Read Bared by the Billionaire Online

Authors: Kallista Dane

Bared by the Billionaire (12 page)

“Her nipples are very sensitive, doctor. They harden immediately.”

“Are you aroused by what Nurse Natalie is doing, Kyra?”

“No, it’s just…”

A sensor began beeping somewhere behind her. Harmon made a note on the chart he held and then gave her a stern look. “That’s a lie, Kyra. I’ll be asking you a series of questions during this exam. I expect you to answer truthfully. When it’s over, you’ll be disciplined severely for every lie you tell me, along with the punishment you have coming for your dishonesty last night. Your body can’t deceive my machines, so you might as well be completely frank.”

“Now—have you ever had intimate relations with another woman?”

Kyra shook her head, then gasped when Natalie squeezed her nipple again.

“You’ll need to answer out loud,” Harmon said.

“No, I haven’t.”

“Have you ever fantasized about being in bed with another woman?”

Kyra hesitated, remembering a scene in one of the movies she’d watched, then whispered, “Yes.”

Harmon made another note on the chart. “Lie down on the table.”

She did as she was told, trying to keep the skimpy gown around her body. Natalie put on a pair of rubber gloves, and then ran a hand down between her legs. Although she’d done the same thing last night, it was just as embarrassing this time as it had been yesterday.

“Raise your legs,” Natalie said.

Kyra did as she was told and Natalie guided her feet into the cold metal stirrups. “Let your knees fall apart, nice and wide.”

Now the gown offered her no cover at all. Her body was on full view under the bright lights of the lab. Natalie moved a lever and the table split again. She stepped between Kyra’s legs, pulling apart the folds of her labia with her gloved fingers.

“Does it excite you, being naked like this in front of both of us?” Harmon asked the question in a dry, matter-of-fact way.

“N… not really,” Kyra stammered, embarrassed. The loud buzzer sounded again.

Harmon shook his head, making a ‘tsk, tsk’ sound. “That’s two. You really must stop trying to deceive me. It will only be worse for you later. Now—are you embarrassed at lying on the table naked in front of two fully clothed people, having them staring at you, touching your breasts and your pussy?”

“Yes,” she admitted, relieved to be able to answer with the full truth for once.

“But at the same time you find it sexually arousing, perhaps even more so because of your embarrassment?”

“Y… yes.” The word dragged from her lips.

Harmon handed the clipboard to Natalie. She moved away and he took her place between Kyra’s legs. He pulled a pair of rubber gloves out of the pocket of his lab coat and put them on. Harmon held out his hand and Natalie squeezed a generous amount of lube into his palm. He rubbed his hands together, then without any prelude, shoved two fingers up inside her. Kyra gasped.

His fingers moved around, sliding in and out before settling on her G-spot and massaging it. He began asking her a series of questions, all the while rubbing and stroking inside her pussy, while Natalie stood beside the table making notes on the clipboard.

“Do you like it when I rub you here? Fast or slow? Two fingers in your pussy… or three?”

Kyra could hardly concentrate. She blurted out answers, sometimes hearing the loud buzzing of the sensors as he brought her closer and closer to orgasm. When he finally took his hand away, Kyra was half-wild with desire.

Harmon lifted her heels out of the stirrups and Kyra sighed heavily, both relieved and disappointed. He snapped the lower section of the table back in place.

“Roll over and get up on your hands and knees.”

She stared at him, shocked.

“Now,” he commanded, his voice hard.

Kyra rolled over, still trembling from his sexual play, and hesitantly got into position. Natalie removed the cloth and she could see everything on the cart. Penis-shaped dildos in varying sizes and widths, and several items that she knew were designed for anal stimulation. A jolt of lust rocked her whole body.

“Nurse, hand me the rectal thermometer. We’ll start by taking her temperature.”

Kyra watched Natalie pick up a thermometer that was much larger and wider than any she’d ever seen before. She coated it with lube and handed it to Harmon. Kyra could see herself reflected in the huge mirrored wall. Harmon pulled the thin gown up to her waist, baring her bottom completely. Then he spread the cheeks of her ass apart with one gloved hand while sliding the thermometer slowly inside her with the other. Kyra squirmed, trying desperately to ignore the indecent desires he was awakening in her.

