Read Sinful Deceit Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #sexual exploration, #kinky erotic games, #sexual enslavement

Sinful Deceit (28 page)

"Thanks," I
said softly as he freed me. This was another trick, I knew. But,
trick or not, it was worth attempting another escape. Peeling my
starched body away from the plastic sheet and dashing to the door,
I looked down at my naked body. "Clothes," I murmured. "I need
something to wear."

"There is
nothing," he said. "You'll have to go as you are. Let me go down
stairs first. I'll keep her talking in the kitchen."

"OK," I

I was highly
suspicious, but decided to take the risk and make a run for it.
Perhaps the old man had found some sympathy in the vile swamp of
his sex-crazed mind. There was no sympathy on the island of sin.
Hearing voices, I slipped down the stairs and crept through the
lounge. I had no idea whether the wrought iron gates would be open
as I stole across the patio. Out of sight of the villa, I dashed
through the grounds, realizing that I might bump into the men. All
I could do was run like hell and hope that freedom would meet

The gates were
open, and I sprinted down the track to the jetty. My bare feet
hurting I ran on to the jetty and looked about, my eyes darting
between the dozen or so boats. Which one? My heart banging hard
against my chest, I felt panicky as I leaped from boat to boat.
None had keys, and I was sure that I'd been tricked yet again. The
water lapped, the boats bobbed, the open sea beckoned me. If

Donna called from the beach. "Quickly, follow me!"

"Where to?" I
asked, leaping out of a boat. "We have to take a boat! For God's
sake, we have to take a bloody boat and get away from here!"

"There's a
boat in the bay. Come on, before we're caught!"

I was in two
minds as I bounded along the jetty and dashed towards Donna.
Another boat? How did she know? Had she escaped earlier and been
hiding in the trees? She seemed to know where she was going as she
sprinted along the sandy beach and rounded a corner. She was naked,
the roundness of her buttocks exciting me, the violin curves of her
hips wetting my vaginal sheath. Chasing after her, I thought I must
be mad. I'd been on the jetty where a dozen boats were moored, but
now... Stopping as I rounded the corner, I couldn't see Donna.

"Here," she
called in a loud whisper from the bushes.

"Donna," I
panted. "What the hell..."

"There's a
boat in the next bay," she said as I squatted beside her. "Had you
tried to steal one from the jetty you'd have had the whole gang
after you."


"Kirsty," she
began, locking her sparkling eyes to mine, "I'm pretty sure it was
a trick."

"Why would
they trick me like that? I mean, why let me think I've escaped and
then... How do you know what happened?"

"I've been
spying, listening. Don't you see?" she frowned, shaking her head.
"They're playing with you. I worked that out ages ago."

"No, I don't
agree," I returned. I spied her hairless pussy lips bulging between
her shapely thighs. "The doctor planned this escape," I said,
dragging my eyes away from the wet crack of her cunt. "Reece is
away and..."

"He's not gone
away. I heard them talking. This whole thing was devised by Reece
to play games with you."

"Why? What
would he gain?"

for one thing. His idea is to let you think that you've escaped.
Again and again he recaptures you. He reckons that, eventually,
you'll give up even thinking about escaping, let alone..."

"That's crazy,
Donna. He's had me here in chains, chained up in a basement. Why go
to all the trouble of..."

"Look, we're
wasting time. We've got to get to the boat and get away before they
realize that we're missing."

"Where have
you been? I haven't seen you for ages."

"They've been
keeping me in the stable. I managed to untie the ropes and get
away. They plan to..."

"Let's go and
find this boat," I said. "You go on. I need the loo so I'll catch
up with you."

"Hurry, then,"
she smiled, leaving the bushes. "The boat's just around the

Dashing into
the undergrowth as she started along the beach, I decided this was
a trap. I didn't know what sort of trap or why it had been set up,
but my instincts told me to steer clear of the girl and make my own
escape. I no longer had trust in anyone. From Donna to David, I
trusted no one. Whether or not I trusted myself, I didn't know. Let
loose in a pub full of good-looking men in England, who knows what
I might do? I prayed the day would soon come when I'd find out.

