Read Tell Me No Lies: The Black Orchid, Book 1 Online

Authors: Magnolia Smith

Tags: #Jamaica;Assassins;BDSM;CIA;Beignets;Vacation Flings;North Carolina;Political Intrigue;Military;Special Forces;Coffee;Murder;Suspense;erotic asphyxiation

Tell Me No Lies: The Black Orchid, Book 1 (22 page)

BOOK: Tell Me No Lies: The Black Orchid, Book 1
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She moved to the refrigerator and I opened the door for her. She bent down and placed the tray inside. I closed the door and she straightened, looking at me directly for the first time since the conversation began.

Her eyes were bright, her cheeks red, her lips moist and pink. Her breathing was shallow. Her eyes dropped to my genitals. I was rock hard. That much was clear through my pants, which was probably why she looked so alarmed. My interest in the subject matter was obvious.

“Yeah, I like it.” I took a step backward, put space between us. I didn’t want to frighten her. “But it doesn’t have to be a part of our relationship.”

“What do you want to do to me?” She took another step back.

Her question hung in the air like a noxious black cloud. What could I say that wouldn’t scare her?


My body was tense, poised as if something dark and dangerous was about to be released within me. The aching, pulsing sensation of anticipation would not dissipate.
The throbbing in my chest was only growing.

I inhaled slowly, waiting for the feeling to subside. Hoping that when I spoke, it wasn’t the inarticulate, primitive feeling welling inside of me that I expressed but rather normal-sounding words that didn’t send her screaming bloody murder.

“Kael?” she said softly, this time touching my forearm.

Swallowing hard, I glanced down at her hand then swung my gaze back up to her amber gaze, gleaming with curiosity and something else.


She wanted me as much as I wanted her.

“I want to teach you about pleasure and pain.” I said the words I’d yearned to say to her from the first moment I laid eyes on her two years earlier in Jamaica.

She looked around as if she were searching for an escape. “You said you loved me. Now you want to hurt me?”

“It’s more complex than that. I’ll get you a glass of wine.” This time I was able to smile. “We’re done in the kitchen then?”

She stared at me without speaking.

“You’re shaking. Are you afraid?”

She didn’t answer.

“If you’re afraid, this isn’t going to work. In fact, this will not happen. I’m not into forcing women. I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a rapist.” This absolutely has to be consensual.”

She pressed a finger to my lips. “Shhh.” She moved her finger down my chin, across my throat and stopped at my chest where she drew lazy circles over my heart. Her touch set off sparks of desire that exploded throughout my body.

“I read those books cover to cover,” she began, voice low. “And while a part of me was disgusted by what I saw, another part of me was very wet by the time I finished my reading.”

My throat closed. “You were wet?” I breathed. I closed my eyes as all sorts of erotic images crossed my mind.
Did she play with herself as she read? Did she think about me?

She nodded slowly. “I’m ashamed to say it, but yeah. It was a turn on and I don’t understand why. The stuff I read was hard-core. Things were done that I didn’t think possible.” Her fingers made their way upward to my nipples, which were hard and she played with them through the fabric of my shirt.

My cock wanted to leap out of my pants but I gritted my teeth and took deep breaths.
Down, boy.

A nervous giggle escaped her lips. “I did a lot of Googling after I finished the books.” Her fingers stilled on my chest and she gazed into my eyes. “Are you familiar with breath play?”

stopped breathing. I could only nod but she had more to say.

“It’s a thing, autoerotic asphyxia.” She said the words slowly and I thought I might ejaculate right then and there, watching her sexy mouth say the words. “Apparently cutting off the flow of blood to the brain causes arousal in other areas of the body.”

I could only nod. I was too busy imagining her gasping for breath as I wrapped my hands around her throat while plunging my cock deep inside her. “I’ve heard it brings a woman to an intense orgasm.”

Her mouth formed a silent “O” as her gaze locked with mine.

“Did that turn you on as well, baby?”

She nodded again, then smiled. “Hence the nerves. I’m afraid my body wants something that I haven’t quite wrapped my mind around yet.”

I leaned forward, kissed her cool forehead and then trailed kisses to her ear. “How badly do you want it?” I whispered.

“I’m wet right now,” she whispered back.

