Read Room to Breathe Online

Authors: Nicole Brightman

Room to Breathe (3 page)

“Your dream in life is to travel and help people get clean water?”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” It is funny to me how saying it out loud makes me realize that really is what I want to spend my life doing.

“Wow. I have heard a lot of different answers to that question but this is the first time anyone has said they want to start a charity. You are a very surprising woman, Cora Allen.”

“Thank you, I think.” I feel my face flush again.

“It is a good thing. You know, it just so happens, that I… uh…,” Eric stammers a little as the waiter serves dessert. It is tiramisu and strawberries with whipped cream. Eric thanks the waiter as he pours a delicious looking golden dessert wine in a glass for me. The waiter places a cup of what smells like strong black coffee in front of Eric and then disappears to the back once again.

“What were you saying?” I ask as I am very curious what could have ruffled Eric.

“Oh, never mind. Really, it was nothing.” He takes a large drink of coffee. I decide to let it go even though I am sure he had been leading up to something.

As delectable as the tiramisu looks I am way too full from diner for it. The strawberries sound much better. I pick up one up with my fork and use it to scoop up a little whipped cream. The strawberry is very ripe and the whipped cream is just sweet enough.

“I am sure you have gotten to travel all over the place. Where is the most exciting place you have ever been?” I inquire as I eye another piece of strawberry.

“Well Morocco was exciting and Japan was really interesting. Brazil was incredible though. It is probably my favorite place I have gone.”

“Oh, I have always wanted to go to Japan! I find the culture so beautiful. Did you get to go outside the cities to some of the villages?”

“Yeah, I missed everything you just said. You are completely distracting me from anything you are saying,” Eric is smiling again and there is a slight glimmer in his eyes.

“What do you mean?” I am worried I said something wrong without knowing. The way he keeps looking at my mouth makes me think there might be something in my teeth.

“Isn’t that why you are licking the whipped cream off that strawberry?” He raises his eyebrows at me again. I have no idea what he is talking about. He seems to notice rather quickly I am lost. “You really don’t realize what you are doing do you?”

“Um, other than eating a strawberry? No clue.”

“Well I’ll just say, that if you keep doing that something is going to
come up
between us,” Eric says with a playful smile. “All I can think about right now is how lucky that strawberry is.”

I get what he means after only a second. As it registers I feel my face flush red hot. I want to crawl under the table and hide. I don’t think I will ever eat a strawberry in front of another person again.

“I really wasn’t trying to do anything like that. The whipped cream just tasted good,” I try to explain.

“I am sure it did,” Eric jokes, smiling even broader. “I really enjoy making you blush. It is incredibly endearing.”

I feel myself blush even darker red. I think I am literally going to die of embarrassment.

“Are you ready to go?” Eric asks, still slightly snickering.

“Yes, I am.”

We get up from the table and head to the door. We are met once again by the same woman that showed us to our table. She hands Eric two travel cups of hot tea for our ride home. Eric hands me mine as we step outside. There is a slight cold breeze and I am thankful for the warm cup in my hand. The valet closes my door and I am happy to be in the warmth of the preheated car.

We start our drive back to Edgecombe in relative silence. Eric turns on the stereo and a popular Beatles song begins to play. I start to hum along with the melody unconsciously.

“You know this song?” Eric once again looks surprised.

“Yes, it’s the Beatles. Don’t most people?”

“Well it is just that I thought most girls your age only listen to Katy Perry.”

Now it is my turn to chuckle and raise my eyebrows at him. “Well I do like Katy Perry, but I tend to listen to lots of different types of music. My dad loved the Beatles, so I grew up listening to them and have continued to like them.”

“Well then your dad has great taste in music.” Eric turns the volume up slightly.

I am so comfortable in the warm car sitting next to Eric. We are nearing Edgecombe and I really don’t want the night to end. I decide to attempt to prolong the evening. I can show him my favorite spot in all of England.

“Can you take a left at the next road? I want to show you something. Is that okay?”

“Of course it is. I am not in any hurry tonight.” Eric says, looking over at me with a heart stopping smile.

After the turn, we drive a little farther until we come upon an old large tree where we need to turn right down the road.

“Cora that is not a road, it is just a muddy path at best. Are you sure that is where you want me to turn?” His apprehension is obvious.

“I am positive. I come here all the time in my cousin’s van,” I assure him.

