Read Rule of Three Online

Authors: Kelly Jamieson

Rule of Three (16 page)

“You sore, babe?” he asked, voice husky.

“A little.” She lifted her head to look at him over her shoulder, letting the invitation show in her eyes. “But I’m okay.”

She gave one last nip to Dag’s flat brown nipple then scooted down his body to take him in her mouth. She pushed his thighs wide with an urge to explore him, all of him, and her fingers found his tight balls, stroked over the soft flesh, lightly furred, tugged experimentally. She got another low groan, so her fingers continued playing as her mouth tasted him.

“Fuck me, Chris,” she said, long moments later. “While I suck on Dag.”

“Oh yeah.”

She let her fingers wander lower, behind Dag’s balls, and to her surprise, Dag lifted his hips to let her. She stroked around the puckered hole of his anus, remembering the sensations that had evoked in her last night. Was it as pleasurable for him? She hesitated, because once she’d tried this with Chris and he’d immediately stopped her from touching him there. She guessed some men didn’t like it, but Dag seemed to…love it. In fact, he pulled his legs back even farther.

“Yeah, baby, oh yeah…” His next words shocked her. “Lick me there. Lick my balls…” And when she did… “Fuck! Oh yeah!”

She dragged her tongue over the loose skin, felt the solid roundness inside, sucked one into her mouth and let it pop out. God, oh god, she loved doing this! She sucked his other testicle, then held his cock up, pushed his balls up too, and licked the taut skin below, inhaling the musky male scent of him there in that most intimate of places. Daringly she kissed his ass cheeks with nibbling kisses and then firmer sucks.

His moans of pleasure, his muttered words of encouragement drove her on and she buried her face there, licking and sucking while Chris entered her from behind. She was so wet he slid inside easily even though her flesh was still swollen and tender. She wished Chris would let her do this, because it felt so good, tasted so good, felt so absolutely giving and caring.

She licked her way back up and took Dag in her mouth, as far as she could anyway, he was so broad and heavy, but she continued to play with his ass with her fingers, daringly even inserting the tip of one finger into his hole. He gasped then groaned with pleasure, and her fingers moved in and out in small thrusts as she sucked him.

Chris filled her from behind, in the position she loved because of the deeper angle, the spot that he hit with every pounding stroke that lit her up inside and started the shimmering glow, the faint buzz of an orgasm beginning. Everything inside her tightened and then she lost her rhythm, her focus, too much to keep fucking Dag’s ass with her finger while she sucked him, she just couldn’t do it. Her orgasm exploded in her womb, sensation bursting through her body over every nerve ending, leaving her limp and breathless. Then Chris came too, holding her hips against him as he erupted inside her. “Kassidy, god, Kass, you feel good.”

When she could, she took Dag in her mouth again, holding her hand tight at the base of his cock, resuming her fingering of his ass, and sucked on him with greedy recklessness.

“Deeper…” Dag grunted, hips lifting. “Just a little…with your finger…deeper…yeah, oh yeah, right there. Jesus!” Then he too spurted, into her mouth, hot and tangy on the back of her tongue.

Chris held his weight off her until she released Dag. Did he know what she was doing to Dag with her fingers? The naughty act thrilled her to her core, and she wished Chris had seen it. Then Chris collapsed over her, rolling her to Dag’s side, once again the three of them a sweaty satisfied pile of bodies.

Chapter Thirteen


For the first time, Dag felt like he belonged there in Chris and Kassidy’s bed. He’d moved his stuff from the hotel to their place the day before, and when they’d all drifted off into exhausted, sated sleep, it felt good to know he had nowhere else to be. Just there. With them.

In the morning, he recognized how dangerous those thoughts were. What the fuck was he doing? Why had he agreed to stay with them? This was getting so much deeper than he’d even contemplated, but ultimately where could it go?

No fucking where. That’s where. His gut cramped as he lay there, gradually rising to wakefulness from the depths of sleep. Chris and Kassidy continued to sleep, Kassidy between them as usual.

Yet it felt like somewhere. It felt like home.

Confusion twisted inside him. He had to start being honest with himself about what he wanted. Coming back to Chicago had been all about Chris—seeing him again, finding out if things had changed. Instead, he’d found Chris in a serious relationship with a woman, which had told him—no, things hadn’t changed.

