The Hustler's Daughter {DC Bookdiva Publications} (2 page)









The Conglomerate



stood in the living room with her French manicured nails pressed against the
chair. She was gazing through the window, waiting for her father’s yacht to
arrive. She could see the waves crashing up against the shore as the yacht got
closer to her father’s estate. Maria couldn’t wait to see her father’s new

of her father’s customers were old and lame. She knew this one had a lot of
money and was coming from New York. She had a feeling he would be different
from the others. She could tell by the way her father talked to him over the
phone. The yacht pulled up slowly to the dock and came to a rest. Maria turned
around in her 4 inch stiletto heels. She clicked across the marble floor on her
way to her father’s office. Usually she would have to knock, but this time the
door was wide open.

arrived,” Maria informed him.

father, Vicente, was one of the largest drug suppliers in Cuba. He was seated
in his chair behind a beautiful mahogany desk with his arms folded and a smile
across his face.

them in,” Vicente said as he slowly got up. Maria exited the office and headed
down the corridor to open the front door. Alana was already walking up the
brick path with the entourage trailing behind. Maria’s eyes met with the guy
who had his head down, but quickly lifted it up high when he realized someone’s
gaze was upon him. She gave him a warm smile to ensure him that he was welcomed
along with the others.

morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your ride here.”

food was excellent, thank you,” Roy Carter chuckled rubbing his stomach.

it was, and the ride was outstanding. Cuba is beautiful, and so are you.” Don
said as he stepped in front of Alana to grab Maria’s hand and kiss it. Maria’s
face instantly turned red as she blushed and could no longer hide it.

I’m glad you love it out here and thanks.” She nodded her head and tried to
regain her composure.

nice to meet you…my name is Don, Don Carter. What’s your name?” Don asked.

name is Maria and you can follow me straight through here.” Maria said as she
turned around.

walked them down the corridor of the mansion and led them to a huge room that
was nearly empty.  It only held a black sectional sofa in the center of the
room and a huge TV sitting in directly in front of it.

may be seated,” Maria informed them as she stepped out of the room. A few
minutes later she returned with a guy who stood about 5’2”. He had grey hair
with traces of black and wore it slicked back. He had a thick mustache that
complimented his grey bushy eyebrows. His skin tone was a dull yellow. He
definitely had some years of experience in the game; his name was Vicente.

glad you all made it,” Vicente smiled as he greeted each of them. He walked
around and gave everyone handshakes. When he reached Don, he immediately stood
up and gave Vicente a hand shake and a hug. Maria smirked, ‘my kind of papi,’
she thought to herself about Don’s gesture.

Maria, start the tape sweetie,” Vicente told his daughter as he took a seat in
his chair that was wheeled in behind him by one of his workers. Maria grabbed
the remote and hit the play button. She began her speech about her father. It
was the normal routine with new clients.

the entire presentation Maria couldn’t keep her eyes off Don Carter. She
noticed he was checking her out as well. Don stared at her the entire time she
was talking. Maria was getting hot due to his intense stare and had to take off
her blazer and loosen her shirt collar.

get this deal started,” Maria finished her lecture and smiled as everyone
clapped in unison. She bowed her head a little, showing appreciation for the
applause. Vicente smiled at his daughter’s performance.

are we ready to get down to business?” Vicente asked.

Vicente,” Don spoke loudly.

get the deposit. Let’s go into the dining room for drinks.” Vicente instructed
her and got up. Everyone except Don followed him into the dining room while
Maria gathered her things. Don sat across from her meticulously watching her every

go.” Maria said as she walked past him with her heels clicking. She walked down
the corridor and stopped at a large oak door. She had to unlock it by pressing
her hand onto a brightly lit green pad.

pad made a chirping noise to let them know the door was open. Don followed
behind her in awe. Maria made sure she strutted when she walked and put a
little extra into each step. Don was instantly mesmerized by her hips and the
way her plump ass jiggled. He didn’t want to disrespect his new business
partner’s daughter by staring, but he couldn’t help it. Maria’s body was
curvaceous and her face was immaculate.  She was stunningly beautiful.

short-sleeved white blouse she wore revealed just the right amount of
cleavage.  Her 34 C breasts were nice and full. Her hair was long, thick, and
jet black.  It hung down to just below her waist and swayed when she walked.
Her pink full lips were topped off by a mole that stood above them. Don was
already in love. Maria was the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes upon,
she was definitely a keeper.

you have the security deposit?” Maria asked as she extended her hand. Don
placed the duffle bag he was carrying on the table. Maria grabbed the bag and
dumped the contents on the table. Her father told her to count the money to
make sure it was all there. As she sat down to begin counting the money, Don

all there Ma, I wouldn’t even come to Cuba and play ya'll like that.” Don said
smiling as he rubbed his chin hairs. Maria shot him a glare; she looked down at
the money and back up at him. She knew he wasn’t stupid, and she didn’t want to
count the money anyway. She was just testing him.

she would have counted it by hand, she would have been there for hours.
Instead, she turned and walked over to the money counting machine and placed a
stack of bills in. As she placed the last stack of bills in the machine, she
realized that the amount greatly exceeded what her father asked for. It was the
entire $100,000. ‘Damn this dude must be swimming in pools of money,’ Maria
thought to herself as she turned back around and stuffed the money back in the
bag. There was a light knock on the door and Alana came in with Roy by her
side. They both had grandiose smiles on their faces as if they had a great
conversation. She grabbed the duffle bag with the money from the table.

