The Unfortunates (Unfortunate #1) (20 page)

Kade pushed off of the door and sauntered over to his computer. He had to
sort his priorities. The mine came first, then Albert, then his father, and then Nine. The base line was, Nine was just a pawn in his plan. Nothing more, nothing less. He’d keep his end of the bargain, sure, but not for her. For his mother. Although she wouldn’t approve of what he was going to do, at least she could see that he was compromising, that he wasn’t completely lost to the new world.

He turned on his computer screen and ran his fingers smoothly over the surface, touching all of the appropriate buttons. He lost all communication with his team the minute they went down into the mine. If they weren’t back in a week, Kade would assume them dead and have to go through with the plan and have Nine get Albert to sign the contract. With a sigh, he leaned back into his chair. Suddenly, the idea of using Nine didn’t sound as appealing. Last night, Kade spoke to Albert. They spoke about the mines and how Albert
was looking sell a few of his off, anyway. Of course, the asking price was way out of Kade’s range, but when Kade pointed out Nine, Albert was willing to negotiate a lower price. He lowered his price dramatically for one night with Nine and Kade remembered the way it felt when he saw Albert’s face light up as his seedy stare graced her skin… like a knife. It felt like a knife had been slammed into his stomach and twisted until his organs blended together.

Because Kade wanted Nine.

He knew exactly how it felt to have her lips feather across his skin. He knew exactly how it felt to have her supple skin against his and the feelings it stirred when her skin pebbled with the bare graze of his mouth. He didn’t want to share that with anyone else. He didn’t want anyone else to discover her the way he had. There was also the fear of her safety. Nine didn’t have the greatest control over her tongue. His lips twitched. He liked that she kept him on his toes. It exhilarated him, made him feel alive for the first time in years.

Then it hit him… that’s why he
made her come because he knew no one else could or would. He knew he would be the only one who could bring her that kind of happiness and he was being selfish, knowing that for the rest of her life, she’d think of him when anything aroused her. She’ll think about his fingers between her legs and his voice in her ear. Or, maybe, it was just wishful thinking. Originally, blindfolding her was never meant to be a pleasure exercise. Kade was meant to touch her strategically and get her to memorise where he put his hands, how he moved his fingers and used his breath all to his advantage. Then it got out of hand.
out of hand. Regardless of the growing ball of possession in Kade’s body, he knew giving Nine up was for the greater good. Giving her up meant that he could take his family name higher than ever before. It meant he could get out of this hell hole once and for all. With his father gone, Kade could move into the city, into the Sario skyscraper, and he could get revenge on his father and be happy with everything he would gain from his death.

That was the plan… and he would stick to it. No matter what.









Chapter Ten





All day I hid out in my room
, dazed and confused. I spent the greater part of the morning thinking about my Fortunate and what he did to me—what I let him do to me—and the rest of the day pondering the powerful surges of orgasm, even missing them a little. I never thought such pleasure could be so overwhelming. I never knew such emotions could be forced from the human body by a gentle swipe of a perfect finger. I want it again and again, and I hoped, no, I prayed that it’d happen again. I barely touched my lunch, having eaten so much at breakfast, and before I know it, the sun is gone and the moon is out.

Which brings me to now.

A gown that I never thought my skin would ever be able to grace clings to my body before flowing off my hips. It still had its usual Unfortunate styling; the plunging neckline, the sheer fabric, and tunic-like style, tied in a knot on my shoulder. It was purple, like the one Vince wanted me to wear tonight, but a different style altogether. It exposed no large portions of flesh nor gave off any ‘sexual’ vibe. I manage to bite back a smile. I guess Kade doesn’t want me on show as much as he originally thought.

Portia pulled my hair up into a messy bun, allowing two locks of auburn hair to frame my face. They
looked silly, as long as they were, and Portia cut them so they were level with my chin. Portia is doing a lot better now that a small amount of time has passed. She’s even started smiling again. Death is never easy, old world or new world, I’m sure it still hurt. I missed her. It’s nice to finally have an Unfortunate on my team again. At least Portia understands Kade. At least she isn’t terrified of me because of him.

“You should go
,” Portia says, patting my shoulder. “It’s eight-nineteen, and if you’re not out there by eight-twenty, Kade’s going to come looking for you.”

