Read Secrets and Seduction: 5 Romance Novels Online

Authors: Shay Lacy

Tags: #romance, #Suspense

Secrets and Seduction: 5 Romance Novels (76 page)

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What he thought about himself was wrong, but he wouldn’t believe her if she told him so. Grief did strange things to people. Look at her father, protecting her like a child long after she’d grown up.

But in essence, Charlie had killed himself to arise from the ashes as someone else. She’d thought because he smiled the same that he
the same, but he was different inside. Hurting, though he’d never admit it, vulnerable, needy, lonely. How she knew that last, she couldn’t say, but she knew it intuitively.

Juliana lifted her gaze. “Is that why you won’t call Rick?”

Charlie nodded. “The wrong brother died. But they can’t see what I’ve done to atone.”

His words slammed into her like bullets. “They can’t know if you don’t tell them.”

“They won’t believe me. You didn’t.”

“I’m sorry. I thought I knew you so well.” But she didn’t know this Charlie at all.

“I’m not that man anymore. I use parts of him in my job, that’s all. When I’m successful, they’ll have to believe.”

She wanted—needed—to comfort him, but she didn’t think he’d accept it. Not overtly given, at least. She collected the tape and bandages and returned them to the shopping bag. “That bandage should be changed every few hours. Can you do it yourself or do you want to come back here so I can take care of it?”

Charlie sat up, holding his arm against his chest and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He looked like a sultan with his dark hair and tanned skin. Hunger stirred in her lower body.

“I need you to come with me,” he said.

“To take care of your wound?”

“No.” He shook his head. “To find the sculpture.”

“You can’t go back there!”

“I can if I attend the wedding. Me and my wife.”

“You said that before. What are you talking about?”

“I’m Joseph Castleton. You’re my wife, Camille. The Castletons are real people. We’re out-of-town guests of the Montgomerys staying at the Hilton.”

“You’re crazy. They’ll know we’re not the Castletons.”

“They won’t. They’ve invited five hundred people. They won’t know everybody by sight. We’ll be transported with the other guests and no one will be the wiser.”

“What if—”

Charlie stood and wavered for a moment. Juliana slipped an arm around him to steady him. He gave her a sheepish grin. “I have to return to the Hilton tonight, and you have to come with me. I’m probably a danger on the road and I’m unsteady on my feet. Besides, you want to get into that wedding as much as I do.”

Juliana bit her lip. It was true. She did want the sculpture. And she was worried about Charlie’s current state.

“I need you, Juliana.”

She stared into his blue eyes. Knowing what she did now, she thought he might not realize how much he needed her. And she admitted it; she needed to be needed by him.

“All right. Sit back down while I pack.”

He did, with alacrity. “What kind of fancy dresses do you have?” He was unselfconscious about his nudity.

She had to clear her throat and tear her gaze away. “I have a few.”

“Show me.”

She pulled out her “little black dress.” It had a flounce at the knees, for dancing. It plunged in a deep ruffled V-neck.

Charlie shook his head. “Next.”

She pulled out her red sheath dress with the red beaded bolero. “It has a hat.”

“That one has potential.”

He rejected a flowered dress, a two-piece beige suit, and her short, sexy red-and-black salsa dress. His eyes widened and he licked his lips at a fringed off-one-shoulder, off-one-hip, melon-colored dancing dress.

“It reminds me of the skirt you had on yesterday when we made love,” he said.

Her lower body heated with desire. Without her willing it, she looked at his lap, where his cock was showing signs of life. She tore her gaze away. His eyes glittered with sensual knowledge of what they’d shared together when they were naked.

Juliana shuddered and turned back to her closet. The final dress still had tags on it. She held it against her body as she stood before the full-length mirror. It was a knee-length sleeveless cream V-neck, the material shirred below her breasts into a diamond-shaped jewel. She gathered up her hair with her free hand, frowning.

“It’s perfect!” Charlie exclaimed with enthusiasm from behind her, adding, “Camille.”

“Are you sure? It wasn’t expensive.”

“It’s the small touches that make people think you paid more for it. Do you have diamond jewelry?”


“Good. We’ll have to hope no one notices we don’t have wedding rings.”

