Read Trust in Me Online

Authors: Suzanna Ross

Trust in Me (9 page)

“I see.” Theo could well imagine how Louise’s father might have been coerced into helping. If her friend was as forceful as Evie, he reckoned the poor man wouldn’t have stood a chance. He took the brush she handed him and stood uncertainly, not quite knowing what to do.

“That’s for grooming,” she explained patiently, as she tied one of the animals – a small brown creature – to a fence post. “And this is Flora. She’ll keep nice and still for you now, while you brush her.”

He glanced uncertainly from brush to Flora and back again. This was not on his list of things to do today.

“She won’t bite,” Evie laughed as she took hold of his arm and pulled him over. “Some of them do, but not this one. We’ll start you off nice and gently.”

Start him off...? As far as Theo was concerned this would be the start and the end of it. He was too busy to make this a regular occurrence. “Does Rosie ever help you with the sanctuary?”

The question had been as casual as he was able to make it, but at the mention of her sister, Evie’s head snapped around. “Sometimes,” she admitted, her perceptive blue eyes watching him closely. “She says she has better things to do with her time, but at heart she’s a real softie. I know she loves the donkeys as much as I do.”

Theo couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. Rosie, he guessed, would not appreciate being described as a softie.

He was aware of Evie looking at him thoughtfully. “I don’t know if I should say this, I mean she’ll like totally kill me if she finds out...”

“Finds out what?”

“It’s just I think she likes you.”

Theo felt the corners of his mouth tug again. “That’s good. I like her.”

“No,” Evie was insistent. “I mean she really likes you.”

If Evie was telling him the truth, he’d have to put Rosie straight. It was only fair. He couldn’t allow her to expect, to hope...

“But the thing is, she’s scared.” Evie paused and then spoke in a rush again. “I’m saying too much. You mustn’t tell her any of this.”

He felt he couldn’t breathe. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Absently, he began to brush the unsuspecting Flora. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Rosie. But he didn’t want a permanent romantic relationship, he’d decided that a long time ago.

“The thing is Rosie is complicated.”

That was nothing he hadn’t worked out for himself.

“She’s brave and she’s beautiful, but she’s a bit rubbish at commitment. Because of the way Dad behaved, she never wants to get married. Or even be tied into a serious relationship.”

Theo only just resisted the urge to sigh with relief. Rosie Farnham was on his wavelength. The weight in his chest eased and he found he was able to breathe again.

“So you mustn’t let yourself get too attached,” Evie continued. “I’ve encouraged her to go out with you – to have some fun, because she never has any fun and I’m worried about her. But I can see you like her, too. And she won’t mean to hurt you, but she just can’t bring herself to commit to a man.”

It was only then he realised Evie wasn’t concerned about her sister’s heart, it was his emotions she was worried about. He was unbearably touched – nobody had ever worried about him before. “Thank you, Evie,” he told her sincerely. “I’ll make sure I look out for myself and won’t take your sister too seriously.”

She nodded. “Good. So, you’ll ask her out?”

“Maybe I will,” he smiled. The thought of bringing some uncomplicated fun into Rosie’s life appealed very much indeed.

Evie smiled. “This is Mr Kennedy,” she introduced a little grey donkey and began to brush him. “He hasn’t been with us very long.

“Isn’t Mr Kennedy a strange name for a donkey?”

He watched as she wrinkled her nose. “I suppose it is. I hadn’t thought about it.”

As he watched her work, brushing the donkeys, clearing out the small barn that offered them shelter from the elements, Theo couldn’t help being impressed. Evie was obviously a young woman with the drive and ambition and she wasn’t afraid of hard work.

“So now you’ve seen the sanctuary, what do you think?” she asked as they walked back. “Can the donkeys stay?”

It made no economic sense to keep the donkeys. In fact it made as little sense as it did to keep the manor. With a sigh, he made his decision.

“The donkeys can stay.” He was practically deafened by a squeal he was sure must be well over the safe decibel level.


Rosie had never imagined he could look so dishevelled as he arrived back in the office in the early evening. “Evie kept you busy I see,” she commented as she took in the mud and the general air of disarray.

