Read Teasing Hands Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Teasing Hands (5 page)

“You get brownie points for location, Mom,” Courtney declared from her seat beside me, and I agreed. The spa they’d chosen was located in one of the trendier hotels in the city.

The Ritz Carlton ha
d always been one of the most relaxing and opulent experiences a person would ever have. Court and I weren’t ashamed one bit of being ecstatic when we arrived. The entire place had a West Indian-Caribbean vibe to it with its light colors and relaxed atmosphere.

“Glad you girls are excited. Now,” Kimberly began, “we want
you on your best behavior, and no bitching over what has been discussed. If either of you,” she pointed at each of us, “plans at any moment to use your power of veto, you will pull us aside and state it.”

Courtney nodded and looked over at them. “As long as you understand that our veto is final and not up for discussion?”

My mother and her accomplice nodded.

“Then we shall have no altercations
,” she finished.

“Dear God,” Mom cried out, “could you two be any more—”

“Watch it, lady. I’m playing your game.” I raised a brow and dared her to challenge me.

They each nodded
while we pulled up to the hotel’s valet parking. The attendant was about our age, maybe a few years older. He never spared us a glance, eyes fixed on my mother instead.

, buddy,” I hissed at him, “she’s married. Back off.”

He took the keys from my mother’s hands and scurried off, embarrassed and more than likely willing his small dick to calm down. No child ever wants to see her mother being checked out. Not cool by any means.

Once inside, we were handed our itineraries.

, and behave.” They didn’t spare us a second glace, just walked passed us toward the hotel’s pool area. It was weird.

“So where are you heading off to?” I asked while skimming
over my own appointment sheet.

Courtney’s eyes reviewed her itinerary. “She set me up with a Thai-Chi class before my appointment with someone named Simone to cut my hair. You?”

“I’m heading down to the spa for a massage from a man named Camden. She swears he’s amazing
.” I shrugged.

“Lucky bitch. While I’m stuck taking a class, you’ll be relaxing and being worked on.”

“Shut it and hurry up. You have five minutes to get changed and ready for your work out.” After a quick hug, we parted ways. Checking in for my massage was quick, and I was led over to a quaint sitting area to wait for Camden to arrive.

ed he was running a bit late. Great.

plush, couch sat against the wall in the Spa’s waiting area. It was comfortable, and if it weren’t frowned upon, I would have easily taken nap.

tall, blonde woman sat behind the reception desk typing away. She ignored me as I did her. It was more than obvious that she wasn’t paid to entertain the clientele as everyone else had done up to this point. She lacked basic customer service skills.

“Care for something to drink?”
she asked snidely, catching me off guard. How she’d managed to get this job was beyond me.

“Sure. Anything will be fine.” If my mother would’ve been here,
she would have claimed the lady’s aura stunk. It was her nice way of calling a bitch, a bitch.

So lost was I in my own musings that I failed to see him wa
lk in. His voice had a deep cadence—made to sexually destroy and disarm those around him. That voice was fucking familiar.

My nipples pebbled as his scent carried into the room. It was a
combination of man and the sea. A nautical concoction—the unique blend of sweat and lust riddled my brain useless. It left me frozen on their comfortable couch. Never had I reacted so strongly to a member of the opposite sex.

’s a lie.
My sexy stranger had also had me at his mercy with just a few whispered words.

Is my next appointment here, Cynthia?” 

My eyes traveled
up his form and ate every single detail they could, committing it all down to memory and saving it for later use. His body was lean, the muscles of his back rippled as he stretched up. A sliver of tan skin came into view, and I bit my lip to cage in the whimper that begged to erupt.

He had a swimmer
’s body. Perfection.

Hi, Camden,” the tramp simpered, and my fists clenched. 

Shit, where did this reaction come from?

She’s sitting right there, handsome. Do you need
setting up? You know I’m
willing to lend a hand.”

“Yet, have I
r taken you up on the offer?” Camden seemed annoyed by her offering. Almost disgusted.

She pouted, her eyes heavy with lust. “There’s always a first time.”

Enough of this shit. I cleared my throat in annoyance. “I’m ready when you are.”

At the sound of my voice, he turned my way and gaped at me. If I’d thought that he was spectacular from the view his profile afforded me, then he was lethal when facing me head on.






Are you, now?” He seemed amused, lip curling just a tiny bit on the left. The perfect fucking smirk. “I’m Camden, by the way, and I’ll be taking care of your needs.”

