Read With Abandon: With or Without, Book 3 Online

Authors: J. L. Langley

Tags: #Romance

With Abandon: With or Without, Book 3 (21 page)

Aubrey shoved away from his desk.
Aubrey, ole boy, you’re way too attached.
There was no way he was going to be able to let Matt go back to New Mexico when the time came. Aubrey froze just inside the living room. The realization hit him like a fist to the gut. Was he too involved? No, that wasn’t it. He was just concerned for Matt’s safety. Anyone in his position would be. Matt was his responsibility, after all.

Damn, even his conscience wasn’t buying that heap of bullshit. He didn’t want to think about it. Not now, not ever. Forcing it from his mind, he continued toward their bedroom. There were more important problems to solve at the moment anyhow.

The living room was very dark with the blinds closed. Aubrey’d had to do some fast talking to keep Matt from opening the shades tonight. Matt loved the view. He was mesmerized by the amount of trees, even in the city. Nearly every day after school Matt would park himself in front of the table to stare out the window. Aubrey grinned. There were ever-present forehead smudges on the glass.

When he reached their room, Matt lay on his back with his face turned toward the door. His mouth hung slightly open, and a soft snore filled the air. The glow of the moon outside the window cast light over his bare chest exposed by the covers. The big sleigh bed made him seem smaller than he actually was. He appeared peaceful and innocent. Of course, Matt always looked innocent because that was exactly what he was. Aubrey doubted even being a homicide detective would touch that vitality. What would it take to destroy that precious candor? Whatever it was, he never wanted to see it.

Smiling in his sleep, Matt rolled to his side. He tucked his hands under his cheek distorting his face a little. The light added an element of peacefulness. It illuminated his smooth, tanned skin. The light? Aubrey glanced out the window.
Matt had opened the shades.

Crossing the room, Aubrey focused out the window. He didn’t see anything suspicious, but he wouldn’t this high up. Those pictures of Matt in the living room had been taken from the building across from them on the west side. There was no immediate structure next to the north side of the apartment. That reminded him, he had to check out the building those pictures had been taken from. The angle indicated they’d been shot from slightly above, at least a floor higher than theirs. He needed to look out the window and at the picture and compare now that Matt slept. Tomorrow he’d check out that building on the net. After he got his aspirin. Rubbing his temple, he took the window blind remote off Matt’s nightstand and pushed the button.

“Mmm… What’d ya do dat for?” Matt’s sleep-heavy purr startled Aubrey.

He turned, setting the remote back where he got it. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Lying on his back, Matt stared at him with heavy-lidded eyes. A slow smile eased over his lips, and he held his hand out. His fingers wiggled, beckoning. “I don’t mind. Did you finish your work?”

Lifting Matt’s hand out of the way, Aubrey crawled onto the bed and positioned himself on the edge. “Yeah, I just came in here to get something for my headache.” He held Matt’s hand in his lap.

“I’m sorry you had to work tonight, but I have to admit I enjoyed getting to spend the day with you. Did you get the stain out of your shirt?”

Aubrey chuckled and brought Matt’s hand to his lips. He kissed it before lowering it. “Nah. The shirt’s toast, but it was worth it. I enjoyed hanging out with you and Tee. I don’t mind working from home occasionally.” Especially when taking off work meant protecting Matt.

With a slow, sexy grin, Matt tugged his hand, pulling Aubrey off balance. His voice, already a bit husky from sleep, dropped lower. “C’mere.”

Catching himself on his elbow, Aubrey leaned forward, knowing exactly what his mate had in mind. Unbelievably, his cock began to harden. It was pretty impressive considering the throbbing in his skull. He kissed Matt. Matt was healthy and happy, and that more than anything made Aubrey want to partake in what his mate offered.

Flicking his tongue along the seam of Matt’s lips, he inhaled the intoxicating smell of arousal. When had taking care of Matt become tied to Aubrey’s own contentment? No matter where Matt was or what he was doing, Aubrey would always want him to be happy…even when they were apart. And Matt was very happy now, if the size of the erection nudging Aubrey’s hip was anything to judge by.

Squirming closer, Matt tugged at the hem of Aubrey’s shirt and kissed his way around Aubrey’s jaw and neck. Soft grunts accompanied the constantly moving hands. He couldn’t seem to decide whether to try and strip the shirt off or to touch the skin underneath.

Aubrey smiled against Matt’s mouth.

“Mmm… Too many clothes.” Matt jerked Aubrey’s shirt up to his armpits and bucked his erection against Aubrey’s hip.

Groaning, Aubrey extracted himself from Mr. Octopus Arms and pulled his shirt off.