He glanced at his clothes and grimaced. “You’ve no idea. That girl is a whirlwind. We’ve scrubbed the barn, brushed several donkeys, cleared some of the overgrowth in the adjoining land...”

Rosie smiled. It seemed her little sister knew exactly how to negotiate with the uber successful Theo Bradley. “Don’t tell me she talked you into giving her that extra piece of land so she can expand the sanctuary?”

“She has. Although I’m not quite sure how.”

Rosie laughed. “It’s teen talk,” she told him. “She’s an expert. Has you tied up in circles and agreeing to things before you know it.”

Theo grinned and consulted his watch. “Are you hungry? Evie said she was going to eat at her friend Louise’s tonight, so why don’t we have dinner at Chudley House to celebrate your new job.”

Rosie would much rather spend the time working on the plans she needed to make for the estate. But they’d begun their working relationship with so much antagonism she didn’t need to add to it by picking petty arguments. She briefly nodded her agreement to the dinner plan. “But I’m paying half,” she insisted before remembering she had no money. “Well, I’ll pay you back when I get my first paycheque.”

He shook his head. “I own the place – we won’t have to pay.”

Rosie sighed noisily, but didn’t argue further. Whatever she said would only make her sound childish. “Well, if you say so.”

“We should get ready. I’ll meet you in the hall in fifteen minutes.”

Get ready? Horror struck at Rosie’s heart. She’d need to get changed – Chudley House was seriously posh. What could she wear? As sole guardian to Evie and full-time estate manager she rarely got the chance to go out on social occasions and her wardrobe reflected this. Normally this didn’t bother her, but there was no way her usual garb of jeans and t-shirt obviously would do this evening. She needed something dressy. Heck.

Quickly she pinned her hair up and took the fastest shower in history and then dug out the only possibility in her wardrobe: A little black dress, gifted by Julia and her family for her last birthday along with a pair of black killer heels. She hated the outfit but had worn it to the surprise dinner they’d arranged, not wanting to hurt her friends. But, she’d spent the entire evening loathing the way the dress clung and its low neckline. She’d been sure everyone was staring at her and had vowed she’d never willingly wear the garment again. Needs must, though, and her outing with Theo left her with little choice.

Chapter Nine


Rosie appeared only a minute after the designated meeting time. Theo would have been impressed – no other woman of his acquaintance had even come close to getting ready in such a short space of time – but the vision descending the stairs towards him dazzled every coherent thought from his mind.

She’d pinned her hair up, but nonetheless, coppery curls had escaped to frame her face. The dress was something else – propelling her from an already stunningly beauty into a league all her own.

He remained rooted to the spot. He wished he hadn’t made the rash promise to take her out to dinner as another much more fun way to celebrate her new job occurred to him. He longed to take her in his arms, to once again feel the passionate response from her lips as he kissed her.

He exhaled sharply. What had happened to him since he’d stepped over the threshold of Farnham Manor only the day before yesterday? He had never been less in control and he didn’t like it. He preferred his relationship with women to be strictly unemotional. He had been in control of his feelings every second he had spent with Gina and her predecessors. As far as he was concerned it was a necessary form of self preservation. Falling in love was dangerous, it wasn’t nice – he’d grown up with the example of what happened when love turned sour and that wasn’t what he wanted for himself.

So it was just as well that he wasn’t falling in love with Rosie Farnham. Physical attraction – that’s what it amounted to. It had nothing at all to do with the dangerous emotion that scared him witless.


All the way to the Chudley House, Rosie sat in the passenger seat of Theo’s car and feigned what she hoped was a cool exterior, while all the while her insides were churning with awareness. She was horribly uncomfortable in the too tight, too short, too low dress and couldn’t believe that Julia had chosen it for her.

Sometimes she felt her friend barely knew her at all. And it wasn’t only this unsuitable choice of present. She was still reeling from Julia’s suggestion earlier. Fancy suggesting Rosie enjoy a fling with Theo, for heaven’s sake.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she became aware of Theo glancing over. She felt completely exposed and she hated the way her heart rate increased every time he cast a look her way.

