Read Wicked End Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

Wicked End (21 page)

Brandon pulled her against his hip. “You’re mine now.” He led them over to Chico who had a beer in his hand. “Hey, Chico, this is Chad and Crystal of Triple Threat.”

Chico wanted to stand, but the girls leaning on him, prevented that. He held out his hand, “Nice to meet you.” He shook Chad’s hand. Then he grinned when Crystal had to bend to give him hers, “Very nice to meet
.” He winked and watched her breasts bounce, as he pumped her hand a few times.

Scott watched from a few feet away. It was a good thing Jake wasn’t around. If he had been, Crystal would’ve been bent over with a dick in her pussy already. She was just his type. He was glad she wasn’t his. He and Austin both preferred taller girls to make it easier on their backs. He glanced at Mackenzie who stood at least four inches taller. She was the perfect height.

“I’m Scott.” He gently pulled Crystal away from Chico’s tight grasp. Then he turned to Austin who had just zipped his pants. “Austin, come meet that girl bass player.”

Chad rolled his eyes. He hated when guys fawned all over her, although Scott and Austin were respectful. He sighed. He had hoped they would be able to spend some time alone. Giovanni never let them do that anymore. He glanced at Crystal. If Giovanni knew they had sex again, he would blow a gasket. He closed his eyes, hoping she was carrying his child.

Crystal looked up at Austin, feeling terribly small. “We were at one of Growling Canines shows in Asbury Park. The one where you opened for Gasoline.” She jumped up and down, remembering how excited she was.

“She screamed the whole time,” Chad informed the room. His brother Josh had taken them to the concert, since they were too young to go alone.

“Do you miss playing lead?” Crystal asked Austin.

“Sometimes…” That very concert flashed before Austin’s eyes.

It had been more than 10 years since that night. He had been the lead guitarist and the main songwriter then. They were an opening act for years. It was frustrating. Their lead singer, Jorge, started singing off-key when his drinking got worse. No one else would back Austin about replacing him. The band slowly fell apart, until it was a chore to play together.

Austin gave Crystal a half smile and glanced at Scott. “Making this band was the best idea we ever came up with.”

Scott knew what Austin was getting at and tried not to blush. After their first practice, he and Austin went out for a drink together, each wanting to ask the other the very same question. They had both noticed the subtle mannerisms and caught the other staring that day. When Austin came right out and asked if he was gay, Scott admitted he was bisexual. The smile Austin wore after that answer won him over.

That same night, Scott invited him to his place. Austin had never explored his attraction to men before. Scott had been the first one he felt so strongly for, and Scott broke him in slowly. After Austin came in Scott’s mouth, Scott kissed him, letting him taste himself. Then their tryst behind the others backs began.

It took them three years to have the balls to tell the others. Their reactions were not what they expected. Jake had already figured it out and didn’t care. Chico didn’t want to know any details and told them what they did was their business. Brandon encouraged them to be themselves around the band at least, and he promised not to judge them.

The faraway look in Scott’s eyes made Austin slide a hand over his lower back. “Brought back some memories, huh?”

Scott turned to him, “Yeah. I’m glad we started this band too.”

Mackenzie, who had been enjoying being so close to Brandon, turned her head at a new voice. “What’s up guys? Haven’t seen you in a long time.”

Tommy Fischer had just walked in the room. Her mouth opened slightly, and her eyes followed him as he greeted the band. He was hot. Trailing him was a taller man who was handsome as well. He seemed nervous and out of place.

“Chris, come meet Mackenzie and Brandon,” Crystal shouted.

Grateful for a familiar face, Chris headed over to her. He was nervous as hell meeting bands he had admired for years. Other than Gasoline, it was the very first time he had met anyone famous. Tommy just kept dragging him from room to room, introducing him. He didn’t even know which dressing room he was in at the time. Then he saw Brandon Knight.

Mackenzie held her hand out to Chris, “Nice to meet you.”

Chris took her hand, but stared at Brandon. “Uh…” he was at a complete loss of words. He had at least been able to say hello to the members of other bands. Wicked End was an obsession for him at one point.

Crystal saw the look in Chris’ eyes. “Brandon, look at this.” She pulled up Chris’ shirt and showed them the tattoo spanning his shoulders. It said “Wicked End,” in the same style they used on all their albums.