I heard Donna
calling me as I made my way through the trees. I couldn't see the
beach, but knew I was keeping up with her as she neared the bay.
Should I join her if there really was a boat? I wondered, peering
through the bushes. I saw her stop and turn round. She was looking
for me. Casting my eyes up and down the deserted beach, I couldn't
see a boat. Had she tricked me? I felt despondent, drained. I
couldn't go on. The crude sex, the whipping, the perpetual
spunking, my failed escape attempts... I was running out of energy,
both mentally and physically.

"Kirsty!" she
called, rather too loudly for someone who was trying to escape a
bunch of creeps. I kept still behind the bush, watching, spying,
wondering what she'd do next. My fingers toying between my sticky
vaginal lips, my juices of desire coursing from my tightening
pussy, I realized that I needed to come. My clitoris swelling
beneath my massaging finger, I managed to drag my hand away from my
sex crack. Hadn't I had enough sex? I wondered, watching Donna
trace her steps back along the beach.

Licking my sex
juices from my finger, I continued on my way through the trees. I'd
never been to the far side of the island, and decided to explore.
The trees giving me cover, I listened for sounds of life as I crept
through the bushes. I'd hear them before they heard me, I was sure
as Donna's voice called in the distance. She called out again. If
she was trying to escape she was doing a good job of letting the
men know where she was.

I'd trekked
through the trees for twenty minutes or more and decided to peer
through the bushes at the beach. Nothing but sand lay stretched out
along the coastline. Sand and blue water. If only I could swim, I
mused. I'd have risked my life swimming away from the island to
find freedom. Freedom? My life in England couldn't really have been
described as free. Living with the restrictions of my mother,
hounded by David and his plans for marriage and the patter of tiny
feet... Whatever the situation, there was no freedom.

If ever I
returned to England, I'd change my life. But my life had been
changed for me, Reece had seen to that. But no one would know of my
experiences, I reflected.

Deciding to
walk on, I wondered how big the island was. I'd walk full-circle
and eventually return to the jetty unless I was careful, I mused.
Looking up at the sun sparkling through the trees, I took my
bearings. All the time the sun was to my left, I'd be heading away
from the jetty. Sharon might be in her garden beneath the sun, I
thought, wondering what she was doing. We might both be looking at
the sun, and yet we were miles apart. She was free, and I... She
wasn't free. No one was free.

Reece might
have thought he was free living in his luxury villa on a Greek
island. But he was a slave to his kinky desires, ruled by his

Again peering
through the bushes at the beach as I sat on the ground, I reckoned
that I'd walked at least a mile. The sun was hot, my naked body
starched with sperm and scented with urine. Dare I risk washing in
the sea? Leaving the bushes, I walked across the hot sand to the
water's edge. I paddled, the cooling water soothing my aching feet
as I splashed. Watching the sparkle of the sun reflected in the
water, I was about to wash my body when I thought I heard music
drifting in the breeze.

I turned this
way and that, listening intently as the music grew louder and then
faded with the changing wind. Was it coming from the villa? No,
they'd hardly be having a party knowing that I'd escaped. Walking
along the shore in the direction of the music, my heart racing, I
prayed I'd come across civilization. Maybe there was a village
nearby. The smell of burgers filling my nostrils, I slipped into
the bushes and stole though the undergrowth.

Spying through
the foliage as the music played, I couldn't believe my eyes. To my
delight I could see several men on the beach. They were wearing
swimming trunks, laughing and joking as they swigged from beer
cans. Meat sizzled on a barbeque, a boat lay on the sand. This was
no trap, I knew as I watched them from my hide. It was a wonder
they hadn't been discovered. Lady Luck was on my side, I thought,
emerging from the bushes and walking quickly towards them.

"What have we
here?" one asked, his dark eyes focused on the lips of my

"I have to get
off the island," I cried, wondering where to begin my story.
"Please, you must take me to..."

"Have a
drink," one laughed, passing me a can of beer.

"No, you don't
understand," I returned angrily. "I want..."

"We understand
only too well," he laughed. They were drunk. "We know exactly what
you want."

"No!" I
screamed as they surrounded me, their hands wandering over my
curves, seeking my crevices.

"Don't play
games," someone breathed. "You came here to get fucked, that's
pretty obvious."