“I have things to do today, Camden.” His named flowed from my lips on a tiny moan. With reverence and desire. “There’s a lot on my agenda.”

All bullshit of course, but he didn’t need to know that.

Closing my fists, I held them clenched in my lap. The movement caused him to lower his aquamarine eyes and bite his succulent bottom lip. I felt his stare
; felt the heat of it roam my bare legs.

Goosebumps rose
on my skin when his eyes—eyes that reminded me of my sexy stranger—stared me down. My body trembled and a small wave of pulsating need rocked through every cell of my body. It shook me to the core.

was this possible?
The same eyes…it couldn’t be.

“I see.” He frowned, his jaw ticking as he watched me. “Sorry for the delay, my little
. Right this way.” Camden’s intense stare never wavered in its perusal while I stood; on the contrary, his visual caress only intensified the closer to him I got.

My stomach muscles contracted with each breath I took. His eyes darkened,
and my clit twitched. What, at first view, looked to be a calming sea of tranquility quickly morphed into a raging storm of lust.

Once within touching distance, the need to
reach out to him only grew fiercer. I pulled on his arms—daring and saying a big fuck you to the inappropriate—tugging him just a bit closer. The ardor that simple contact ignited made me light-headed. The blood pulsed through my veins for him.

“I’ll forgive your tardiness on one condition.” The whispered words in the silence of the room felt like a war cry. Embarrassment clouded my face and I grew warm under his intense scrutiny.

His finger reached out and pulled my face up to face him. “I’m listening.”

“Why’d you call me
‘tiny kitty’ in
?” His smile was back, making him look youthful and coquettish.


What the hell kind of answer was that?
Narrowing my eyes, I stared him down and asked, “Me?”

He lowered the finger
holding my chin in place and wrapped his arm around my waist. It was completely inappropriate, I knew. The huff behind us from where the plastic bimbo receptionist sat told me she agreed.

. You are one delicate little wild pussy that I plan to set free.”

I flushed red at his words. It wasn’t out of anger or embarrassment. No. It was raw lust and greed for more that made me blush.
“But why in Spanish?”

“Because I could easily talk about that sweet pink pussy in public and no one would be the wiser. They’d see
the name as cute, when in reality I’m letting the world know that this little kitty will only purr for me.”

My heart raced and my palms became sweaty. Camden squeezed my side, and I trembled. No words were spoken—none were needed. The cocky son of a bitch had me. Twice in the last few days I’d been rendered an aroused mess. Was I in such desperate need for a man’s touch that any would do?

No, it couldn’t be. I refused to believe that.

It was undeniable the spark I felt as his larger frame dwarfed mine. Raw masculinity oozed out of every pore of his body; it made my inner bitch want to submit my soul to his every desire.



“Undress for me.”

Three words filled the silence of his room. The door had barely closed when he uttered them, undoing the small bit of decorum I’d tried to hold onto.

It didn’t help that I felt his presence behind me. Camden stood just a mere foot away and took in deep breaths, filling his lungs with my scent. His body heat branded—engulfed me. In that moment
, I wanted to burn for him.

To let him see the red hot blaze of fire that swam through my veins as his hand pushed me just a bit closer to the massage table.

“Is there somewhere…a bathroom for me to change?” Breathing labored and cheeks flushed, I continued to face forward. This man—motherfucking gorgeous male specimen—couldn’t know what his mere presence did to me.

“No.” This time, my head snapped back and took him in. Camden was dead serious.

“Okay,” I spoke lowly, “are you going to exit the room, then?”

“No.” His gruff tone caused my body to release a small tremble. I felt it down to my bones. “Now, undress for me.”

Camden didn’t move. Instead, he walked backwards toward the door and stood before it, leaned back and waited for me to finish. The voice inside my head, my conscience, told me to walk out and demand someone else. My foot took a small step forward, just one measly little step, and then stopped.

“Amanda.” The pure, rough sensuality in his timber made me whimper. Fuck me, I had to get out.

“I’m going to—”

“Look at me,” Camden commanded, and my eyes obeyed. They snapped up and took him in. “You aren’t going anywhere
, nor are you getting someone else. Get that thought out of your head, now.”

I shook my head, tr
ying to clear the dirty thoughts his dominating actions created.

“Undress.” This time it was my traitorous hands that followed as they tried to lower the zipper to my dress. Fingers trembling, I fumbled
, lacking the concentration needed to follow direction.

Looking at his over six
-foot frame made me nervous. At five foot six, I was the smallest point guard in our college division, a difference I’ve never really noticed when facing taller opponents. With him, I felt every inch of our difference.