And yet, Dag found himself changing. Yeah, his feelings for Chris were still there. Dammit. Still big and powerful and completely beyond reach. But Kassidy was within reach. And, as in the past, if he could be with Chris as long as he was with someone else too, he’d take it. Except he hadn’t counted on the feelings for Kassidy he’d developed.

Her sweetness and compassion pulled at him. Her acceptance of him and even, mind bogglingly, her willingness to let him into their bed.

It wasn’t what he’d planned. He hadn’t even imagined this happening.

Kassidy stirred beside him, and once again, she and Dag were awake in the bed before Chris. When she saw he was awake, she turned into his arms and snuggled into him. He wrapped her up, held on to her, last night having been a pinnacle of both joy and self-deception for him. Because he hadn’t just been fucking Kassidy—he’d been fucking Chris too.

Feeling Chris move inside Kassidy, their bodies moving together like they were fucking each other with her between them, had almost made Dag’s heart explode. The joy he’d experienced had been amplified at seeing the pleasure on Chris’s face, but it had been ramped up times ten seeing Kassidy’s ecstasy too.

Kassidy’s hand curled around his shoulder, their legs entwined, and Dag’s heart turned over in his chest as he realized just how much he’d come to care for this woman.

Now not only did he have to leave Chris behind when he eventually left, but her too. How the hell was he going to survive that?

He wasn’t one for commitment. He liked moving on—to the next new adventure, the next thrill, the next challenge. There was no way in hell he could be thinking about something long term, with anybody, never mind with both Chris
Kassidy. He felt like fingers had wrapped around his throat and were squeezing, and he forced his muscles to relax. Kassidy lifted her head and looked up at him as if sensing his discomfort.

“You might be sore today,” he said in a low voice.

She smiled. “I might be. That’s okay.” Then she buried her face against his chest, and mumbled, “I can’t believe we did that.”

For a good girl, she’d been doing a lot of dirty things lately. Including what she’d done to him. He got the feeling she wasn’t entirely at ease with all of this, despite the willingness with which she participated in their three-way sex. He stroked a hand up and down her smooth back.


“Shh.” He pushed her head back down, kept moving his hands over her. “It’s okay, Kass.”

They lay like that for a while, his hand moving down over the curve of her smooth little ass, back up and into her hair, and down again until her hips started moving against his thigh and he knew she was getting hot again. He lifted her chin and found her mouth, kissed her in long, lush kisses. She tried to press her pussy against him and he knew what she wanted. What she needed.

He reached out and gave Chris a smack on the shoulder. Because it had to be all three of them. “Wha…?” Chris mumbled, opening eyes blurry with sleep.

“Kassidy needs you,” Dag said. “Wake up.”

Chris lay there blinking, his mouth soft. “Jesus, man, I was sound asleep.”

But they started playing, soft and slow, slumberous and lazy, with long, wet kisses, gentle touches and low sounds of pleasure. Dag drifted on a hum of arousal, in no hurry, just taking time to find all the places that made Kassidy sigh and quiver. He wanted to know them all, wanted to be able to please her, absorbing the scent of her, the sound of her pleasure and the feel of her skin soft and silky beneath his fingertips.

Until the doorbell rang.

His body went still.

“Jesus, who the hell is that?” Chris muttered against Kassidy’s tummy. She groaned.

“Ignore it,” Dag said, his tongue in her ear.


But it rang again, and then Kassidy’s cell phone buzzed on the dresser across the room.

“Oh, for…” She threw herself back onto the pillows and blew out a breath. “What if it’s Dad? If something’s wrong…”

“I’ll go,” Chris said, tossing back the covers. He swung his long legs out of bed, grabbed for a pair of boxers and pulled them on, half-hopping across the room, his hard-on making it difficult to pull them up. He cursed and disappeared out of the bedroom.

Kassidy bit her lip and looked at Dag. He smiled. “It’s okay, baby.” He stroked her hair off her face. “Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s nothing.”

She cast a worried glance at the alarm clock. “It’s almost noon,” she said. “I didn’t realize how late it is.” The blinds on the window kept the room nice and dark for lazy late mornings. If they wanted to keep Chris, the morning man, in bed, they had to keep the room dark.

Voices carried from the door down the hall, Chris’s and a feminine voice.

“Shit!” Kassidy sat bolt upright. “It’s Hailey!”

Dag’s brows shot up.

“What the hell’s she doing here?” She started to scramble out of the sheets, but he grabbed her wrist.

