Read The Chosen Sin Online

Authors: Anya Bast

The Chosen Sin (29 page)

Daria stiffened and forced herself to relax. “Something like that. I don't know. It seems . . . convenient.” Fishing. That was a whole lot of fishing she'd just done.
Eleanor brushed her lips against Daria's cheek. Her warm, sweet breath bathed her skin. “I think it was an unfortunate coincidence. Not
at all.”
Her lips neared Daria's and Daria froze, uncertain what to do. She didn't want to offend Eleanor, but neither did she want to kiss her again. Inevitably, Eleanor's mouth pressed hers once more. Her tongue fluttered, and Daria parted her lips, letting the other woman in to play. Eleanor's tongue brushed hers, sending an electric jolt through her body, straight to her cunt.
When Eleanor's hand closed over her breast, Daria didn't object. The woman's fingernail teased her nipple, the hard edge toying with the sensitive part of her anatomy through the material of her shirt and bra.
Daria soaked her panties.
Eleanor made a pleased sound in her throat and deepened her kiss, her hand straying to the hem of Daria's skirt and then pushing past it. Daria's breath came faster and she parted her thighs a little before she'd even realized she'd done it.
Maybe she was riper for sexual experimentation than she'd thought.
Eleanor jerked away.
Slightly dazed, Daria looked up to see Alejandro.
“Get up.” His expression was grim.
Eleanor backed away from Daria immediately after seeing the look on Alejandro's face. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to trample any boundaries.”
Alejandro only glared at her and held out his hand. “Valerie?” he snapped as if pissed off.
Daria took his hand and allowed him to pull her up from the couch and into his arms. He enveloped her and dipped her a little, letting his mouth come down on hers.
His lips slid like silk over hers as he sipped her for a long moment before going in for a deeper taste. His tongue rubbed against hers, making her body react instantly. Her sex grew warmer and her fingers dug into his upper arms for support, feeling the bunch and play of his muscles under her hands. Somebody whimpered, and she realized belatedly it was her.
When he finally set her on her feet, her knees were shaking and her facial muscles slack. Alejandro gave Eleanor a pointed look, having staked his claim on Daria, pissed on his territory, or whatever he'd done. But he wasn't finished yet.
He turned her to face Eleanor, who still sat on the couch, and yanked Daria's skirt up to her waist. Daria gasped in surprise, but when she tried to move away, he pulled her arms behind her back and bracketed them there. Then he pulled her panties down to her knees and slid his free hand between her thighs.
“You were mine to do with as I wish the moment we set foot here,” he murmured into her ear. “Remember that. Remember you're
He brushed her clit, already swollen and aroused, and her back arched. A sexual haze, a familiar state these days, settled over her mind. She spread her legs as far as the panties would allow, not even caring she was displaying herself to the woman in front of her. Yes, of course she wanted him to touch her. She
wanted Alejandro to touch her.
Alejandro used her own moisture as a lubricant, circling her aroused clit until Daria shuddered and moaned. Then he slipped his hand down and slid two fingers deep inside her aching cunt. Her muscles clamped down and rippled around the invasion, pleasure coursing through her body. He started to thrust and Daria saw stars. The whole room and everyone in it disappeared as he slowly worked them in and out.
Since he no longer had to restrain her, he pushed his opposite hand under the hem of her shirt, yanking the article of clothing up enough to free a breast from her bra and gently pinch her nipple.
“Alejandro,” she said breathlessly.
He said something in a harsh voice, but she couldn't make out the words. Daria was drowning. Eleanor answered.
“Come for me, baby,” he whispered into her ear. He ground his palm against her clit. “Just let go.”
She did. It coursed through her relentlessly. Her cunt pulsed and rippled as she climaxed against his pistoning fingers. Without shame, lost in the eroticism of the moment, throwing her head back and nearly screaming in release.
After Alejandro pulled her panties up and replaced her skirt, she slumped against him, shuddering in the powerful aftermath.
“I get it,” said Eleanor. “I can look but not touch.”
“Good.” Alejandro nodded once, took Daria's hand, and led her from the building, back to the room.
On the path between the buildings, with the light of another damn full moon shining down on them, she was finally able to speak once more. “Thank you. That was a great performance. I doubt Eleanor will bother me anymore.”
He glanced at her, his fangs extended and flashing white in the silvery light. “Who was performing?”
She stopped on the path. “You were mad that Eleanor made a pass at me?”
“Maldita sea!”
He turned to face her. “I don't want anyone but me touching you.
I don't care what their gender is.”
For a moment, she was pleased by his statement, pleased that he was jealous. She even smiled.
Then she was pissed.
“And what did you say to her when I—when I . . .”
He grinned, looking feral. His white teeth gleamed in the half-light. “When you were about to
? I said you were mine, no one else's.
to touch, mine to fuck.” He paused. “I meant it, work or no. And not just for last night, Daria, I intend you to be mine forever.”
She was speechless for a moment. “And what about you with little Miss Marissa? She had her slutty succubare fingers all over you tonight. You get to touch anyone you want, but I can't? Is that it?”
“Did you want Eleanor to touch you? You looked distressed to me.”
She had been, but not for the reasons she would have thought before the other woman had touched her. Daria had never expected to like it. She changed the subject. “You ask me that and say nothing about little Miss Marissa?”
Any hope she'd had of continuing her denial of her feelings for Alejandro were pretty much dashed with the sharp stab of jealousy she felt.
He stepped toward her, caught her upper arms. “I don't want that Chosen. I only want you. Haven't you figured that out by now? Marissa saw what I did to you along with everyone else in the room. She saw the claim I staked on you, and she won't be bothering me anymore. I was just giving you room to get what you needed from Eleanor, but once it went too far, I went a little crazy.” His face hardened. “I don't share well.”
This was a dangerous conversation to have in the open. “Let's go back to the room for the rest of this discussion.”
“You're right, we should.”
He kissed her once, roughly, then backed away and led her back to their place.
Once he'd shut the door, Daria turned. “Eleanor seemed convinced—”
“Shut up.”
He pushed her back onto the bed and covered her body with his. His mouth came down on hers and swallowed her gasp and all her words of protest. His erection pressed into her thigh and she realized belatedly that, yes, she'd received release at the party, but he had not. Now she had one hell of an aroused vampire on her hands.
Not that she couldn't handle him.
He eased her panties down and off even as she worked the buttons on his jeans. The part of her that had turned slutty after she'd been Chosen couldn't wait to have him inside her, even as the other part, the
part, worried she was getting deeper and deeper into this man emotionally.
Right now all she cared about was him getting deeper into her physically.
He snaked off his clothes from the waist down and forced her thighs apart. “Daria, goddamn it. You're like an addiction,” he whispered a moment before his mouth came down over hers.
And she was happy to give him his fix.
He pushed her skirt farther up. In their impatience, she still wore all her clothing, even her heels. He'd only bothered to yank her underwear down and off. The head of his cock pushed at her entrance and she shifted, allowing him to slide deep inside her.

