Turn of the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 1) (26 page)

I looked down and found a messy bite mark on my breast. “It’s the work of your future son-in-law. You must be so proud to know that each and every night, he’ll be forcing himself on me. He’s already informed me that he likes it when I scream in pain. It should make it fun for me, you know, to be a baby factory for your pack.” Walking past her, I stepped into the warm water and sank down into it. Whatever was in it couldn’t be any worse than what awaited me once Kade was ready.

Kneeling down beside me, she soaked the washcloth in the water and rubbed it over my skin. “I didn’t know it was going to be like that. I thought in time you’d grow to love Kade, just like I did with your father.”

My head snapped and I glared at her. “My father was Marrock Storm.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, she lowered her gaze. “I’m sorry. Just like I did with Darius.”

“This is all bullshit and you know it. I have a true mate. This isn’t the way to bring back magic to our packs. By forcing me to do this, it’s only going to cause destruction. One way or another, I will get out of here, even if I have to take my own life. I refuse to be a slave.”

She finished washing me up and helped me out of the water. I knew without a doubt that whatever happened with Kade, I would rather die than have to bow down to him. The light blue dress my mother helped me in was long and silky, but I didn’t see the use in it. It was going to get ripped to shreds once Kade had his way with me.

Through the hole in the ceiling, the moon was almost at its apex. My wolf clawed at me from the inside, desperate to get out. She was trapped just like I was. The weight of the necklace around my neck was a constant reminder of my weakness. With tears in her eyes, Annika brushed my hair and put it up, decorating it with tiny blue flowers that matched my dress. She touched me with tender hands just like she did when I was a child. Even though she deceived me, I had no doubt that she loved me. I could see it in her eyes.

“You’re so beautiful,” she murmured.

Eyes burning, I grabbed her hands, clasping them with mine. It was the last time I would ever see her. “Whatever happens, I want you to know that I forgive you. You weren’t the one who killed my parents, Rollin did. There was never a time I went without because you always made sure I was happy, even when I wanted to go to college.”

A small smile splayed across her lips. “You have no idea what it means to me to hear you say that.”

“All right, it’s time,” Maret called.

I glanced one more time at Annika and kissed her on the cheek. She pulled me into her arms and I closed my eyes, breathing in her lavender scent. “Thank you for loving me.”

She stepped back, brows furrowed. “Why are you saying this?”

Maret took my arm and ushered me toward the door. “Enough talk, Kade’s ready for her.”

Giving her one last look over my shoulder, I smiled and let the tears fall freely down my cheeks. “Goodbye, Mother.”

Everything moved in slow motion at that point. I couldn’t seem to grasp what was happening because everything went too fast. The sound of my mother’s growl echoed in my ears just a mere second before I was knocked to the ground. My head hit the side of the stone temple and everything went fuzzy. I could hear the sound of Maret’s screams and the ripping of flesh. When I was able to focus, Maret’s blood was all over the temple, her body torn to shreds. I gasped when I found not just one, but three wolves standing guard over me.


The large, gray wolf stared back at me, baring her teeth in a large grin. The wolf beside her was Micah. If they had gotten inside the wall, then that meant Ryker was there too. My mother shifted and tore the necklace off my body. The second it was gone, not only did my strength return, but my memories came back as well.

I remembered everything about my parents and what happened the night of the attack. My siblings and I were playing Monopoly in my room when my mother burst in and told us to run. Micah had come to get Faith, but Sebastian was with my parents. I didn’t know where my brother was, so I had no choice but to go alone. Before I could get out of the house, Maret’s magic struck.

I had no clue who I was or what was going on. I just knew I had to run. Then, every single moment with Ryker appeared; from the time he found me in the woods, to the time I had to leave him to go to the Northern pack. We were inseparable and I loved him even then.

“You remember,”
Ryker murmured in my mind. I could feel him again.

“Where are you? Tyla and Micah are here.”

He flashed an image in my mind of a group of wolves closing in on him.
“We ran into some trouble. I promise I’ll find you.”

“Bailey, snap out of it. We need to get you out of here. Go with your friends.” Annika grabbed my hands and helped me up, pushing me out the door.

“I remember everything.”

Tyla and Micah ran out of the temple, growling their impatience. Howls erupted all around us and I knew we didn’t have much time. Annika ignored it all and brushed a hand down my cheek. “Cherish those memories, my dear Bailey. Maybe one day you’ll cherish the ones of us. Now go.”

Tyla bumped me in the leg and pushed me toward the woods. “What about you?” I called over my shoulder.

She shrugged. “This is my pack. Yours would never accept me.”

I shook my head. “That’s not true. Come with us. I will accept you. That’s all that matters.” Holding out my hand, I waited for her to come to me. When she took that first step, I knew I had her. Until, death came up behind her. “
,” I screamed, taking off toward her.

Kade grabbed her by the neck and slit her throat right to the bone. He dropped her body to the ground and I fell beside her. There was nothing I could do, but watch the life leave her eyes.


“There’s no escaping, Bailey. You’re coming with me.”

“Fuck you,” I spat, getting to my feet. His wolves surrounded us, edging closer by the second.

Grinning wide, he bit his bottom lip. “Don’t worry, there will be plenty of that tonight. Say goodbye to your friends.” Lifting his hand, he waved toward Tyla and Micah and his wolves charged.

I rushed into the fray, but pain exploded in my right shoulder and I hollered in pain, falling to my knees.

“Why do you have to make things so fucking difficult?” Pulling the blade out of my shoulder, he hauled me over his shoulders and carried me away from the fight. Tyla and Micah were fighting for their lives, as they were strongly outnumbered. Ryker and Sebastian were somewhere else, in the same situation. He was still alive. I could feel his desperation to get to me.