“Yes, but this is an Aston Martin, a sports car. I am not sure it will make it down that dirt road.” Eric looks over at me. I am sure my disappointment is evident on my face. I am horrible at hiding my emotions. “Ok,” he says after a moment, “We can give it a try.”

“Are you sure? We don’t have to if you are worried about the car. I understand,” I respond, attempting to sound sincere.

“No, it is okay. We will just have to go slow and if we wreck you can buy me a new one. A replacement would only run about three hundred and fifty thousand pounds”, he says with a smile.

I am almost certain he is joking, but in case he isn’t I start praying we make it to the end of road safely. At one point a piece of gravel hits the underside of the car and I wince. I am completely relieved when we come around the little bend where the road ends. The car is overlooking the valley of Edgecombe and South Huntington below.

“Oh, your car is lower than my cousin’s.” I am slightly frustrated that we can’t see the full beauty of the view from the car.

“Well then, we should get out of the car,” Eric reasons, opening his door.

I am worried about the effect of the muddy ground on my suede boots. I hesitate for a moment as Eric closes his door. Well, I am pretty sure it doesn’t matter if I want to get out or not. He opens my door and helps me out of the car. He holds me by the arm gently as he leads me around to stand a few feet in front of the car.

“Isn’t it lovely? It always looks like something off a painting to me. My home is there,” I point to a small cluster of lights in the distance, “and that green light is the pub. You can’t see your place from here though; it is hidden by that little hill.” I can feel his eyes on me and turn to look at him.

“I am sorry. I’m having a hard time paying attention to the landscape,” Eric admits with an intensity that leaves no doubt to his meaning. He reaches out and gently runs his fingers through my hair.

“Why is that?” I am sure I know the answer but want to hear him say out loud.

“Why would anyone want to look at a village, no matter how picturesque, when they could look at you? You have such a simple innocent beauty. The way the moonlight highlights your soft blonde curls makes you look almost ethereal.” He gently brushes my cheek with the back of his hand. “And your skin is as soft as a rose petal. You are truly remarkable, Cora.”

His flattering words and polished accent combine in a way that would make any woman melt. I look into his rich brown eyes and see the fire behind them blazing. I want to just melt into his arms.
Fuck, I am in trouble.

He steps toward me, closing the space between us and just looks down at me. He is so close I smell his scent, a combination of warm cinnamon and clean. I want nothing more in this world right now than for him to touch me.

Mercifully, he reaches for me and pulls me into his arms. The feel of his hands on me sends a chill through my body. He places his hands on my face and gently tips it up to him.

His kiss surprises me, it is soft and sweet. He gently kisses my lips as if he is trying to memorize them. He then softly kisses each of my cheeks. He pulls back slightly and looks into my eyes for just a moment. I breathe him in, savoring every sensation of being this close to him.

He pulls me tighter to him. I let out a tiny moan as my body is pressed to his firm chest. He brings my face to him again, this time kissing me deeply. He places one hand on my back and the other in my hair.

I am completely lost in his kiss. I can’t remember where we are or how we got here. All I know is I never want to stop kissing the man in front of me. I wrap my arms around him and pull him even tighter against me. He moans lightly as I press my hips against him.

My hands roam his body as though on a mission to trace every detail. Every inch they touch is firm and sculpted. My tongue is first to enter his mouth, earning me a little noise of surprise.

He pulls away from me suddenly, leaving me completely disoriented. “I meant what I said earlier about not wanting a girlfriend,” he says breathlessly.

“Eric, I know. I am not looking to be one,” I respond, equally out of breath.

Suddenly he grabs me and pulls to him even tighter than before. There are no soft kisses this time. He is kissing me fully and passionately. I return his kiss with equal passion delighting in the amazing way his tongue teases mine.

Eric moves his hands to my waist and starts to coax me towards the hood of the car. He gently tries to lean me against the hood. I realize what he is trying to accomplish and I am afraid of denting the car. I resist and bow my back to keep both feet on the ground.

“Sit on the car,” Eric murmurs against my mouth between kisses.

“No,” I respond firmly.

“Cora, sit on the hood,” Eric says with much more force. I have a feeling he isn’t used to a woman telling him no.

“No, this car cost more than the house I grew up in,” I say determinedly.

Eric leans forward and puts his mouth against my ear. I can feel his breath on me and it sends a chill through my body. He growls in his velvety British voice, “It is just a fucking car.”