“I’ve got my parents’ rings. My papá gave them to me before he married my
Dolores.” She rooted in her jewelry box.

“Your dad married your aunt?”

She lifted her head. “My mamá’s sister. I stayed with her after, you know, my dad caught us, until my papá moved near her. We were over there all the time. And one thing led to another. I’ve got two little half-brothers now.” She shrugged. “She’s a great stepmother, although I still think of her as my
. Here,” she handed him her father’s thick gold band.

Juliana slipped on her mother’s rings, a more delicate pair of interlocking bands with a large round diamond. She held her hand out for him to see. “Not ostentatious. My father bought them in Europe on his way back from the Korean War.”

Charlie swallowed. “I think Camille has a practical streak.” He slipped her father’s ring on his hand. It was very loose.

“My dad’s a bigger man than you.”

Charlie looked up and smiled that sexy grin. “There you go demeaning my manhood again.”

“I’ve found your manhood to be absolutely perfect.”

His blue eyes heated. “I wish we had time to see how perfect, but we need to get to the Hilton while it’s still dark. The fewer people who see us arrive the better.”

“Can I get a rain check?” she asked.


When they arrived at the Hilton with Juliana’s luggage in tow, Charlie insisted they enter through the front lobby.

“I thought the less people who saw us the better,” Juliana said.

“We had a little too much to drink at the party we attended. If I’m unsteady on my feet, the party will account for it. If you laugh out loud, it will help our cover story. And if I get a little amorous, all the more reason for us to hang the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door.”

“You’re really good at this.”

“Wait’ll we get to the room and I show you how good I am.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Ready?”

“Yes.” She slid her free arm around his waist. He pulled her suitcase. She carried her garment bag.

They staggered into the lobby. Juliana had changed into white capris, a peach off-the-shoulder top and white high-heeled sandals. With Charlie leaning into her, there was every reason to teeter.

“C’mon, only a little further and then you can lie down,” Juliana coaxed, in character.

Charlie leaned more of his weight against her and she had to shift to keep them both upright. Was he feeling light-headed or just playacting?

“I’m not drunk,” he slurred so perfectly that anyone within hearing distance would know he was. “I’m just feeling good.”

“C’mon, darling. Let’s go to bed.”

Charlie’s smile was so damn sexy it curled her toes. “I love it when you talk dirty.” Then he kissed her long and deep. This time her panties curled. Their room was too far away. Maybe she’d attack him in the elevator.

A man cleared his throat nearby. Juliana broke apart from Charlie trying to orient her mind. She had to remind herself they were playacting. Until they reached their room, at least.

A bellhop stood beside them. “Would you like help with your luggage?” The young Latino looked like he was fighting a smile.

“If you would.” Juliana handed him her garment bag and took her suitcase from Charlie’s lax grip, turning that over as well. She slid her arm around Charlie’s waist and headed him to the elevator.

He nuzzled her neck while they waited and caressed her back from her neck to her buttocks the whole ride up to their floor. Her nerve endings sent urgent messages to her lower body and made her panties wet. Her nipples pebbled in the air conditioning.

“We should have come back hours ago, Camille,” Charlie murmured.

“Joe, behave yourself for a few more minutes.”

The bellhop did smile then.

They made it to the room. Charlie tipped the bellhop and Juliana managed to remind him, “Would you put on the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign please and tell the front desk to hold our calls.”

But the door had no sooner closed then Charlie gripped her to him for a fierce kiss. Full frontal press showed her he was primed and ready to go. Her body felt needy. She ached to feel his deep thrusts. It seemed a long time since they’d been joined.

Charlie maneuvered them to the bed. All the time his lips sucked at hers with hungry, urgent need. His hands delved under her blouse and closed over her aching breasts. It felt so good she cried out into his mouth. She tugged his shirt out of his pants and unsnapped his black jeans. When she lowered his zipper, he hissed. She rose on her toes as he stroked her nipples with his thumbs. Still, their lips clung together. She wanted their lower bodies mated, too.

She pushed his jeans and underwear down. As he kicked them away, she gripped his erect cock in both hands. It was hot and silky smooth. She caressed it with worshipping hands.

