Read Agon Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #angels, #paranormal romance, #erotic romance, #protectors, #mystic protectors

Agon (17 page)

I don’t know about all
that. I do have a few things going on now. And Kala wants me to
open a bigger shop. I don’t know if I’d have the time for that.”
She stopped at the edge of the fence line and looked out over the
fields. “This is such a waste. Who would have all this property and
not make a thing of it? Morons I guess, or at least the one that
owns this is.”

You will make it right.”
Before she could ask Him what He meant, He spoke again. “I must go.
There is trouble brewing elsewhere, and I am needed.”

Then He was gone.

As she stood there thinking about her
woes, she also thought about Agon. He was such a mystery to her.
Not just in what he was, but just him. His manners and speech were
like something from a Dickens novel. He was polite to a point where
she wanted to brain him. Who the hell opened doors for women
anymore? And pulled out chairs for them? No one she’d ever dated or
even observed before. She turned when she heard someone clear their

I’m still mad at you.”
Agon nodded. “I think you know what you said was hurtful and cruel.
It doesn’t mean that I’m going to be mad forever, but right now, I
think I like it better than you. My anger I mean.”

It was cruel of me, and
I’m sorry. I am sorrier than I can explain to you.” He touched her
arm and smiled at her. “I have purchased you something. Not because
you are upset with me, but because I have found your

My purpose? What do
you—?” She was suddenly standing in a field of trees. Not just any
trees but ones filled with fruit. She walked up to the apple tree
next to her and pulled the small fruit from the tree. “They’ve been
neglected. Who would do something like this to such a lovely source
of food?”

The previous owners have
divorced. I am not sure…it matters little. They are no longer in
need of this place, as it is a sore spot for them. I asked Lily
what that meant, and she said they had memories here that hurt. I
wish for you to make the trees and us new memories.” She looked at
him as he pulled her along another row of trees, this one filled
with what looked like cherries. “These have already bloomed and
will again next year. There are peaches, too, as well as pears and
grapes. I have never…did you know that with the right soil one can
grow worms? Worms? Who would have thought that one would need to
harvest worms? The earth is filled with them, and people would pay
to have them harvested. People are very strange to me.”

I would imagine that they
would think you are as well. But they use them to aerate the
ground.” What he said occurred to her, and she frowned. “What do
you mean, make new memories? What have you done?” She watched his
face as he flushed, and she was almost afraid to have him answer

There is a house, but it
is in poor repair. A barn and several out buildings as well. The
barn alone is much larger than the building you work in now. And I
have some of the others, friends of ours, working to bring it to
code for you.” She looked at the barn that was at least a hundred
yards from them and noticed there was a tractor being worked on, as
well as several people milling about the opening to the barn. “You
will be able to move in by the end of the week if you

You bought this farm?” He
nodded and pointed to the house, but before he could continue, she
cut him off. “You bought this farm and all the buildings since this
morning? How? Why?”

Because I love you. And
some because I have hurt you. I wanted to…you are not a
diamond-and-chocolate sort of woman, I think. You are more of a
get-your-hands-dirty-and-work-the-soil kind of woman. Buying you
diamonds, as I thought to do, would have made you smile, but this
would make your heart fill. Do you like it?” He took her hand again
and bent on one knee. “I do have you a diamond, too. One that says
that…that I love you more than I have ever loved a person or
anything before. I wish that you would become my wife. Will you…I
have messed up, this I am aware of. And I will much more in our
lifetimes together. You will wish to smash me over the head with a
close object and I will deserve it, but I would love for you to be
my wife while you do. Will you marry me, Judith Craft?”

Her heart filled just as he said it
would, and she felt her eyes fill with tears. “You drive me nuts. I
love you, but you drive me nuts.”

Is that a yes?” She
nodded, and he pulled the ring out of his pocket and slipped it on
her finger. There was only a band showing, but she could feel the
stone against her palm. “I would like to tell you something about
this stone before you see it. It was given to me by a great woman.
You know of her, of course, but I was there when she was…captured.
There was so much more about her than written in the history books.
Joan was a wonderful, special woman, and it was an honor to have
been her protector.”

Before she could ask him which Joan he
was referring to, he turned the ring around. And she literally
could not breathe. It was the largest diamond she’d ever seen, and
if that wasn’t enough, there were several other stones, all
brightly colored, surrounding it.

I’ll need an armed guard
just to wear this.” When he kissed her hand and stood up, she held
her hand up to the sun. Sparkles of rainbows danced along the trees
and sky until she was nearly blinded by them. Looking up at him,
she smiled. “I love you very much.”

And I you. But Boss wants
us.” She nodded and felt the air rush around her. Before she could
blink, they were in an office setting. “He said now.”

Boss stood up and grinned at her. She
smiled back but was a little nervous now that things were going to
progress so quickly. When He came toward them, she wanted to back
away but stood her ground. Boss kissed her cheek and took both
their hands into His.

From this day forward you
will be as one. No man, human or otherwise, will ever be able to
pull you apart. No person will come between you, nor will you ever
part, either in death or life. I pronounce you a couple for all
time through love, compassion, and understanding.” He winked at
Agon. “You will need to work on your end with that.”

He put a ring on both their fingers,
and she felt the change immediately. When dizziness made her sway,
she was picked up and held in Agon’s arms until she felt she could
stand on her own. When he sat her down, she knew that Boss had
changed her.

I have changed Agon as
well. You are now and forever a part of my Mystic Protectors.” He
kissed her cheek again, and she looked down at the band. “I have
fashioned it myself. And it will never come from your fingers, nor
will anyone be able to harm what is Mine. You will be protected, as
you are a protector. Welcome.”

