Read Shamed Online

Authors: Theresa Taylor

Shamed (22 page)

“Yes, yes. I’m doing that.” Her tone had tightened and her breathing
shortened. It felt so good. Her clitoris was begging her for more attention.

“I want you to play with your clit, Samantha.” McDonnell’s voice was
deep and quite.

She had no idea why she was obeying him but Samantha began to circle
her finger over her clit in a slow steady motion.  Normally she would have
been perturbed to be in such a confined space and so close to other people, in
her present predicament even more so, but she realised instead that the
proximity and the touching of bodies, as unavoidable and unintended as it was,
was adding to her arousal. The balls squirmed around inside her and she had to
hold her breath to control herself. She found the thought of her current
predicament and the ignorance of those around her was a powerful turn on. It
was a new sensation to her. What if she were to come right now? Right here
amongst them. Would she be able to hide it, suppress it? Oh, God. What a
thought. Or would she scream like a banshee as her orgasm flooded through her?
What on earth would they think!

“You sound breathless Samantha.” McDonnell said.

Her response was more of a gasp. Her bottom lip was clamped firmly
between her teeth. Her knees were starting to give way and she struggled to
hold herself erect. She realised she was leaning more against the man whom her
breast was pressed into. She felt an overwhelming desire to rub against him.

“You sound very turned on.” McDonnell breathed into the earpiece.


“Would you like to stop?” He asked her. She wasn’t sure if it was a
trick. If she said yes, would he make her carry on? Again she was stunned by
the man’s control over her, why was she letting him do this? And what if he did
tell her to carry on? Would she do it?

“You may stop then.” He told her. She was disturbed by her own disappointment.

She slowly slid her hand away, her fingers wet; her clitoris screaming
out to her to finish the job as she felt a trickle of her juices seep down
between her thighs towards her knees. Her breathing was ragged and she fought
keenly to bring it under control.

   The lift came to the ground floor and as the doors opened
the group pushed out leaving her alone again. She quickly pressed the button to
close the doors and felt the lift move downwards towards the garage.

“Have your friends gone?” McDonnell asked her.


“A shame.
They might have enjoyed that if I’d
let you carry on. You did want to carry on didn’t you?” It was a rhetorical

Samantha didn’t answer. She wanted to scream at him. She didn’t know
how he was making her do these
even with the
obvious threat to her career she should have just stood her ground. She felt
like she had let it happen to her. She should have been stronger; fought back.
But for some reason she had been complicit, she had co-operated. Despite what her
conscience told her, her anxiety had taken a hold and she was acting
irrationally; taking his orders and somehow, in a way that was far beyond her
comprehension she was so aroused she couldn’t even trust herself to stop.

As she stepped out into the stark concrete underground space she became
aware of the smell of petrol and the change of temperature. It rose beneath her
skirt reminding her of how wet she was and she noticed her nipples contract;
when she looked down they were incredibly prominent. She waited a moment to
check that no-one was about before starting to walk towards her car. Her pulse
was at a continuous high and she was struggling to go more than a few paces now
without feeling a tremor begin to rise within her. She stood still a
knees pressed together and fought it off.

“What are you doing Samantha?”

“I’m trying to get to my car.” She gasped.

“Good girl. Try not to come on the way there.” McDonnell

 Slowly, short step by short step she reached her car. She opened
the door and leaned in to retrieve her files, gasping loudly as she bent and
the balls squirmed around inside her and her muscles fought to contain them in
the new position. At one point she nearly gave in and it was only the thought
of having to crawl on her hands and knees to retrieve one of the balls from
beneath one of the nearby cars that gave her the determination to stop it. She
knelt on the back seat for some moments, her hand between her legs, blocking
their exit.

“Do you have the files?”

“Yes.” She groaned.

“Ok, change of plan. I want you to return via the front entrance.”

Carefully she managed to extricate herself from the car and standing
straight once more realised the magnitude of her next objective.

“No, please!” She begged him.

“Samantha. Do as I ask.”

“I can’t, please! It’s too far. I’ll have to go up the ramp and out
onto the street.” She looked at herself, the dishevelled cum stained blouse,
still damp and effectively see through in places.

“Or, you can just get into your car and drive off home. We call it
quits. We say goodbye.”

Samantha whimpered.
What do you sound like?
She scolded herself.


“Ok. Ok, I’ll do it.”   

It was a slow, excruciating walk through the garage to the
required her to
extend her stride as she climbed. Her lower body was now almost in spasm. She
was desperate to come but knew if she did there was no way she could hold the
objects within her.  Carefully she eased her way to the top and finally
stepped out onto the sidewalk. Now she had new dangers to contend with.
Samantha took time to allow herself to steady her breathing, keeping a still as
possible to minimise the effect of the balls. It was incredibly difficult. When
at last she felt in check of herself again, she headed for the main entrance to
the building. It wasn’t far but now she was aware of passing people looking at
her. Some glanced candidly, others stared openly. Samantha simply tried to
blank her appearance from her mind. Blank it all. As fast as she was able she
reached the steps leading up to the large glass doors. She was brought up
quickly by the sudden spasms in her womb and the wrench of a ball as it
attempted to escape. Several people stopped and looked at her as she held on to
a streetlight, her face in a grimace, fighting back her orgasm. Was it
possible? Could you come in broad daylight out there on the street, amongst
strangers? It was something that Samantha had never even contemplated before
but right now she was certain that it would take very little for her to do
exactly that.