“That’s killer, dude.” Brandon smiled at Chris. “Guess you’re a fan, huh?”

Chris nodded, wishing he could say something, anything. He looked to Chad and Crystal who flanked him.

Chad put a hand on his shoulder. “Relax, man. It’s just like meeting Jon and them.” His phone ringing forced him to reach into his pocket, “Don’t let her out of your sight.” He slowly walked away from them.

Crystal grabbed Chris’ hand. “Come on let’s go meet everyone else.” She pulled him towards Chico. “Ain’t this exciting?”

Brandon watched Crystal sashay across the room, her ass shaking just enough. He wanted to fuck her from behind while he held her breasts, slamming his hips into that juicy ass of hers. “Mmm, yeah.”

Mackenzie smirked as she watched him almost drool over Crystal. She wished the final member of their band were there, Giovanni. She had seen a shirtless picture of him on their website that made her pussy clench. That man was built like a god.

The door opened again. All heads turned to watch the platinum blonde female in red stiletto boots and short black leather skirt. Her chest was in a red leather bustier, and her breasts practically spilled out of it. She was sexier than any woman in the room.

“Chico!” she shouted.

He in turn pushed his groupies off him and lifted her into the air. “Noelle!”

Noelle Young sang for Winter Winds, but she used to be the co-lead singer of Chico’s old band, Samson & Delilah. She and Stephen, the other singer, were a couple then. When she caught him with another woman in their bed, she left him and quit. They went on without her, but the band lost popularity quickly. Chico never lost touch with her. He even tried to get her to replace Stephen, but it didn’t pan out.

Brandon took in the scene. Seeing Noelle again always made Chico smile.

Chad put a hand on Crystal’s hip. “We gotta go, baby.”

Mackenzie got an idea just as Chad and Crystal moved towards the door, with Chris on their tail. “Wait!” She hurried to catch them. “Crystal, can I talk to you?” She looked up at Chad. He was taller than she had expected. “Alone?”

Chad frowned. “Fine, but stay close.”

Brandon tried to read Mackenzie’s expression, but he had no idea why she wanted to talk to Crystal. “Be careful, Tink.”

Mackenzie ushered Crystal into the almost empty hallway. They were at the end of it, so there was not much traffic. “Can I ask you for a huge favor?”

“We just met.” Crystal could not believe it.

Mackenzie sighed. “I know, but Brandon has a crush on you.” She took a deep breath. “Would you… uh… I wanna give him…” She huffed, unsure how to put it. “Is there any way I can get you to be part of a threesome with me and him? I’m sorry if that sounds rude, but he dreams about you.”

Crystal’s mouth dropped. It was not remotely something she expected. “Um, that’s… well…” She thought about her last experience with another woman. She had liked it, until the room erupted in applause. “I have a boyfriend.”

“Oh.” Mackenzie took a deep breath. “That might work too. Who is he?”

Smiling, Crystal replied, “Giovanni, our drummer.”

“Nice!” Mackenzie couldn’t hide her excitement that he may be involved. He was so well built and cute too. “Would he be into a foursome then?” She pled with her eyes. “We have this list, and we’re trying to finish it on this trip. I only have a week or so to get it done.”

Crystal closed her eyes. She was curious. Besides that, she and Giovanni had planned to keep trying new things together. She had hoped to give him the experience of two women again. He had enjoyed the last time, although it was brief, and he wouldn’t admit he liked it.

“I’d have to ask him.” Crystal smiled. “He’s a bit shy sometimes.”

Mackenzie tried to hide her excitement. “Tell him we’ll go with whatever he can handle.”

Crystal bit her lip. He had opened up a lot since the threesome with Tommy, so he just might go for it. “Did you have anything specific in mind?”

“Uh, well, Brandon has a fantasy I wanted to make come true.” Mackenzie hesitated again. “It’s you and me, and you’re… you eat me out.” She looked up and didn’t see disgust, which was good.

Crystal wasn’t sure what to say to that. “It’s funny. I know Giovanni wants to see something like that, but he won’t talk about it.”

Mackenzie hurriedly added, “He wants to fuck you.”

“I’m not so sure he’ll like that.” Her lip curled a bit. “How about we get together later and see what happens?” She hoped it worked. Brandon was sweet and as hot as his pictures.

