Wickeds Scandal (The Wickeds) (33 page)

Alexandra twisted, seeking to push
herself more fully into his mouth. 
Dear God!  She would die from
She stiffened suddenly, as he slowly sucked the nub into his
mouth.  Alexandra cried out.  The intensity of her response shook
through her.  She grabbed at the bedclothes and moaned his

As tremors shook her body, Sutton moved
over her.  His chest rubbed against the nipples of her breasts, the tiny
hairs lacing her body with tendrils of sensation.  He positioned himself
above her, the tip of his manhood positioned at her entrance.  

Irrational fear lanced through her. 
She tried to push him away.  Her legs clamped shut.

“It’s all right. Be still.” He leaned
over her, one hand cupped her face, the other, she felt slide to grasp her
bottom firmly, forcing her to part for him.  His eyes searched her face,
looked into her soul.

She calmed.  There was a strange
glint in the green gaze, one she didn’t recognize, but it calmed her.  His
eyelashes fluttered down.  He rubbed his nose against hers.  She

“Alex.” He thrust forward, imbedding
himself in her.

Alexandra bucked, shocked at the pain of
their joining.  A pinch!  She felt the wetness of tears in the corner
of her eyes. 

 Sutton’s eyes stayed shut.  He
didn’t move.  He barely took a breath.  The muscles in his arms were
tight and strained as he held himself back.

Her body slowly stretched to accept
him.  The pain still lingered, but a feeling of fullness slowly replaced

“I – I told you it wouldn’t
fit.  Arrogant, vain, peacock,” she whispered.

His eyes fluttered open and he gave her a
pained smile.  Then he shifted.  Pulled back, and thrust again,
sliding deeper and deeper.

Alexandra stroked his face and her
fingers ran over his lips.  “Sutton.”  The ache between her legs
returned.  She lifted her body to try to match his movements.

Sutton moved, circling his hips, putting
pressure on her mound and the tiny nub that gave her so much pleasure. 

Her breath caught in her throat. 

Each thrust brought him in contact with
the sensitive flesh of her womanhood.  The intense, pleasurable ache
started to build again. 

Sutton thrust harder.  He nipped her
neck.  Licked at the nipples of her breasts.  He whispered dark,
sexual words in her ears as he rocked his hips against her.  

“Wrap your legs around me.”

Alexandra complied and felt Sutton’s
flesh sink deeper into her own.  Her entire body was on fire, every nerve
standing at attention, begging for release. 

“Lift your hips, Badger.”  He
pressed against the most sensitive spot.  “I want to feel you come while
I’m inside you.”

An agonizing ache built within her. 
She felt herself stretch, like the taut string of a violin just before it
breaks.  The dragon moved beneath the palms of her hands, breathing fire
on her fingers, as Sutton coaxed her into a rhythm to match his own. She
grasped, hanging onto his shoulders as if she were going over a precipice,
clinging to him as her body broke into a million pleasurable pieces. 

Sutton thrust once more and his breath
came harsh and heavy.  He groaned as his body shook with the force of his
own orgasm.  His lips pressed a kiss to her neck.   

Alexandra ran her fingers through
Sutton’s hair, startled by the wonder of their joining.  Never would she
have guessed it to be so…
.   Why did women refer to
this act as a duty?  It was certainly no hardship.  Perhaps, because
she loved Sutton.  The dragon’s tail wrapped around her, holding her
tightly to him.

Sutton rolled to the side and lay next to
her, careful to keep their bodies joined.  “I told you it
An angelic smile crossed his face.  The green gaze, intense. “It fits


The tiny bundle next to him
stirred.  Masses of dark chestnut curls rioted over their bodies like
vines spilling down a wall.  He adored her hair.  He absently twirled
a dark strand around his fingers, as he watched Alex doze.  
Impulsively, he hugged her to him, tightly, against his heart.