Despite wishing it otherwise, she couldn’t deny the deep physical attraction between them. If she forced herself to be honest, she’d thoroughly enjoyed his kiss. Her face burned even now at the memory.

She tried to think of other things, to take her mind off the masculine thighs, only inches from hers, from the strong, brown hands braced on the steering wheel… He looked breathtakingly spectacular this evening – dressed in a grey suit and a white shirt, he screamed masculine charisma from the top of his black as night hair to the toes of his undoubtedly expensive leather shoes. Forget he’s a man, she reminded herself in a desperate attempt at self-defence.

Huh, no chance. They didn’t come any more manly than Theo Bradley.

From her reaction to him, she had to face the uncomfortable truth there was very little difference between her and those women who used to hang around the manor. The iron self-control she’d expected she would exercise, should she ever be faced with something like this, had been nothing more than a figment of her imagination.

She took a deep breath and made a conscious effort to block out Theo Bradley and the effect he had on her.

Instead, she made an effort to think about Chudley House Hotel and how much she was looking forward to seeing it. Even Rosie had heard of the exclusive establishment. She’d even read about it on the odd occasion she’d happened to pick up one of Evie’s magazines and found some celebrity or other had graced the place with their presence. Having never expected to go there herself, however, she’d taken little notice.

“The original house was demolished years ago,” Theo explained as the car purred up the extensive driveway and a breathtaking, modern building came into view. “We bought the land because the setting is stunning.” That was no exaggeration. Set in acres of lush countryside, there could be few places to match it in terms of its stunning views over the soft rolling hills.

Theo proved to be an expert guide, pointing out all the exclusive touches that made this place special. “It’s all lovely,” she told him. And it was. The design and furnishings were breathtaking. The staff had been unobtrusive but solicitous.

And the food was to die for. “I can understand why everyone raves about it,” she told Theo with a soft sigh as their main course was cleared away.

He scrutinized her expression shrewdly. “But…?”

“But Chudley House is entirely new. It doesn’t really give me any idea of what you’ll do with the manor. I know it’s really none of my business, but you promised a renovation not a demolition. How do I know your renovation will be sympathetic?” She knew, as only an employee, she had no right to ask, but she needed to know what he had planned.

He reached out and uncurled her fingers from where they were tightly wound around the stem of her wine glass. Absently stroking the palm of her hand with his thumb, he looked intently into her eyes. “Do you trust me, Rosie?”

Rosie gulped. She hadn’t expected him to ask her that. She thought for only a moment before she realized that she did trust him – which was very strange seeing as they’d only just met and Rosie’s default setting was to be suspicious of everyone. Mouth dry, she was unable to speak, so she nodded and saw his full lips curve into a brief smile before he brought her hand up to offer a whisper of a kiss against her fingers. An electric reaction ensured she nearly passed out and she closed her eyes against the confusing mixture of emotions assaulting her.

“There are experts on my team who have already effected very sympathetic renovations of some of my older properties,” he assured her quietly. “I only employ the best – the manor will be in good hands.”

She opened her eyes and the promise of a smile played about her lips as it hit her that Theo could be relied on to look after the home that had meant so much to her father. A burden was lifted from her shoulders. For the first time in her life she truly felt that she didn’t need to worry about the manor. And she trusted that Theo wouldn’t let her down.

“How did you end up with responsibility for Evie?” He asked as they ate pudding.

She swallowed a mouthful of chocolate mousse and looked at him in surprise. It hadn’t occurred to her she would have to explain. “There was nobody else.”

“There’s always someone else.”

“Not in this case,” she insisted. “Besides, I wanted to do it. I was there when she was born. In fact, I delivered her.”

“How did you know what to do?” Theo looked as appalled as he sounded and Rosie resisted the urge to laugh at his reaction – it had been no laughing matter. In fact it had been a pretty scary situation for all concerned.

“I didn’t, but Glory hadn’t realised she was in labour until the last minute and by then it was too late to get help. So I had no choice.”

It had been the worst night of her life – two lives depending on her and she hadn’t been remotely prepared. And the shadow of what had happened to Rosie’s own mother had loomed large.

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