Read The Pleasures of Summer Online

Authors: Evie Hunter

Tags: #Romance

The Pleasures of Summer (23 page)

What the hell had she been thinking, running away like that? She needed to learn who was in charge, and learn it soon, before she did something that caused worse than a twisted ankle. The warm weight of the woman in his arms was a temptation Flynn couldn’t ignore. He badly wanted to put her across his lap and spank her in retribution, but with an injured ankle, it seemed unfair.

Summer’s breathing changed and so did her scent. The hunter in him went on full alert. Those were signs he recognized.

Fight or flight weren’t the only reactions to adrenaline. There was also Fuck. Right now, Summer was flooded with a chemical cocktail more potent than any little blue pill. And he was reacting to her arousal.

He pushed in the door of the croft and shifted Summer over one shoulder as he climbed up the ladder, before tossing her on the bed. He reached for her foot, and she kicked him.

‘You little hellcat. I’m trying to check your foot.’

She grabbed his hair and pulled. ‘Leave it alone. I don’t want you touching me.’

‘Then let go of my hair.’ He leaned into her to break
her hold. That position put his head very close to her mouth. He hadn’t intended to, but he couldn’t resist. Flynn leaned down and brushed his mouth against hers. Summer’s mouth was sweet and innocent, a contrast to her sharp tongue and devious smile. She tasted of wild strawberries and he licked at the seam of her lips, desperate for a deeper taste. She opened for him eagerly.

Oh fuck it. One kiss wouldn’t hurt. Flynn tilted her head slightly so that he had better access and kissed her back. In the dark and the silence, there was nothing except Summer’s mouth, Summer’s kiss, Summer writhing beneath him. The taste of strawberries was stronger, now mixed with Summer’s own distinctive flavour. God, he could live off this woman.

He plunged his tongue into her mouth, meeting hers in an erotic duel where there were no winners or losers. She sucked on his tongue, and he stiffened, the innocent action arousing him unbearably.

He raised his head. ‘Sum –’ His movement brought her breasts more firmly against his chest, and she moaned.

He sucked in a breath as the stiff points stabbed him through his T-shirt. She had the most amazing breasts.

Summer shifted restlessly so that her nipples grazed him again. ‘More, please more.’ Her voice was husky and pleading.

He couldn’t help it. She might be the damned client, but she was Summer, lying there, writhing in the dark and begging him to kiss and caress her. He took one generous breast in his hand, loving the feel of it, the way it fit against his palm. He pinched the nipple and she gasped.

He did it again, rolling the tight bud between his finger
and thumb, and enjoyed watching the way her back arched and her breathing accelerated. She was so responsive.

With an unexpected athleticism, she twisted, changing their positions so that she was on top. She pressed her hips against his now straining erection, moving so that every twitch was a new caress. ‘Fuck me,’ she demanded, now certain she had the upper hand.

He wanted to. His cock was aching, dying to bury itself between those luscious thighs. But not only was she his client, she was a brat in need of a lesson.

‘No. You’re the principal.’

She rubbed against him again, as wanton as a cat in heat. He almost came in his pants when her tongue darted from her mouth to trace a path along her lower lip. ‘You’re fired. Now can we fuck?’

‘Only your father can fire me.’ He pinched the other nipple and watched her gasp.

‘Then kiss me. Keep doing what you’re doing.’

He braced her against him and rolled over, before swooping down to capture her mouth again. ‘Yes, ma’am.’ He had no doubt that Summer thought that after a few kisses he’d do what she wanted. But he had other plans.

He kissed her deeply and thoroughly, exploring her mouth at his leisure. For the first time, he would spend as long as he wanted learning her secrets. He was going to make the most of it. By the time he raised his head, she was limp and boneless.

Flynn was smiling as he traced her features, particularly her flying eyebrows, which always intrigued him. Then he found her right ear and explored it with his tongue. For a moment, she recoiled from the unexpected touch, and
then she allowed him to continue. She was docile at first but when he nipped the edge of her ear lobe between his teeth, she jerked and gasped. He did it again.