Alex grunted and fussed.  Prickly little
thing.  Even in sleep, she was determined to argue with him.  Sutton
sunk into the pillows, enveloped in the warmth of the bed.  For the first
time since leaving Macao for England, he was blissfully and comfortably
warm.  All the way to his toes.  He glanced sleepily to the fire,
then the mantle above.  His parents stared back at him, seemingly in
approval.  He felt certain Madeline would have liked Alex. 

Alex shook her head, trying to dislodge a
curl that tickled her nose.  She tried to move and let out a cry when the
curls of her hair remained trapped beneath his arm.  

“Be still Badger, let me untangle
you.”  He laughed lightly. “Medusa.”

Alexandra frowned and opened her
eyes.  Her nose scrunched in pretended offense. “Now I am compared to a
woman with snakes in her hair?  I think I prefer the small, irritable

He kissed the tip of her nose and
carefully freed the trapped curls.

She placed her hand on his chest
tentatively and traced the tail of the dragon. 

Sutton hardened immediately.  He
wanted her again, but he needed to restrain himself.  Alex would be lucky
if she could sit a horse at any point during the next week.  He squeezed
her fingers. 

“I’ll ring for your bath.”  He
nodded towards the brass tub.  “You should soak.”  He looked at her
with meaning. “It will help.”

Alex shot him a confused glance. 
Her brow wrinkled as if she were working out a mathematical problem.  Her
eyes widened.  “Oh!”  Understanding spread over her lovely
face.  “Yes, a good soak will be most welcome.”

Sutton turned his head quickly before he
laughed out right. 

“Please, Sutton.  I know you are
laughing at me.  You must realize that Aunt Eloise’s education was
woefully lacking.  She told me to lie still in the marriage bed and to
think of books until it was over.”

“And what book were you thinking of
earlier, Alex?”  He turned back to her, not bothering to hide the smirk on
his lips.  Alex perched in the middle of the enormous bed with her riot of
curls covering her naked body.  She gave him a mischievous look.

“Animal husbandry.”  Her lips
twitched, determined not to spoil the solemnness of her answer.

Sutton’s heart thudded in his chest. The
opinionated, argumentative little tempest before him filled his heart and his
mind, as nothing ever had.  He saw nothing but Alex.  Other women
became nameless and faceless. Unimportant. His eyes ran to the miniature of his
mother.  Madeline smiled at him.

He padded over to the bell-pull. 
“The water will be here in a moment.”  He walked around the bed, releasing
the curtains to create a cocoon for him and Alex, before joining her on the

She snuggled against him in the
dark.  He could hear her breathing, deep and contented, as she
waited.  A discreet knock came at the door. 

Sutton poked his head out of the bed
curtains.  “Come.”

A parade of maids entered, each lugging a
pail of steaming water.  The tub was soon filled to the brim and a
pleasant lavender smell invaded the room.  As soon as the maids left,
Sutton held out his hand to Alex.   “Come, Badger.”  Sutton
pulled back the curtain and stood.

“Turn your back,” she said from the
depths of the bed.

Alex’s show of modesty, considering the
time they had just spent in bed, was oddly amusing.  The words tugged at
his heart. 

“Turn, please.”  Prim like a

He turned his back, grinning to himself.

She came out the other side, pulling
bedclothes with her as she approached the tub.

“Do not turn around.” He heard the sound
of her hand swish through the water, testing the heat.  This was followed
by curious grunting noises.

“Bloody hell.”

Sutton wasn’t the least bit shocked. The
tub belonged to him and as such, the sides were taller than average.  The
maids neglected to bring a stool.  Alex couldn’t get her much shorter legs
over the side. 

“Is there a problem, Badger?”

“You know there is.” 

He turned to her.  She had pulled
his discarded shirt on in an attempt to cover her nakedness.  The sheer
lawn of his shirt clung to the curves of her breasts, billowing around her
hips.  The sight of her in his clothes, her nipples shadowed and pointed
under the shirt, aroused him more than mere nakedness. 

“Will you help me into the tub?” 
She clutched the shirt.  “I’ll take it off once I get in.”

