Read 7 Days of Seduction Online

Authors: Jenna Jaxon

7 Days of Seduction (4 page)

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"I'm sorry there's no wine with dinner, but I don't drink." Hunter smiled and raised the green bottle of sparkling water to pour Ashley another glass.

"That's okay. I'm really not a big drinker."

He snorted and raised an eyebrow. Was she in denial?

Ashley shook her head and sat back in her chair, arms crossed. "I know what you think. I was shitfaced the night you met me. But really, I only drink at parties. I kind of save up during the week and last Friday night I was celebrating." She shrugged and went back to eating her salad.

"Okay." He'd give her the benefit of the doubt and hope it would hold true. "What were you celebrating?"

She smiled, her face lighting up for the first time since they'd begun the meal.

"I got a promotion last week. I'm now Dr. Hawthorne's secretary."

"I thought you already were."

"Not really. I was hired as an office assistant about six months ago. Then his secretary quit last month and he finally decided to give me her job. It's a big deal to me." She attempted another bite, set her fork down and launched into a different topic before he could get another word out.

"So, I'm just going to lay it out there, Hunter. Where did you first see me? I don't remember meeting you. And believe me, I would have." Her hungry gaze roamed all over his face and upper torso.

Damn, the woman was trying to undress him across the table. But he'd chosen her because he'd sensed that hunger in her. Just waiting to be unleashed. He smiled and sipped his Perrier, grappling for control of their evening.

"I'm a law student. Dr. Hawthorne was a professor of mine when I was an undergrad and he told me he liked the way I thought. From the papers I had to write in class. So I got into the habit of taking my papers to him, so he could proof them, tell me what he thought of them."

"You have the head of the English Department at
proofreading your papers?" She shook her head, her eyes closed and a slight smile on her lips. "Do you have birds eating out of your hand also?"

Hunter laughed softly. "Care for a roll, Ash?" He held the breadbasket out to her, keenly watching her every move.

She stared back at him, tossed her hair, then took the fresh bread, and tore it in two. "I suppose you saw me in the office." She shrugged then popped a morsel of the roll into her mouth.

She mesmerized him as she chewed. When she paused to lick her lips, their shiny glaze started a restless stirring in his groin. Maybe dinner had been a mistake.

"Yes, I saw you talking to a student who wanted an appointment with Dr. Hawthorne. Back in the spring. You were wearing a light blue sweater and when you took his advisement form, your hand brushed against his and you smiled, though he didn't see that."

Her face froze, eyes widened.

"Are you saying I did something inappropriate with a student?" She shifted, straightened up in her chair, shoulders back, chin raised. Her boobs thrust out magnificently toward him.

"I'm saying that questionable interaction with the student focused my attention on you. It said ‘Ashley is a girl who might just take a risk. Might like a little color in her life.' So I made inquiries, did a little checking, and started watching you."

stalking me."

"I suppose if you want to use semantics, then yes, it could be construed as stalking. I simply saw it as watching. There's a reason we call people who watch birds ‘bird watchers' not ‘bird stalkers.'"

"Depends on what the watcher has in mind for the bird." She frowned.

"Don't let me scare you, Ash. I have no intention of harming you. And I didn't really watch you all that much. A couple of weeks at the end of the semester, then right after exams I went back home to
to clerk at my father's law firm. If I hadn't had that gig set up, I'd have propositioned you a hell of a lot sooner."

Ashley wrinkled her forehead and took a sip of her water. "I was still with Sam, then."

"Would it have made a difference?"

She choked and her glass wobbled in her hands. Slowly, she set it on the table, glanced at his eyes, then away.

"Probably not." She huffed and emptied the glass. "We were on the way out then, anyway."

"I know."

"How the hell did you know that?"

"I asked Dr. Hawthorne, just before I left, if he knew if you were seeing anyone. He told me all about you and Sam. Now, Ash," he raised his hand, expecting an objection, "Doc can't help it if you're not particularly quiet when you're on the phone. Maybe he thought you'd be better off with me than Sam. He knows me. I can put him down as a reference."

"You slept with Dr. Hawthorne, too?"

Good thing he had swallowed just before that outrageous question, or she'd be baptized in Perrier. He got a grip and replied, "He's not my type. But you are." He grinned at her. "So tell me something about my favorite prey that I don't already know. What was your life like before

She shrugged. "Pretty staid. Grew up an only child in the mid-west. I couldn't wait to graduate high school and get the hell out of Dodge. Literally." She smirked and rolled the stem of her glass between her fingers. "I thought
was bad, but we moved to
Dodge City
when I was in tenth grade and it was even more boring. The West Coast sounded like the kind of adventure I wanted, so I applied to a dozen colleges out here. Ended up at UC Berkeley in English, because I didn't know what I wanted to do. That's where I met Sam, who's in film studies."

"He wants to direct?"

"Yeah. Big time. I told him he certainly has a future in porn."

"Did you ever do a porn flick for him?" Hunter laughed and wiped his lips.

Ash snorted. "He wishes. No, he just insisted on filming us every time we had sex. That's why I broke up with him. It excited me at first—you know kind of naughty and wild. But then it got old and I got tired of having that camera in my business."

"Does he still have all the footage?"

She cut her eyes toward him. "I assume so. I've threatened to cut off his
if he shows it to anyone or publishes it. He knows I mean it too. Why?"

"I think they would be great home movies to watch."

Her fork stopped midway to her mouth. "You'd want to watch me getting fucked by another man?"

"I think it'd be a great turn on." He grew hard at the thought of it. "Even more so than watching you go down on him Friday night. By the way, is that film available for our viewing pleasure tonight?"