The covers slid down, revealing the dark hair above Matt’s prick. His abdominal muscles flexed as he writhed and trailed his fingers up Aubrey’s stomach. “Hurry.”

Good gawd, that long lean body made Aubrey harder. Matt’s thumb brushed his nipple and traced his pectoral muscle. Matt was fascinated with his chest. It made Aubrey want to work out more.

He nipped Matt’s bottom lip and removed the busy hands from around his neck again. “Let me get my pants off.” As Aubrey stood, Matt moaned out a sound that was pure sex.

With his pants and boxers off, Aubrey went around to his side of the bed to retrieve the lube from the nightstand. Matt followed Aubrey’s progress. He gave the impression of a predator about to pounce as he raised up on his elbows.

Aubrey tossed the tube on the bed and straddled his mate’s thighs. “Patience. I’m not going anywhere.”

Matt was on him immediately, sitting up and mashing their stomachs together. Wrapping his hands around Aubrey’s waist, he bit into the flesh between Aubrey’s neck and shoulder.

Chill bumps broke out on Aubrey’s arms and legs.

The wet tip of Matt’s dick pressed against his own cock, and already Matt was panting.

Dislodging Matt from his shoulder, Aubrey kissed him and opened the lube. He had to slow his anxious mate down. Matt had yet to learn to savor the pleasure. He was all about satisfaction and gaining it as quickly as possible.

Aubrey pushed him back to the mattress. When Matt made to rise again, Aubrey shook his head.

Whimpering, Matt laid back, watching Aubrey’s every move.

Slicking up his fingers, Aubrey met his mate’s stare. “I want you to touch yourself, but I don’t want you to come. Can you do that for me?” He pushed two fingers into himself, barely feeling the burn.

Matt nodded and grabbed his cock. Slowly his hand moved up and down. The dark head peeked out from his fist, looking plumper than usual. He was beautiful the way his stomach rippled and his breath caught with each upward stroke. Wetness glistened on the tip, smearing with his movements.

Aubrey’s balls drew up. Matt’s actions were such a contrast to his innocence it felt naughty and forbidden, like Aubrey was corrupting Matt. Hell, maybe he was. Adding another finger, he stretched himself. It’d been awhile since he’d done this.

Aubrey moaned, working his fingers in deeper. He didn’t know what he was looking forward to more, the feel of Matt’s dick inside him or the look on Matt’s face when Aubrey lowered himself onto Matt. Both were going to be breathtaking. Every new experience with Matt was amazing.

When Matt’s thighs tensed underneath Aubrey, he pulled his fingers free and grabbed the lube again. Placing his hand on Matt’s, he unwrapped those long fingers from Matt’s prick. Using plenty of lube, he coated Matt’s cock and crawled forward.

Matt gasped, probably at the coldness of the gel, and his eyes widened. “Aubrey,” he whispered with so much longing it sounded like a plea.

“Yeah, sugar.” He positioned Matt at his hole and slid down slowly. It took some effort not to close his eyes and drop his head back.

Squirming and panting, Matt fisted his hands in the covers. His gaze focused on where they joined, and sweat dotted his forehead.

Aubrey was impressed with the restraint. Sinking all the way down, he leaned forward, bracing himself above Matt. For several seconds they stared at one another. Finally, Matt reached up, raking his fingers through Aubrey’s hair. “That feels so good.” His voice cracked. He lifted his face, nuzzling it along Aubrey’s jaw, and kissed Aubrey’s chin.

“Yes it does, darlin’.” From the small tremors racking Matt’s body, this wasn’t going to last long. Aubrey moved, fucking himself on his mate’s cock.

In no time, Matt joined his efforts and thrust up each time Aubrey came down. Every third thrust or so hit Aubrey’s prostate, sending a pleasure so intense it was uncomfortable surging through him. His cock was already leaking.

He sat up straight and grabbed Matt’s hands, untangling them from the sheet. With fingers entwined, he moved up and down, back and forth. He kept it up until Matt squeezed his hands, arched and cried out beneath him.

The warm heat of Matt’s climax filled him, marked him. Like he wanted,
to mark Matt. The urge to claim his mate was all-consuming.

Matt’s still-hard cock slipped from Aubrey as Matt collapsed beneath him. Aubrey grabbed his own prick and inched up Matt’s body, making spunk run down the inside of his thighs. Aubrey stroked his cock and pleasure arced up his spine. “Close.” He straddled Matt’s chest, watching Matt’s pleasure-induced daze. Matt’s eyes were open but unfocused. His breath came in sharp chops, and his head rocked side to side. He was the most beautiful thing Aubrey had ever seen.
And he’s all mine.

