Read The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) Online

Authors: Theresa L. Henry

The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) (35 page)

BOOK: The Ties that Bind (Kingdom)
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“Well thanks for that, Jason.”

“Sorry, but I was only agreeing with you.”

“Whatever, Jason.” Aviva said, pulling out of his arms, more than a little put out at his agreement with her admissions.

Aviva was torn. On the one hand, she now wanted to tell them all to get lost, and on the other she knew voicing the words would be ungracious. She could see that they were contrite for their behavior, but letting go of her feelings of hurt at the way they had disappeared was easier said than done.

“I’m sorry, Angel. It was never our intention to hurt your feelings. We just needed some time out.”

“We are here now, and we are at your disposal. How can we be of help?” Jackson spoke for them all.

Deciding not to prolong the discord between them, Aviva looked at each man in turn. Apart from Jackson, all had difficulty holding her gaze. That’s when she knew they were up to something.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing!” The brothers parroted at the same time.


“Aviva, absolutely nothing is going on. By the look of things, you were just about to begin to decorate this most impressive tree.”

The complete change of conversational direction wasn’t lost on Aviva. However, she knew by now that when they closed rank on her, it stayed exactly that, closed.

Resolved to let them keep their little secret, at least for the time being, Aviva decided to drop the subject.

“You’re right, Jackson, I was just about to decorate the tree. I guess you guys’ un-natural height will come in handy for the top.”

As the other men discarded their coats the door opened to admit Mrs. Emerson. “I heard your arrival, and I decided to bring you all something to drink, seeing as how it’s so cold out.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Emerson, that’s very kind of you.” Jackson said.

“Yes, well never let it be said that I’m not a very kind woman. Eggnog all around!”

Three out of the four men in the room immediately lost some of their color. Josh ducked his head, attempting to hide his laughter.

Aviva instantly understood that the Kingdom men were being punished, she just didn’t know what for.

Two hours later, they all stood back and looked at the tree they had decorated together.

“The tree looks beautiful, Angel.” Standing behind her, Jason slipped both of his arms around Aviva and drew her into his body.

“It does, doesn’t it? Our very first Christmas tree together, Jason. Just give me a moment.” Closing her eyes, Aviva was very aware of the regard of all the men. But she remained with her eyes closed for a f
seconds. When she reopened her eyes their curious gazes remained.

Not bothered in the slightest if they thought her ridiculous, Aviva smiled through her tears. “Finished, I just made a lasting memory of the first Christmas tree we all decorated together as a family.”

Everyone took a moment to as she finished speaking, and it seemed to Aviva that they too were building their own memory. Receiving hugs from the men, Aviva laughed as Jason gave Josh a playful shove for lingering a little too long.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re way too possessive of the Aviva?” Josh asked with mock indignation.

“And your point is?”

Josh as usual only laughed at Jason’s comeback.

Pulling Aviva close once again, Jason spoke with his lips against her ear. “What do you say we get out of here for a few hours? I think you need a break.”

“That’s really sweet but I can’t. I still need to make sure everything is in order for our guests. I still have to...”

“Aviva,” Jason interrupted before she could finish reciting all the tasks that she still had to do. “I would like to spend a few hours alone with you before our family and friends arrive, and I know just the place.”


“I can’t tell you about it. It’s the kind of place you have to see without any prior description to fully appreciate it. I promise it will be worth the time out. Think of this as another memory of our first Christmas together.”

“Wow, that’s some hype, Jason King-dom.” Aviva’s smile was huge as she deliberately added to his name. “I’m game.”

His grin at her agreement was so naughty, Aviva’s eyes widened in anticipation at what he had in store for her.

Taking her hand, Jason pulled her towards the door, grabbing his coat as he went.


Chapter 37

They had been driving for around fifty minutes. With each mile that passed, Aviva felt a little of the tension she hadn’t known she was holding on to, melt away.

Once the busy roads had quieted, Jason too had grown silent. Aviva was glad he had suggested some time away from the house. She no longer wondered where they were heading, content to enjoy the drive and having him close. Surrounded by warmth and the low sound of jazz music coming from the radio, Aviva was so content she wanted to purr.

