Read Words Can Change Your Brain Online

Authors: Andrew Newberg

Words Can Change Your Brain (28 page)

 “Anterior cingulate activation is related to a positivity bias and emotional stability in successful aging.” Brassen S, Gamer M, Büchel C.
Biological Psychiatry
. 2011 Jul 15; 70(2):131–37.

Chapter 2: The Power of Words

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 “Happiness and time perspective as potential mediators of quality of life and depression in adolescent cancer.” Bitsko M. J., Stern M, Dillon R, Russell E. C., Laver J.
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 “The role of repetitive negative thoughts in the vulnerability for emotional problems in non-clinical children.” Broeren S, Muris P, Bouwmeester S, Van der Heijden K. B., Abee A.
Journal of Child and Family Studies
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 “Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a school based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) intervention to prevent depression in high risk adolescents (PROMISE).” Stallard P, Montgomery A. A., Araya R, Anderson R, Lewis G, Sayal K, Buck R, Millings A, Taylor J. A.
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 “What is in a word? No versus yes differentially engage the lateral orbitofrontal cortex.” Alia-Klein N, Goldstein R. Z., Tomasi D, Zhang L, Fagin-Jones S, Telang F, Wang G. J., Fowler J. S., Volkow N. D.
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 “Generalized hypervigilance in fibromyalgia patients: An experimental analysis with the emotional Stroop paradigm.” González J. L., Mercado F, Barjola P, Carretero I, López-López A, Bullones M. A., Fernández-Sánchez M, Alonso M.
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 “In search of the emotional self: An fMRI study using positive and negative emotional words.” Fossati P, Hevenor S. J., Graham S. J., Grady C, Keightley M. L., Craik F, Mayberg H.
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 “Genomic counter-stress changes induced by the relaxation response.” Dusek J. A., Otu H. H., Wohlhueter A. L., Bhasin M, Zerbini L. F., Joseph M. G., Benson H, Libermann T. A.
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 “Neural correlates of abstract verb processing.” Rodríguez-Ferreiro J, Gennari S.P., Davies R, Cuetos F.
Journal of Cognitve Neuroscience
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 “Modulation of the semantic system by word imageability.” Sabsevitz D. S., Medler D. A., Seidenberg M, Binder J. R.
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 “Neural evidence for faster and further automatic spreading activation in schizophrenic thought disorder.” Kreher D. A., Holcomb P. J., Goff D, Kuperberg G. R.
Schizophrenia Bulletin
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 “Neural correlates of long-term intense romantic love.” Acevedo B. P., Aron A, Fisher H. E., Brown L. L.
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 “On the incremental validity of irrational beliefs to predict subjective well-being while controlling for personality factors.” Spörrle M, Strobel M, Tumasjan A.
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 “The value of positive psychology for health psychology: Progress and pitfalls in examining the relation of positive phenomena to health.” Aspinwall L. G., Tedeschi R. G.
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 “What is in a word? No versus yes differentially engage the lateral orbitofrontal cortex. “Alia-Klein N, Goldstein R. Z., Tomasi D, Zhang L, Fagin-Jones S, Telang F, Wang G. J., Fowler J. S., Volkow N. D.
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 “Happiness unpacked: Positive emotions increase life-satisfaction by building resilience.” Cohn M. A., Fredrickson B. L., Brown S. L., Mikels J. A., Conway A. M.
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 “Genomic counter-stress changes induced by the relaxation response.” Dusek J. A., Otu H. H., Wohlhueter A. L., Bhasin M, Zerbini L. F., Joseph M. G., Benson H, Libermann T. A.
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 “Increased BDNF promoter methylation in the Wernicke area of suicide subjects.” Keller S, Sarchiapone M, Zarrilli F, Videtic A, Ferraro A, Carli V, Sacchetti S, Lembo F, Angiolillo A, Jovanovic N, Pisanti F, Tomaiuolo R, Monticelli A, Balazic J, Roy A, Marusic A, Cocozza S, Fusco A, Bruni C. B., Castaldo G, Chiariotti L.
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 “The effects of subliminal symbiotic stimulation on free-response and self-report mood.” Weinberger J, Kelner S, McClelland D.
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 “Evaluative priming from subliminal emotional words: Insights from event-related potentials and individual differences related to anxiety.” Gibbons H.
Consciousness and Cognition
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 “Murder, she wrote: Enhanced sensitivity to negative word valence.” Nasrallah M, Carmel D, Lavie N.
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 “Evidence of subliminally primed motivational orientations: The effects of unconscious motivational processes on the performance of a new motor task.” Radel R, Sarrazin P, Pelletier L.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
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 “When sex primes love: Subliminal sexual priming motivates relationship goal pursuit.” Gillath O, Mikulincer M, Birnbaum G. E., Shaver P. R.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
. 2008 Aug; 34(8):1057–69.
 “The neural basis of love as a subliminal prime: An event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study.” Ortigue S, Bianchi-Demicheli F, Hamilton A. F., Grafton S. T.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
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 “Predicting persuasion-induced behavior change from the brain.” Falk E. B., Berkman E. T., Mann T, Harrison B, Lieberman M. D.
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 “Neural activity during health messaging predicts reductions in smoking above and beyond self-report.” Falk E. B., Berkman E. T., Whalen D, Lieberman M. D.
Health Psychology
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 “Grasping language—A short story on embodiment.” Jirak D, Menz M. M., Buccino G, Borghi A. M., Binkofski F.
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 “Characterization of fear memory reconsolidation.” Duvarci S, Nader K.
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 “A prospective study of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and depressive symptoms in patients with essential hypertension.” Xiao J, Yao S, Zhu X, Abela J. R., Chen X, Duan S, Zhao S.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
. 2010 Dec 19.
 “Ethical principles and economic transformation—A Buddhist approach.” Zsolnai L.
Issues in Business Ethics
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 “Gross national happiness.” Tideman S. G.
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 “Neuroeconomics and business psychology.” Larsen T.
China USA Business Revue
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 “Prediction of all-cause mortality by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Optimism-Pessimism Scale scores: Study of a college sample during a 40-year follow-up period.” Brummett B. H., Helms M. J., Dahlstrom W. G., Siegler I. C.
Mayo Clinic Proceedings
. 2006 Dec; 81(12):1541–44.

Chapter 3: The Many Languages of the Brain

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 “Invariant visual representation by single neurons in the human brain.” Quiroga R. Q., Reddy L, Kreiman G, Koch C, Fried I.
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 “Where are the human speech and voice regions, and do other animals have anything like them?” Petkov C. I., Logothetis N. K., Obleser J.
. 2009 Oct; 15(5):419–29.
 “Twitter evolution: Converging mechanisms in birdsong and human speech.” Bolhuis J. J., Okanoya K, Scharff C.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
. 2010 Nov; 11(11):747–59.

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