Judith found that while she didn’t
feel any different mentally, she did feel it physically. And there
was something more. She knew as surely as she was standing there
that she could fly.


Jerry woke with a start. He was afraid
to move. It wasn’t just dark but pitch thick black out, and he
couldn’t see even his body. Moving ever so slightly, he felt the
roughness of something at his cheek and realized he was in a yard.
Then what had happened came tumbling back. He’d fallen asleep in
the outdoors.

As he had no flashlight or anything to
guide him out, he didn’t stand up. It would be just his luck he’d
fall into one of the holes the dozer had dug and break his fool
neck. Instead, he pulled his cell phone out and tried to see what
time it was. Nearly four in the morning. Then he realized how
bright his phone was.

Standing up, he used it for a light to
guide him and started toward one of the heavy pieces of equipment
that had been working while he’d slept. Amazingly enough, they were
nearly on top of him, and had they come just a few feet more, they
would have discovered him snoozing in the grass like a homeless
man. Snorting to himself, he moved away from the area and back the
way he’d come.

Every few minutes, he had to turn his
phone on. He looked at his battery. Stopping to think what to do
about having only about thirteen percent left, he wondered if he
should simply wait until sunlight by staying there, or go on until
he had no battery left. A noise close behind him made him

There was no mistaking this person was
the man on the dozer. He was big and his body, naked from the waist
up, shone in what little light there was coming from the light in
his hand. Jerry wanted to speak but was afraid that somehow he’d
disappear and he’d be standing there drooling for

I was sleeping in my cab
when I saw you.” Jerry nodded. “You been out here all night? Or you

I was…both I guess. I
think I got turned around and was trying to find my way back to the
road.” Neither of them moved, and Jerry turned all the way around
to face this Adonis. “You say you slept in your cab?”

Yeah. I had a fight with
my…friend and figured I’d stay here to let him cool off.” Jerry
licked his lips, thinking of how much he wanted to beg this man to
take him. “You queer, too?”

Yes.” Even to him his
voice sounded harsh, heavy, he supposed. And for the first time in
his life, he had no idea what to say to someone. “You

The man didn’t answer but walked to
him, taking his belt off. Jerry felt his cock thicken as he watched
him unsnap his pants, too. By the time he was standing in front of
him, Jerry had dropped to his knees and was ready. As soon as the
man’s cock was free, Jerry was fisting him.

Suck me off.” Jerry
didn’t need to be told twice but took his thick cock into his
mouth. “That’s it. Suck me. Just like you wanted to do yesterday
when I saw you. I gave you a show and watched as you fucked your
own cock, too. Did you like that, me coming all over the tree? I
thought of you watching me when I did it.”

Jerry reached down to free his own
cock. He wrapped his hand around himself as he gave the man head.
As thick as he was, he barely fit into his mouth, but Jerry was
giving it his best. When he started to fuck his mouth hard, sliding
down the back of his throat as he did it, Jerry felt his own climax
racing forward. But at the last second, the man pulled back and
Jerry wanted to cry.

Take them off. I need to
fuck you.” Jerry nodded and stood up. He was pulling his pants down
around his knees when he was shoved against a fallen tree and his
ass was filled. Christ, he felt as if he were being ripped apart.
Before he could tell him it was too much, the man started to move
as he wrapped his hand around Jerry’s cock.

Jerry’s body was on fire. His cock
filled again, and his balls tightened up to his body as the man
behind him pounded him over and over. Jerry knew that this was
dangerous. The man could have all kinds of diseases, but, fuck,
this was the best he’d had in forever. When he shouted he was
coming, Jerry pushed back against his body even as his own cock
released. He felt filled, and knew that the man’s cream was
spilling from him as he continued to pound. Jerry cried out when
the man sank his teeth into his shoulder and came again.

It was several minutes before he
pulled from his ass. Jerry winced when he did, the pain incredible
now that he’d had his fill. But before he could tell him how
amazing he was, he turned Jerry around and hit him in the face with
a powerful fist.

Jerry fell back, falling over his
pants and all the shit laying around. When he came at him again,
Jerry covered his face and dick as best he could until his hand on
his balls was jerked away. The man took him into his mouth and
swallowed him down, even as Jerry hardened again.

He’d been sucked off before, but this
man had such a powerful way of it that Jerry felt as if he’d been
hooked up to a vacuum. His balls filled again as he fucked the
man’s mouth, both wanting to come and not because that would be the
end. As soon as the man rammed his fingers up his ass again, Jerry
came, screaming, and felt his world pinpoint to darkness as the man
rolled him over and slammed into his ass again. Jerry never felt
him this time; he blacked out from the pain/pleasure of it. Christ,
never had he been fucked unconscious before.

When he woke, it was bright in the
woods. He was alone, thankfully, and his pants had been pulled up
but not closed. He rolled to his back, feeling every muscle in his
body protest. Jerry had just had the fucking of his life and had no
idea who had done it. Not that he really cared one way or the

As he lay there, he could hear the
dozer running and wondered, just for a moment, what the man would
do if he wandered over to it and asked if he could suck him while
he worked. Instead, he moved in the opposite direction and toward
the house, picking up his shirt along the way. It had been a good
lay and now that it was daylight, it was time to move on. Jerry
found himself whistling for the first time in a very long

There were two cops in the yard and
one cruiser still there when he rounded the side of his house. He
wasn’t worried about them really, but moved into the back of the
house to enter through a hidey hole he’d had installed years ago,
before he’d gone to prison.

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