“You want this…me, just like you did that night at Rage.”

Fuck me, it
him? It was him that I responded to in this way.

“That was you?”
was my weak reply. Out of all the things I could have said, I stated the obvious.

His moved closer still. Right in front of me, my face leveled with his well-defined chest. “I can see it with every inhale you take. The way your lips part and your tongue darts out to moisten them as you look at me.”

“I can’t…fuck.”

“Turn around.”
He demanded and I did. Camden’s long fingers moved my hair away from my neck and set it to the side. If it was possible, he pulled himself closer. Breathed me in deep and groaned loud. “You smell of innocence and sex…how the fuck is that even possible?”

“Camden, I—” He ignored me, his sole attention on lowering the zipper of my dress.

It was slow. Torturous how he lowered the only thing keeping me covered. I turned my face and watched his reactions from over my shoulder. Once the zipper was down, he simply stood back and watched as the short, strapless white dress pooled at my feet. He admired every inch of skin that became visible

“Turn around.” Camden’s voice was gruff and deep. It washed over my skin like a fiery caress. I wanted to hide myself, but those lust
-filled eyes held me locked in place. The sight of him breathing hard, lip caught between his teeth, made me feel proud. I’d caught his attention.

Not Barbie outside.

Not some other client.


Smiling up at him, I twirled a piece of my blonde hair in my finger. “Why?”

He chuckled, his hand rubbing his jaw. “Because I need to know…”

“Know what?”

“What the good Lord has blessed me with.” I turned slowly at his words. On a subconscious level
, my reactions to him scared me. The way my body seemed to listen to his direction without an ounce of hesitancy wasn’t something I was prepared for.

“Beautiful.” It was low and seductive; I loved the sound. He reached out to touch me, ran the tip of his finger from my thigh to the underside of my breast. “Exquisite.”

“Fuck.” The word slipped out with a moan before I could stop it. Camden continued to torture me, slowly; he dragged his finger up and down twice before pulling away.

“Get up on the bed,” he hissed through clenched teeth. His hands were bal
led up tightly at his sides, his nostrils flared, and my pussy throbbed. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I should pull away
, put a stop to the madness. It wasn’t going to happen. Just the thought of walking out made me feel…off.

All last night I’d prepared myself for what my mother had in store
today. It never crossed my mind that I’d meet him. That he would come in to test every brick wall I’d metaphorically put in place to protect myself.

Walking away, I turned to face the bed and took a few steps forward. The table was bare except for the white sheet that lay over the vinyl; there was nothing for me to cover my
near nakedness with.

“What do I cover myself with?”

“You don’t.”

With both hands placed atop the table, I turned to look at him.
He had to be kidding.

“Camden, I don’t think—”

He stepped closer, almost to the point of touching. “I love the way you say my name. A soft sigh full of desire…need. Say it again.”

Shaking my head, I made to turn—his hands reached out to stop me. With both hands on my hips, he lifted me up and on
to the table. He maneuvered me, made me feel small and delicate as he placed me to his liking. Face down and ass up.

Camden strength only ignited a deep
-seated yearning I’ve never felt before. The idea of him taking control over me sexually excited me. While the thought of being a submissive had never crossed my mind—I liked to be dominated in bed.

Hunter had been the only man to touch me like this.

“Amanda,” Camden called out, bringing me pack to the present and away from a past that would never be. “Pay attention.”

I nodded.

“When in my room, your body and mind are mine. Nothing but what I do to you—for you—matters. I’m the only thing you will hear, see, or smell. Nothing but me.” His fingers traveled up from the bottom of my feet to the edge of my panties. I couldn’t breathe, and my chest felt tight as I waited on him to proceed. To touch me.

Digging in slightly, he dipped the tip of his fingers under the edge of my panties and pulled back. The hand there trembled as my naked rear came into view.

He let them go; it stung a bit as the material hit my naked flesh. “Do you understand?”

“Yes.” I’d signed myself over to him with one word. Camden’s ragged breathing gave me comfort; he was just as affected as
I was.

“Good.” This time
, his hands fisted the material with purpose, the tiny scrap of lace stretching. It dug into my hips, and the pain only intensified the moment. My mind was too consumed to protest— to ask him to not ruin the pair I needed to wear later on.

Two tugs were all it took for the flimsy material to give way and tear.  The cool air in the room didn’t calm my feverish skin
; instead, it burned me. Made the raging desires I tried to control enflame into an out-of-control inferno.

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