A blush rose in her face and she shook her head. "Sam's down at the studio working on a project." She looked away and shrugged. "I'm not sure where he's put that disc."

He'd bet she knew exactly where that film was. He sighed. Just as well. They'd have plenty of time to watch it later. And he'd pretty much set what he wanted her to experience tonight. The footage, while fun, wasn't necessary.

"Another time, then. I'd like to see how we looked together. I'll have to get him to burn me a copy."

"Like hell he will. I just told you—"

"You can trust me. I know you don't yet, but you will." He stood and held out his hand. "You ready?" He sure was, ever since she opened the door in that blue dress, short enough to be a nightgown. When she'd rubbed his chest earlier in the kitchen, it had taken all his willpower to not push her to the floor and fuck her right then.

"I've been ready since yesterday."

"Then this should be even more fun." He laughed and pulled her to her feet. When he buried his nose in her neck, the sweet smell of her--gardenias and vanilla--urged his cock to get down to business. He nipped toward her collarbone. She shivered and swayed toward him. His hands moved to her nape, the zipper whirred and he stepped back to allow her dress to slither into a pool at her feet. God, she made him hot.

"You are ready, aren't you?"

She now stood dressed in thigh high black stockings, stacked heels and nothing else. Her breasts jutted out, nipples peaked. Hunter swallowed, closed his eyes and tried to think of something other than shoving his dick into her perfect creamy flesh.

"Let's go out back." He grabbed her hand and fought for control.

"What?" Ashley's forward momentum slammed to a stop. "It's still light out."

"And you have a ten-foot high privacy fence. You can't tell me you've never skinny-dipped in that pool." She was a prude?

"Oh, yes, I can."

"Then no better time than now."


"You're the one who said she wanted adventure."

She glanced outside, seeming to gauge the height of the privacy fence.

"But it's still light outside."

"I've seen you naked, Ash." He pointedly stared at her boobs, then shifted his gaze down to that bewitching patch of brown curls and his dick throbbed. If she didn't cave soon…

"What if Sam comes home?"

"We'll ask him to join us."


"What time does he usually get home?"

"Late," she admitted reluctantly. He couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. Adventure it would be.

Before she could raise another excuse, he seized her lips, spearing his tongue into her mouth as he gathered her to him, pressed her breasts against him. The rock hard tips scraped his chest and suddenly his breathing wasn't quite steady. He'd better strip now before he left it too late.

Once his clothes lay in a puddle next to hers, he led her outside to the pool and sat her down in a flamingo pink lounge chair. The cool breeze helped his erection to subside so he could concentrate on his agenda for the evening.

He made short work of her shoes and stockings and positioned her legs over either arm of the lounge chair until she lay absolutely open to his eager gaze. The beauty of a woman's cunt had never been lost on him. Ashley's folds looked like the flower paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe, but more stunning. Pink flesh spread out, surrounded by the dark hair that matched that on her head. A luscious sight.

Wanting to hurry, but determined to pleasure her thoroughly, he started at her shoulders, ran both hands over her breasts, tweaked her nipples and pressed on toward her mound. She watched, rapt, as he fingered the brown curls, teased them and the sensitive flesh beneath until she squirmed with delight.

She gasped as he spread her folds and exposed her completely to the twilight sky. The utter abandon of the position was erotic beyond belief, and his dick sent mayday calls, insisting he scrap his agenda and let it take the lead in tonight's adventure. She moaned softly, closed her eyes and thrust her hips into the air, offering herself to him. With a loud groan, he lowered his head.

* * * *

His mouth landed on her mound, and Ashley yelped, oblivious to anyone who might hear. Her eyes popped open to stare at the top of his dark head as his tongue played over her flesh.

"Hunter." She reached out, grabbed his hair, tried to pull him away. He paid no heed, but increased his fervor, licking all around her slit. A moan began in the back of her throat. She didn't like to have her pussy licked. The only guy she'd asked to go down on her had made it clear he didn't like doing it. He'd described it in such disgusting terms that she got embarrassed whenever she thought about it.

damn, what he was doing felt good.

His tongue swirled up to tease her clit and Ashley thought she'd explode right then. She pushed her pussy into his face, heard his low chuckle, and moaned as he eased two fingers into her.

"Oh, baby, that's incredible." Her eyes squeezed shut, she panted and squirmed as he slowly worked in and out. All the while, his tongue danced over her clitoris, bringing her closer to the release she craved.

Jesus, almost there.
He pistoned faster and sucked her clit into his mouth, rolling the button with his tongue.

"Fuck, yes!" Stars burst inside her eyelids, her pussy grasped at his moving fingers and her toes curled as a total body climax shook her. Waves of pleasure shot down her arms, legs, breasts until she could hardly breathe. He continued to lick and suck, prolonging the tremors until she murmured, "Please," and slumped on the plastic straps.

He stopped and the weight on the chair shifted as he sat up. She opened her eyes to gaze dazedly at him in the deepening light. Her perspective seemed to telescope, as though she saw him from a distance as she floated in a sated stupor. His smile deepened and he rose from the chair.

"Don't go," she tried to call but the words wouldn't form in her slackened mouth. Her eyes fluttered shut as she drifted in the afterglow, all her senses fried. She'd savor her moment then go after him. He needed his dick sucked. Though where she'd get the strength she had no idea.
Good thing he insisted on eating.
She giggled at the thought. Bare feet padded toward her across the ceramic tiles at the pool's edge.

"Come on, Ashley." He gripped her elbow and pulled her into a sitting position.

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