Catching Matt’s chin, he held his face still, focused on those full lips. He wanted to see his seed splattered over that gorgeous mouth, Matt’s chin and cheeks. Claiming Matt was an ongoing urge Aubrey hadn’t been able to shake.

Oh gawd yes!
Aubrey fell headlong into orgasm with a hoarse grunt. Aiming his pulsing erection down, still stroking, he painted Matt’s face with his semen. The whitish streaks dotted across the pretty tanned skin, marking him. Matt met Aubrey’s gaze as the last shudder left his body.

Blinking, Matt gave him a slow, sensual smile. He touched his cheek and pulled his fingers away, looking at the come.

Aubrey smiled in return. After scooting backward, he bent and lapped Matt’s cheek clean.

Matt chuckled and clutched the back of Aubrey’s neck with both hands.

Aubrey nipped Matt’s bottom lip and thrust his tongue inside his mate’s luscious mouth. For several minutes he lingered, kissing Matt. When he pulled back, he wiped the remaining come from Matt’s face with his fingers.

Sighing and stretching, Matt closed his eyes, looking for all the world like a boneless heap of contentedness.

Aubrey stayed still, watching, until his heart stopped racing and his breath evened out. Lying down next to Matt, he pulled him close and breathed in the comforting, now-familiar scent of his mate. He rested his cheek against the top of Matt’s head and closed his eyes.

Huh, imagine that. His headache was gone.

Chapter Fifteen


The smell of bacon teased Matt into full wakefulness. Stretching his arms over his head, he yawned and smiled.
Oh yum, breakfast.
His stomach concurred by growling. Sunday was the last time he’d had a real breakfast. A granola bar here and a donut there on weekdays just didn’t cut it. He really missed his dad’s homemade breakfasts every day of the week, but he was just too lazy to make a sizable meal every single morning.

“I already told you I’ve people looking into it.” Aubrey’s agitated voice came from the other room.

Who was he talking to? Matt listened for a few seconds. No one answered back. Aubrey must be on the phone. Wait. It was Thursday
What was Aubrey still doing at home? And what was with the bacon?

Matt rolled his head to the other side, searching for the clock. 6:13 a.m.
Dang, why was it so dark in here? Oh yeah, Aubrey had closed the blinds last night. If he repeated what he did after he shut the blinds, Matt could get used to not waking to sunshine. Last night was…wow. If he hadn’t already been hard, he’d have gotten that way just thinking about it.

But this was not getting him answers.
Something’s afoot.
Matt giggled at his own idiocy. Sometimes it was a good thing no one could read his mind.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he stretched again. He ran his hands down his face and encountered something crusty. What the—? Oh yeah, Aubrey had marked him again. He grinned, hurried to the bathroom and peered in the mirror. Yep, a flakey smear of dried semen covered his left cheek. He had two hours before he had to leave for school and Aubrey was still here. Maybe they could repeat last night? Matt’s dwindling boner came back with a vengeance.

After washing his face, a trip to the toilet and dressing, Matt went to the open part of the condo as quietly as he could. Aubrey was still on the phone, but he turned and smiled at Matt.

Matt returned the gesture. He didn’t want to disturb his mate’s conversation. He suspected it was a business call. He tried to listen and distinguish the voice on the phone. It was a female, but not someone he knew.

“Call the credit-card companies and see if there have been any recent charges. I’ll let you know if I find out anything on my end.” Aubrey handed Matt a glass of orange juice. The lady on the phone started talking again, her voice high-pitched, whiney and broken like she was crying. She hurt his ears, so Matt tuned her out.

He wasn’t the only one, because Aubrey snapped out a “Hold on” and covered the receiver with his hand. Leaning in to kiss Matt’s cheek, he asked, “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

Basking in the show of affection, Matt shook his head. “No. Is that bacon and eggs?” His stomach rumbled again.

“And sausage, toast and hash browns. Give me a minute.” Aubrey turned back toward the stove and took the skillet off the burner. He shrugged the phone between his ear and shoulder and put the sausage on a plate. “I’m going to Reynolds Hall in a few hours. If you hear anything at all, I expect a call on my cell phone. I gotta go.” He pulled the receiver from his ear, hit
and tossed it on the counter before turning back to Matt. “Do you have any tests today or tomorrow?”

Shaking his head, Matt maneuvered the barstool out and sat down. He wondered at the cold response toward the woman on the phone, but since he had no idea who she was or what she’d done, he decided to let it go.

Whoa, wait a minute. Aubrey was going to Reynolds Hall?