‘Flynn? What?’ Her hands brushed against his chest, as if uncertain whether to pull him closer or push him away.

What had her previous lovers been thinking? This was a woman who clearly had no idea what she liked or didn’t like.

He nipped the top of her ear, enjoying her reaction, and then licked his way down her neck to the point where her neck joined her shoulder, and bit down lightly. She shuddered and groaned, and her legs twisted. Oh yeah, she really liked that.

He did it again, before searching for the other points that turned her from limp noodle to lioness and back again.

Finally, he allowed himself the prize he had been obsessing about for days. He opened her top and feasted on her breasts.

At the first touch of his mouth on her sensitive skin, she gasped. Then she lifted herself against his seeking mouth, trying to get more of the contact.

Flynn kissed his way along the side of her breast, inching closer and closer to the erect nipple, now standing up proudly. He took it into his mouth and sucked.

It tasted of raspberries and salt and musk and Summer. He ran his tongue over the hard point, flicking it back and forth.

Summer gave a muffled scream and clutched his head tighter. ‘More, more, please,’ she begged.

He sucked a little harder and her back arched, pushing her nipple more firmly into his mouth. Her breathing was
racing and the scent which filled his head was ripe with feminine arousal.

He bit down lightly and she shrieked, her hips lifting against his rock-hard cock. He pressed against her for a moment, luxuriating in the contact, before he stopped.

She was an inch away from orgasm. He had heard of women who could climax just from having their nipples bitten, but had never met any. Now he had. Who’d have guessed Summer O’Sullivan was one of them? But she wasn’t having it that easy.

He lifted himself away from her and kissed her eyelids. The long lashes tickled his tongue and he smiled.

Blindly, she followed his mouth, trying to get him back to where he had been before. He ignored her, kissing his way around her face and allowing her breathing to calm before he slid down her body to resume his assault on her other breast.

This time he had some idea what to expect, and he experimented, trying out long swipes of his tongue and sharp nips from his teeth to see what caused her to flinch or purr. The delicate texture of her skin fascinated him. If the cosmetic industry could bottle Summer’s fine skin, they’d make a fortune.

He played with the right breast while he sucked hard on the left nipple and her reaction was electric. She shrieked and panted. ‘Oh god, god, god. Oh god. Flynn!’ When he sucked a little harder, she lost her breath altogether. He bit down carefully, waiting for that moment when her body tightened in the beginning of orgasm.

Flynn stopped. ‘I’d better check your foot,’ he said, as if they were carrying on a conversation.

‘What?’ She shook her head, dazed. She had been lost in the moment.

‘I need to examine your foot, to see if it needs medical treatment.’

‘It’s fine.’ She was snappish now, frustration making her grumpy.

He pressed around the ankle, and she flinched. ‘Did you go over on it?’

She nodded. ‘But it doesn’t matter. Now, where were we?’ She slid down on the bed until her breasts were pointing directly at Flynn, and she tugged him down.

‘Right about here,’ he said, licking his way to the peak of one pink nipple. She groaned with satisfaction and pushed her hands into his hair, encouraging him to find the right one and get busy.

He obliged, using hands and lips and tongue and teeth to drive her on. It didn’t take long until she was panting and gasping, ‘Flynn, Flynn’, and her hips were lifting to him.

He was watching, ready for the moment when her body was right on the edge, and then he stopped. ‘Did I mention how pissed I was when I found you gone from the croft?’ he asked.

This time it clicked. Summer struggled up onto her elbow, pushing her hair out of her eyes with her other hand. Pieces of twigs and old leaves were still caught in it, but she didn’t notice. ‘You’re doing this deliberately?’

‘Yes, ma’am.’ Flynn sat up, ignoring his own raging hard-on and enjoying her fury.


‘Because you need to learn to do what I say. And I say when you have an orgasm.’

She glared at him, her fury visible even in the single candlelight of the croft. ‘Don’t bet on it. I can take care of myself.’