I kissed her ear, allowing my teeth to catch on her earlobe, then I stepped back. “I’ve got an Argentinean Syrah airing. You’ll like it.” I went to the kitchen and poured wine for us both.

I finished my wine and set the goblet down. I took her glass from her and kissed her. “You need a safe word.”

“What’s that?”

“You might scream or beg me to stop, but not really mean it.”

Her dark eyebrows dipped down. “Why wouldn’t I mean it?”

“Because it’s part of the game. I want you to scream in pleasure. I want you to beg me to stop. You’ll want to do those things too.”

She took a deep breath. “But you won’t stop.”

I shook my head. “No. Not unless I know you really mean it. When you really mean it, you’ll use your safe word. That way I’ll know I’m taking you to a place you don’t want to go.”

She licked her lips and nodded slowly. “So resisting you, fighting you, will turn you on?”

I was afraid to nod but the truth of the matter was that’s exactly what I wanted. The more she resisted the more I could dominate her.

I observed her for a moment. “I think I’d like for you to have a second glass of wine.” I refilled her glass and offered it to her.

She gulped it down, gazing at me for a moment, only the delicate goblet of glass between us. And then she set it down carelessly on the counter.

“Did you know that tying a woman up, pulling her hair, spanking her…that’s a
thing too
? She giggled nervously. “There are groups of women online who talk about it, fantasize about it. I’ve lived my whole life and never heard of it.”

“There are all sorts of sexual interests, fetishes you’d have no reason to know about.” I brought my hand to her hair and caressed it smelling the honey and violets that floated around us.

“But I can’t imagine liking my hair being pulled. When I was in kindergarten, a boy pulled my braid and I turned around and slapped him square on the cheek.”

I tugged lightly on her hair, causing her face to tilt upwards, and she gasped in surprise then smiled. “You’ve grown a lot since kindergarten. You might like it now, baby.”

“And getting spanked? I can count on one hand how many times I was spanked as a child. They were few and far between because I was a very good girl.” She gazed at me, eyes glistening with arousal. “I distinctly recall not liking it.”

“I’m sure you were a very good girl, Rain.” I tugged harder on her hair, and a low moan of pleasure escaped between her parted lips. “You’ll be good for me tonight too, won’t you?”

She began to nod and then paused. “What construes bad behavior in your book?”

I released my grip on her mane of curls and touched her cheek lightly. “Not following orders.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Orders?”

For the first time, I realized that she might not inherently be submissive. This could be more fun than I’d originally thought.

“That’s right. You’re to do as I say. I’m the Dom and you’re the sub. If that role doesn’t come naturally to you, it will, eventually.”

I kept my eyes on her, tried to stay focused as the darkness churned around me like thick clove smoke. Sweet, cloying and dangerous.

“Do you understand your role?” She hesitated and then nodded. “What’s your safe word? Something silly, something that can’t be confused with bedroom talk.”

She thought for a moment and then smiled. “Beignet.”

Got it.

“Are you sure about this, Rain? I’m no angel.”

She gazed at my lips. “Shut up and kiss me.”

I crushed her lips with mine. I picked her up and carried her upstairs to my bedroom. I lay her on my bed and she moved backwards toward the headboard.

“Maybe we should just have, you know, regular sex.”

I tried to hide my disbelief. After everything that had just happened, she wanted to stop? “Rain, I would have never initiated this conversation with you. But now that you’ve started it I want you to understand me. I need for you to know me in this way. Can I make love to you tonight, the way I want to, the way I need to? Please?”

Here I was begging her. This was a first. But I’d do it, if that’s what it took. I’d get on my knees, kiss her feet, do whatever I had to do to have her in this way.

She began to shake her head. “You’re scaring me. The way you’re looking at me.”

“Rain, I’ve waited, I’ve been patient. Please.” I tried to blank my features. How was I looking at her? What could she see?

She bit her bottom lip. “I do! I’m just…confused. What does it mean if I want to do this, if I like making love in this manner with you?”

The darkness was rising and my cock threatened to explode. “It means you’re mine.”

“Oh.” She nodded slowly.

My lips moved into a grin. I waited a beat, waited for her to change her mind. The beast inside me stirred, restless. When she didn’t, I exhaled, went to my closet and found what I was looking for.