“Good.” He turned back to the counter long enough to get down two plates and fill them, before bringing them both to the bar.

What did that mean? “Why’re you going to Reynolds Hall?”

“We. Why are
going to Reynolds Hall.” After retrieving another glass of orange juice, Aubrey came back to the island. He sat on the stool next to Matt’s and picked up his fork. He stabbed the sausage and brought it up to his mouth, but he didn’t take a bite. “Because we’ll have the whole place to ourselves. Mom and Dad are on their cruise and Thompson and Martha left for their vacation this morning.”

Giddiness tingled through Matt at the prospect of spending time alone with his mate at the plantation. Aubrey had been so attentive lately. Tara was right. Aubrey loved him. Matt wanted to punch the air and yell
, or maybe give himself a high five. Instead, he grabbed Aubrey by the face, knocking the fork right out of his hand, and planted a big kiss on his lips. “Thank you.”

Aubrey gasped.

Matt giggled at the stunned expression, picked up Aubrey’s fork, handed it back to him and hopped from the stool. “I’m going to pack.” He raced to the guestroom, found a bag and began stuffing it full of clothes. He was halfway through when he realized he hadn’t used his color identifier. Oh well, it was just going to be him and Aubrey. With any luck he wouldn’t be wearing many clothes while they were there anyway.

He tossed the color identifier in the bag before zipping it up. He slapped his hands together and rubbed them in anticipation. Oh yeah, this was going to be awesome. He hurried back to the kitchen to eat.

An hour later they were on their way to Savannah.

Somewhere between Atlanta and Macon, Matt’s curiosity got the better of him. “Who were you talking to this morning?”

Aubrey remained quiet for several moments. The tension grew thick enough to suffocate.

Squirming in his seat a little, Matt wondered how he could take the question back.

“A pack member’s wife. He’s missing.” The answer was curt and didn’t encourage further questions.

Instinctively, Matt knew he needed to drop it. Aubrey was suddenly on edge. Swallowing hard, Matt nodded. “Oh.” When would Aubrey feel comfortable discussing pack business with him? Given the recent closeness they were establishing, the refusal kind of hurt.

Okay, get a grip, Matt. It doesn’t concern you.
If it did, Aubrey would tell him.

Aubrey patted his leg and squeezed it. With a sidelong glance, he grinned. “It’s nothing for you to worry about, sugar.”

The action and words didn’t do much to stem Matt’s curiosity or erase the slight hurt that his mate wouldn’t confide in him, but they did show that Aubrey cared. For now that was enough. It did make him wonder if the missing member had anything to do with them going to Reynolds Hall though. Before he could ask, his phone rang.

“Want me to answer it so you can talk on the speaker?” Aubrey asked, pointing at the screen in the dashboard.

Matt had forgotten he’d synced his phone with Aubrey’s car. The screen said the call was from Logan. “Yeah, go ahead. Ten bucks says he called to tell me Dad freaked over his piercing.”

Chuckling, Aubrey pushed the button on the steering wheel.

“Hello?” Matt stretched his feet out in front of him. This should be interesting.

“You’re not going to fucking believe this.” The rumble of Logan’s car idled in the background.

A small voice said, “Ummm…you said a bad word.”


Matt looked at the clock. It was noon. Eddie should be at home and Logan at lunch. “Is that Eddie?”

“Yeah. Listen. I need some advice.” Logan’s voice got quieter, and the engine shut off. “Eddie, go ahead and unlock the door. Here are the keys.” Matt’s little brother chattered over the jangle of keys, asking if Logan would play Mario Brothers with him. Logan said sure, and a car door slammed.

Matt’s stomach got queasy all of a sudden. Something was wrong. “Logan? What’s going on? Why is Eddie with you? Is everything okay?”

Aubrey caught his hand and squeezed it.

“Sorry, I had to get him out of here before I could talk. I have a bit of a problem.” His voice cracked. Logan’s voice never cracked. He was unflappable.

Apprehension skittered through Matt, and his heart began to hammer.

“Sterling and I went to lunch, and we ran into Mom. She was with some human guy. Eddie was with them. She reeked of sex and that man. She was practically sitting in his lap.” Logan paused for just a second.

Matt didn’t know what to say. It was like having the air knocked out of him. He clutched his mate’s hand tighter.