All the while he asked her questions. “Do you enjoy anal stimulation? Have you experienced anal intercourse? Do you fantasize about your partner engaging in ass play with you during sex?”

Kyra flushed with shame. She couldn’t lie about anything. The buzzing machine would give her away immediately.

“Yes. No,” and then a whispered “yes,” barely loud enough to hear.

Harmon kept moving the thermometer around inside her as he forced her to admit her naughtiest secret desires. Finally, he pulled it out, only to insert a new object—a series of round balls attached together, each one larger than the next, with an open ring at the end for a handle. He began pushing them up inside her ass, one at a time, making her describe her sensations out loud.

“It’s… oooh, it’s so tight going in… it’s stretching me…uuh…yes, I love how it feels now, filling me up, the smallest one going farther and farther inside me, they’re getting bigger every time, oh no, too big, too much, I can’t take another one… aaah…” Kyra forced the words out, panting and moaning as he continued. She looked in the mirror and froze, clenching her bottom together in terror to stop the largest ball from penetrating her.

“Nurse, I need some assistance here,” Harmon declared. He stepped to one side, with the object still up inside her, his hand gripping the handle attached to the largest ball.

Kyra gasped as Natalie gave her raised bottom a hard whack with a wooden paddle she produced from a drawer on the cart.

“Thank you, nurse. Kyra, you might as well try to relax. You’re going to take this in your bottom and continue describing how it feels in detail—with or without Nurse Natalie assisting me by spanking you when you resist what I’m doing.”

His masterful statement accompanied by the harsh whack set off a rush deep inside her. She heard a different sensor go off, this time a high-pitched hum. Harmon made a sound, deep in his throat, and slid two fingers back into her pussy. He forced the final ball into her ass, and then started pulling them in and out while rotating them slowly.

“Tell me. Do you like this?”

“Yes. Oooh… yes. You know I do. You—and your machines.” Kyra’s voice was ragged, the words coming between her moans and whimpers.

“Nurse, I’ll take it from here. You’re excused.”

Kyra barely noticed Natalie leaving the room. Her whole body was quivering. She crouched on her hands and knees, her ass up in the air, being violated by that wicked object, with Harmon’s fingers plunging in and out of her pussy as he stoked a vicious craving she never knew existed. She was being taken in the ass and in the pussy, both at once for the very first time. Kyra whipped her head from side to side, struggling to stay in place on the table as her orgasm built.

“Good girls get rewarded. Naughty girls get punished.” He stopped all at once. “Tell me, Kyra, do good girls lie?”

“N… no, sir.” She managed to blurt out the words, panting heavily.

“And did you lie to me?”

She was nearly sobbing now, the need to come was so great. “Yes, sir.”

Harmon slid his fingers out of her, then, one by one, he slowly removed the string of balls from her ass. Kyra shuddered as each one was withdrawn.

“So you admit that you were naughty. You lied.” Harmon stopped and consulted his chart. “Eleven times in all. You’re going to be punished now for lying. And you don’t get to come tonight. Orgasms are a reward that only good girls get. Now stay in place up on the table, just like that. Next time, maybe you’ll be a good girl.”

Kyra’s head fell. She was incredibly aroused, desperate for release. He grabbed the paddle from the table and gave her a wallop. Kyra bit back a wail. Another harsh whack came, so fast that she barely had time to breathe. He spanked her hard, and Kyra wanted to cry from a mixture of pain and frustration. She wanted to plead with him, to beg him to let her come. But she feared that a request like that would only result in some other even more severe form of discipline.

When he finally laid the paddle down, Kyra’s arms collapsed and she huddled face down on the table with her red, burning ass in the air.

“We’re through for tonight. Take all the time you need to get dressed. And remember, you’re not allowed to touch yourself. Not now, or at any time when you’re under my roof.”


* * *


She was summoned to the lab again the next night. This time, she was ordered to dress in the little plaid schoolgirl skirt, with an old-fashioned pair of white panties underneath. On top she wore a white cotton blouse, long-sleeved, with the tail tucked into her skirt.

