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Authors: Kimber S. Dawn

That Which Destroys Me (16 page)

BOOK: That Which Destroys Me
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After my nerves have settled and the demons are asleep, I feel the tension release itself from my muscles and bones. Exhaling a long awaited pent up breath, I pick up the phone and dial Jude.

Jude was stuck out of town for his manuscript meeting, some family emergency, so I’m excited to finally meet the man behind ‘Twisted Obsession’. His PA, a cute petite blonde named Sarah attended the meeting while he was on speakerphone.

When he answers the phone in a husky voice, “This is Jude.” I glance up at the clock. Shit! Seven forty eight! I should’ve waited until after eight!

“Oh! Hi, Jude. This is Stella Reese with Jacobs Publishing, I hope I didn’t wake you.” I am so proud of how professional I sound.

Jude doesn’t even attempt to smother his yawn, causing my confidence to dwindle and immediately begin scrambling for an apology. “Shit, I did wake you up. I’m so sorry. I can call back, I was just trying to see if you would hopefully be my date to… No, have a date. No, no. Meet, have a meeting. Dammit. Are you available this afternoon, say around lunchtime? I’d like to set up a meeting with you and go over a few things.” I laugh through more than half of my spiel. I mean, when you sound like an idiot, own that shit and laugh at yourself. There really is nothing else you can do.

“Ahh… Yeah, like noon, one, or two o’clock lunch, babe?”

Oh, hell no.

“Thank you very much for the endearment, but it isn’t necessary. Actually, it’s sort of a pet peeve of mine. So if you wouldn’t, I would greatly appreciate it.” My eyes roll on their own accord when he chuckles.

“Babe, time. And get used to it, because it’s also a pet peeve of mine. It’s called being friendly.”


“Ahh… We’ll address it at lunch. Is noon okay?”

“Yeah, noon is perfect. You’re on Madison Ave, right?”

“I am.” I begin to rearrange my pens for the second time during the conversation.

“Awesome. There’s a deli a few blocks from you, they have the best steak clubs. It’s called Steinburg’s, you know the place?”


“Perfect. I’ll see you there at noon, Stell. Can’t wait to meet ya!”

The line goes dead.

Ooookay. I’m pretty sure I have a damn—
damn flirt on my hands.

“Well, hell, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”

If Jude Preston is even somewhat attractive, I will return the flirtatious banter. I think it is well past time for me to get out there and at least check the rules and stats on the dating game.

My lack of experience has been made more than apparent by Wesley…Again. And quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of being that girl, the one on Amazon 1-clicking over fifteen times a week in search of my next book boyfriend. And I can thank Wesley for that. Him and his big beautiful cock.

I grab Jude’s manuscript and, starting from the beginning, I go through every sentence looking for possible revisions.

I have no idea how much time has passed, just like the first time I started ‘Twisted Obsession’ I was sucked in by the collage of fragmented characters and Jude’s intertwined story line. The main character is easily the most intriguingly sinister motherfucker that has ever been created. He has me on the verge of committing fictional homicide on one page, and wishing I was at home with my B.O.B. the very next.

I am flushed and soaking wet when I’m interrupted by a knock on my office door. I have a slight panic attack and glance at the clock to check the time. 11:47.

“Shit!” I call out, “Come in!” And start shoving my files, revision notes and the manuscript into my satchel. I sling it over my shoulder and grab my purse before looking up to watch as Wes closes— And locks the door behind him. “Wesley. Hey, I’m just on my way out. I have a meeting with my author at noon.”

I walk from behind my desk and try to move around Wes to get to the office door. But before my hand can touch the doorknob Wes yanks and tosses both my satchel and purse over my desk and into my chair. “Wesley, what in the…”

WHAM! He has my body shoved up against the door. Immediately, one hand fists into my hair arching my neck back and forcing my face to his. His other hand jerks my skirt up around my waist before shoving his thigh between my legs and roughly rubbing it against my clit.

I feel his teeth sink into my earlobe before slowly scraping it until he releases it from his mouth to whisper into my ear, “The fuck you doin’, angel? Huh?” His hand replaces his thigh and his fingers sweep between my folds before stroking me hard and fast.

“Wes, no. Please. I can’t do this shit again. I get it. And I’ll be fine. Just.” I shove both palms against his shoulders and knee him in his balls, sending him crashing back onto my desk. “Just leave me the fuck alone, okay? I got what I wanted. You got what you wanted. Now, we’re done. Finished.” 

I spin around to leave without all my notes just in attempt to get the hell away from him. My hand grasps the door knob before he growls, “No! Fuck no, Stell! I am nowhere near finished with you. You are mine. I fucking possess you. Do you understand me? Mine.” He growls.

“One more sexually harassing statement like that, Wesley, and I will file charges. I don’t belong to
, and if you think you that can use this internship as a way to corner me into being your submissive or your fuck toy,
, sir, are sorely mistaken. I will walk out of this building and never come back. The only reason I am here is for decoration on my resume.”

I slam the hell outta that office and storm from the building.


Chapter 18

Rectify a Betrayal


“Son of a bitch!” I roll over groaning in agony, trying my damndest to keep from losing my coffee all over Stell’s desk.

What. In. The. Hell. Has gotten into her? She walked in my office this morning like a goddamn ice princess. Her defenses so impenetrable you could practically see the steel shutters in her eyes… directly behind that fake ass smile painted across her face.

After I somewhat squelch the pain and nausea, I drag myself off her desk, only to swipe my arm across it in a fleeting fit of rage. I sink into the chair in front of her desk and rake my eyes over the shit I just strewed everywhere.