“Chris’ll get rid of her.” He fucking better get rid of her.

“But, what if… I don’t know why she’s here.” She turned her pretty face to him, squinting, mouth turned down.

He sighed. “Yeah. Go see.”

She was just getting out of bed when he heard steps in the hall. He turned his head, expecting to see Chris telling her Hailey was there, but his heart slammed to a stop when he saw Kassidy’s sister appear in the open door.

Just as Kassidy climbed naked from the bed in which he was lying, also naked.

Chapter Fourteen


Kassidy froze. Well, first she froze, icy and motionless. Then fiery heat swept over her naked body as she stared into her sister’s eyes.

Hailey looked as shocked as she did. Chris appeared behind her, dressed in his plaid boxers, his hand in his hair, mouth open.

Hailey’s eyes shifted to Dag, and Kassidy didn’t even need to turn around to know exactly what she saw—his long, lean and very naked body only half covered by the sheets, his hair rumpled, his jaw morning sexy with a dark growth of beard.

Her heart crashed into a rapid beat. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Chris pushed past Hailey and grabbed Kassidy’s robe, strode toward her and shielded her from her sister, handing her the robe. She took it automatically, her face burning, breath coming in shallow little spurts.

“What the hell is going on here?” Hailey finally asked. She turned dark eyes to Chris with a long, appraising look, then back to Kassidy, and the corners of her mouth kicked up. “Kassidy. Well, well, well. I cannot believe this.”

What could she say? Helplessly she tied the belt of the robe and looked at Chris, then back at Hailey. The words “it’s not what it looks like” came to mind, but that was such a lame cliché and so patently untrue. It was totally what it looked like.

“Why are you here, Hailey?” Kassidy finally managed to get some words over her tight lips. “It’s not like you to be out so early on a Sunday.”

“Yeah. I know.” She shrugged. “I came to see if you were going over to Mom and Dad’s today. I’ll go with you.”

“Jesus. You could’ve called first.”

“And missed this?” One eyebrow arched. “Are you kidding me?” She folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the doorframe, eyes moving over both male bodies.

“Hailey. This is…” She swallowed. “This is private.”

“Oh yeah.”

“I mean…don’t tell anyone…” Oh god. “Especially Mom and Dad.” She tried to keep the panic out of her voice because it never failed, if Hailey knew something was important to her, she didn’t want her to have it, and if Hailey knew Kassidy didn’t want her to do something, she’d do it for sure.

Please, Hailey,
she begged inside her head.

She shrugged and straightened. “Are you going over there or not?”

“I actually wasn’t planning to today.”

“What? The good little daughter isn’t going over to check on her injured mother?”

“I’ve been there almost every day for the last two weeks. Dad’s there with her today; I think they can manage one day.” Then she frowned. “What do you need me there for? Go over by yourself. You haven’t even been once.”

“Yeah.” Hailey’s eyes fell away from Kassidy’s and her mocking smile disappeared. “I’ve been busy. I guess I’ll do that.”

Kassidy led Hailey out of the bedroom, with a roll of her eyes at Chris and Dag over her shoulder as she did so. She took her straight to the door.

“Not offering me coffee, even?” Hailey asked, amusement shading her voice. “I guess you’re anxious to get back to…whatever the three of you were doing. In bed.”

“Hailey.” Kassidy’s insides churned. “I…” Once again she didn’t know what to say. She’d been caught. In the act.
Flagrante delicto
—was that the term? In a scandalous liaison with Chris and his best friend. She wanted to believe she didn’t care what Hailey thought of her, and she’d wanted to be the bad girl for once, but the sad truth was, she was so invested in being the good girl that this threat to her pristine reputation threw her way off balance. “Please don’t tell Mom and Dad.”

Damn. She didn’t want to say that again. She had a feeling that telling Hailey not to do that would send her straight to their house with shocking tales of their older daughter’s sexual escapades.

Hailey just laughed. “See ya later, Kass.”

And she was gone.

Kassidy stayed there in the foyer for a few long moments, head leaning on the wall. Visions of Hailey driving straight to Mom and Dad’s, the shock and horror on their faces when she told them what she’d discovered, had her stomach heaving, her mind reeling, and oh hell, her body still pulsing with unsatisfied lust. But her hunger wasn’t about to be slaked as she heard Dag and Chris behind her, and when she turned, they’d emerged from the bedroom fully dressed, both of them wearing identical sheepish expressions.

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