She could feel that the car had been climbing for a while. Their final destination was still a mystery, yet she was at ease with the unknown.

“We’re almost there. I want you to keep your eyes closed for me.”

With her new feelings of contentment, Aviva was ready to agree to anything. “Okay.”

When the car came to a stop, she did as Jason asked and kept her eyes closed. Subconsciously Aviva’s other senses tried to hone in on her surroundings, but the only sound that greeted her was that of silence.

The sound of the door opening was accompanied by a blast of frigid air that made Aviva gasp as its icy fingers touched her warm skin. For a short while the coldness was blocked out as Jason bent over her seated form and released her seatbelt.

Unprepared for his next action, Aviva was caught unawares as Jason scooped her out of her seat and into his arms. When he straightened to his full height, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. She never protested when Jason elected to carry her. When she was in his arms, Aviva always experienced a feeling of contentment like no other. She knew some women didn’t like to be carried, but for her, with Jason, it was one of her greatest pleasures.

The slam of the car door. The howl of the wind. The touch of the cold night air. The warmth of his body and the sure knowledge that he was by her side filled Aviva with happiness.

Jason slowly lowered Aviva to her feet. As she slid from the security of his arms, true to her word, her eyes remained closed.

From behind and overhead Jason’s deep voice floated around her, and Aviva felt each deep rumble pass through her where her back was still connected to him. “Open your eyes, Angel.”

Laid out before her was a vista of the city that Aviva had never seen before. It was as though a thousand stars had been laid at her feet. Where the horizon ended it was met by the land forming a magnificent scene of the city they now called home.

“What do you think of your surprise?”

“Oh, Jason, it’s beautiful!”

“It gets better.”

Turning, a question on her lips, Aviva’s hands sprung to her face in surprise. The love of her life was down on one knee on the cold hard ground before her.

“Aviva Esther Johnson, I will never be able to tell or show you just how much I love you, and what you mean to me. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special. For me, there will never be anyone more perfect. For you, my angel, I would do anything, all you would have to do is ask it of me, and it’s yours.

Each day with you humbles me. Aviva, would you do me the honor of marrying me, of spending the rest of your life with me, of becoming my wife and the mother of my children?”

“Oh, Jason.” Aviva couldn’t have stopped the tears from falling if she had wanted to. “Yes... yes, I’ll marry you. Yes, I’ll spend the rest of my life with you, and I would be honored to be the mother of your children.”

The smile that met Aviva’s eyes was so wide, displaying the dimples she loved so much that if it were possible, she fell even more deeply in love with him.

Rising to his feet, Jason took out the ring that Aviva up to that moment hadn’t paid the slightest attention to.

“This ring belonged to my grandmother–”

“But how... when did you have time to–”

“Aviva, let me finish!”

“But...” At the raise of an eyebrow, Aviva drew quiet. “Sorry,” Aviva said with a cheeky smile and a regal wave of her hand “you may continue.” Although this was one of her perfect moments, she just couldn’t help being herself.

His sigh was so long and drawn out Aviva had to chew her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing with joy.

“This ring belonged to my grandmother. When, Jake was in LA, I told him that I intended to propose to you on Christmas Eve. I wanted his opinion of what type of stone I should get you. That’s when he told me about this ring. Apparently, our grandmother wanted our father to give it to the first of his sons to get married.”

Taking the ring from the box, Jason pushed it onto Aviva’s finger. It was a perfect fit.

For the first time, Aviva looked down at it. It was perfect in every way. She was no expert, but she was sure the diamond matched the stones his brothers and father had gifted her.

The ring was an emerald cut three stone design. The two smaller diamonds perfectly balanced on either side of the larger central stone. Instinctively Aviva knew the diamonds were of a rare clarity. That they had once belonged to his grandmother, gave her a feeling of connection to Jason’s past.

If she had needed confirmation of her total acceptance by the Kingdoms, that Jackson had honored his mother’s wish, the fact that she was the one wearing this ring would have removed all doubts from her mind.