‘No.’ He positioned himself so that he was between her legs, leaning down to kiss her jaw and whisper a promise into her ear. ‘Only when I say so.’

His hard thighs held her softer ones apart, but he held himself so that she couldn’t press against him. His chest rubbed tantalizingly against her nipples, but without enough pressure to give her what she needed.

‘The night is still young,’ he told her and to his surprise, she relaxed, allowing him to unfasten her jeans. She even lifted her hips to help him wiggle them off. But Summer was still Summer.

‘I’ll remember this. You just wait.’

Flynn grinned and resumed his position, but now he had all of Summer spread out before him to feast on. He could play with her stomach and hips and legs all day, and did spend a lot of time indulging his fascination, but the lure of her pussy was too strong to ignore.

The perfume of it, ocean-fresh and sweet, lured him. He ached to bury himself in her depths, but he couldn’t make up his mind which part of himself he wanted to bury.

First things first. He nibbled his way down her stomach, laying a trail of stinging kisses as he went. He stopped to play in the neat delta of soft hair, and then moved down again. Summer was panting, eager for him to keep going, desperately trying to tighten her thighs to force him on, but he ignored her. ‘Patience. Good things come to those who wait.’

She snorted. ‘Good things come to those who get on with it.’ She lifted her hips so that her clitoris was right in front of his mouth. He couldn’t resist sucking it in like an oyster and savouring the feeling of the little pearl on his tongue.

‘Ahhh!’ Summer shrieked.

He stopped. ‘Oh sorry, didn’t mean to hurt you.’

‘You didn’t. Do more. Please. Do more.’

‘Are you sure I wasn’t hurting you?’ He stayed away from the temptation of her aroused body.

‘Yes, now get back to where you were,’ she panted. Poor Summer, she was so close.

‘I was about here, right?’ And he nipped the skin of her stomach. She flinched and gasped, lifting her hips to his mouth.

Fuck it, he couldn’t resist any longer. Her moist pussy was calling to him. He tilted her hips to get a better angle, and dived on. Oh god, this was heaven. She was shaking, so ready to explode that he had to work hard not to tip her over the edge. He licked carefully up and down the edges of her lips, enjoying the perfumed saltiness against his tongue.

Summer twisted, trying to get him to where she needed him, but Flynn wasn’t going to let her have her way. ‘More, please,’ she panted. ‘Much more.’ He licked faster, always keeping away from her tempting clitoris. Now to drive Ms O’Sullivan mad.

His cock was rock hard, rigid against the confines of his jeans and so engorged he wondered if the blood would ever return to his body. But he didn’t care. This, pushing Summer beyond her limits, was more enthralling.

He held her still and kept going.

‘Let me come, please, please, please.’ She was chanting a plea to him, her voice rising higher and higher.

‘Only when I say,’ he told her.

Summer was beyond dignity now. ‘What?’

He licked again, and then raised his head. ‘You can’t come unless I say so.’

He saw the moment when it clicked, her confusion giving way to understanding, then fury. ‘You … you. Oh I can’t think of anything horrible enough to call you!’

She tried to pull away, but her position with him wedged between her thighs stopped her. ‘Fuck you,’ she snarled. ‘I can take care of myself.’

‘No, you won’t.’ He held her thighs apart firmly with his shoulders and grabbed her hands. She fought his grip but wasn’t going anywhere.

He blew firmly on her clitoris.

That was all it took to tip her over into orgasm, but it wasn’t all that she needed.

She wailed in fury as the anticipation and tension dissipated, leaving her strung out and disappointed. Her inner muscles, eager for a hard cock, or even a hard body to press against to prologue the pleasure, twitched in confusion.

‘What did you do? What was that?’

Flynn raised his head, smiling grimly. ‘That, dear Summer, was a ruin. Did you like it?’

Her expression was answer enough. She wasn’t going to forgive this in a hurry.

He climbed into bed beside her, and laughed when she turned her back to him.

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