When she got to the lab, he outfitted her with a different headpiece. It looked like a sleek pair of wraparound sunglasses, except these fastened behind her head so they wouldn’t fall off no matter what position she was in. When Harmon put them on her, she realized the lenses were really tiny screens. She saw herself wearing the plaid skirt. But instead of being in the lab, she was standing in a paneled office in front of a large wooden desk. Kyra realized that, except for the indecent length of the skirt, she was dressed just like a student at one of Miami’s exclusive private schools. Everything looked so real it was hard to believe she had entered a virtual world.

A stern gray-haired man she’d never seen before stood up from the high-backed chair behind the desk. “Young lady, you have violated several rules today.” He wore a tweed jacket with suede patches at the elbows, brown trousers, and a narrow olive green tie.

Okay, apparently this game character was the headmaster.

“First of all,” he said, “that skirt you’re wearing is so short it’s practically obscene. You know it’s supposed to touch your knees. Second, when your science teacher, Mr. Harmon, pointed that out to you, you told him to mind his own business, using very vulgar language, including the F word. I know you’re new here, but at St. Anne’s, we do not allow such behavior.”

He walked around the desk and Kyra saw he had a narrow leather crop in his hand. “Your parents sent you here knowing we use traditional methods of discipline when a student ignores our rules. They agreed to allow us to punish you as we see fit if we feel that it’s necessary. You will bend over this desk right now, Miss Thornton, pull up your skirt, and receive ten whacks from me for the dress code violation. Then Mr. Harmon here will step forward and pull down those panties that can easily be glimpsed under your indecent outer wear. He will deliver twenty more to your bare bottom to punish you for your rude remarks to him.”

Kyra looked around. Jake Harmon stood in the corner of the virtual room. She couldn’t tell if he was real or just part of this elaborate scene. How could he have known that this was one of her naughtiest secret fantasies, one that got her so hot when she played it out in her head that she’d make herself come again and again?

“Miss Thornton, come here and bend across this desk, with your hands flat on the surface in front of you.”

She stood there for a moment and his voice got hard. “Right now, Miss Thornton. Or I’ll be forced to add extra strokes for disobedience.”

Kyra took a few hesitant steps and felt the very real edge of a wooden surface right where the desk was in her virtual world. She bent forward and slowly raised her skirt to show off her white schoolgirl panties, trembling in anticipation.

“Hands on the desk now. Count the strokes out loud. And don’t move or I’ll have to begin again.”

She put her palms on the surface of the desk. Now the scene before her eyes shifted. She could see it all as a spectator. There she was, bent over the desk, her skirt bunched around her waist. She saw the headmaster step to one side behind her. She saw his arm draw back, she heard a swish… then felt a burst of white-hot pain. She saw herself bolting upright at the same time her body jerked to a standing position.

“Miss Thornton.” The headmaster’s tone was harsh. “Bend over immediately. If you cannot stay in position, I will have Mr. Harmon here hold you down while I administer your punishment and I will do the same when it is his turn. Now as I warned you, that stroke will not count.”

Kyra knew the headmaster’s office she stood in was an illusion, but when she reluctantly bent over the desk again, the very real burn of his next whack made her question how the game, if it truly was a game, was going to end. This wasn’t her innocent little schoolgirl spanking fantasy any more. Harmon had somehow melded her naughty daydreams together with reality in a wicked virtual universe. She was in a world where imaginary transgressions resulted in actual wallops on her ass.

She could still see Harmon standing off to one side of the desk, watching intently. Was the Harmon in her headset a hologram? Was he actually the one spanking her—or had he brought in a real person to play the role of headmaster? The thought of another live man in the room, staring at her bottom covered only with the sheer panties and then spanking it hard, sent a shameful thrill through her body. She bit off a cry.
had just delivered a very real swat to her ass again, lighting a fire on her backside.

Before long, Kyra was too busy trying to stay in position across the desk and count the strokes without wailing out loud to question what was real and what wasn’t. It all became real, even more so when Harmon stepped forward and took the crop from the headmaster for his turn.

She felt his hands slide across her aching backside, and watched him slowly pulling the thin panties down to her knees on the screen in front of her eyes. She felt the cool air on her burning bottom and then the searing heat of his first swat.

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