Wrapped up in her thoughts, Aviva was unaware that she had been staring at the ring in silence for an inordinately long time.

“You don’t like it. That’s okay, I’ll get you something else.” About to pull the ring from her finger, Aviva jerked her hand away from Jason’s attempts to remove it.

“Are you kidding, I love this ring. This ring is probably the most perfect ring any woman has ever received.”

“Are you sure?”

Aviva could see his uncertainty and knew her long silence had been the cause. Reaching for the face that was so dear to her, she took it between hands that were rapidly freezing.

“I love it, my darling Jason. I couldn’t conceive of a more perfect engagement ring. I am the luckiest woman in the world and, I’d be honored to wear it.” Rising to her toes, Aviva kissed her man, ensuring she imbued the full extent of feelings in the touch of their lips.

By the time the kiss ended, Aviva was gasping for breath and Jason wore a look, so intense Aviva knew she had started something that had Jason’s eyes shifting around to finish.

From one breath to another, Aviva was again lifted off her feet. Opening the back door of the SUV, Jason placed her on the back seat. “Don’t move!”

Slamming the door closed he rounded the car and switched on the ignition. He was back moments later with intent in his eyes. Sliding in beside her, Jason wasted no time lifting Aviva astride his lap.

“Do you want me?” He asked, his eyes black with desire.

“Always! I want you every second of every day.”

“I can’t wait, Angel. I’m sorry, but I can’t wait.”

“You don’t have to wait. I want to feel you inside me... now.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth than Aviva felt her skirt being pulled up, the sound of his zipper and the rip of her panties being torn from between her legs.

Then everything slowed down. Aviva watched as Jason moved the remnants of material he had just rendered unusable towards his nose. Jason held her eyes as he inhaled, pulling her scent into him.

“These are wet.”

“I know, sorry, I can’t help it.”

The look he gave her was so lascivious, Aviva felt another rush of moisture leave her body.

“I’m not sorry. How can I be sorry when this is all for me? When this shows me how much you want me.”

Each word that left Jason’s mouth was a slow push forward, followed by a retreat as he found his way deep within her wanting body.

“Do you feel that, Angel? Do you feel how hard I am for you, and I’m not sorry. This is what you do to me. This is how much I want you every second of every day, my angel, my love... my wife.”

Aviva couldn’t think, she didn’t want to think, she only wanted to feel. This was Jason, and she threw back her head as he began to move in earnest. He held nothing back, he gave her what she wanted. Each thrust of his unrelenting body pushed her closer and closer to the edge of losing control.

“That’s it my angel, give it to me, it belongs to me... you belong to me. Give it to me, I want what’s mine. I want to feel you come for me, I want to feel you come all over me... give me what’s mine!”

He knew what his words did to her, and she loved his demands. Gripping him with her inner muscles, for a fraction of a moment Aviva was able to arrest his hard thrusts. The power of this man, the feel of him rock hard inside her was something she would never tire of. “You too, I want what belongs to me. I want to feel you come inside me.”

Rippling her inner muscles, Aviva released him only to clamp down again and again as she moved along his engorged shaft. Her reward was a hiss as Jason threw back his head and began to move as though desperately seeking the core of her.

In that moment Aviva knew he was no longer in control. In that moment, she knew he was hers, her man, her love, and he was no longer thinking because he was lost in the feeling of their bodies joined together in an intimate display of their love for each other.

Aviva felt his palm at the back of her head as he moved her towards his waiting mouth for his lips to devour hers. Demanding what he wanted, his tongue thrusting, seeking, leaving no part unexplored.

With his lips still plastered against hers, Aviva was only vaguely aware of her sweater being pushed up, her bra being moved aside, her bared breasts being taken into his mouth. His relentless mouth latched on to her distended nipple. So strong was the pull of his mouth, Aviva felt a cord of feeling run through her body to make a connection to each thrust he delivered within her.

“Now... I want it now! Come for me, Angel... come for me!”

BOOK: The Ties that Bind (Kingdom)
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