Read Things That Go Hump In The Night Online

Authors: Amanda Jones,Bliss Devlin,Steffanie Holmes,Lily Marie,Artemis Wolffe,Christy Rivers,Terra Wolf,Lily Thorn,Lucy Auburn,Mercy May

Things That Go Hump In The Night (89 page)

Then Kalvin began tracing
tongue over my body. He nibbled against my neck for a minute, swirling his tongue in a circular motion, before moving south and hovering over my breasts. Taking one of my nipples in his mouth, Kalvin suckled and traced it until my body was convulsing again with pleasure. At the same time, he moved one of his hands to my clit and began rubbing against it. He continued like that for a few minutes, moving between nipples while toying with my clit. Just when I was about to climax again, he stopped, then gently entered me again.

Kalvin thrust against me, filling my channel with pressure and pleasure all at once, as he entered further and further.

“Oh, Kalvin!” I moaned, my body on fire with electric sensations. He picked up my legs and wrapped them around him, letting him enter deeper and deeper with each thrust. By this point, he was deeper than I thought possible, and my body felt like it was going to explode with pleasure. And then, basically, it did. I convulsed around Kalvin’s cock as I climaxed again.

As I tightened up around him, Kalvin’s cock began to pulse then, suddenly, a warm sensation filled my channel as he came.

Pulling out, Kalvin collapsed beside me, breathing heavily, with a smile plastered on his face. With one hand, he brushed a string of hair away from my face, then looked at me with his brilliant green eyes.

“I love you,” he stammered.  “I’m yours.”

I smiled back at him, taking his hand in mine. “And I’m yours.”









Chapter Nine



I stood in the octagon, hands by my side, dressed in nothing but my dark brown fight shorts. Across from me, Darrel stood with the same sideways grin on his face. He was wearing a pair of black shorts, tipped with jagged blue lines that resembled claw marks. He fully expected to win. I could tell it by the way his shoulders were drawn back, his chest puffed out in defiance. He had entered the octagon with an unshakable and undeniable air of confidence about him. In his mind, I was already bleeding out on the floor.

Fortunately for me, his mind wasn’t in charge.
wasn’t in charge. As long as I still drew breath, this was my octagon. My stomping grounds.

This is my territory,
the bear roared inside my head.
I’m the alpha here

I smiled at that, ignoring the cheers and shouts from the hundreds of bloodthirsty shifters seated around the arena. My bear had returned almost immediately after Megan and I had mated. And then he’d taken part in the second mating. And the third. In fact, it seemed as though my bear just couldn’t get enough Megan’s soft and luscious curves. She was a perfect complement to my own body, and I knew that I’d be just as enraptured with her for as long as I lived.

And I fully intended to live well beyond tonight.

I’d called for Tony, had him take Megan and myself back to the penthouse. I’d left Megan there in his care and headed straight to the arena. By the time I arrived, it was already a quarter til midnight, and the place was packed to the bursting point. Everyone knew it was a death match, even if, officially, it wasn’t. Someone would be leaving this octagon a champion, the other wouldn’t be leaving at all.

“Fighters ready?” A voice called from just outside the octagon.

Darrel and I both nodded in time.


In the infinite second that took place between the signal to start and Darrel’s first move, the crowd erupted in a flurry. Shifters in all directions released their beast forms, filling the arena with hundreds of bestial roars.

I smiled, letting the energy from the arena fill my body, and took a fighting stance. I lifted a knee in a block just in time to catch the inside of Darrel’s shin in his attempt to strike me with a roundhouse. The man who had almost ruined my life yelped in pain, then settled down, taking his own fighting stance.

We exchanged a few blows, striking and blocking, kicking and jabbing, neither of us gaining any ground on the other. Then I made a mistake, throwing a high kick that sailed over Darrel’s head as he ducked and charged toward me, catching me off guard and throwing me to the ground. I let out a grunt as my back collided with the floor, reaching out and latching onto Darrel’s neck as I did. I caught him and pulled his head against my chest, throwing my legs up in the guard as they wrapped around his waist.

,” Darrel hissed. And then he shifted.

One second, I was latched onto a man. The next, a massive mountain lion - larger than any I’d ever seen - towered over my body.


Before he had an opportunity to strike, I threw both of my feet into the massive beast’s underbelly, sending him sprawling backward a few feet. I managed to clamber to my feet in the few seconds Darrel was off balance, and started to circle away from him.

“Now you die!” Darrel roared, pouncing toward me.

Had I not mated with Megan earlier in the night, he would have been right. Darrel’s fangs would have dug into my throat, his fierce claws into my gut, killing me instantly. Instead, as I shifted, his body only ricocheted off my massive frame.

The roaring crowd went abruptly silent, every beast in the arena suddenly kneeling or cowering before their alpha. Every beast except for one.

I stood over Darrel’s bestial form, a mass of muscle and fur that towered well beyond his reach. Like most shifters, I was far larger than my pure beast cousin.   For most shifters, that meant being a beast of massive, but still manageable, size. For me, however, it meant being an unstoppable force of fangs, claws, and destruction. Kodiak bears, after all, are

Still defiant, Darrel hunched down and prepared to pounce again as I rose to my full height. Standing at a hair under thirteen feet tall, I towered over the wall of the octagon. Just as Darrel was about to spring forward, I bellowed out a loud roar, filling the arena with a deafening explosion. The volume of my roar caught Darrel off guard, causing him to misstep and, instead, crash into the floor in front of me. That’s when I brought everything down on him at once.