Charlie worked her out of her capris and panties. Together they pulled her shirt over her head and threw off his blazer and T-shirt. His gaze burned with desire.

Then he pushed her down on the bed and followed her. Juliana opened her legs to receive him, and he plunged inside.

“God,” he groaned, adjusting his body on hers and pushing harder into her. “I’ve needed this all day.”

Juliana wrapped her arms around him and pressed her hips upward. Charlie thrust hard and deep. She needed this joining, needed to finish what they’d begun earlier today. She met each thrust with her own.

“So good,” he panted.

It was rough, it was urgent. Their bodies slapped together. “Hurry, Jules. I can’t hold on.” He thrust deep.

Her orgasm washed over her and drew him in. They strained together as their bodies convulsed, clutching each other.

Then the moment ended. They collapsed, panting.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he panted.

“Let me catch my breath and you can have me again.”

Charlie lifted his head and caught her face between his hands. His blue eyes were nearly black. “I want to try to get into the house with the florist or the caterer. They both make deliveries in the morning. I don’t know when exactly. Will you go with me?”

“All right.”

He kissed her hard. “I need you.”

“You have me.”

“This might be our last night together.”

“Then we’d better make the most of it.”

“I don’t want to sleep.” He began to move inside her and he was hard and full once more.

“I don’t want to sleep either.”

Juliana clutched Charlie to her as he began to thrust slow and deep. She’d never had a connection like she had when she made love with him. And she didn’t want it to end.


Salsa music jerked Juliana awake, but something heavy prevented her from moving. Awareness identified the weight as Charlie pinning her to the bed, his hands entwined with hers on either side of her head. He was still buried deep in her body. She must have dozed off after they’d made love that last time. The clock read nine-thirty.

“What is it?” Charlie tightened his hold on her. His voice was groggy.

“My cell phone.” It continued to play music.

“Ignore it.” He shifted on her and in her, testing the size of his erection, which was growing larger.

“It’s nine-thirty. What time are those deliveries? Hadn’t we better get up?”

“I’m up.” His erection was hard now, and he filled her.

Her cell phone quieted. “As much as I want to make love to you again, Charlie, if we can get the sculpture before the wedding, it would be better.”

“Better than making love?” He thrust deep.

“No. But safer.” It came out a squeak. “Couldn’t we make love in the shower to move things along?” Her cell phone began to play again.

“Insistent bugger,” he grumbled.

His grip on her tightened to near pain and he pressed fully inside her. Then he stilled as they both listened to the phone. His breaths were audible. His body quivered with tension. The world was intruding on their idyll, and they both knew what needed to be done.

“I don’t want to stop,” he said.

“I don’t either, but if it’s safer to go in with the florist or caterer, we have to try.”

Still, he fought his body.

“We’ll still be able to make love in the shower,” she reminded him.

Charlie withdrew slowly from her body, leaving her feeling empty inside. He helped her from the bed. Her hips ached.

As he headed for the bathroom, she grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand. “Hello?”

“Juliana, it’s Detective Montoya.”

“Hello, Detective.”

Charlie turned and gave her a sharp look.

“I was able to get a press pass for the wedding,” Montoya said. “But still no luck on getting a photo. However, after last night it’s more important than ever we get that relic off the market.”

Her breath caught. “What happened last night?”

“Didn’t you hear the news this morning?”

“No, I slept in.”

“There was a shootout at a crack house. Two cops were killed before the perps blew up the house. One more was hurt in the explosion.”

“Oh no! Any of your department?”

“No, another precinct. But we all feel it when men in blue go down. We can’t have more of that shit pouring into the city. I know you understand. Can’t you try to find the relic without a photo? Won’t you try?”

Juliana closed her eyes and sighed. “I know what the relic looks like.” She opened her eyes to see betrayal in Charlie’s.

“How?” Detective Montoya demanded.

“I’ve been helping Detective Ziffkin’s brother find a stolen object. It’s the relic.”

“My God, what luck. Then we have nothing to worry about. I’ll drop the press pass at your house . . . ”

BOOK: Secrets and Seduction: 5 Romance Novels
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