The mention
of his name does funny things to my tummy. It sends it flipping and floating like a leaf in a cool autumn breeze. With a nod and quick swipe of my dress, I step into the hallway. I follow it into the kitchen and out into the yard. Like usual, it seems no expenses were spared for yet another Sario event. Gorgeous white and purple lights are strung all over the place, stretching as far down the yard as the eye can see. Tables are draped in white and purple fabric and covered in white and purple flower petals. It’s breathtaking… and not Vince’s style at all. I expected topless Unfortunates, people grinding and drinking and fucking all over the place. I did not expect something with taste, something easy on my eyes. Unfortunates filter from the house with drink trays in their hands, all of the females wearing the same exposing purple dress I tried on earlier. Suddenly, I feel left out. I don’t want to attract unwanted attention.

“You’re late.”
Kade’s voice, smooth like the low keys on a piano, penetrates my chest and grips my heart. He steps out of the shadows to my left with a glass in his hand and the solid ground turns to liquid under my bare feet.

“No, I’m not
,” I say, allowing my eyes to take in his whole form. He looks amazing draped in the finest, fittest, and blackest suit I’ve ever seen. You’d think he’s going to a funeral, not his brother’s birthday. “It’s eight-twenty.”

He tsks.
“It’s eight-twenty-one.”

I set my jaw. “Well, in that case I’m so sorry I kept you waiting. I hope it wasn’t too painful.”

His full lips twitch, a beautiful gesture that doesn’t pass me by, and he steps closer. “The wait wasn’t, but your dress, on the other hand…”

I suck in a breath and let it go ever so subtly. “What,
are my nipples not distinguishable enough for you?” I ask, trying my hardest not to sound breathless.

All I can think about are his hands… his fingers… his delectable mouth.

“You should think about ditching the sarcasm. I’m sure I can still pinch them through that pathetic excuse of fabric.”

“Promises of torture before the party has even started, I’m so lucky to have you as my Fortunate.”

“I let you come by my hands today. You have no idea how lucky you are.” He grips my forearm, gently but firmly, and pulls me close. “You stay by my side tonight. Do you understand?”

There’s a clear warning in his eyes and I’m not the smartest girl on the planet, but I’m sure as hell not the dumbest. Playtime is over.
“Yes, Master Kade.”

I follow closely behind him as he walks and talks to other Fortunates. They all love Kade and embrace him with open arms. Honestly, it’s quite hard to tell if their affection is genuine though, or if it’s the alcohol doing all of the talking. I observe Kade as he mingles. Most Fortunates move to start conversations with him and he only speaks when asked a direct question, or asking a direct question. He doesn’t participate in small talk or gossip or even express his condolences or congratulations if a particular subject comes up. It’s good to know he’s closed off to everyone and it’s not just me.

The night moves quickly and everything is going well, until I distinctly feel a hand press to the small of my back and glide over the curve of my ass. My eyes widen, but I don’t dare jolt away. Instead, I subtly reach forward and tug ever so slightly on Kade’s jacket sleeve. As he glances over his shoulder, the hand is gone as quickly as it appeared.

,” Kade states, speaking his name like he’s not welcome at his own party. “Happy birthday.”

I keep my head down, not daring to peek at either of them. The group of Fortunates Kade was chatting
with have drifted off, giving the brothers some alone time.

“Why isn’t she wearing the dress, Kaden?”

Kade draws his glass to his lips and takes a long, pondering sip. “Because she doesn’t have to,” he says when he lowers it.

“Everyone else is.”

“Well, everyone else doesn’t belong to me. The way she dresses is an option I, and I alone, get to choose.”

Vince expels an offended air through his nose. “It’s my birthday and you couldn’t even give me this one thing?”

Kade scoffs. “I bought you two virgin Unfortunates and had them sent to your room earlier today. Not one, but two, so don’t talk to me like I haven’t done anything for you.”

“Virgins? I was done with them within an hour. You could have gotten me something a little more sustainable, like a car.”

Kade sighs and I lift my eyes just enough to see him swirl his drink and take another sip. “You’re not allowed to drive cars outside of the city, so it would’ve been pointless.”

“Whatever, man.” With a swift, harsh slap on my ass that
makes me yelp, Vince strolled off. I glance over my shoulder, my cheeks burning with embarrassment and disgust as he slings his arm around a passing Unfortunate, one that graciously wears the dress he wanted us all to wear.

“Ignore him
,” I tell Kade, who glares at Vince. “Asshole.”

He looks
at me and for the first time, I see sincerity in his face. “Are you all right?”

I feel my eyebrows rise in shock.
Is he asking me if I’m all right? “Me?”

“Yes, you.”

“I—I’m fine.” I rub the back of my neck. “Thank you.”

“There’s Albert.” Kade points out.

