Read Shamed Online

Authors: Theresa Taylor

Shamed (7 page)

“I can’t move very fast in these heels.” She complained.

A cold gust of wind swept up and almost blew the raincoat up around her
waist. The cold air against her nakedness forced her to squeal. Richard slowed
his pace but didn’t stop. It was dark now and raining harder, the yellow lights
of the street lamps wavered with the dashing rain. Karen was getting desperate.
She was cold and wet, protected only by the sodden nylon raincoat and only her
feet were vaguely warm in the boots. The wet nylon was clinging to her and she
tried desperately to hold it away from her body. It seemed intent on wrapping
itself around the shape of her body, especially her breasts. They encountered
several people as they walked, Karen dropping her head as they passed
than ever she was now desperate to relieve

“Richard, I really do need to go.”

“Good.” He said without a hint
of concern
breaking his stride.

The road was busy and cars streamed by, their headlights sending
shadows criss-crossing over her. She shivered and stopped momentarily, crossing
her legs to prevent from shaming herself right there and then.

“Please Richard!” She pleaded.

He slowed his pace until she caught up and was beside him.

“I’m cold and I’m desperate to go.”

“We’re nearly home.” He said. “Did you do everything I asked” He
repeated the earlier question.

“Yes everything!” She was almost crying with frustration.

“Did you answer the door to the deliveryman in your underwear?”

“Yes.” She answered honestly although the feeling of embarrassment that
she had felt quickly returned.

“What did you wear?”

She sniffled as a raindrop dripped from her nose.
see through negligee and panties.”

“Did he like it?”

“I think so. It took ages to get rid of him.” He had obviously been
aroused, she remembered and she too had felt incredibly turned on afterwards.
She had struggled to end his contrived conversation and get rid of him.

“And the window cleaner?”

“Yes. I took a shower while he was working and did what you asked.”

“What did you do?”

“I dried in the bedroom while he cleaned the windows, pretending that I
hadn’t seen him.”

“How did you feel?”

“You know how I felt. I was embarrassed. I find it all so shameful.”


“You know perfectly well why.”

“Tell me.”

“I have small breasts.”

“Do you think he didn’t like them?”

“I don’t know. He stayed long enough to watch the whole thing.”

Richard was almost smiling now.

“Then, after I’d paid him, I drank the water as you said. I took off
all my clothes and put on my boots and this raincoat and got a taxi to your
office to meet you.”

She stopped then to catch her breath and, legs crossed, held back the
desperate urge that now possessed her.

“I can’t go on much longer. I’m cold and I need to pee.” She knew now
why he had made her drink the water. He wanted to see how long she could last.
Well it had been two hours now and she hurt with the pain of holding it in. She
knew also that he was unlikely to give her the chance to save face.

Finally they turned into the road where they lived. Each step now was
desperately uncomfortable for her.

“And while you were in the shower?” He continued.

“I shaved.” She whispered.

“Good, that was Claire’s idea you know.”

She stopped, stunned.


“Yes, Claire thought that would be a good one. She sent all the text
messages. She sent them for me. I was far too busy. Of course I didn’t know
about her telling you to shave your
until she
told me afterwards”

Karen didn’t know what to think. She had received the text amongst
others and dutifully set about the task of shaving her pubic hair. She had been
aroused by it, thinking she was performing the task for her husband, preparing
herself for his pleasure. She had never imagined that the instruction had come
from that bitch of a secretary of his. How defiled she felt. How humiliated!
The bitch would be sat at home now laughing to herself knowing that Karen had
shaved her pubic hair at the instruction of another woman!

She raced off ahead of Richard, angry now and desperate to get home and
get to the toilet. She turned into the drive and through the darkness saw a car
sat waiting outside the house. She stood in the rain looking at it and, as
Richard arrived by her side, the door of the car opened and out stepped Claire.
She held up a large black leather bag.

“I’ve finished the minutes and I thought I’d drop them over.”

Karen stood with her hands on her face trying to hide her blushing

“Karen, you look rather flustered?” Claire said.

“She’s a bit annoyed about being caught out in the rain.” Richard said.
“Now, those papers I took home. I read them on the bus and……….”

Karen was stupefied. Richard launched into a long conversation with
Claire and as the pair talked she realised that Richard had the keys to the
house. She tried to interrupt but he ignored her.

Finally, clutching her abdomen and legs crossed tightly she said loudly
“I really do need to go into the house Richard! I’m desperate!”

But still he ignored her.

She tried to take the keys from his pocket but he pulled away. And then
suddenly she could help herself no more. As Claire spoke about needing to
establish an account with a new group of city solicitors her words faltered.
Karen gasped and grimaced as her resistance gave way and a stream of urine
gushed from between her legs, splattering over her boots onto the gravel of the
driveway. She stood
like as the stream
continued to flow for more than a minute while Richard and Claire looked on.

Finally, the stream coming to an intermittent trickle down the inside
of her legs, Karen stood staring down at her feet, her bedraggled hair hanging
in dripping lifeless strands, tears rolling down her cheeks.

In silence Richard fished into his coat pocket and held out the keys to
her. She snatched them from him and ran into the house. She ran up to the
bedroom and shut the door. Throwing herself down in a chair she unzipped the
boots and pulled them off. She stood and undid the raincoat, frantic angry
fingers tearing at the awkward buttons. Suddenly the bedroom door opened and
Richard and Claire walked in.

She wanted to scream at them but no sound came from her.

“I think we should help her out of those dirty things.” Claire said
emphasising the word dirty.

Karen was frozen to the spot as Claire dropped her bag to the floor and
came over to her and began undoing the buttons to the coat.

