Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4) (16 page)

“It’s a long story. You wouldn’t understand,” I reply honestly.

“Try me.”

“She’s too good for me,” I admit with a shrug. I hate to say it, but it’s the truth.

“Oh you’ve got that right, lover boy. She is. But it still didn’t give you the right to treat her like a dog. You really hurt her. Someone as sweet as her doesn’t deserve what you did to her.”

“I know,” I say as I cast my eyes down at the table, guilt consuming me. I still feel like an arse.

“I don’t know what you’re packing in your pants, Mr. Casanova, but try and keep it in there this time. After everything she’s been through, that’s the last thing she needs. If you hurt her again, I’ll be adding a little rat poison to your next fucking coffee.” Her eyes narrow as she says it and I can’t help but laugh. I know it’s a threat, and she probably means every word, but damn she cracks me up. I love her spunk.

One thing she says I find interesting, as well as disturbing, was she went to the same high school as Riley. Apparently another female student accused him of date rape. Whatever evidence the police had mysteriously disappeared, so no charges were ever laid. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who was behind that.

Rumours circulated after she came forward, and the girl was made out to be a liar and a slut. Her and her family were victimised so badly, they ended up leaving town. Honestly, I don’t blame them. I can only imagine how she must have felt.

“I never would’ve encouraged her to go out with him if I thought for one minute those rumours were true,” she confessed. I have no right, but it pissed me off to no end to know she’d encouraged Angel to go out with that fucker.

Pops has always said the police force in this town is full of corrupt cops. I hate to think how many other victims there have been, aside from Angel and this other girl.
always acted like he’s untouchable. I’ve never liked him, but this just proves my point.

I’m so glad I kicked his motherfucking arse

Dana does promise that when the opportunity arises she’ll try and talk to Angel. That’s all I came for, so I thank her and leave. Right now, I need to get back to my girl. I hate how she’s on her own.

It’s a good twenty minutes before I get my things from home and make it back to her place. To say I’m shocked when I find her in a heap on the front porch is an understatement.

“Fuck,” is all I manage to get out as I drop my backpack and go to her. “Angel,” I say when I’m squatting down beside her. I gently place my hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

“Chase,” she cries as she pulls herself up from the floor, throwing herself into my arms.

“What happened?” I ask pulling her to me. “Talk to me, sweet-cheeks.” My mind is fucking spinning as I try to figure out what the hell is going on.

“R…R…Riley’s d…d…dad.” She’s been crying so hard she can hardly get the words out. What does she mean ‘Riley’s Dad’?

“Was he here?” I ask as the anger rises within me. She nods her head.
What the fuck!

There’s no way I’m going to get any sense out of her while she’s like this. I’m fuming that he’d come here and upset her, but I’ll deal with that prick later. I don’t give a shit who he is. Mess with my girl, and you mess with me.

I see her keys laying on the ground beside her. After picking them up, I scoop her into my arms and carry her inside. She’s clinging to me so tight it breaks my heart. What is it with the
men, that they think it’s okay to treat women like this?

I don’t put her down. Instead, I take her straight to her bedroom. When I go to place her on the bed, her grip on my shirt tightens. She doesn’t say it, but I can tell she doesn’t want me to leave her alone. I exhale as I contemplate what to do. Laying down with her isn’t a smart move, but there’s no way I’m leaving her either.

Against my better judgment I lay down next to her, pulling her into my arms. I hate seeing her like this, and I’d do anything to make it stop.

I stroke her hair and hold her tight against me, and after a while she begins to calm. I really want to know what happened, but I also don’t want to upset her again by asking.

“Are you okay, sweet-cheeks?” I eventually ask.

“He doesn’t believe our story,” she whispers. “He thinks you and I are involved.”

“He said that?” This time she just nods. “Did he hurt you in any way?”

“Not much. He just roughed me up some.” I tell you, I see fucking red when those words leave her pretty lips. I’m so close to losing my shit right now it’s not funny, but I try my best to remain calm. Losing my temper isn’t going to help her any. It’s only going to scare her more.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to protect you,” I say as I pull her closer. She wraps her arm around my waist, laying her head on my chest, snuggling into me. As angry as I am, it makes me smile. She’s so damn sweet.

“You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”

“Well I hope you like having me around, because I’m not leaving your side again. Not until this mess is over.”

“Really?” she asks, lifting her head to look at me. “You don’t mean that.”

“I fucking do. You’re stuck with me, sweet-cheeks.”

“What if it’s never resolved?”

“Then I guess you’ll be stuck with me forever,” I chuckle.

“I like the sound of that,” she answers sweetly as she rests her head on my chest again. I smile at her reply. In my heart I know she wouldn’t want that though. She’d soon get sick of having me around, just like my mum did. I decide to throw her own words back at her.