I follow the subtle point of his finger and spot a grey-haired Albert fifteen metres away, sitting alone and drinking wine yet again.

“I’m going to go chat
with him.

Out of panic, I grip his arm and his dark eyes zero in on it. I quickly pull my hand back.
“What do you want me to do?”

He glances around. “Go stand by that tree and don’t move. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

“Wait, what about Vince?”

“Don’t worry about him. He’
ll go to the Black House soon for his usual birthday antics, and other Fortunates like to watch, so the numbers will dwindle. You’ll be safe.” I open my mouth to protest, but Kade grabs my lips, pinching them together. I want him to know there’s a bad feeling swirling in my stomach that I can’t seem to shake. “Go and sit,” he orders. “I’ll be right back.”

He releases my mouth and turns away from me.
I guess I don’t have a choice
. Rubbing my mouth, I turn and saunter towards the massive oak tree. I sit in the shadows, away from the light to avoid anyone seeing me—especially Vince. I think I manage to go unnoticed for thirty seconds before I hear dry leaves crunch underneath a pair of shoes.
That means only one thing—a Fortunate. I hold my breath and don’t move, hoping he or she doesn’t see me, but when I see the moon glisten off of leather shoes as they stop in front of me, I know I’ve lost.

“And here I was thinking he’d never leave you alone.”

I push back off of the tree, pul
ling myself to my feet. “He’ll be back any second now.”

He reaches forward and my blood runs cold as he runs an index finger between my breasts and up my the side of my neck.

“I don’t think Master Kade would appreciate you touching me.”

He jolts forward, his hand clamping around my throat. I feel blood build in my face as my air supply is cut off. He’s pushing so hard I’m certain he’s going to crush my windpipe.

“Is that a threat, slave?”

I shake my head as best I can. My lungs burn with lack of oxygen and his strength is much greater than I assumed it would be. In the dim light, I see
his lips curve into a sly smirk and then, he releases me. I splutter as I gasp for air, forcing as much oxygen in my lungs as I can. My head spins and I curl over, using my knees for support. With a dark chuckle, Vince grips my shoulder and pins me hard against the tree. 

You wanna come party with me?”

I shake my head and cough weakly. I’m tired of playing Vince’s games. If he wants to toy with me, then he can deal with the consequences. Kade will defend me. No matter what I do, he’ll help me. He said he would.

“Fuck you.” My entire being begins to tremble as I hear the words fall from my lips. Shit. I think I just started a fight I’m not going to be able to finish. I hear an extra chuckle sound off on the sidelines and not a second later another Fortunate steps into view, one I’ve never seen before.

“She has a mouth on her
,” he says and I take note of his short, curly brown hair. In the light, I can’t tell what colour his eyes are or what distinct features mark his face. I’m blind, caught in the darkness with enemies that want to hurt me. Vince sticks his finger in my mouth and the taste of whiskey taints my tastebuds. I try hard to spit it out, but he presses his finger down on my tongue and I’m unable to move it.

“Yes, she does.”

Left with no other option, I bite down. Swearing under his breath, he rips his finger out and I’m tossed to the side as his hand collides directly with my cheek. I crash to the ground, and as I lay, I feel my heart slamming against my ribcage, trying desperately to get Kade’s attention because my voice box isn’t working. It’s frozen, paralysed with fear. I whimper as Vince rolls me over onto my back with his foot and crouches low.

“I have
a wild night planned for you, sugar.” He grips my face, squeezing my flesh against my teeth so I open my mouth. He drops something in and it lands at the back of my throat. It’s too far to spit out, but too dry to swallow. So I gag, trying desperately to get rid of it one way or another. I thrash, moving every muscle in my body until they burn, and Vince throws a leg over me, pinning me underneath him.

“Relax, baby, I’ve got something that will help that go down

I watch frantically as his friend hands him a bottle. The closer Vince draws it to my lips, the
more distinct its smell becomes.
I purse my lips shut, but he squeezes my mouth again, forcing it open.

“Don’t, please
,” I manage to cry before the contents of the bottle are poured into my mouth and I’m forced to swallow. He keeps pouring until the liquid overfills my mouth, spills down my cheeks and fills my nostrils. Unable to breathe, I begin to choke. Then, and only then, does he let up. He rolls me to the side and I let the excess alcohol fall from my orifice. I cough and choke until my eyes water and my throat burns, and then I cough and choke a little more. I feel like hell. My nostrils burn, my throat burns, my lungs burn. It’s like my organs are on fire and I’m burning from the inside out.

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