“I really don’t know what to say.” Richard said. “She is an
embarrassment. She really doesn’t know how to behave in public.”

Claire finally sprang free the last button and pulled open the coat.

“Why I never!
She really is pitiful Richard.
Such small tits! I’m not one to boast about my own good fortune, but really.
How do you
Richard?” She said mockingly.
“Barely a hand full.”

Karen felt her knees go weak. Claire pulled the nylon coat free of her
arms and stood back to observe her with an expression of pure contempt.

you look like?” She asked of Karen. “I don’t know how
Richard copes. You blatantly dress like a slut. You have shaven off your pubic
hair like a cheap whore and you have the audacity to just piss yourself
wherever you stand!”

“I also understand that she answers the door to deliverymen in
see-through underwear and changes in the bedroom when the window cleaner is
there at the window, pretending she hasn’t seen him.” Richard added with

“But you, you told me….” Karen started.

“I think” Claire interrupted “that you really need to get a grip of her
Richard and teach her some etiquette.”

“I know.” Richard said with a sigh. “What shall I

“Well a good thrashing wouldn’t do any harm. My father did it to me and
it didn’t do me a
harm ”
Claire said with a twinkle in her eye. Karen didn’t like the look of that
twinkle. It was all very obvious now. She had been tricked. Richard and Claire
had conspired to this whole situation.

Claire turned and picked up her bag. Opening it she teasingly produced
a riding crop. Karen began to plead with Richard that things had gone too far.
There was still time to stop and forget all about what had happened. Her words
caught in her throat as Claire pushed her roughly onto the bed and rolled her
over onto her front. Karen was taken aback by the

“Richard, please,
her!” She begged.

A sudden stinging pain struck her buttocks and she cried out. As she
drew breath another
of air was followed by
another blow across her buttocks. Karen jerked in response to the pain, trying
to rise up off of the bed but a hand pushed her back down.

“Little sluts get what they deserve.” Claire said.

Another strike of the crop caught Karen in the crease where thigh meets
buttock. She yelled loudly the pain smarting. Again she tried to rise but was
forced back down. Now Richard appeared in front of her and with a pair of
stockings bound her wrists together and tied them to the bedpost. Karen was
swearing at him and pleading with him at the same time. A rising heat burned
suddenly across her buttocks. Claire took hold of her ankle and tied a stocking
around that too, pulling her leg to the edge of the bed and fastening it to the
. Karen tried vainly to wriggle free before
Richard took her other ankle and using another stocking secured it to the
of the bed. Now her legs were spread
apart and Karen realised she was totally exposed. Another biting pain followed
it as the crop swept down with even more vigour.

“There!” gasped Claire “Now you’ll stop still while I teach you some

Again she lashed Karen’s buttocks and the pain rose through her body
followed by the burning sensation that spread from the welts and soaked into
her, stimulating her. Karen gasped. She hated it.
Hated Richard.
Hated what they were
doing to her. But it was there.
A stirring sensation in her
She felt it, knew it. No matter how she denied it she could feel
it. She was wet.
She wanted out.
Wanted them to leave her alone, to stop.
But she wanted it
to continue. She felt the throbbing in her clitoris.

Another strike from the crop and she pushed her
down hard against the bed trying to get some purchase, some direct stimulation
on her clitoris.
What am I doing?
astonished at the betrayal by her own body.

“Oh Fuck!” She gasped aloud. Suddenly the pain was not all consuming,
her arousal was taking over.

“Cheap slutty words!
You’re a foul mouthed
slut!” Claire yelled as she swung down once more with the crop.

“Fucking bitch!”
Karen screamed.

Claire laughed and lashed her three times in quick succession. It hurt,
it burned,
she was lost in a wonderful swimming

“Look!” Claire blurted out suddenly. She pushed the head of the crop
between Karen’s open legs. “Look, she’s wet.
The whore!”

Karen shuddered at the touch of the crop. Richard put a hand down and
touched her, feeling the moisture between her swollen lips. She gasped loudly
and tried to push herself down onto his fingers. Claire snatched his hand away.

“Don’t encourage the little slut” She said her voice taking on a new
more teasing tone. “I haven’t finished with her yet. Now Karen, how many lashes
do you think a bad slut like you deserves?”

Karen was about to scream at Claire that she deserved none of this, but
something held those words back. Her cunt was throbbing, aching to be
satisfied. She had never felt so aroused.

“Fuck you bitch!” She said instead.

Again the crop stung across her buttocks and she cried out.

“How many?”
Claire asked.

“Fuck you!” This time the crop struck across one thigh at an angle, the
tip almost catching Karen directly on one of her cunt lips. She shuddered
uncontrollably. To her surprised she almost wanted to feel the bite of the crop
on her aching naked cunt.

“How many?”
Claire repeated.

“Six!” Karen heard herself speak the words but had no idea why she had
chosen that number.

Shocked with herself she turned her head to look at Richard through a
tangle of tousled hair. He was sat in the chair next to the bed and had removed
his trousers. He had his cock in his hand and was manipulating himself as he
watched her. She had never seen him look so aroused.

“Six?” Claire repeated her words. “Six it is then!”

Karen tossed her head to shake the hair from her eyes and bit her lip
as she looked across at Richard. She heard the
of air followed by the stifling pain of the first strike as Claire counted

“Two!” Claire continued to count. Somewhere three and four became lost
in the mist of pleasure and pain that swam about Karen’s body. The fifth strike
was harder than any of those that had come before and Karen arched up on the bed
in response, a gurgled cry coming from somewhere deep inside her. As she
relaxed again the burning heat ate into her buttocks and thighs and worked its
way to her clitoris, she looked at Richard again and watched as he responded by
stroking his rigid erect cock feverishly.

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