I made it clear Didn’t I?  Saturday night and Sunday morning, I am certain I made it crystal clear. She is mine. Period. I made her coffee, there was a slight misunderstanding, but I straightened it out. Right?

I lean my elbows forward resting them on my knees and shove my hands into my hair. Guilt floods me as I look at all the files and paperwork on her floor.

“I don’t need this, hell, I don’t want this shit! Pussy doesn’t have a name, or a face. Pussy is nothing more than pussy.”

I’m uncertain why in the hell I ever thought otherwise.

It takes a while before I am able to physically move; once I do, I quickly pick up the mess I made on the floor of Stell’s office.

I stalk back to my office and bark at Rachel, “Get Mr. Preston on the line. Forward him to my office.”

My office phone starts ringing as I sit behind my desk. I snatch it up, cradling it between my ear and shoulder, “This is Wesley.”

“Wes, what’s up man? How are you?” The noise in the background makes it difficult to hear him.

“Excellent. I’ve just finished with the meeting that ran over, I’m headed your way now. Did Stell already order for me?”

“Ahh… no she didn’t. I was under the impression  Stell was taking control over ‘Twisted’. She’s doing an awesome job. Adorable as shit too.” His chuckle pisses me off.

“No, Jude, she’s an intern. She isn’t taking control of shit. Not until she has a job at a publishing house. Until then she is under me. Understood?”

“Huh, okay… Well what do you want me to tell her to order for you?”

“Y’all are at Denmon’s right?” Hell yes I’m guessing.

“No man, we’re and Steinburg’s. The deli a few blocks down. Where the hell did you get Denmon’s?”

“Secretary must have written down the wrong restaurant. I’ll be there in a few.” I hang up the phone and haul ass out of my office.

“Rach, call downstairs and have my driver waiting for me.” I push the elevator button and the doors slide open.

“This is good, Travis.” I jump out as soon as my driver pulls the car up to the curb.

Walking past the restaurant on my way to the entrance, I catch sight of Stella and Jude through the window. Stella has her head thrown back laughing. One of her hands is hovering over her laughing mouth and the other playfully shoves at Jude before settling on his shoulder.

When I see her lean in close to him so he can tell her something in her ear, my entire system switches from dumbfounded to furious.

Is Stella Reese flirting? With Jude? Her author? She has lost her goddamn mind!?

I shove my way through the restaurant and before I know it, I’m towering over the laughing couple. The palpable seething anger rolling off me causes Stella to look over her shoulder.

When her eyes meet mine all the blood rushes from her face and she stares up at me in shock. “Glad you’re enjoying yourself, Ms. Reese.” I look over scowling at Jude. “Jude.” I nod towards the table. “May I?”

Stella scurries from the booth where moments ago she was practically falling into Jude’s lap. Her moment of shock must have been short lived; now she appears flustered and pissed. And from the blush staining the skin of her neck and her face, I’m willing to guess she’s also embarrassed as hell.

“Wes, what are you doing here?” She snaps. Huh, maybe the blush is from her being pissed off.

“Why wouldn’t I be here, Ms. Reese? You’re an intern for Jacobs Publishing and I am Wesley Jacobs, correct?” I smirk at her and slide into the booth. “Sit, please, don’t let me interrupt your lovely lunch date.”

“It isn’t a— Gahh!” She whips her little ass into the booth…right next to me.

Good Girl.

“It isn’t a date. It’s a meeting. A lunch meeting.” She growls through her teeth.

“Well, you certainly could’ve fooled me.” I look over her head and wave a waiter over to our table.

When he reaches the table, he tries to hand me the menu. I shake my head refusing to touch the filthy thing.

“No, thank you. A Johnny Walker on the rocks.” I turn my attention back to Jude but am interrupted by the waiter clearing his throat. “Is there a problem?” My eyebrows touch my hairline.

“Yes. I’m sorry, sir, but this is a deli. We have Yearling on tap, soda, or coffee. That’s all we serve.”

“A Yearling will suffice.”

“Oh my God.” Stella whispers beside me, covering her face with her hands.

“Stell? You alright?” I ask her around my smirk before looking back over the table at Jude. “So, where are we?”

“Actually, Stell and I have covered everything. We were just enjoying the rest of our lunch before you got here.” He smiles at Stella. “Weren’t we, babe?”


Oh. So…this son of a bitch wants to die.

“Babe?” I look between Stella and Jude, noting the blush blooming across her face and the cocky expression across his.

“Ms. Reese, ‘Babe’ is not an endearment commonly associated with professional behavior. Tell me that you’ve conducted yourself better than it seems.” I narrow my eyes on hers, pinning her to her seat.

Jude’s voice interrupts the thoughts crawling and scratching their way around inside my head.

“She’s done a splendid job. I adore, Stella. Her ideas, her opinion, everything she proposed today during our meeting was fresh and directly in tune with the direction I originally saw ‘Twisted’ headed in.” He pauses to lean forward and glare across the table.

“I was nervous about handing my manuscript over to Jacobs. In all honesty, had the family emergency not kept me from our meeting last week, you, Wesley would have received the third degree. However…” He nods his head towards Stella, his glaring expression sliding away with an extremely pleased one settling in its place. “…As soon as I laid eyes on Stell and she opened her mouth, any doubts I had instantly vanished.” He slouches back into the booth before looking over at me with a smug smirk. “And yes, while it was business time, she was the epitome of professionalism. But we’re at recess now and it’s playtime. Merely a lunch shared between two close friends.”

BOOK: That Which Destroys Me
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