“Great!” Mackenzie couldn’t help but get excited. She hugged Crystal. “We can combine it with fantasies you guys have if you want.” She pulled back. “I’m sorry. I just never thought I could do something this special for him.”

With understanding, Crystal looked at Mackenzie. “You love him, don’t you?”

“Huh?” Mackenzie was unsure how she came up with that idea. “I care about him, and he’s my good friend. It’s just… I want him to be happy. It’s not love.” She had sworn after watching her mother mourn for her father that she would
fall in love.

Smiling, Crystal let it go. Maybe she couldn’t admit it yet. “Let’s swap numbers and talk after the show.”

Chad came into the hallway. “Baby, we need to leave now. Jon texted me. We got fifteen minutes to be on stage.”

Mackenzie looked up at him. “Sorry to keep you guys. Maybe we’ll see you at the party later.”

“Definitely.” Crystal smirked.

Noelle exited as well. She put a hand on Mackenzie’s back. “Sorry I can’t stay. We go on right after Triple Threat, and I haven’t even made my rounds yet.” She pecked Mackenzie’s cheek.

They had met at least once before. Mackenzie gave her a wide smile. “I hope we have time to catch up tonight at the party.” She liked Noelle because she was a truly down to earth woman, no drama. Footsteps made her turn. Dominic Spinelli, of Gasoline, was several feet away and gawking at Noelle. She had the same look in her eyes. “I have to get back inside, nice to see you again.” She left them to whatever it was they were about to say or do.

Not long after, Brandon and Mackenzie stood in the left wing of the huge stage, watching Triple Threat perform. They were both impressed by how they interacted with the crowd. Chris, their singer made the audience repeat lyrics and seemed to have wowed some of the girls in short order.

Brandon put his arms around Mackenzie from behind. She closed her eyes, wanting the gesture to mean more than he was horny, which she could feel. He pressed his hips to her ass, and she leaned her head back. Maybe Scott was right. She should tell him how she felt about him.

Having almost the same thought, Brandon brushed his lips over her neck. He wanted to make love to her, not just fuck her like usual. Absently, his hands moved over her breasts and squeezed them while he imagined them in a hotel room. He wanted to give her something she never had before, a romantic night, ending with him showing her how he felt.

Chapter Seventeen

Brandon held Mackenzie’s hand as they waited for the elevator. The bag in his other hand held rum and a bottle of cola, requests of Mackenzie. “Why did we have to find a hotel room now?” He pulled her into his arms. “You want me that bad?” He leaned down and kissed her lips. “I could’ve rented a room in a fancy place this morning, if you told me you wanted privacy.”

“You’ll see.” She smirked.

That was the only answer she had given him for the past hour about what she had planned. She had already texted the room number to Crystal and got a response that they were on their way. Excited, she hugged him tightly. She and Crystal had arranged the chance meeting during the after party, so they could all get acquainted. Brandon and Giovanni had talked at length, while she and Crystal planned the night. Because of that, they weren’t exactly strangers anymore.

“Do we need anything else for this plan of yours?” Brandon asked when he opened their room door. “I mean like…”

She laughed. “I’m not telling you anything.” She looked around the surprisingly spacious room. There was one king sized bed, exactly as she specified. The small couch across from it was fabric, so that may complicate things if they got it wet.

After storing the bottles, Brandon opened a door across the room and found a huge bathroom. He didn’t realize the place was so upscale. He just called around until he found some place that would rent a room at 11:00 at night and wasn’t a flophouse or by the hour. He could never bring Mackenzie to a place like that.

When his search of the main room turned up a stereo, he tuned it to a local rock station and kept it at a low volume. He watched Mackenzie. She looked nervous, yet excited. “Not even a hint?”

Mackenzie shook her head then opened the minifridge. “Do you mind if I grab water out of here. It’s probably expensive.”

“It’s fine, Tink. Take whatever you need.” He grabbed the ice bucket and looked at her. “I’ll be right back. I like my alcohol cold.” He was back within minutes and nothing had changed. He thought she would be naked on the bed by then.

A knock on the door made Mackenzie spill a few drops of water on her top as she drank. “Why don’t you get it?” She winked at him.

“Who is it, a stripper?” He laughed as he opened the door. Then his mouth dropped at the sight of Crystal in a short, tight black dress. “Wow. Uh, I had no… idea.” He ran his fingers through his hair, glad had taken a long shower, just before they left. “Hi, um…”

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