,” she breathed against the curve of his throat. “Yes, that's it.” With her fist balled, she gently hit his shoulder and fought the urge to bite him. His cock was lodged inside her to the base and her muscles rippled as she stretched to accommodate him.
Having him inside her was like coming home, like some part of her had gone missing and had just been found. That she would think that way was disturbing, but she would examine it later. Her hands curled around his shoulders and she held on while he pulled out then flexed the muscles of his buttocks and pushed all the way inside her to the base of him once more.
Oh, god.
She closed her eyes in ecstasy. That was even better.
“You were excited when Eleanor touched you, weren't you, Daria?”
Oh, god, he wanted to make conversation? She wasn't sure she could manage that in her current state. “Uh, yes . . . I mean, I think so.” She shook her head. “It's the Choosing, making me open to things I wouldn't have been okay with before.”
His lips bussed her forehead. “Probably. It excited me to watch it.”
“I thought it made you jealous.” Her voice sounded all breathy and aroused. He'd lodged himself in her, long, hard, and wide. He touched every intimate inch of her, possessed her, pinned her. It was driving her crazy for him to simply remain that way without moving. She had to stop herself from moving her pelvis and forcing some kind of friction.
His fingers curled in her hair and drew her head to the side, baring the vulnerable column of her throat to him. Fangs flashed in the semi-lit room. “It did, but before I got possessive, I got turned on.” He dropped his head and scraped his teeth over her skin.
Daria sighed and shifted beneath him. “And what about after, when you touched me that . . . way . . . in front of everyone.”
“Are you trying to say when I made you come, Daria?” He growled and bit her a little. The prick of his teeth sent shivers down her spine. “That nearly killed me. That's why you're here now, beneath me.”
She whimpered and moved her hips, managing to force his cock out of her and then back in a couple of inches. Pleasure spiked through her body, centering in her clit. “Then what are you waiting for?
Fuck me.