Pulling me to
the ground, they began kissing me, feeling me, touching my feminine
places. My struggles were futile against the power of their bronzed
muscular bodies. They mauled me, reeking of beer as they laughed
about fucking a little native girl on the beach. Fingers invaded
the sheath of my wet vagina, a solid penis pressed against my hip.
There were five of them, five hard cocks eager to fuck me, five
silky knobs ready to spunk up my cunt.

As my writhing
body was pinned down to the hot sand, I relaxed. A penis entering
my vagina, I knew I was to be used like a rag doll yet again. I'd
lost all faith. I'd lost all hope. My vaginal juices squelched,
heavy balls battered my buttocks as the swollen knob pummelled my
cunt. But wasn't that what I'd wanted?

"She's a right
little slut," one man laughed as he pressed the purple plum of his
cock against my mouth. "Suck it, bitch!" Opening my mouth, I took
his glans inside and sucked. Once they'd drained their balls and
the alcohol had worn off, I'd get them to take me away from the
island. I could tell them I had an apartment in Athens and they
were welcome to come and stay. I could say that... I had to endure
their fucking before talking to them.

whether Reece and his gang would discover me as another swollen
knob tried to gain entry to my bloated mouth, I knew I had to
satisfy them as quickly as possible. Sucking on the two salty knobs
as my cunt was fucked hard by a huge cock, I squirmed as a finger
rudely drove deep into my anal canal. Yet another gang bang, I
reflected as a second finger forced its way past my tight
bottom-hole and thrust deep into my inflamed rectum. More cocks,
more sperm...

My hips lifted
clear of the ground as the two knobs drove to the back of my
throat, I felt a third finger penetrate the tight duct of my arse.
My clitoris licked by a wet tongue, the erect nipples of my breasts
sucked and bitten, I shuddered as a rush of desire rocked me. I
didn't want to be a whore-slut, a cum-slut. I loved the crude sex,
but was desperate to cling to my femininity.

"Coming," the
man fucking my tightening cunt gasped as he repeatedly drove his
huge knob in and out of my squelching sex sheath. I could feel his
sperm gushing, lubricating the enforced pistoning, oozing between
the stretched flesh of my inner lips. The fingers pistoning my anal
canal finding their rhythm with the thrusting cock, my body shaking
violently, I choked as my mouth suddenly filled with spunk.
Swallowing hard as the knobs spurted their orgasmic cream to the
back of my throat, I thought I'd choke. Spunk flowing down my
bloated cheeks, my nipples painfully bitten, my cunt fucked and
spunked, my arse painfully finger fucked... Had I found my

"What about
me?" a man asked. "I want a fuck too." Drinking from the orgasming
plums bloating my mouth, I again hoped it would be over before I
was found and taken back to the villa for a good thrashing. I'd get
more than a thrashing for trying to escape yet again, I knew. The
spunk overflowing from my mouth and running down my cheeks, I
gasped for air as the knobs withdrew. The penis leaving my vagina,
I licked my lips and waited for the next man to fuck me and drain
his balls. It would soon be over; I consoled myself as a cock drove
deep into my spunked vaginal sheath. Two more men to go, and then
freedom. More than a thrashing? God, I'd be...

The penis
slipping out of my pussy, I wondered what was happening as I was
hauled up and forced to get on all fours. A man crawling beneath me
and lying on his back, I thought that my sex holes were to be
fucked and spunked simultaneously. I could take it, I knew as
laughter filled the air. This was nothing in comparison to what I'd
endured in the villa of sin. My naked body jolting as the man
beneath me forced his solid cock into the tightness of my bottom, I
knew I could take anything.

Another man
kneeling behind me and forcing his glans against the stretched
brown ring of my bottom, I gasped as his swollen knob slipped past
my anal sphincter muscles. Two solid cocks embedded deep with in my
hot rectal sheath, I squeezed my eyes shut as the illicit double
fucking began. My anal duct stretched to capacity, inflamed and
burning, I cried out as someone forced a finger alongside the
cocks. I was sure that the delicate tissue of my bottom-hole would
rip as a second finger thrust into my arse. My buttocks yanked wide
apart, the portal to my anal canal painfully expanding, I begged
for mercy as another finger managed to enter my bloated rectum.

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Sinful Deceit by Ray Gordon Copyright 2016 - 2024