Chapter 4

Eric grabs my hips and lifts me onto the hood of the Aston Martin. All thoughts of the safety of the car are gone. The only thing I can think about is Eric. His taste, his smell, his perfect full lips, and the way his muscular body feels under his clothes.

I wrap my arms around his neck to steady myself on the slopping hood. Eric steps between my legs and kisses me intensely. His kiss starts to get more urgent as he runs his hands down my arms to my breasts. He pauses to tease the hard nipples beneath my dress with his thumbs. I feel my whole body ignite in response. It’s as if every inch of me is begging for that same touch.

I can feel an ache grow between my legs and I am sure my panties are soaked. As if he is reading my mind, Eric slides his hands under my skirt to the top of my thighs. He grabs ahold of the sides of my panties. In a flash, I come to and reach down to grab his hands. I lean quickly away from his delicious mouth.

“I can’t have sex with you,” I blurt out bluntly. “I want to but I barely know you. It isn’t something I just do with anyone. I am sorry.” I look down to avoid his eyes. I don’t want to see his disappointment. It has been so long since I have had sex with someone. I am really not ready rush into it now, even with someone like Eric. Most especially with someone like Eric.

Eric gently lifts my chin, forcing my eyes back to his. “Hey,” his voice is gentle, “look at me. Cora, you are right we don’t know each other well. There is nothing wrong with wanting to wait for that to change. I actually prefer that you have enough respect for yourself to not fuck everything with a prick. It just means you need to let me get to know you. For now, however; there are plenty of other things one can do without having sex.” His eyes twinkle slightly in moonlight as he smiles mischievously.

I am relieved to hear that he understands my position. His wicked grin sends a whole new wave of excitement through my body. I put my arms around his neck again and pull him back to me. This time I initiate our kiss. I drink him in and run my hands through his dark hair. He places his hands in my hair as well and returns my kiss fully.

His hands start their journey down my body again. He gently massages each breast underneath my dress. I make a mental note to wear something with easier access next time. He again teases each nipple before returning his hands to my thighs.

His hands slowly caress up my legs to my hips. He grabs each side of my panties and pauses for a moment. This time I don’t stop him. I trust him. Once he can tell that I am alright with what may come next, he slides my panties off in one fluid motion. I feel the night air brush past my wet sex and shiver.

“Are you cold?” he asks, pulling back from me slightly.

“No, it wasn’t that kind of shiver,” I smile back.

“My dear God. You’re driving me mad. Promise me you will tell me the moment you feel we know each other well enough.” He kisses me again and returns his hands to my hips under my dress. His hands slide down until they are between my thighs, spreading them wider. His thumbs gently brush both of my lower lips a few times, causing that entire area of my body to ache in need.

I pull his head towards mine and kiss him forcefully. He gently and slowly slides two of his fingers between my folds. He pulls back slightly and looks down at me. He runs them up and gently brushes by my clit. I inhale sharply at his touch. He smiles at my reaction as his fingers slide down and slowly enter me.

“Oh my god Cora, you are impossibly wet,” he gives me another devilish smile. He pushes his fingers deep inside me. Then slowly starts rhythmically moving it in and out. He pulls his fingers out and rubs them on my clit, coating it in my own moisture. He slides back deep inside me and this time his thumb finds my clit. He rubs that button with gentle pressure in a circular motion. His fingers continue to slide into me in rhythm, placing perfect friction on the most sensitive spot inside. I tilt my head back and look up at the crazy amount of stars in the sky. I breathe deep and a small moan escapes my lips. I feel myself clamp down around Eric’s hand and his pace picks up.

“Eric!” I cry out, unaware.

“Oh honey, you are so fucking sweet,” he says in a throaty whisper.

“Oh-my-god!” At that moment I feel my body erupt in orgasm. The pleasure pulsates through my entire body spreading warmth through every inch. My release is so intense that I am shaking. Eric removes his hand from me and kisses me softly but deeply. I was right before, I am in so much trouble.

I lean forward and rest my head on his chest with my arms around his waist. I bring one hand around and reach for his belt buckle. He takes my hand and places it back around his waist. I look up at him surprised and a little confused.

“This way you have to repay the favor another day,” he says with his beautiful smile. “And not to mention, I don’t trust myself knowing how warm and ready you are.”

“Fair enough,” I smile back.

“We should get going. You

I notice that I am shivering and he is right; this time it is from the cold. We return to the car and head back down the bumpy dirt road. Thank the good lord we make it back to the main road without a scratch.

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