He grinned ferociously. “Maybe I'm trying to make you feel as crazy as I did in there.”
“You've done it. Fuck me now, Alejandro. Fuck me or I'll scream.”
He braced his knees on the mattress and thrust. Daria closed her eyes and gripped his shoulders.
was what she wanted. He picked up the pace, harder and faster until her whole world was only the way their bodies connected, the hard, beautiful press of flesh.
Alejandro bit her throat. That now familiar burst of orgasmic pleasure at the strength of his veil and the pierce of his fangs rippled through her, sending her to the brink of a climax.
Her fangs also extended. Finding the perfect place where his throat met his shoulder, she sunk in deep. He jerked in ecstasy at the sharp penetration of the tips and the furl of her veil covering him.
Her climax rose slowly and went on and on. Over her, Alejandro also shuddered and came.
When their climaxes had both passed, Alejandro rolled to the side and pulled her near him. They lay tangled together, their breathing harsh in the quiet air. Being that close to Alejandro after such an intimate moment was too much like being lovers. Especially when he stroked her hair the way he was, and kissed her temple. Especially after he'd declared her
before all and sundry.
Especially since she wasn't sure she minded.
This was a pathway of thought fraught with danger. Daria pushed up and looked down at him. He looked taken aback at her abrupt movement. It was good they'd sated themselves. Now they could talk business without any distractions.
“I was going to say that Eleanor seemed convinced that Sante truly loves Ari Templeton.
Goddamn it.
” She paused. “And she knows him really well.”
Alejandro sighed and pushed up. “Okay. It's one opinion.”
“An informed one.”
Daria rolled off the bed, took off her skirt, blouse, and shoes, and pulled on a pair of panties, sweatpants, and a T-shirt while Alejandro answered her.
“We have to start considering the possibility it's true.” He sighed. “If it's true then we have to redouble our efforts at the factory and on the blood slave trafficking possibility, because we won't have a kidnapping case.”
Daria turned and paced to the window looking out into the courtyard. “Even if Sante is duping her, kidnapping would be nearly impossible to make a case of.” She let the truth of that sink in and then swore colorfully. “Either way we have nothing against Sante right now. We're going to have to let the kidnapping thing slide.”
Alejandro nodded. “We have to look for other avenues to nail him.”
She turned. “I feel like there's something, Alejandro. Don't you? It's not only that I think Sante can't run this place without some sort of illegal funding, it's that every instinct I have says they're hiding something.”
Alejandro nodded. “I feel it, too.”
“There's another issue, too—”
Someone knocked on the door. Alejandro jumped up, pulled on his jeans, and did up his belt before he opened it to admit Brandon. “I heard you two come in,” he said as he entered. He favored Daria with an oily grin. “Thought I'd give you some time alone before I came knocking.”

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