“You’re being ridiculous.  I’ve seen

Alex turned bright red.  “I realize
that.  But I am still not completely comfortable with…” She waved her arms
towards the lower half of his body. “…all of this just yet.”

Sutton traced a finger down her
cheek.  “As you wish.”  He picked her up and laid her gently in the

She immediately sank down and gave a
groan of satisfaction.    Her eyes closed as the water came up
to her chin.  She slipped her head under the water, sputtering as she came
back up.  A cake of soap made its way into her hands.  Lather foamed
between her fingers as she rubbed the soap.

“The shirt.”  The sight of her
lathering the bar of soap was giving Sutton all kinds of ideas. 

Reluctantly she pulled the shirt off,
struggling to use one arm to keep her breasts covered.  Every time she
moved, a bit of flesh popped out.  The entire display made him mad with

Sutton took the shirt and flung it at the
wall, where it made a loud, wet plop.  His finger twirled through the
water in the tub, inching ever closer to her breasts.  The water of the
tub rose and fell over the mounds of flesh.  Fascinated he watched as her
nipples played hide and seek.  He flicked the tip of one pert nipple with
his nail. 

“Mmmm.”  Alexandra looked as if she
dozed, but he suspected she watched the progress of his fingers through the
soapy water.    “I have a question,” she murmured.  “Please
do not laugh.  You must consider my inexperience.  I have no one else
to ask and you appear to be highly educated in these matters.”

“Indeed.” He pressed her nipple between
thumb and forefinger.

“Is it possible for,” she stammered and a
reddish tint rose from her breasts to her face, “for me to – well to do
what you did – to you?” 

It took a moment for Sutton to understand
exactly what she referred to, as her breasts held his immediate
attention.  Alex never failed to surprise him.  Or, to arouse him.

She gestured to his manhood, which
swelled rapidly under her studious intent. Sutton coughed.  “Yes.” He
stepped into the tub.  He was afraid he would explode if she touched him,
let alone if she –

Inquiring fingers, slick with soap and
water, ran down the length of his manhood.  Testing, touching.  She
placed her hand around the base and gave a tentative squeeze.

Sutton moaned.

“Am I hurting you?”  The small hand
fled back into the tub.

“No,” his voice rasped.  “No, it
just feels…good.”  He tried to keep his voice even.

She touched him again.  “This is not
at all the way I thought it would feel.  I was given the impression from
Aunt Eloise –“

“We must establish, Alex, that your aunt
gave you the worst possible information in regards to relations between a man
and woman.  Can we agree to discard her advice?” 

She moved her wet, lathered hand up and down
his length.

Alex nodded and gave him a crooked
smile.  “Agreed.  I doubt she would have approved of this.”  Her
finger ran back and forth over the head.

Dear God, was she trying to torture
him?  Her nail rasped the sensitive underside of his hardened flesh. 
Sutton panted and gripped the edge of the tub.

Alex moved until she positioned herself
beneath his legs.  His arousal a mere inches from her lips.  
Her free hand ran up his thigh, swirling against the hair of his leg towards
the sac that hung beneath. 

“Is this right?”  She squeezed.

Sutton held his breath.  His arousal
twitched, as if desperately trying to get between Alex’s lips.

Suddenly, she let go.

Sutton shuddered with disappointment then
shock, as he felt her tongue flick against him.    Alex mimicked
Sutton’s actions earlier, sucking and running her tongue and lips along the tip
of his length. 

Sutton wound her hair around his
wrist.  He pushed her head closer.  He was going to spill his seed
here, in the tub, or rather in Alex’s virginal mouth, if she didn’t stop. 

“Alex, –“

“Am I not doing it right?” Disappointment
etched her features.

“No – No you are –
sweetheart, if you do it any more correctly I will stand here and spill myself
into your mouth.”  He pulled her up against him.  Water ran from the
curling mass of her hair and down her back in rivulets.  He picked her up
and carried her to the bed.  She smelled of lavender. 

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