“You don’t mean that.” She lifts her head again, her cute little mouth opened like she’s shocked.

“I fucking do,” she says seriously, and we both crack up. After the way I found her moments ago, it’s such a relief to hear her laughing again.

When she lays back down on my chest, I kiss the top of her head. “You’re so fucking adorable.”

We continue to lay wrapped in each other. Even with everything going on in our lives right now, I can honestly say I think this is the happiest I’ve ever felt in my life.





We eventually get up and go for our run. Although I didn’t really feel like going, it did me good. Three of my favourite things: being by the ocean, running, and Chase. Words cannot express what having him here has done for me.

The hard part is I not only want him, I need him,
so much
. I’m worried that I’m becoming dependant. What I feel for him is growing stronger every second we’re together. I’m scared if this were to end again, it would destroy me.

I know I haven’t had much experience with the opposite sex, so this may sound crazy, but Chase is the one. I just know he is. He’s my missing link, the other half of my soul. In my heart I know we were made for each other. I only wish he could see it too.

Once we’re back at home, I head to the kitchen to make us a fruit smoothie before we shower. Separately, of course. Thankfully, mum fully stocked my cupboards and fridge while she was here. I have enough food to see me through the rest of the week.

Chase comes to stand beside me. “Can I help you with anything?” he asks while I slice the fruit.

“You can get the milk out of the fridge.” He does what I ask, placing it on the benchtop.

“How are you feeling now?” he asks.

“I’m fine.”

“Really? You’re fine?” He raises his eyebrow when he asks, like he doesn’t believe me.

“Yes,” I answer truthfully. He, along with the run we just took, helped. I feel rejuvenated.

“Honestly, Angel. I’m worried about you. I don’t think you’re fine.”

“What? Why? I’m okay, Chase. Having you here has helped more than you know,” I reply truthfully, turning my head to smile at him.

“Well, I’m happy to be here with you. You’re stuck with me, remember?”

“I know and I’m happy to be stuck with you.” I look up from what I’m doing and smile at him again. I want him to know that I mean what I say. “I’ve really missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” he exhales. I know now is probably not the time to bring this up, but I need answers.

“Why did you walk out on me? Was I really that bad in bed?”

“What! Fuck no. Is that what you think?” I shrug my shoulders. I don’t really think that, but it’s one of the many scenarios which have gone through my head. He leans over, removing the knife from my hand, placing his hand on my shoulder, turning me to face him.

“It was perfect. You were perfect,” he says, reaching up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear. “Please, don’t ever think that.” 

“Then why?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugs while contemplating how to answer. “Because I freaked out, I guess.”

“About what?”

“About how you made me feel.”

“I don’t understand.” I’m not sure what he means.

He sighs, bringing one of his hands up, running it through his hair. I can tell this conversation is making him uncomfortable. “You made me feel things I’ve never felt before.”

“Good things or bad things?” I ask.

“Do we really have to talk about this now?”

“Yes. If we’re going to be friends, we need to talk about this. It’s the only way we can move past it. I don’t want to be left wondering for the rest of my life what I did wrong.”

“You did nothing wrong.”

“Then why? I understand you freaked out, but why did you act like I didn’t exist? You broke my heart, Chase. I thought our friendship meant something to you.”

“Our friendship means everything to me …you mean everything to me. It’s just…”

“Just what?”

“I can’t be with you like that.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t expecting him to say that. I swear I feel my heart tear in two. I know we agreed to be just friends, but hearing him say he doesn’t want me like I want him, is not something I want to hear. I try not to react. I don’t want him to know I’m disappointed with what he just said, but I’ve been so emotional the last few days, I can’t stop the tears that threaten to come.

I quickly turn away from him, picking up the knife, trying to focus on the fruit I’d been cutting a few moments ago. The tears in my eyes cloud my vision.

“Please, sweet-cheeks. Don’t turn away from me,” he begs. I just ignore him and keep chopping. If I look at him, he’s going to know what he said has upset me.

“Ouch,” I say when the knife cuts into my finger. Shit. Cutting fruit with tears in my eyes wasn’t a very smart move.

“Jesus. Give me a look at that,” he says as he reaches for my hand.

“It’s fine.” Before I get a chance to say anything else, he has my finger in his mouth. I exhale, but I keep my head facing forward, looking down at the chopping board. I shouldn’t like the feel of his lips on my skin after what he just said, but I do.

“Look at me,” he demands, gently sliding my finger out of his mouth.

“No.” Using his other hand, he places his finger under my chin, turning my face towards him.

His face drops when he notices the tears in my eyes. “Jesus. Come here,” he says pulling me into his arms. “I’m sorry if what I said upset you.”

I shouldn’t let him hold me like this anymore. It’s only going to make things harder, complicate things. Yet, I love being in his arms, so I lean the side of my face against his chest and close my eyes, letting the tears freely fall.