Slowly, steadily, driven as much by embarrassment now as by anger she
worked her way up the steps. She stared blankly ahead, her concentration
focused on maintaining control, ignoring the stares and curious looks of the
pedestrians she passed. She could see old George on reception through the glass
panes, sat behind his desk, watching her all the way as she climbed. As she
passed by his desk, he nodded to her, his face wracked with curiosity but she
ignored him. She summoned the lift and shut the doors quickly when it arrived.
With her eyes shut and her head tilted back she recited a poem she knew as the
elevator climbed back to the 15
floor. McDonnell spoke to her
occasionally, confirming where she was, asking how she was feeling. How turned
on was she? Were the balls still in place? Did she like it?

When the doors opened it took her a few seconds to get going again. She
could see McDonnell’s office and Hilary sat at her desk but it seemed so much
further away than before. Her own juices were flooding down the inside of her
thighs and down her legs, so much so that she could feel the moisture inside
her shoes now. She took a step, the balls moved inside her. She felt a tremor.
Please, just let me get back to the office!

At last, holding
rigid, taking tiny
little pigeon steps she came alongside Hilary’s desk.

“He said to go right on in.” She said.

Samantha gave her a hateful look then trod carefully forward towards
the door.

“Oh, and by the way.” Hilary said turning to face her. She touched her
finger to a place on her chin and gave a smarmy smile. “You have something on
your chin.”

Samantha reached up and dabbed at the spot indicated by Hilary. A long
string of cum came away on her finger tip.
Oh my God!
She felt her face
burn up, her stomach did a somersault, shame washed over her. She had walked
through the building, been out in public; with
cum on her chin. Samantha turned away sharply and stormed into
office, Hilary’s laughter ringing in her ears.
With the rapid movement and her mind distracted, she was too late to react to
the renewed pressure of the balls bearing down. As she stood just inside the
door a golden golf ball burst out from inside her and landed with a heavy wet
thud on the carpet.

McDonnell was stood beside his desk. He glared at her and then at the
golf ball. She was panting and visibly shaking, fighting to hold back the pent
up explosion within her.

“Samantha? I’m really disappointed.” He said.

“You fucking bastard!” she rasped breathlessly.

He laughed loudly and paced towards her. “Sit down on the couch.” He
ordered as he took the cell phone and the Carson Accounts file away from her.

Slowly she made her way over to the couch, her knees shaking.

“Take off your clothes Samantha.” He ordered.

“Go fuck yourself!” she cussed back.

“All of them Samantha.”
He ordered, ignoring
her. “Take them all off.”

She dragged a sleeve across her flushed face, wiping a tangle of hair
from her eyes. He stood silently waiting.

Belligerently she stripped off her blouse, feeling it peel away from
the bonding semen that made it cling to her breasts and stomach. She wriggled
out of her skirt until it dropped and then kicked it across the room.

“Come on then!” She yelled at him. “Take me. Take what you want and
leave... me... alone
!” The last three words were dragged out in
emphasis. “Just fuck me and get it over and done with!”

“Sit down.” He said quietly.

She sat – feeling her nakedness, her vulnerability now amplified; if
Hilary was to walk in now!

“How are you feeling Samantha?” he asked. She grimaced and shook her
head. “Let me guess. Embarrassed?
Can’t believe that anyone can treat you like this and get away with it?”

Her eyes met his in a long steady stare.


“Who said you can get away with it?” She spat.

“You are aroused aren’t you? You
are hating
like there is no tomorrow are desperate to fucking come. Am I
right Samantha?” She turned her head away from him cursing his intuition. “You
are desperate to come right? You want to me say that you can.”

She looked at him again, her eyes betraying her now. She had been given
hope, a hope of appeasing her overwhelming need, of the gratification that the
offer promised. 

 “I’d like you to put yourself in my shoes for moment Samantha.”
He began. “Imagine you are the boss of the company and you have spent years
nurturing an account with a client who brings millions of dollars to your
business every year.” He paused a moment for her to consider this. “Then one
day the account manager screws up. Fucks up the figures and leaves you in an
almighty hole. The client is pissed, you are embarrassed. Highly fucking
embarrassed! And there is a risk that the client may take his business

“I’m sorry.” Samantha said weakly. She was exhausted, her emotions
roller coasting between concern over the account and her apparent failure and the
almost uncontrollable state of arousal she was in.

“What would you do Samantha? How would you react?”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on! How would you respond to that Samantha?
one of your team fucked up like that?”

“I’d have his ass.” She said, wriggling on the couch trying to control
the two heavy balls that still tormented and teased her inside. She wasn’t sure
that sitting down was any easier than standing when it came to holding them in.

“You’d have his ass.” McDonnell repeated her words quietly.

“Yes.” She said almost immediately but it was far too late as she
realised the trap she had just walked into.
“Oh, no!
, no, no. Don’t even think......”

“Who’s giving the orders here Samantha?
You ?”

“No, she said stymied by the catch she was falling into. “You do; but
there’s no way....”

“So close Samantha.” McDonnell interrupted.
“So near
to closure on this thing.
One more little thing and then we hang it out
to dry. Forget it. Brush it under the carpet.
Your choice,

“But......but I’ve never....” She stared up at him. He was serious. She
could read it in his face. As her eyes fell she noticed the definition of his
cock, hard and erect, straining within his trousers. Her arousal called to her
again and the damned balls inside her wouldn’t stay still.

She asked weakly. “Then it’s

confirmed brightly.

He told her to
she followed his
instructions now as if in a trance. He turned her to face the couch and made
her kneel on it. Her heart was pounding once again in her chest, her head
screaming at her to wake up and get out of this situation. Her clitoris
screamed out for her to let him do it.

She felt his hands on her buttocks, spreading them, touching her most
intimate of places.

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