Eyes wide, she moved further away but with her back already against the backboard there was nowhere for her to go. Nowhere for her to hide. “Duct tape? Not fluffy pink handcuffs?”

“You have done your research.” Smiling, I reached for her and pulled her to me. “That type of sexual accouterment is for first timers, the curious.” I ripped off a piece of tape with my teeth and bound her arms over her head.

“But I am a first timer,” she sputtered. “I am curious.”

I thought about covering her mouth then, but I wouldn’t be able to hear her screams of passion and she had such a sweet sounding voice. I looked down at her, my vision growing hazy with lust. “I’m not.”

Alarmed, she looked up at her wrists and then at me. She’d had two glasses of wine, but she still had her wits about her. “What have I agreed to?”

“You said you wanted to understand me. You said you wanted to know me, the real me. This is the real me, the part of me I’ve been hiding from you like a dirty little secret. Have you changed your mind?”

She took a deep breath but didn’t speak.

“Change your mind, Rain. Do it now, and I’ll take the tape off your wrists and you can leave.”
, I wanted to add.
Please, do not give me permission. You’re going to hate me. You’re going to fucking hate me when I’m done with you.

“Once you told me you loved me. Did you mean it?”

“I love you,” I said without hesitation. “I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Oh,” she breathed.

I leaned toward her and kissed her on her lips, softly. And then I grabbed her ponytail and jerked her head backwards. A surprised gasp escaped her lips. I brought my mouth to her face, kissing her along her jawline to the tender flesh of her neck.

“May I bite you?”

She stared at me, her tawny-colored eyes an even mixture of desire and fear. “Do I have a choice?”

“Of course. Just say no.”
Say it. Say it.

She gazed so deeply into my eyes, I knew she could see the yellow eyes of the beast that lived within me. Fangs bared, nostrils primed to smell blood. I wanted to look away. But she’d agreed to see the real me, and I would let her.

“I say yes,” she whispered carelessly.

Stunned, I couldn’t move.

“Did you hear what I said, Kael? I said yes. Love me. Hurt me.
Fuck me
. Do whatever you want, whatever it takes to make me yours. I want to belong to you and only you.”

Closing her eyes, she turned her head away, presenting her neck to me.

, the beast hissed.

I sunk my teeth into her skin until she arched her back and strained against the duct tape. She made a sound, half moan, half scream. I could see her erect nipples through the thin material of her top.

She liked it.

When I thought she couldn’t take the pain anymore, I swooped down to her camisole and with one hand, ripped it off her body. I roughly pulled the tiny silk bra off and flicked my tongue around her nipple until she moaned in pleasure. And then I put the nipple in my mouth, softly suckling until she was arching toward me, urging her breast deeper into my mouth.

“Kael,” she breathed. “Please…”

And then I sucked harder until she screamed in pain, tried to rip her arms free of the duct tape. I bit down on one nipple, and then the other, deaf to her screams, lost in the darkness. My hand went inside her pants, found the wetness and plunged in without hesitation. One finger then two.

She moaned like an animal, me still sucking on her nipples and fingering her juicy pussy. I pulled her pants down to her thighs and slurped up her wetness. I alternated between gentle licks and sharp bites to her thighs. I couldn’t make up my mind. What did I want to do? Eat her pussy or bite her soft, satiny flesh? So I did both, over and over again.

I could hear her moaning my name. Begging for more, pleading for me to stop.

“Kael, Kael…stop, this isn’t love. This is an attack.”

She felt like I was attacking her? Then where was her safe word?

I shook myself out of my haze long enough to rise up and kiss her with her juices smeared over my mouth. “This is how I love, Rain. This is how I want to love you.”

Her breath came out in small pants. “You’re an animal.”

“But I’m
animal,” I growled into her ear.

She moaned as I gathered both of her breasts together and began to kiss and suckle them until she screamed my name. All the while she struggled with the duct tape wrapped tightly around her wrists.

I straddled her body, moving upward and put my cock in her face, rubbed it against her soft cheek. She opened her lips to speak, to protest but I shoved it in the soft wetness of her mouth. And there was nothing she could say.

BOOK: Tell Me No Lies: The Black Orchid, Book 1
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