonight at six."

"Ronnie needs to keep his mouth shut.
What if I had failed?"

"Then you would definitely need a
party to get drunk at," Paige joked.

Kenna nodded. What could she say,
Paige was right. "Make sure you invite Mo."

"Who?" Lily asked.

"The Sheik. Mohtadi is his first name,
but he wants to be easier to approach. So he thought to go with Mo.
That, and he said it sounded more American. Paige, he's really
nice. And make sure to tell him to bring Ahmed, his head of
security. I'll give you the phone number."

"I'll call him, but do you think
that's wise with the Ashtons coming?" Paige asked.

"I know you all don't believe it, but
I believe it is someone else causing the problems at Will's farm.
They're both really nice and I consider them friends. I really want
you all to meet them."

Paige nodded, "Fine, I'll invite them,
and I will be nice. Just because you like them. After all, they
can't be worse than Whitney." At her name, all three women

At five thirty, Will showed up at Miss
Lily’s to pick Kenna up. She walked down the sweeping staircase and
saw his smile beaming up at her. Her stomach flipped and even
though her heart sped up, she felt a wave of calm and rightness
settle over her. Will met her at the bottom of the stairs and
extended his hand to gently take hers. His thumb rubbed gentle
circles on her skin.

Congratulations, honey! I
knew you would have no problem with passing the test. Sorry it took
me so long to get here, I was detained for a bit on

Dread filled her, “Not another
accident?” She noticed his normally confident gaze had turned to
examining his shoes. “Will, was it bad?”

His chocolate eyes moved up from his
shoes to look her in the eyes once again, “Yeah, it was bad. One of
the grounds men got hurt by one of the bailers. Someone had
loosened a blade. When it was turned on, the blade collapsed on
him. Cut up one of his legs pretty bad. I am sorry McKenna, I
wanted today to be all about you and celebrating your

Nonsense. You are
important to me and therefore anything that affects you is
important to me. Is the man okay?”

Will gave a clipped nod, “Yes. After a
lot of stitches and a big tetanus shot, his wife was able to take
him home. So, no need for you to worry. I’ll get to the bottom of
this soon. I have someone watching the border between my farm and
the Sheik’s. I think if we protect that area the attacks will
stop.” Will looked out the front door and shook his head, “I just
don’t understand why such a rich man would do something like this.
He could just buy some more property on the other side of his land.
It must be plain revenge motivating such acts.”

Kenna knew she had to tread carefully
with this topic. Will was so sure it was Mo, just as she was sure
that it wasn’t. “Will, I know you think it’s Mo. But maybe you
should consider who else it could be. You know, in case it’s not
Mo.” She knew she had said too much as soon as she saw a red line
literally climb from his neck up his face. She saw him look away
and take a deep breath. Ugh, men… Why couldn’t they look at all the
scenarios instead of zeroing in on one and refusing to let

I know you like the
Sheik, but your infatuation with him has to stop. Of course it’s
him. The accidents started just after I turned down his offer to
purchase my farm. I think that’s a little too coincidental even for
a lawyer to ignore.”

She knew there was little chance at
getting him to change his mind so she figured she’d change the
subject, “We will have to agree to disagree. How about we just head
down to the cafe?" Obviously relieved, she saw him blow out a
breath and relax. It was a problem, but there was plenty of time
for her to work on it she thought to herself with a quick smile.
After all, she wouldn’t be very good at her job if she couldn’t
persuade people.

The party was already in full swing
when Will and Kenna arrived at the Blossom Cafe. She was happy to
see the Rose sisters in their element. They were flitting from
group to group, their white hair perfectly helmeted and in their
Sunday best. They were so very close to being adopted grandmothers.
She had to smile to herself as she watched them fuss over John
Wolfe. They had been welcoming, but with old school beliefs and
mannerisms that reminded her of her own Nana. Along with Paige and
the Rose sisters, she spotted Pam, Henry, Tammy, Roger and his
nephew Paul. All of whom had called Tom to say he needed to hire
her. She thanked every one of them, and her heart grew a little
more with each person she talked to.

Will was by her side the whole time,
with either a supportive arm slung over her shoulder or a hand
resting lightly on the small of her back. But now, he had been
cornered by John wanting to know the details of the latest
accident. Kenna had excused herself, no longer being able to
tolerate the speculation and walked across the room toward Paige.
However, once she was no longer with Will she had been

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