all there,” Maria assured her as she watched Alana exit the room with the
duffle bag hung over her shoulders. Roy stood with a toothpick hanging from the
right side of his mouth and smiled as he watched Alana exit the room.

watched Maria pull several surgical masks from a small cabinet. “Put these on.”
Maria was quite adamant about this request.

handed everyone a mask to cover their faces. They placed the masks on and
followed Maria into the next room.  They could not believe their eyes upon
seeing so many kilos of cocaine. This room held more product than any of them
had ever seen at one time. Don was just as captivated with this sight as he was
with Maria’s beauty.

the problem?” Maria asked curiously, looking back at their


at all,” Don replied, quickly switching up his facial expression.

let me get these duffle bags out.” Maria grabbed some bags and started putting
kilos of cocaine inside them. Vicente had already set aside the correct amount;
all she had to do was supply them with their product. The first order was one
hundred kilos. Don knew Vicente’s shit was legit.  If there were any problems,
he would be coming for Vicente’s head. Don didn’t care how much power and
respect he had in Cuba.

Maria was done, Alana walked into the room and helped her place the bag on a
cart. Alana rolled the cart down the hallway and put the product in the back of
a snack food delivery truck.  Vicente walked into the room holding a cup of
Patron in his hand while smiling widely at Don.

we have to go to the man above me.” Vicente said.

who is that?” Don was eager to know.

Coffins.” Don didn’t know how to react at the mention of a lieutenant. He
wasn’t sure if a lieutenant would pull a stunt like this and put his career in
jeopardy. Don quickly realized that he didn’t give a shit. They were all
getting paid.

that’s what I’m talking about then.” Mr. Carter smiled as he shook hands with
Vicente. Maria stood at a distance staring at Don while he conducted business
with her father. She had to bite down on her lip to control her rising passion.
Don was a tall, dark and handsome businessman.  She was falling in love with
him already.

was never attracted to black men before, but there was something about him that
captivated her spirit. She could tell that there was something different about
him. His swagger was dangerous, impeccable and couldn’t be mistaken.  He was a
man in control of his own destiny.  When he walked past her, she could smell
the intoxicating aroma of success.  Maria wanted Don Carter all to herself.


The Set Up



was set to be introduced to Lieutenant Coffins later that evening. He and
Vicente sat in his limo getting acquainted and having a few drinks. Don
couldn’t wait until his opportunity to meet the man above Vicente. He had been
anticipating this meeting all day. Don left his crew back at the mansion,
bringing only Roy with him. Vicente, Don and Roy sat behind the tinted windows
drinking and having small talk. Vicente gingerly puffed on a Cuban cigar. He
tasted the full flavor of the smoke and blew it into the air, fish bowling the

you ready to meet the Lieutenant?” Vicente asked with his hand on the door

was born ready.” Mr. Carter smirked as they all exited the limo. Don and Roy
followed Vicente. Don made sure to keep his brother with him during his drug
transactions. He knew that if anything ever happened to him, his brother Roy
would take over the business. He also knew that Roy would annihilate the
culprits involved in his downfall. Don threw his heavy duffle bag across his
shoulder; it was filled to the brim with dead presidents.

they made it through the front door, they were escorted down the corridor of
Lieutenant Coffins’ mansion.   They noticed that the mansion had armed guards
stationed at each door. They walked down a spiral staircase, as Vicente led Don
and Roy into a room where Lieutenant Coffins was sitting. The Lieutenant was
comfortably sitting at his desk and reclining in his chair with four guards
standing behind him. The guards were mean mugging and they were all armed with

and Roy Carter were not intimidated by their stares, they shot nasty glares
right back at them. A simple look in their eyes put everyone on notice that
they were not to be fucked with either.

afternoon, Vice.” Lieutenant Coffins shook hands with Vicente. Vicente only
allowed the lieutenant to call him ‘Vice.’ “Afternoon Lieutenant.” Vicente
nodded his head and looked over at Don and Roy to begin the introductions.

is Mr. Don Carter and he’s the one who runs the business, along with his
brother Roy who is next in line.” Vicente smiled as he patted Roy’s shoulder.
The lieutenant immediately stood up and walked over to shake both of their

nice to meet you, Mr. Carter.” Lieutenant Coffins stared him in the eyes and
wouldn’t look away until he walked back over to his chair to sit down.

what brings you to Cuba?” he asked.

Don simply stated. “I need a favor.”

what may that be, Mr. Carter?” The lieutenant asked him while he reclined back
in his chair and massaged his chin.

have kilos of coke that I need to transport back into the U.S. and I heard
you’re the guy I need to talk to in order to make that happen.”

think it’s just that easy huh?” Lieutenant Coffins smirked and sat upright with
a serious look on his face.

shook his head and said,

with your power and status, I know you have the authority to make it happen.”

what do I get out of this?” Don didn’t have to speak to answer the lieutenant’s
question. He grabbed the duffle bag from his shoulder, unzipped it, and dumped
the stacks of cash on the table in front of the lieutenant and everyone else.
He definitely had the lieutenant’s full attention after that move. 

much is this?” Lieutenant Coffins asked. He picked up a couple of stacks and
smelled it as he fanned the money across his nose.

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