“It’s over, Kade. Maret’s dead. You have nothing keeping you safe anymore.”

“Wrong. You didn’t think we depended solely on that bitch did you? We’ve always been a step ahead of the game. The only thing I have to do is fuck you under the moon and you’re mine. Unfortunately, it’ll have to be quick tonight. Such a pity. And then once I’m done, we’ll be on our way.” The fighting grew farther into the distance and everything went quiet. Kade stopped and I focused on our surroundings. “All right, this’ll have to do.”

He dropped me on the ground and the breath whooshed out of my lungs. I gasped for air and tried to get to my feet, but he came up behind me and pushed me back down, lifting my dress above my waist.

“Now, this is the way to fuck a woman,” he growled, nipping the back of my neck.

His weight held me down, my energy depleted after being stabbed. I knew I had to fight, even if I didn’t have the strength. “And this is the way to break an arm,” I spat. I grabbed his wrist and snapped his arm as hard as I could. He bellowed in pain and I was able to roll out from underneath him, but he came back after me. Turning me around, he held my chin in his grasp, pushing his body into mine.

His arm snapped back into place and he slapped me across the cheek. “Is that all you got?”

“Not even close.” I elbowed him in the nose not just once, but three times. His blood splattered all over me, and it gave me a chance to get some distance.

“You stupid, worthless cunt,” he shouted, his eyes flashing. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and concentrated on my wolf. I willed her to break free, but before I could let her loose, a growl erupted from the woods. Gasping, I opened my eyes to find two steadily approaching white wolves.

“Well, well, look who’s here. It’s been a long time, brother,” Kade taunted.

Ryker stood his ground and shifted, his gaze meeting mine before turning his lethal stare to Kade. “Yes, it has. And tonight will be the last.”

Kade scoffed. “You’re

Ryker narrowed his gaze, his fists clenched at his sides. “I am.”

Sebastian growled at something, and everywhere I looked, glowing eyes stared back at us. We were surrounded.

Kade burst out laughing. “Suit yourself, dear brother. I think I’ll make you watch when I fuck your woman and then I’ll make her watch when I rip off your head. It’ll look nice on our mantle.”

Ryker’s eyes glowed. “What the hell happened to you?”

Kade circled around me like I was his prey. My strength slowly started to return and at any moment I’d be able to shift, but then two snarling wolves appeared at my back.

happened, little brother,” he said, glancing quickly back at me. “She was supposed to be mine, but you came in and fucked it all up. Even mother took your side when I wanted to claim her.”

“And yet you aligned with the man who killed our parents. Your own fucking family,” Ryker roared.

“I didn’t want mother dead. The plan was to kill you and Soren, and then I’d have her back. But no, she jumped in the way to save you.”

Ryker’s confusion hit him hard; he didn’t know the truth.
“Soren wasn’t Kade’s father. Your uncle was,”
I explained quickly. His eyes darted to mine and the tension in the air spiked.

“How is that possible?”
I showed him what Rollin had done and Ryker’s lethal glare turned to his brother. “Finally, I know the truth.”

Kade laughed. “I see your mind mojo shit is working again.” Then he turned to me. “Thanks for telling him the truth, love. Maybe you should tell him what we did together just this afternoon.” Moaning, he licked his lips and faced Ryker. “She sure does taste good.”

Ryker trembled with rage. “You worthless, piece of shit. No wonder you’re so fucked up. You’re just like your father.”

“I take that as a compliment, dear brother. I’ll be happy to tell him that once this is all over.”

“Aww . . . no one told you he’s dead?” A fake concerned look splayed across Ryker’s face as visions flashed through his mind of what’d happened. He tutted out loud as he shook his head.

“You lie,” Kade thundered.

One of his wolves shifted and bowed his head. “It’s true, alpha. We found his body on our way out here.”

Kade trembled with rage and he started to shift, his voice a deep growl. “This ends now.”

“Say goodbye, Kade,” Ryker taunted. He looked at me one more time before the shift overtook him and Kade both.

Baring their teeth, they approached each other and stopped in the middle of the field. If Ryker was to win the fight, there was no way we could get out. Not with over a hundred wolves surrounding us. I was about to shift myself when Sebastian came over and growled at the two wolves behind me. They backed up and he shifted.

Flinging my arms around him, I finally let myself break down. “Thank God, you’re okay. What are we going to do?”

He squeezed me quickly and let go. “You are going to stay as you are. When this fight is over, all hell’s going to break loose. I need you out of here.”

“Screw that. I want to fight with you and Ryker.”

“No. We didn’t come all the way out here to save you, just to have you wind up dead. Don’t let this all be in vain.”

Tears fell down my cheeks. “What about Tyla and Micah? The last time I saw them . . .”

“They’re fine,” he promised, nodding at something over my shoulder. “Take a look.”

Glancing back, I watched as both of them approached cautiously, passing the other wolves. Once they were past, Tyla ran up to me and nudged me with her nose. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her neck. Sebastian bent down to her level.

“Tyla, whatever happens, make sure to get Bailey out of here. That goes for you too,” he said to Micah. “You are the only one who can reunite Bailey with her sister. We can’t afford to have anything happen to you.” They stared each other down, but then Micah huffed again and stood by my side.

Ryker and Kade still circled each other. They were similar in build, both twice the size of a normal Arctic wolf. Sebastian tensed and looked over at me. “It’s time.”

Holding my breath, I watched as both wolves attacked, moving around the field like white blurs of lightning. The sound of their feet against the ground rumbled like thunder. They were vicious in their strikes, both snapping at each other and drawing blood. Their white fur coats were stained red. The second I heard Ryker’s howl, my heart dropped. Their blur of movements stopped and all I saw was Kade on Ryker’s back with his teeth sunk into Ryker’s neck.

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