In a single, violent motion, I fell down Darrel, slashing wildly with my claws and sending him flying against the cage on the opposite side of the octagon. Before he had a chance to recover, I was on him again, clawing at him again, digging into his flesh. Then, I threw him across the octagon once again, watching him hit the opposing side  and slide down to the floor. He laid there, unmoving, and his will utterly broken. Abruptly, Darrel shifted back into human form, all trace of his massive mountain lion gone.

I shifted back as well and dove on him, lifting him up, and slamming my elbow into his chin before he could fight back. Shifting back into human form has allowed Darrel to heal his flesh wounds, but I had no doubt that his insides were on fire with immeasurable pain. I threw him back against the cage and stepped away from him, letting him sink to the floor of the octagon.

“Finish it,” Darrel managed, his voice as broken as his will. “Finish it.”

I shook my head, staring down at him. “No,” I told him. “You’re not worth it.”

Then, wordlessly, I walked toward the built-in door at the edge of the octagon and started to climb out. Before I could get out of the octagon, however, I heard movement from behind me. I turned in time to see Darrel - still  in human form - lunging toward me, his fist extended. I caught Darrel’s fist in the palm of my hand then, using my bear’s strength, crushed and shattered every bone in his hand. Darrel’s scream filled the arena, only to be deafened by the reignited roars of the beasts filling the rows.

I drilled Darrel’s eyes with my own, stepping toward and standing over him. “You’re done, Darrel Collin,” I told him. “Done. No more fighting. No more petty attempts at domination. You are no alpha here. Is that understood?”

He stared at my eyes for one final defiant moment, then looked down at his feet and whimpered. Satisfied, I turned away from him and exited the octagon, making my way toward the arena’s exit.

I’d done it. I’d reasserted my dominance. Reclaimed my position. And after this, I knew, no one would ever attempt to challenge me again. As far as this club was concerned, I was and would always be alpha. I no longer had a reason to go, to fight, to prove myself.

And considering the fact that there was a gorgeous woman waiting back in my penthouse, that was just fine with me.












I stood inside the cabin, hand in hand with the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, and gazed out at the view. For miles on end, there was nothing but trees and mountains, capped by a sapphire blue sky that went on forever.

“This is some place you have here,” I said, turning back to our hosts.

“I like to think so,” Andrea said, smiling. “But as much renovation as we’ve done, I still can’t get past that view. It’s the best, isn’t it love?” She turned to her husband, Chase Hammer.

Chase nodded. “Feel free to stay as long as you’d like. It’s the least I can offer.”

Megan, beside me, tugged at my arm, forcing me to gaze upon her beautiful face once again. “I think we should take them up on that, Kalvin. God knows we could use a break from the city.”

In the weeks since the final bout with Darrel in the arena, life had been bliss. True to his word, he’d returned ownership of the company to me the following morning. Apparently, he had drafted a living will that returned the company’s stocks to me in the instance of his disappearance or death as well. So even if I
gone through with killing him, I’d still have my company back. If nothing else, the man didn’t break promises. After some thinking and much to his dismay, I turned control of the company over to Tony. Right after I axed Brandon, Jason, and Mark.

Megan had passed her exams with flying colors and was still in the process of joining Doctors Without Borders. I’d told her over and over again that she’d never have to so much as lift a finger if she didn’t want to, but she assured me that she still wanted to do good in the world. With my newfound freedom from the corporate world, I’d decided that I would accompany her in her travels.

After hearing about the events in New York, Chase had gotten in touch with me, offered a sincere apology, and invited Megan and myself down to his cabin in Boone, North Carolina. With a grudging reluctance, I’d accepted the invitation at Megan’s behest, and here we were. I’d since learned that Chase had sold his stake in Hammer Industries several months ago in order to spend time with his own mate, Andrea Sloan. Darrel taking control of the company was just a side effect of that, and his identity as a shifter was something that came to Chase as a surprise. The fact that he couldn’t smell the stink of the big cat on the man said a lot about Chase’s prior lack of closeness with his bear, something that he claimed had changed upon moving to Appalachia.

Still, one thing that Chase and I could agree on was the fact that our mates needed and
every ounce of our attention. And that was something that we were both more than happy to give them.

“I agree,” I said, finally, staring into my mate’s eyes. “And besides, I could get used to this.” I motioned back to the wilderness outside the window. The bear inside me rumbled his agreement.

“It’s settled then,” Andrea spoke up. “Make yourselves at home and stay as long as you’d like!”

With that, Andrea grabbed her mate and sped off to the other side of the cabin in order to, apparently, give Megan and I some time to get comfortable.

“You know,” Megan started, leaning against my frame, her soft curves melding perfectly with my hard muscles. “I could see us raising a family here.”

I glanced down at her, a bit startled at that. Then, I caught the twinkle in her eye and, for the first time, noticed the glow on her skin. I couldn’t help but grin at her, the joy building up quickly inside me.

“A cub of my own,” I whispered, letting the thought take hold of me. “And to think, I get to share the experience with

Megan beamed at me, “And I, with you.”

Then I leaned in and kissed her as deeply and passionately as I could for a long moment, before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the nearest bedroom, kicking the door shut behind me as we entered.

The End





Thanks for taking the time to read
Bear & Broken
! If you enjoyed reading Kalvin and Megan’s story and want to know more about some of the other characters mentioned, be sure to pick up the complete series boxed set available by clicking


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About the Author


Raised among the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, Mercy May has long had a passion for the wild, dangerous, and paranormal. Today, she channels that passion into her writing, working to develop and produce stories about protective, strong, and often ferocious alpha shifters and the curvy girls they so often fall in love with.


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