“I took Eddie. Sterling and I took him to eat McDonalds, and then I dropped Sterling back off at school. I don’t know what to tell Dad, Matt. I mean she had Eddie with her. What kind of woman takes her son with her to meet her lover? What the fuck? What do I tell Dad? I can’t just let this go. If she’d been alone, maybe I could just chalk it up to their fucked-up marriage and assume he knows, but she had Eddie with her. He says he watched cartoons at this guy’s house while mom and the guy took a nap. So he didn’t see anything, but…” His voice got quieter, becoming calmer. “I can’t let it go, Matt.”

No, he couldn’t let that go. Matt wouldn’t. His eyes blurred with tears. She’d been distant for some time now, but she was still his mother. He needed to encourage Logan to snitch. A tear rolled down Matt’s cheek, and he dashed it away in anger. Why was he crying? He shouldn’t even care. She’d betrayed them all. He knew it was stupid, but part of him believed if they just ignored it, it’d be like it never happened. He knew Logan felt the same thing. That’s why he’d called. He needed Matt to tell him what he already knew he had to do. Matt opened his mouth, but the words wouldn’t come.

Aubrey cleared his throat and rubbed his thumb over Matt’s knuckles. “You have to tell him, Logan.”



Aubrey barely restrained himself from throwing his glasses across the study. “Grrr…”
Where the fuck is he?
Setting his glasses on the desk, he snatched up his phone again. Still no messages. He tossed the thing back a little harder than necessary, as if it was the phone’s fault for not ringing. And he knew damned well it hadn’t, because he’d had the frickin’ thing with him all last night and all this morning. If Jarred or any of the other wolves had called, he’d have heard it.

Aubrey had been searching around the internet and by phone for the last five hours, looking for that son of a bitch Boskie. He’d just up and disappeared. According to his wife none of his credit cards had recent charges, and he still wasn’t answering calls from her, let alone anyone else. Bastard.
Leaning back in his chair, Aubrey rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. They damned well better find Boskie before Sunday night or else Aubrey was going to have to come up with an excuse to keep Matt here at Reynolds Hall where he was isolated and had security.

Putting his glasses back on, Aubrey leaned forward and pulled up the first bank of four security cameras on his laptop, then the second and third. The front gate was still closed and none of the perimeter alarms had gone off. All of those were good things, but the nothingness of the situation was getting to him. There was no news, no activity…no nothing. This waiting around was aggravating as hell.

A pleasant scent drifted in on a breeze, making Aubrey pause. He inhaled deeper and closed his eyes.

Matt paced past the open French doors outside the office. He couldn’t settle. He’d been restless all morning, wandering around the house and grounds with his phone in hand and earbuds in his ears. His agitation wasn’t making Aubrey’s disposition any better. He wasn’t sure when it had happened, but it had become apparent lately that his own moods seemed to be intensified or defused by Matt’s. He did
like Matt unhappy. And Matt hadn’t been his normal chipper self since hearing his mother was having an affair.

Logan had gotten back in touch late yesterday, but only to say that he hadn’t had the chance to talk to their dad. Today, he was going to try and go to the garage where their dad worked and talk to him during lunch.

Aubrey glanced at the clock on his laptop. It was 1:05 p.m. New Mexico time. He’d picked up the phone at least half a dozen times in the past hour to call Keaton and get him to go to Matt’s Dad’s garage and check things out. Matt wouldn’t stop fretting and was getting more worried by the minute. Either Logan was ignoring his messages or he hadn’t heard them.
Boy, everyone was pissing Aubrey off today…everyone but Matt.

Aubrey grinned and shoved away from the desk. Crossing the room, he studied Matt from the open doors.

Framed by the stark white marble and the line of live oaks in the distance, Matt was exquisite. Barefoot with jean shorts and a pink polo, he leaned against the second-to-last column, staring at the front drive. The way the sun dappled through the canopy of live oaks onto the dirt drive was one of Aubrey’s favorite sights too. It was early fall, Aubrey’s preferred season. He could gaze out there for hours.

Just the small things they had in common like that were what intrigued him about Matt. They were raised so different, and there was an eleven-year age difference, yet an undeniable connection.

Some fallen leaves blew across the porch with a rustle and onto Matt’s foot. He shook the leaf off but stayed where he was.

It hadn’t taken long for the old plantation to get into Matt’s blood. He was coming to love the place. The last time they were here he’d investigated every inch of the mansion and asked tons of questions about the furnishings and history. Today, even upset over his family, Matt had gotten up and wanted to go exploring. It had taken some fast talking to keep him from going horseback riding. Aubrey had finally gotten him to agree to them going together in the afternoon after Aubrey had done some work. And if he were completely honest, it wasn’t just because he wanted to protect Matt. He’d become addicted to the excited gasps and smiles Matt made when he found something new. That excitement was always better than whatever it was Matt unearthed.

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