“Don’t be sorry,” I whisper against his chest. “You can’t help it if you don’t feel the same way about me, as I do you.” He pulls my head away, cupping my face in his hands so he can look at me.

“Is that what you think? That I don’t have feelings for you?”

“Well you just said that, so yes.”

“No I said I
be with you. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”

“Well if you want to, why can’t you?”

“Because…because you deserve better than a guy like me.”

“Oh, someone like Riley?”

“No,” he growls. “I don’t know what you ever saw in that fucker.”

“He was the only guy, apart from you, who showed me an ounce of attention. Nobody else wanted to date me.”

“Everybody wanted to date you, Angel.”
Yeah right.
I find that hard to believe since not one person, other than Riley, showed any interest.

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s the truth.”

“Why didn’t anybody else ever ask me out then?” I ask, challenging him.

“Because any guy who showed any interest in you, was warned to stay away.”

“By who?” I asked, shocked.

“By fucking me. That’s who.”

“What? You warned guys to stay away from me?” I practically scream, pushing myself off of him. I’m pissed he would do such a thing, especially since that’s the very reason I moved here in the first place. “I think you better leave,” I say, as I try to walk around him, but he grabs hold of my arm.

“Angel please. Let me explain.”

“I’ve heard enough, Chase,” I say shrugging my arm out of his hold. “Just go.”

As I walk towards my bedroom, tears threaten to fall again, but I’m so fucking angry right now. I refuse to shed another tear over him.

How could he do something like that to me?
Because he’s an arsehole, that’s how.





Fucking hell. This whole conversation is going from bad to worse. If she thinks I’m going to go, leaving things this way between us, she’s wrong. I’ve just got her back, and there’s no fucking way I’m going to lose her again.

She storms down the hall towards her room. I’m right on her heels though. I’m not letting her get away. “Angel,” I call out as she walks into her bedroom.

“Fuck off, Chase,” she says, spinning around to close the door. Nope, not happening. A small smile tugs at my lips.

Angry Angel is fucking hot.

My foot comes out, stopping her from slamming the door in my face. She looks down to see what’s blocking the door and then back up at me. Her eyes narrow as she says, “Move your fucking foot, Chase.”


“Fine. Arsehole,” she says, letting go of the door and spinning around. I follow her into the room. She makes her way towards the bathroom, but I’m not letting her hide in there either. Reaching out, I grab hold of her arm, spinning her around and pinning her with my body against the wall. “Get off me,” she snaps trying to push me away. I love my sweet Angel, but angry Angel is turning me the fuck on.

“Not until you let me explain.”

“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

“Too fucking bad. You’re going to listen to what I have to say whether you like it or not.” She doesn’t answer, but narrows her eyes at me. She looks so cute when she shows that obvious defiance. I’m sure that’s not the effect she’s going for though.

“Why are you so angry with me?” I ask.

“Why? Fucking why?” She laughs in disbelief at my question. “Are you kidding me? You may not know this, but I moved to Melbourne because my father sabotaged any relationship I ever tried to have. I was a twenty-two year old virgin until I met you. All I wanted was to experience everything life had to offer, which included men.”

“Wait,” I say holding up my hand when what she just said finally registers. “You were a virgin when we got together?”

“Yes. So?”

“Soooo,” I drag out. “Fucking so. You let me take your virginity, and you didn’t think to tell me first? Fuck, how did I not know that?” I ask, more to myself than anyone else. Taking a step back I fist my hands in my hair. Jesus Christ. I was her first and look at how I treated her. That makes what I did so much fucking worse. I wasn’t even gentle with her the first time we had sex.

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” she states crossing her arms. Big deal? She’s fucking kidding right?

“The big deal is it was your first time. Your first time should be with someone special. Someone you care about.”

“It was,” she says matter-of-factly. Even though I’m touched she thinks I’m special, I’m still pissed at her for not telling me. I tilt my head back looking up at the roof. I exhale an exasperated breath. Now I’m the one trying to keep my temper at bay.

“Why didn’t you have sex with anyone before you met me?” I ask. I’m curious to know why she waited so long. I’m positive I’m not the first person to try.

“I just told you. My dad put an end to every relationship I ever had, before it even began.”


“Yes, fuck. Now can you see why I’m angry at what you did? Why would you do something like that to me?”


“Because fucking why?” she screams in my face.

“Because I wanted you for myself,” I admit, getting back up in her face. Her sweet mouth opens in shock. I know I shouldn’t, but fuck me I’m going in.

I step forward, gently grabbing hold of her ponytail and tilt her head back, allowing me full access to those luscious lips of hers. Before she has a chance to protest, my lips are on hers. It’s not a soft kiss like the one I gave her last night either.

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